
Family Bonds Quotes

There are 409 quotes

"No matter what, at the end of the day, I'm your father, and I love you, and I will love you forever. There is nothing that you can do that's going to make that change."
"Love is not a commodity to be bought and sold. Our parents will love us if they are able to, and for no other reason."
"Life is full of ups and downs, and I'm proud that we have a family that can lean on one another."
"Sabrina's relationship with her grandmother's unquestioned acceptance of her reinforces the power of bonds these women share."
"Being with my brothers and being with family, like but really with my brothers, being in my surroundings I know, being where people love me, you know, like where I'm comfortable at, or bringing my environment, you know, with me, like I love taking trips with my bros."
"Our family was a very, very close family. And they landed with the helicopters every weekend. He would go up and kiss my grandpa and tell him what happened that week."
"I became pregnant with my first child, my daughter, and the moment that I felt her inside me, the moment that I heard her heartbeat, I fell in love with that child."
"Ever since I lost my mom, you were like my foster mom."
"My mum oozed care and consideration and love towards me and my three sisters."
"Rekindling familial bonds: Bringing Holly back from the dead."
"You're my grandson, and nothing will ever change that."
"There's something really special about our bonds with our grandparents."
"Mrs. Van der Jaimes deeply cares for her son Quincy."
"Han is basically telling Kylo, 'I may be hurt, I may be disappointed, but you are my son and there is nothing you can do to make me stop loving you.'"
"Will they ever be able to doubt that their mum loved them? Never, no no no no."
"If I find out she's not mine, I still love her, man."
"The truth, Lana, no matter what happens, I'll always be your sister. No [ __ ]."
"After his initial shyness, Goten and Goku bonded, the years of not knowing each other disappearing just like that."
"You have to realize that your ex's friends or family may keep in touch with you with the blessings of your ex."
"She changed my whole life. I did a complete 360 when I had her. We just had this bond that was like unbreakable."
"Lucy and Maria may not look like twins on the surface, but they definitely do look like twins when you see how inseparable they are together."
"Family bonds are inseparable. No one can break them. They are the most important roots we have in this world."
"People are doing this for their loved ones, for their community, for their family."
"Soul mates don't have to be romantic. Family members are soul mates."
"A mother's love is something you can't repeat, no matter your child."
"It is impossible for any of us to comprehend... the love that a parent has for his or her child." - Justice Francis
"She's your little girl... when you tell me she's not mine, it feels like you're taking my mother away from me again."
"No matter how far away I am, I'm always gonna be your brother and I'll always be there for you."
"African wild dogs live in large families...their close kinship ties between all members of the pack."
"She was like the tree that was still standing and then we all are patching on her."
"Family, only. Don't be real quick to call folks your family if they don't want nothing from you but the best."
"I'm so a part of this great big family. You're never gonna take this away from me."
"Some things you can't explain, man. I do believe in some type of connection with family in the sense that we can pick our friends, we can even, but like, I didn't pick my daughter. My parents were picked for me by some higher power."
"Maintain a connection with your kids as they grow."
"You can choose your friends but not your family."
"We still going to be brothers and cousins... even if somebody else is a sucker I'm never going to play that a roll."
"Music brought the dynamic duo fame, fortune, and family togetherness."
"Giannis, the Spurs, and the Lakers: a saga of dominance and brotherly bonds."
"I don't love you because you obey me. I love you because you're my son, and nothing can change that."
"Overall my family got closer because of this incident... It's amazing to see... making them change their ways and really consider it all in a different perspective."
"Being a parent is the greatest thing in the world; nobody's gonna greet you when you come home like your children."
"Their father would be by his son's side every step of the way."
"My grandma believed in me, that's another reason why we were so close."
"We want to tell a very heartfelt and epic story as father and son go on a journey and they kind of struggle with holding on to stuff and letting go of things." - Eric
"I love you guys madly, you guys are my friends, you guys are my family."
"My world changed because my mom was my best friend."
"I'm never gonna fight with Clue. That's my brother."
"This is my family, so I would go visit everybody."
"This is a story about family finding family, protecting family, failing your family, and forgiving your family."
"As long as we're brothers, we'll always prevail."
