
Psychotherapy Quotes

There are 88 quotes

"The present study supports the hypothesis that catecholamine levels are affected by bereavement and in turn, can affect the ability of those with complicated grief to benefit from psychotherapy."
"Shadow work, as I understand it, is uncovering our unconscious which is like the major role in good psychotherapy."
"Psychotherapy is literally the process of bringing up some of these things and emotionally digesting them."
"Psychotherapy is completely built around the notion that there are very deep, fundamental connections between one's language world and one's limbic one."
"Psychotherapy is about finding out the lies and getting rid of them."
"In psychotherapy, the core psychological issue is essentially the same: not accepting the way we look."
"Complex PTSD represents a revolutionary moment in psychotherapy, a breakthrough many of us have been seeking for a long time."
"Psilocybin assisted psychotherapy could reach nearly seven point five percent of patients with treatment resistant depression leading to 1.4 billion dollars in revenue at peak sales within 10 years of commercialization."
"So when I work with the sociopath it's kind of weird how do I help them be moral it's like you said it's not morality it's just the simple nature of things where they realize they can actually feel that connection."
"Part of the learning in a good Psychotherapy is to help people see oh my God I'm choosing I'm choosing the wrong partners because they feel so much like the people I knew as a kid."
"Psychedelic therapy is the breakthrough in modern-day psychotherapy."
"Psychedelic therapy helps transform people's lives."
"It's like psychotherapy for the entire human species."
"I think these existential spiritual issues are extremely important and that you know this goes beyond psych of therapy how one finds purpose and meaning and tries sometimes I say trying to make sense of the senseless."
"Psychotherapy has a low success rate for alcoholics."
"Moon in the eighth house has a healing power; this is the actual house of psychotherapy, occult, deep wisdom, and medicine."
"I'm a strong believer in some of the principles of psychotherapy, which suggests that when you don't deal with difficult, painful issues, they have a way of ruining your life and ruining your society."
"Psychotherapy is just as high as the therapist is. Any encounter between two beings will be as high as whoever the highest being is in the encounter."
"Treatment options for OCD include medication and psychotherapy, such as SSRIs and exposure and response prevention."
"The four approaches to psychotherapy - psychodynamic, cognitive-behavioral, humanistic, and systemic - shine a light on the complexity of human beings."
"Everybody benefits from psychotherapy, and I don't think it's very sexy. What's very sexy today, what's very in Vogue today, is like psychedelics."
"Psychotherapy feels to me like a sacred trust, like Jerome Frank I see therapists in secular and diverse societies as having a Priestly function."
"Coherence Therapy: a methodology designed to bring our unconscious beliefs into crystal clear, fully conscious awareness so that those old learnings can be transformed in a way that frees us from the suffering they produce."
"All of those sorts of things are the source of a sort of small revolution going on in psychotherapy at the moment."
"The most important indicator of whether Psychotherapy works is your relationship with the therapist."
"The importance of using metaphor in psychotherapy can't be understated."
"Between disorders and stress, there's a big place for Psychotherapy."
"Psychotherapy works. It's a big effect. It impacts symptoms. But I also, along the theme of the mind-body connection, want to say that psychotherapy doesn't just affect the mind, it also affects the brain and the body."
"A completely successful psychotherapeutic process is a major transformation."
"Buddhism is the deepest, most radical psychotherapy ever conceived of on the face of the earth."
"Good psychotherapists know that what we're really thinking and feeling in the present is not about what's in the present, but about another emotion tied to the unfinished business from the past."
"All psychotherapy is grief psychotherapy."
"The combination of psychotherapy and medication is better than either one alone."
"In psychotherapy, we struggle endlessly with the fact that most people live fragmented lives." - Carl Whitaker
"He was a genius, and his genius carried a lot of his psychotherapy."
"Psychotherapy is a symbolic drama of change."
"Psychotherapy is not about blaming parents but it is about understanding things that went wrong and limitations of other people."
"Inexpensive scalable psychotherapy interventions can treat depression and anxiety effectively."
"In the 200-year history of modern psychotherapies, there's never been a treatment that has done nearly as much to help millions and millions of people, tens of millions of people."
"Psychotherapy is a way to provide us with this exact insight—how we undermine ourselves, how we deceive ourselves, and how we can stop doing both."
"Psychotherapy may be a nice way of helping people go through difficult experiences and have a different perspective on those experiences than they did before they went through them."
"Psychotherapy increases the number of serotonin receptors, potentially restoring good mood."
"Insurance companies need to have a diagnosis in order to authorize people to have psychotherapy."
"Psychotherapy remains a first line option and it does perform pretty well in fact. Psychotherapy did have an effect size of 0.5 which is quite similar again to benzodiazepines."
"I'm going to put up my shingle and I'm going to work as a psychotherapist."
"The MDMA is capable of giving people a very deep sense of self-compassion."
"In analysis, we're really talking about treating a person, you know, not so much a symptom or an illness."
"Delusional thinking: confusing your fantasies for facts. That emancipation is a central element of the analytic cure."
"How do we heal? Psychotherapy is one, but there's this huge broad spectrum especially culturally about how people can heal."
"Logo therapy could be defined as a psychotherapeutic approach which specifically focuses on meaning and regards man as a being who is in search for meaning."
"Psychotherapy is the process of understanding."
"I've read a lot, I do read a lot. My father, very late in his life, studied to be a psychotherapist and he started to share things with me and that's how my journey really started."
"It's psychotherapy but it's very akin to physiotherapy."
"The impetus for this book really came from my own clinical practice as a psychotherapist."
"We can always benefit from analysis, but you never reach the end of it."
"One of the key features of psychoeducational groups is that it effectively provides information and helps the client incorporate it."
"Psychotherapy is not just a treatment method but in post-modern societies, it also designates a form of life."
"Almost anyone can benefit at a certain point in life to find out more, to understand more."
"I study what we call existential psychotherapy."
"Psychotherapy actually means a servant of the soul."
"Taking care of the emotional trauma with treatments like EMDR, a specific psychotherapy for trauma, can be really helpful."
"Cognitive behavioral therapy is a popular integrated therapy that combines cognitive therapy with behavioral therapy."
"She wanted to utilize her psychotherapy qualification and start helping people with counseling."
"It's not uncommon in the process of clinical psychotherapy to set a goal to do 15 minutes of like mindfulness time."
"Virtually all psychotherapeutic practices involve a reintegration of material that's been split off or repressed or dissociated."
"In psychotherapy, what we do is go through the process of removing what your mind is adding to the equation."
"It turns the practice of psychotherapy into the science of psychotherapy."
"Patients recover often in a single two-hour therapy session."
"I've got a diploma in hypnotherapy and psychotherapy."
"Get psychotherapy... especially if these issues around emotional vulnerability have caused damage to your relationships."
"We're probably going to be in an era of more rapid evolution of psychotherapy now that we have wonderful technology to start getting ideas disseminated far more quickly."
"Measurement is going to be the cornerstone, the foundation of the psychotherapies of the future."
"TEAM is not a new school of therapy; it's really a structure for how all of psychotherapy works and it's based on research on what makes for effective therapy."
"The talking cure is not about the talking; the talking is about feelings."
"I know myself better after the process of psychotherapy, but also know my connection with the world better too."
"Now as a psychotherapist who works with kids, I see how important these things are."