
Scientific Consensus Quotes

There are 97 quotes

"The big idea of biological evolution that living things shared common ancestors—we're not arguing about that."
"The evidence that biological factors play a role in determining gender identity is, in a word, overwhelming. There isn't a serious scientist alive who would dispute that."
"The distinction between sex and gender is recognized by the vast majority of scientific and educational institutions."
"You will be very hard-pressed to find a legitimate geologist, cosmologist, physicist, or astronomer who believes, based on his studies, that the Earth and the universe are ten thousand years old."
"Scientists don't talk in terms of absolute conviction...it would be perverse at this point to say that life does not evolve."
"This is one of those topics where science is actually basically telling us only one thing: it's happening, it's really happening."
"You're never going to get 100% of anyone. There is scientific consensus on a global Earth."
"In science, we only say that something can exist beyond reasonable doubt. For example, a very old earth is consistent beyond reasonable doubt, as is agreed upon by literally all geologists, the people who study the earth for a living."
"Playing games is a significantly different experience on your brain than just watching television or movies."
"Most of the time, the reason the majority of scientists are siding is because that is where the evidence has led."
"Scientific consensus that we need to do something serious about climate change."
"Vaccines are safe and effective, and the science is settled."
"There is not a credible biologist on earth that does not work within the framework of evolution by natural selection."
"The science is irrefutable that unless we take strong action against climate change, the consequences are going to be catastrophic for our planet."
"If we are careful and we continue to respect this disease and its continuing menace, then it's highly probable, and all the scientists or almost all are agreed on this, highly probable, the worst of the pandemic is behind us."
"I've generally come to just sort of trust the scientific consensus on things."
"There isn't a single scientific field that has a 100% consensus."
"The science was settled, it was clear that masking worked."
"There is no doubt in any cosmologist's mind that this universe is finely tuned."
"No scientists worth his or her salt now would say that abilities the tree of life."
"All the evidence from every source aligns, whereas believing in creationism requires continuously making up excuses."
"97% of scientists believe that climate change is real and it’s an issue we need to face today."
"93% of infectious disease scientists agree that mask mandates significantly decrease the spread of COVID."
"We're not alone in this universe, I think most scientists now are kind of leaning toward that."
"There was not scientific consensus for lockdowns."
"It's very seldom that 17,000 people come to the same brilliant conclusion."
"The basics behind human-caused climate change are not controversial. It's physics and chemistry that's been known for nearly two centuries."
"More than 11,000 scientists declare a climate emergency."
"Most scientists think we are not alone in the universe."
"Most of the reputable doctors and scientists... do not believe that you can be reinfected."
"The science is settled, and the deniers are wrong."
"We are very clear the science is categorical that the emissions we put in the atmosphere from burning of our fossil fuels are changing the climate."
"There is no scientific debate about the value of gender affirming care."
"There's a convergence of opinion in the scientific community about gender affirming care."
"Scientific evidence for warming of the climate system is unequivocal."
"I think most cosmologists would agree that the evidence strongly suggests the universe had a beginning."
"As we move forward more and more scientists are getting on board and that's where this world will shift because when you start to study evidence there's no doubt about the direction in which it leads."
"We now know for certain that birds are living dinosaurs. This is the consensus among scientists."
"The truth: overwhelming scientific consensus."
"The scientific consensus on this is about as strong as it is for climate change, but then again Jordan doesn't really believe in that either."
"Everything I know so far suggests accidental release."
"There's like hundreds of studies that have said video games don't increase any chances of violence and don't make people more violent or anything."
"Climate change is real, caused by human activity... the debate is over."
"We know from the facts as a senior climate scientists that climate change is real and it's affecting us."
"True, and look I completely agree that the chances of the face being an artificial structure are almost zero."
"The message from over three thousand scientists is clear: the plan for Earth's survival cannot wait a moment longer. It needs people to take the lead to make it happen."
"We've proven beyond a doubt that climate change is real and poses a significant threat."
"Gravity, the one that the scientific community follow alone, is not a force."
"There are no major industrialized countries who believe masks don't work."
"It's pretty well-established at this point that this is a genuine phenomenon."
"It's far easier to find scientists who will agree that evolution is a thing than to find ones who disagree."
"99% of scientists say climate change is caused by human activities."
"You mean the consensus that was sure the Earth was flat for a while and then at the center of the universe and then you know on and on and on right."
"If the left-wingers and the right-wing scientists are all saying the same thing, then we can pretty safely say there is no political bias."
"Previously, the scientific consensus was that as long as we keep temperatures under 2 degrees higher for the rest of the 21st century we'd be able to avoid the more catastrophic consequences of climate change."
"Climate crisis isn't real? 99.7% of peer-reviewed scientific articles say otherwise."
"Evolution is a fact, it's not questioned by the scientific community."
"Nearly all the scientific studies that have looked into the effects of a grand solar minimum show no possibility of cooling that little ice age."
"The evidence is overwhelming. It's kind of like asking astronomers if the moon is made of cheese."
"The issue is already settled in the scientific community."
"There comes a point where it becomes simply perverse to say, 'Well, we're still waiting to see if this hypothesis is going to be disproved.'"
"This is literally seven or eight different fields of science, all telling the exact same story."
"The general consensus among the scientific Community is that while the stone formation May resemble a face this is merely a coincidence as the structure is entirely naturally occurring."
"Some of the biggest discoveries have come when people didn't adhere to the current scientific consensus."
"The universe came into existence 13.798 billion years ago give or take 0.037 billion years."
"Eventually, the truth wins out. No one now questions whether smoking causes cancer."
"Most scientists now believe a single blast from space helped wipe out the dinosaurs 65 million years ago."
"What determines people's acceptance of the scientific consensus? Simply how far to the right or the left they are in the political spectrum, not how much science they know."
"The science is settled: saturated fats are bad for you."
"It's critical that we work to develop a consensus among scientists about how to use this."
"The current consensus in the scientific or archaeological community is..."
"There's absolutely a scientific consensus that the universe is so large, statistically there has to be intelligent life out there somewhere."
"Consensus can be wrong; it's just that if there's a lot of competition between scientists pushing back against each other, then it nudges up my credence that the idea is provisionally true."
"More than 99.9% of those consistent with the consensus view that global warming poses a threat to civilization."
"Most of us are convinced that this acceleration is real."
"Science is actually basically telling us only one thing: it's happening, it's really happening, and unfortunately for us, it will probably have a major impact on the planet in the next few hundreds of years."
"The scientific community already knows exactly what to do to lose weight today and to keep it off in the long term."
"Hundreds of the world's leading climate scienes expect global temperatures to rise at least 2 and a half Centigrade above pre-industrial levels this Century."
"In the end, scientists and researchers agree it was no single catastrophic event that destroyed the port of Theodosius."
"Consensus in science is really powerful when the best and brightest in a given field come together and pen a paper saying this is what the best representation of the evidence is."
"Evolution won and over 98% of scientists in the relevant fields accept evolution."
"If you accept what the scientists tell you about the danger to the whole planet... then why isn't it the issue of the election for you?"
"Instances when the scientific consensus has been proven wrong are exceptionally rare in the modern era."
"Most scientists agree that a supernova's interstellar shock wave caused even the solar system to form."
"The vast majority, 87% of scientists, said that human activity is driving global warming."
"All the scientific evidence points that way."
"Without being compelled to believe in a young Earth and creation, there's no reason to deny the scientific consensus of evolution."
"It's not about what one individual scientist says, it's really about what the body of research says."
"We understand evolution to be true because of evidence, and because it's a mountain of evidence overwhelmingly points in only one direction."