"No harm done. Even sort of mother-daughter bond isn't proof against the depredation of the con artist because they don't really have a conscience."
"Without that initial bond, there would be nothing to protect, no loyalty to one's family, tribe, clan, or community."
"I've always been your little girl and I will forever be your little girl, no matter how old I get, or no matter what separates us."
"If big brother is your favorite character... you probably have a sibling of your own that you know you would do anything for."
"The one thing that stayed the same with Rudy was he was wearing his brother's necklace around his neck." - A symbol of unwavering connection and the enduring bond of family, even in the face of adversity.
"In the face of adversity, bonds of family shine brightest."
"I believe people choose their family. It's not just blood."
"As a mother, that child that was created in you, that you carried in your arms and put Band-Aids on, you just ache to hold your child again."
"Everything is [__] that comes out at times that I know like 'yo, that's my pops.'"
"Realize your brothers and sisters are always going to be with you."
"Kaylee couldn't have had a better granddad. I couldn't have had a better father."
"Theon got to be a Stark over and over and over again; he found his family."
"It's such a powerful tragic moment, he had just come to accept jenny and love her as his own daughter."
"You're my daughter and we've only just got started."
"Regardless what happened and what happened right here today, you was our dad and you are our dad."
"Now my mom tells me every day I love you, and you know how that feels, that feels good."
"It's just never too early to start connecting with loved ones."
"Our relation is none the little water beetle. I play sakes you for your father's sake."
"The relationship between a mother and child is sacrosanct."
"It's crucial for especially a man to have a relationship with his father, no matter how muddy the situation is."
"What makes us family is who we are, not where we are."
"Our world ended in you," Superman whispers to Martha, embracing her.
"I almost feel like I took one for him, like I thought like I took a bullet for my kid."
"We're a big family. This is my brother from another mother."
"There isn't anything quite like a father's love."
"I love it, man. There's something that feels good about that, 'cause you really think about it. Like, getting your mom something, it's like your family. It's like you've been through so much with each other."
"Being able to do it as a family and we still had one another... so we could go out into the world and kind of like do these fun things and big things but then we kind of came back to this home."
"I've never had a purer love, a more unconditional love than I've had with my children."
"They were a loving family that became dearly missed from day one."
"Those guys are family to them now. They can't sit by and let their family get wiped out."
"She's still in there. I can reach her. You can't. I know my sister."
"There's a spiritual connection, an unbreakable bond."
"The unconditional love of a mother is impossible to replace."
"Siblings can be tight, but Lainey and I were inseparable."
"The only thing that mattered was my conviction to love my son, regardless of biology."
"We feel as a family and that we belong together."
"The bond between brothers is sometimes stronger than steel."
"A mother's love for her child is going to surpass all of that so-called street [ __ ] all of them delusions that y'all think that's real to you."
"Nubia is an ariki. So thank you, yeah, and that's our name. We're Nubians and we're family and I love you."
"Bringing in sweeter and stronger bonds with your kids."
"Family is forever. Thank you for choosing me to be your mom."
"The strength, the support that she gives to her son all through his life and at this terrible death is greater than her sorrow."
"They love you. That's the best place to start."
"Surely the two siblings would have promised each other to keep all of this a secret—the knight of the Laughing tree, Rhaegar, all of it."
"Fatherhood is dope. It's awesome to see yourself in the little girl version of you."
"Setting goals for what a successful session means."
"He saw the Emperor as he had seen him before, watching the growing infant through the canopy of an incubator, his face distorted by curved plates of glass but unmistakable."
"My biggest fears... not being there for my kids... or them being taken away from me."
"There's no greater bond than a dad and a daughter."
"We will be together forever from now on." - Grandpa
"I loved you I still love you cause you're my child's father at the end of the day."
"Parents tend to protect their children no matter what."
"I hope that this boon aids you in your endeavors my kin." - Mitt and Z
"The power of a mother's love for her child is priceless."
"A lot of astrologers are going to be telling you April is the most intense month of the year."
"Every time my dad picks me up from the airport, he's like, 'So what are we thinking, Cool Coffee or which Sirius XM radio?'"
"Moms ain't going out just easy, and they know their kids are in distress. I don't care if they are with their last breaths, and if she did pass away, she gonna hold, she gonna put a halt on death to save her kid's life."
