
State Governance Quotes

There are 93 quotes

"I want to take our state from good to great."
"If you don't like your state, well, do something about it."
"The Iranians themselves seem to be pretty damn sick and tired of their state."
"States are kind of like laboratories for democracy."
"Trust Georgians with their freedom to adapt."
"Fear has allowed them cover to become petty tyrants within their state."
"It's a clear-cut example of the difference between a communist state and a capitalist state."
"We're going to change the trajectory of this commonwealth."
"I'm not going to resign. I work for the people of the state of New York. They elected me and I'm going to serve the people of the state of New York."
"California trying to repeal the civil rights language from their constitution."
"There is no governor and first lady that do more than the Kemps have."
"This is sick, folks, and it's hurting our state and endangering our people, and it's got to end."
"Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections."
"Now that we have governors essentially functioning as presidents of their own state I'm really really hopeful that people will begin to see the seriousness of what's happening."
"We commend the governors...today three states are 50% of the coronavirus cases in America today so we're focusing resources at the point of need."
"It's no secret that this is not only the best state in the country because of the weather, but because of the way we have been responsibly governed by our leader Ron DeSantis."
"This took an important issue like abortion out of the hands of nine unelected justices and put it back in the hands of elected officials at the state level."
"Governor Larry Hogan from Maryland also passed a statewide stimulus for residents of Maryland."
"The decision will now go to the states, and the government that is closest to the people always makes the best decision."
"California legislators are considering laws that I think will destroy the state and they are anti-scientific."
"I stuck to my principles because I know it's the right thing for Florida."
"I'm running for governor because the decline of California isn't the fault of its people. Our government is what's ruining the Golden State."
"Republicans control the State House. Republicans control the Legislature, and they are free, frankly, to implement the voting laws they see fit."
"Florida, we have a 2.5 percent unemployment, second lowest on record, and we just did the biggest tax cut in Florida. Thank you, Governor. That's time."
"Edwards is totally owned by the liberal trial lawyers who are causing his state."
"We're the third largest state in America. He's got a budget surplus. Why can't you treat teachers better than that? That doesn't make sense to me."
"Democrat's saying for years well these republicans they have no standards let's be real about this no one has had standards since bill clinton."
"If you're coming after the rights of parents in Florida, I'm standing in your way. I'm not going to let you get away with it."
"We refused to let our state descend into some type of faucian dystopia."
"California is savable because the people want the change."
"Anyone who proposed even a decade ago that a state shouldn't be permitted to file for bankruptcy would have been dismissed as crazy. But times have changed."
"That's why all the money, if she's successful... goes back to the people of the state of New York because of the fraud has been perpetuated on them."
"Minoritarian versus majoritarian formations of state authority: a fundamental distinction between liberalism and nationalism."
"Term limits in the states have worked very well. States with term limits actually have the most competitive elections in the country."
"I think we would have considerable legal standing to file against States Governors politicians that haven't pushed for it because they have abandoned their constitutional duties."
"I would appeal to state authorities in the United States to take this more seriously."
"Wouldn't it be great if the state acknowledged the lordship of Jesus."
"For this we have different rules and states have different rules on all kinds of things and my attitude is that this is this is federalism the states are..."
"Ron's just doing a terrible job of running his State."
"That guy is going to be the next governor of the state of Pennsylvania."
"Governor Cuomo has completed $65 billion in construction more than any state in the nation."
"Because of your leadership and example, governors across the country have been reducing the burden of regulations at the state level."
"California needs a disruptor, a compassionate disruptor. I came here with a dream 48 years ago to be the greatest athlete in the world. Now I enter a different kind of race—arguably my most important one yet—to save California."
"True federalism empowers states and promotes fairness and accountability."
"The problem is how we structured the state, not its existence."
"The principal responsibility of any leader is to ensure the survival of their state."
"I stand with Governor Abbott, the states must stand up to Biden regime and their blatant violation of our border laws."
"Ron DeSantis turns around and behind the scenes is like all right here's how we're going to run a state."
"The Omicron strain prevalent in China is the B.1.1.529 or the B.1.1.529.1 variants. Some call it the 'hand of hell.'"
"The Constitution provides certain rights, one of them is that it guarantees for citizens of every state what is referred to in the Constitution as a republican form of government."
"I promise to fight for a Virginia that works better for all people."
"The best populist state actor is the Texas attorney general."
"States which have good social cohesion and their fiscal house in order are the most likely to weather the storm."
"We're going to cut taxes...the largest tax cut in the history of the state."
"The Georgia runoff still is a stinging open wound... it's a one-party state."
"To require somebody to show some type of proof of vaccination I think is completely unacceptable and it's not something that we're going to support here in any way in Florida."
"Five years from now we're going to see significantly more states that have statewide legislative frameworks that are basically carbon copies of California."
"I'm ready to provide a steady hand of leadership that's going to continue to steer our state in the right direction."
"We need the Christian voice in state politics."
"State leadership is mum on anything, and now our governor has not been seen in weeks."
"There is no federal solution. This gets solved at the state level." - President Biden
"Red State Governors should be working overtime to stop this rather than being complicit in the demise of our Liberty."
"Governor DeSantis who is doing this blueprint situation right he is Blueprinting for the rest of the country how to fix all of this because we have done it so right here."
"Texas Governor Greg Abbott declares disaster in state over border crisis."
"We're not doing it. Do you think a lot of other states wish their governor was more like Ron DeSantis? No, they do."
"Alabama is filled to the brim with decent people...I just think the decisions and the moves that their government makes is what really has been screwing Alabama."
"This involved a situation where the states had already made the official and authoritative determination as to who won in those States." - Bill Barr
"The governors are gonna do a good job and if they don't do a good job we're gonna come down on them very hard."
"The decisions made by state governors have been critical."
"California Governor Newsom signed 13 abortion protection bills into law and outlawed pink tax in the state."
"Our state deserves to have an honest system of government that isn't hijacked by greed or corruption."
"I think this provides a good blueprint for us to be able to meet a lot of challenges to our state."
"Rhonda Santos has really done numbers in Florida, it is incredible."
"In Florida, we're going to do what's right. We will stand up to corporations. They are not going to dictate the policies in this state."
"The purpose of this process was to give the people direct control over all decisions of the state."
"More of us don't want to live in a state that's being run in ways we disagree with."
"Secularism is structurally not in the business of providing moral meaning and moral education to the state subject."
"As Iris Murdoch once said, 'The state does not seek to enter the moral realm nor is it its duty to make us good. It aims to make us good only in the sense of becoming loyal citizens.'"
"Secularism is a method of State governance that has as much to do with religion for example as anything else."
"Secularism is a method of State governance that intends to fragment because this is how the state must rule any social or political formation that is not loyal in its relevant Constitution to the Opera imperatives of the modern state."
"...what role justiciable human rights play within the modern state."
"I'm calling on all governors to do the same for state offenses."
"Cultivate oneself, regulate one's family, rightly govern one's state, and make the whole kingdom tranquil and happy."
"The challenge for the third millennium will be to develop and to implement a state model which serves not only a privileged section of the population but which serves the whole population inside the state."
"The Constitution was written in many ways understanding that those parts of the political order that would be most responsible for securing institutions and laws would reside in the states."
"Liberty can be realized only within an established state, ready to prevent a gangster from killing and robbing his weaker fellows."
"We have kept New South Wales strong, free, and fair."
"We have free, fair, and transparent elections in our state."
"We are proud of the election process that we have here in the state of Maryland."
"We need to do everything that we can to encourage a version of this where we accept licenses from other states, where we incentivize, where we improve reimbursement rates."