
Customer Acquisition Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"You need to step up your game and make your business do better. It's time to do something different that will enlarge your sales and acquire new customers."
"You can't rely on just running ads and having to get new customers just to go on your store and purchase your product."
"We're at a point in time where the biggest thing... is subsidized CAC (Cost of Customer Acquisition)."
"It may cost something like 30 to $40 to actually acquire the customer, drastically shrinks our profit margin, but increases the volume that we're selling."
"Finding potential customers is probably half the battle."
"Help the businesses get customers in the store... That's how you help businesses."
"Everybody's online, everybody's connected to the internet. That's how we got a lot of our initial customers."
"That's it, we have now a paying customer on our website."
"Now you have the ability to scale a business idea assuming that you have a product and know how to find the customer."
"Lookalike audiences can significantly magnify your reach for new customers."
"The business that can spend the most to acquire the most customers is going to win."
"The hardest thing to get in business is the first customer."
"Your content engages them and builds credibility for your brand, it converts visitors into customers, it allows you to build a loyal following."
"You will get more fans, more leads, more paying customers."
"You should never rely exclusively on sites like Etsy and Amazon for your customers. Your own website should always be the core of your business."
"The more obvious that you can make that choice in favor of your business, the better off you're going to be, the more customers you're going to get, the more money you're going to make."
"Finding these channels where we can just shoot the money cannon at customer acquisition now the only thing that slows me down is capacity."
"Most Detailers build detailing businesses around constantly getting new customers... it legitimately does not make sense."
"It's difficult to get new customers if you're just selling from a farm store."
"Stop focusing on the stuff that is sexy and do what is actually successful and that means getting customers."
"What if you could come along and say, 'You know this one and this one and this one and this one, these all relate to how I can increase the number of customers that I get from the same amount of activity?'"
"Every time he dropped the price by a dollar they gained a thousand customers."
"The advantage of social media is you have the ability to start getting customers without having to spend money in advertising."
"When it comes to Fintech companies, one thing we really care about is keeping customer acquisition costs under control because this is one of their competitive edges over big banks."
"Understanding how to convert someone from a lead into a customer is one of the most difficult things if you don't understand the process."
"The more people on the prospect's team that you engage with people on your team, the higher the probability of winning a new paying customer."
"Referrals is going to be the best way for your business for getting new customers."
"...the best way to get customers for your detailing business is going to be through learning digital marketing"
"Attracting new customers to your brand helps ensure the relevancy and longevity of your company."
"Creating the blog that will drive customers to your business."
"If you start to focus on one of these key channels and really get great at them, not only will you be able to reduce your customer acquisition cost, you'll be able to make it where you can get more people in your ICP to know about you, trust you and then buy from you."
"Blogs are still a powerful tool for SEO and can bring in customers for free over time."
"We look for companies that have a very good strategy for low or cheap customer acquisition."
"Books are not the best way to make money, but it can create a viral effect so that you can get more customers every month without paying cost to acquire."
"You need to have customers today, not someday."
"You will get customers on LinkedIn. You will get customers on YouTube shorts. You will get customers on Snap Discovery. You will get customers on Pinterest. And you're in the best business. You're in the visual business. Take your shirt off and let's go."
"You want to leverage every single job that you get to acquire more customers. Word of mouth, social proof, those are all really good things in order to grow your customer base."
"Once you get somebody to try your product, you get a customer. That's the important one."
"There is a tremendous amount of value in acquiring new customers."
"What we want to do is we don't want them to just come and leave right away. We want them to come, engage, see more content, ideally become a customer."
"Getting your business featured on other websites around the internet is a great way of getting more customers."
"If you can get past the hurdle of someone trying something, your job as an entrepreneur is to figure out how to make them a real customer, not just a first-time buyer."
"Essentially allowing you to tap into marketing that pays for itself and that brings you new customers new clients and new sales on autopilot."
"This will definitely attract customers."
"Price for as many customers as we possibly can get our hands on."
"The easiest thing to do is to start with the 100 companies that you absolutely want as your customer."
"What you build is just as important as what you build to get customers."
"If it costs me less than $100 in ad spend to get one sale, I'm essentially getting a customer for free."
"If you can help other businesses get customers you are going to be never have to really worry about money ever."
"What you really should do is not go after more customers but instead go after only the best customers."
"Lead with value. Offer something for free, offer something for a discounted rate, go above and beyond of what is expected, and the value that comes back to you will return. Lead with value and more customers will come."
"The number one way that you can get more customers is by making a product for a niche. If you try to appeal to everyone, you'll end up appealing to no one."
"The beauty of being a big company is you can price for customer acquisition."
"Start there. That's going to get you your first 10 customers."
"Blogs are a very popular way of attracting more visitors who can eventually become customers."
"You can get started with what you have right and maybe you can't charge quite as much in the beginning because you're not quite as official but nonetheless you can get a customer somebody will pay you."
"The easiest way to get customers to you is by putting yourself on a platform where customers already are."
"It's actually attracting new customers for the brand."
"Customer acquisition or adoption is a big risk."
"The most valuable person in any company is the person who can get customers to come in the front door."
"Ultimately, the business that can spend the most money to acquire a customer wins."
"You need to figure out a system to be able to get customers on a consistent basis because that's really all you need to have a business."
"If we're designing an app, we can have it kind of go live and onboard a bunch of customers and start leveraging the advantages from the very beginning."