"I hope you all enjoyed a very Happy Thanksgiving and I want to welcome you back to behind the scenes of The Waltons where one of the things I am very thankful for is the lifelong bonds I have with my TV family."
"Nobody can't break this bond, like the Prince Family. We got a strong bond, like nobody. Only people that can stop us is us."
"Looking at your kids, you know seeing them hug you, smile at you, or especially when they sleep, to just watch and observe them..."
"You've got two kinds of family, the family you were born with and the family that chooses you."
"I don't want to stop sharing our lives and my kids' lives... I want them to know that they were loved." - Speaker
"Your grandma is still looking out for you. She's one of your guardian angels."
"A little touched on to talk, you know he owns he is a mama's heart, wants you to sing him to sleep."
"We are family. That's never going down. It's just not."
"I called my dad and I invited him to France, bro."
"We're sisters, you know what I mean? It's like you just make the time because the person is important."
"My mom literally is always there for me she always picks up the phone it could be like the middle of the night if I call her she's picking it up."
"I ain't hardly have friends growing up like that so I grew up with like 40, 50 cousins. Yeah, so anything I ever went through, it was always with my family."
"Once they're your family, they're always your family."
"Our kids are amazing. Our daughter Mattea is almost nine years old. She is a voracious reader. She loves books and our son Finn just wants to be wherever Matea is. They are best friends."
"Is blood really thicker than water? Daniel's not my blood, but Daniel's closer to me than most of my family."
"Thank you again for all of you being there, thank you for being here, thank you for being a part of this."
"What a beautiful gift your grandfather gave."
"Spending time with family and friends, you know if you think about our family and friends they are our strongest root in our lives."
"I love that you guys are sisters and still together."
"Shout out to all the mothers out there who are always looking out for their babies."
"We're your friends now, in fact, we're stronger than that, we're family."
"I'm grateful for my siblings... they also give me so much purpose."
"I'm 50. Yep, right, this guy. I still feel like my mom's baby boy."
"You guys are my everything. I love you guys. I can't afford to lose you guys."
"I'm your kid I'm glad I'm your kid did you hear that our hopes really did get through to reach our side."
"He changed my life forever, that's family to me."
"Parents care about their kids more than anyone else."
"He was the best brother, he was the best friend... we were two children unwanted by our birth mother."
"There's no words to describe like how I feel about these kids."
"I felt very bonded to our son right then and there... I felt so connected."
"When the final fight comes, I truly believe that Garp will join forces with his son and grandson and fight together with them, going directly against the World Government he is supposed to serve."
"I love my brother and I thought to myself, even at that time, like I would have rather it got me than him."
"These three were adored by all, as such a relationship between brothers is only something to admire."
"A boy’s best friend is his mother."
"Your family will meet you in the afterlife."
"There's got to be a way to still hold the family bonds even with this going on."
"One look that to me is the very core value of what you can have the love and strength there comes when you have a close family."
"The love between some brothers and a family and how dirty and rough and hard the world of professional wrestling can really be."
"We really haven't lost anything, Garfield. We're still a family, we still have each other."
"As a father, Sasuke loves his daughter dearly and will go to great lengths to protect Sarada."
"I want you to know that as your father, I still love you."
"We were talking about having grand babies and he said, 'This sounds terrible but if my grandson came to me and asked me to hide a body, I think I'd help him,' and I go, 'I get it.'"
"They say family is everything, I swear that [ __ ] the truth."
"My uncle back then loved to party, so when my Papa said, 'Grab your girl and let's drive around,' he jumped at the opportunity."
"Congratulations, Harley, first of all, to Harley and to you, Dad. Whatever you did, you did it right to have a kid who feels that way about you."
"The bond between most children and parents are strong because they didn't fall in love, they grew in love."
"It's really a beautiful thing to be able to experience generational love and care while it's there."
"Because what we also know from research is that if really all we care about is public safety, then we should be doing our best to maintain family bonds, because that makes everyone safer, and also provides those children with more advantages later on."
"We do not have those traditions here that I kind of wish we did you know in some way some traditions not all but yeah but we love you guys yep I love you guys um you know I don't know if we're siblings like he was talking about but I think we're definitely cousins."
