
Franchise Loyalty Quotes

There are 68 quotes

"At a certain point, a franchise no longer deserves your loyalty. In some instances, a franchise never truly deserved your loyalty from the beginning."
"Fast and the Furious has blessed us with a holy original story."
"There's a lot of fun here and if you're a long time fan of the franchise this movie will keep you well fed."
"As a Sonic fan, Sonic the Hedgehog 2 has everything you can ask for."
"If you're a fan of the old RE games, this is a must-play for sure."
"Halo Infinite bets on the enduring appeal of its world, characters, and gameplay."
"You want to be something more than what you are right now, isn't it? Yes, now the question is if you become something more today, tomorrow are you fully settled? No, you want to be something more and something more and something more."
"Revelations is crafted from the heart for people who followed these games since the franchise's inception."
"My concerns are obvious by ignoring the games and why many fell in love with his franchise it could result in massive backlash if the show is not good."
"Mass Effect, my favorite game franchise of all time."
"Even though the Zelda trailers have been kind of disappointing, it's still Zelda."
"This is a game I will continue to explore and play around with for years to come and I imagine that will be the case for many new and returning players of this franchise."
"Legacy of Goku... it was a good time to be a Dragon Ball fan."
"I like Monster Hunter period. I'm going to play every new installment that ever comes out."
"Rockstar persevered and tried to make the best game they could while still being faithful to what made the predecessors classics."
"What people love about a franchise more or less stays the same."
"It was a treat getting to go back and replay the game that got me into the franchise."
"Metroid Prime: The essence and history of the franchise without losing its essence."
"A game franchise should never forget about the fans that propped it up to what it is in the first place."
"In the meantime, though, I have other stuff to play from franchises I simply care more about."
"They're a hundred percent authentic to pokemon's original catch em all spirit unlike another pair of games we'll be discussing very soon."
"I genuinely love this franchise more than like a lot of other people."
"Hey, this doesn't look like the thing that we love, the thing that we made a billion-dollar franchise."
"It's a slap in the face to fans of the franchise who have supported it for so long."
"Hopefully this video has shown you order even with one real game in the last decade that we have not forgotten about shinobi."
"Despite the departure from the typical Zelda style, both musically and visually in the game, Wind Waker retains enough core elements of the franchise to make sure it still feels and sounds like a Zelda game."
"Underneath all the nonsense, this is still a fallout game."
"Just because I'm done with the Star Wars movies doesn't mean I'm done with Star Wars."
"Nostalgia might play a huge factor it might love for the franchise but Pokemon Diamond and Pearl are still so my favorites in this series."
"Endgame knows you care about these characters and that the franchise has built up a lot of trust and patience."
"If you like previous Battlefield games, you're almost sure going to like Battlefield One."
"I'm probably just gonna see it regardless because I love this universe."
"Turtles loyalists still highly interested in the franchise despite a decline in popularity."
"People to this day still have a huge appreciation for the turtles franchise."
"Your beloved marine allies, an invaluable fixture of the Halo series."
"The game's story actually does live up to the Lord of the Rings franchise."
"Children should examine things from many angles, hopefully have fun learning a whole bunch of stuff."
"To truly love a franchise or a character is to acknowledge and embrace its faults."
"Star Wars has always had its flaws and personally I accept that they are there but I move past it due to the love for the franchise I have and consume all media related to it that I can."
"I'll never stop being impressed by Tom's commitment to this franchise."
"The Mega Man classic series is very near and dear to me... a franchise that... has delivered nothing but quality experiences time and time and time again."
"I think every time there's a rookie class, especially what I'm excited about, it kind of reinvigorates my love of the franchise."
"A woman who has dedicated 15 years to the Halo franchise."
"I want to give it another try because as a Donkey Kong fan it's a game that I don't want to hate even though there's always gonna be that one game in the franchise that you just can't stand."
"All Sonic games are perfect with no flaws or the classic games are the only games to play."
"Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are supposed to be teenagers they're supposed to be mutants they're supposed to be ninjas they're supposed to be turtles it's it's in the [ __ ] title and that's just the [ __ ] way it is."
"The Black Ops franchise has been my favorite."
"My excitement for a new god of war game has always kind of been at maximum."
"We felt like we weren't doing service to what fans of this franchise really liked."
"We've managed to create a game that I think is worthy of the StarCraft name."
"The reason the Goosebumps TV show is easier to appreciate and more fun to get behind is because it feels like the only adaptation that is wholly committed to embodying the point of the Goosebumps franchise."
"But alas, in these brilliant bastards, I still trust."
"At the end of the day, it's the same coin, we still love Star Wars."
"I owe everything to you. I owe my husband, my house, my car, my dogs, everything I have, the clothes that I'm wearing, is because of you guys and your loyalty to this franchise for 50 years."
"It decides to embrace what's always made Star Wars great and to be true to the lore and ideologies that have always been what Star Wars is about."
"The two franchises that I say are above any other franchise in the whole world are both Star Wars and Harry Potter."