"You're gonna have to get a customer base."
"You need to acquire a customer first before you can turn them into a repeated customer."
"A referral, every single time, I'll take a referral over any other way to get a customer because very strong point with referrals is you're already vetted."
"Growth is being driven by new customers."
"Marketing is probably even more important than fixing phones. That's how you get customers."
"Don't box yourself in. Just because you want to start doesn't mean that customers are going to come to you."
"It's always focusing on getting customers. Way too many business owners spend most their time in operations. You've got to get out, got to get about, got to be proactive in your approach in growing your business."
"...if you're able to do it right...then you will unlock that steady flow of new customers."
"Almost all of them direct market... because the hard part in marketing is getting the customer. So once you have a hundred customers... what you're trying to do is take those hundred customers that are buying one thing and turn them into customers to buy everything."
"...this car that's going to be charged with starting to win over new customers into an electric Honda."
"The most basic business rule is that whatever you're paying to bring customers in needs to be less than the money that you generate from said customer."
"Marketing and promotion strategies are crucial for creating customers and driving sales."
"You're not really going for 'I want a thousand sales today', like if you can get one person to buy your whiskey today, be incredible, right?"
"Paying for advertising is a necessity for most businesses, but we've been able to have tons of customers without doing that."
"This is actually how we leverage Etsy and eBay to bring more customers to our website with our snack and candy business."
"Surround yourself with high-end artisans because that will get you the customers you're looking for."
"You got to get attention. What's your business? How do you get customers? You got to get attention. Same way you get money. You got to get attention."
"The first sale is the hardest; as soon as you've made one sale, it's like opening the floodgates for hundreds more."
"The cheapest way to acquire customers is to have a Google My Business and a good website."
"People like free stuff and sometimes if you give them something good for free to test it out, yes, they will pay for the full product."
"I like my customer acquisition cost to be under 100 if at all possible."
"And then by the time you launch, you'll already have paying customers, and that's the power of this."
"Growing businesses measure the metric of customer acquisition cost."
"If they decide to engage and have that conversation, 20% of those people turn into customers."
"The machine is simply the process that converts them from a stranger into a paying customer."
"CLV is the upper bound on how much you're going to be willing to spend to acquire a new customer."
"A sales funnel is a four-step process that takes someone from not knowing anything about your brand to becoming an actual paying customer."
"Launch a one month free trial to increase customer acquisition leads."
"Begin with 1-1-1: One person that you're selling to, one product that you're selling, and one method of getting customers."
"What you can afford to pay to acquire a customer is the first thing you need to work out."
"We're prepared to lose lots of money to win over these customers."
"Download the app now and find new customers today."
"The number of new customers has tripled year over year."
"A good reputation brings positive strength and brand awareness for attracting new customers."
"All you need is a squeegee, a mop, a bucket, some soap, and the wherewithal to get out there and find customers."
"Word of mouth is the best marketing tool; it has the lowest customer acquisition cost."
"Business grows with customers; if you don't get new customers, your business is just not sustainable."
"The biggest thing from 0 to 100K is acquisition."
"The number one reason why new businesses fail is they aren't able to attract enough customers."
"The idea is that advertisements are investments meant to attract more customers, and the cost should be manageable with even a modest increase in sales."
"Basically you can have more people calling you and more people buying your services."
"We can acquire new customers if we focus on our business results and use machine learning to leverage all this data."
"Customer acquisition is not necessarily more efficient driving the cost down; I want to make it more effective."
"We just need a way to get customers coming through the door."
"Acquiring groups of your ideal customer that you can then market your marketing messages to."
"This is why CPA marketing works because when you get a customer, everything else falls into place."
"What's better than one customer? How about many customers."
"I can't think of anything else that you can do for your business that is more important than having a machine in place that brings you customers, clients, patients on a consistent basis."
"The most profitable way to really acquire customers is either word of mouth or affiliates, meaning other businesses that send you business."
"If you don't have tons of cash and you're not funded, then the two most profitable strategies for acquiring customers are word of mouth, which is referrals, and reminding and encouraging people to share."
"The cheapest way we've found to acquire customers is to have them come inbound to you because they actually respect the value you're creating because of another case study."
"New customer acquisition: record quarter for application volume at 531,000 up 29% year-over-year."
"This model should give you a really clean and clear structure on understanding your customer acquisition cost, your orders, and your sales."
"What's so different about your first hundred customers and later thousand customers? First, one of the real challenges is that you don't really have a credible brand."
"We would love to have you as a new subscriber."
"I'll take customers any day of the week because it's a smaller haystack with more needles."
"It's much better to get fewer customers at a higher price."
"My strategies for attracting customers are much different; I primarily focus on using social media."
"My intention is to earn your business today."
"Branding your store and the pickup and delivery service the same lowers your customer acquisition cost."
"Getting reference customers is huge for B2B startups."
"It's really about is gaining customers."
"Build a website that both explains what you do and helps you bring in a consistent flow of new customers."
"Attract 500 new customers through eight salon events within the first two months of the campaign launch."
"Fierce rivalry results in firms offering deep discounts and spending large sums on marketing to acquire new customers."
"The thing that keeps you up at night is how do I get more of these customers that I already think are really great."
"When you understand how to get just one paying customer, that's the glider, that's the thing that's really important to focus on."
"Finding more customers or maybe building your customer base, that's what we're really going to try and drill in and focus on."