"The older you grow, the more family becomes more important to you."
"I'm not asking you to forgive me. I'm asking you to let me earn the privilege to be your big brother again."
"Aki admired gaso for truly loving her sister."
"I absolutely loved living with them and I feel like I have true family for the first time."
"How do you say goodbye to somebody like Joe? Our family is together, it's not his kids, her kids, it's we're family, period."
"This personal Milestone brought a profound sense of healing and closure highlighting the importance of family bonds and forgiveness."
"Family, alright? There's one out there for you."
"Black folk love our pets more than family, man. So true, 100%."
"If your aunt had not bought these for you, I would have done so," he admitted, tenderly touching her earring.
"You're my sister, and I love you very much, and I know a lot about you, and I can help you in a lot of ways. But not every way."
"I know three things: One, I know he didn't commit suicide because I knew my grandad. Maybe you and I were the only two who knew him."
"Faith of a child with the grandmother. They had to block out all the other negative family members."
"Our bond as a family will not change no matter what comes our way."
"Kids get something from grandparents they can't get anywhere else."
"My gift is one I have to give to gab two is being a father I never had a bond I never had anything to come home to."
"I won't let anyone take away the people I love. Never. Not even my dear biological mother."
"Their story is a testament to the strength of family bonds and the leaps in medical science."
"A father is a person, a man that raises a child all the way till he passes, not when she's 20 something, no. Because you will walk her down the aisle, you will be there when she has her children, you will be there when things are difficult."
"Family, we gotta stay together, you know? I mean, the generate family, aren't we? Black one, white one, Chinese one, fat one, thin one."
"If my daughter FaceTimes me... the joy, the excitement, the level of proud that I am as a father was not less real because I saw it over a video screen."
"This she's your sister, she's always gonna be your sister. Men come and go, but sisters are forever."
"Even quieter, however, rested the richness behind loyalty nurtured in family bonds that endured long after cameras stopped filming."
"Your kids love you unconditionally."
"Family, huh? We live for the bonds that we form with friends and family members. That's who we humans are."
"My family and I are as closer than we've ever been they trust me they have their daughter back they've never seen such a change in their daughter you know you know it's like night and day."
"Regardless of him not being here, he feels like he's still here with me. And this is why it's just, it's so nice that such this sport for me anyway, keeps dragging my family back together, which is great. And like I said, it's, we are a representation of him."
"I tell my kids every goddamn day, man, you successful, go be more successful, do what you gotta do and if we mother(bleep) ain't tell you as a grown ass man, then (bleep), I do it as my brother, I don't got no (bleep) brothers!"
"Fathers and sons share unbreakable bonds."
"The best thing about these is what we talked about all the time when you guys are in school, that after you leave the only thing you're going to remember are the moments."
"But those moments, those moments are the moments that last a lifetime."
"The more I appreciate it and the longer that you guys are gone, the more I appreciate what it was like when you guys were there."
"...the beauty of Simplicity, the strength of family bonds, and the wisdom that often comes from unexpected places."
"He made this for me. Your dad loves you more than anyone else in the world."
"I want peace, not me, because at the end of the day, you know, I don't see nobody at home. I won't see nobody go to jail, and Abe is my blood brother, same mom, same dad. I love this stuff."
"It hurt to think about those days running about in the vale with his two brothers."
"Families can form lasting relationships over many generations. It's an inspiring ideal in our time of xenophobia and hostility to immigrants."
"God gives you graces that nobody loves your children like you do."
"My white mother is very important to me too 'cause she raised me. I haven't seen her for like over four years, so I feel so bubbly inside and so happy."
"Blood is thicker than water isn't the actual proverb. It's 'the blood of the Covenant is thicker than the water of the womb,' which means the family that you choose to make a bond with is more important than the one that you're birthed into."
"I just wanted him to know, even if this is not your biological father, he still wants to be your friend."
"Zach's nephew Leland and like this is why we need to move to Dayton Zach, like how pure."
"...resident orcas are pretty much handcuffed to their kids for life and like any mother to a man baby, she'll do anything for her little, including homicide."
"Those family connections are amazing."
"We're family, you know, we're bigger than this. Hopefully, we can get past this and move on."