
Sanitation Quotes

There are 218 quotes

"Going to the grocery store, it's tough, going there, and coming home, sanitizing your food and everything."
"Universal is sanitizing their tubes after every single person uses them."
"Okay, we admit this may not be the most glamorous of archaeological finds, but the discovery of 700-year-old stinking toilets has experts all excited."
"The ancient toilet barrels were found stacked on top of one another to form a sort of well, and it's not clear if they were attached to a residence or if they acted as a public lavatory."
"The bath, the shower, the lavatory—those things we couldn't live without them; we have the Victorians to thank for those."
"Sanitation: Properly disposing of all solid waste and unhealthy human waste is crucial in protecting the health of soldiers and the local environment."
"The number one reason that we have raised the life expectancy as much as we have is because of public health, hygiene, and sanitation."
"More people than the population of America do not have access to clean water or toilets."
"The invention of sanitation, the recognition that we needed to have sewers, that we needed to take human waste and move it as far as possible from human settlements. That was in many ways the greatest invention one would say of medicine."
"San Francisco's human feces problem is now so bad."
"Poop Patrol: tackling San Francisco's streets."
"Cola prompted investigations into sanitation and transformed modern sewage and hygiene practices."
"The reason it needs to air dry it is because that continues to allow the bleach solution to have contact with that surface and do its job..."
"We can thank improvements in sanitation practices and medical advances like vaccines for drastically reducing the impact of infectious diseases and extending our life expectancy to nearly seventy-nine years."
"Water is fundamental to health, hygiene, and nutrition."
"In cramped towns and remote rural areas alike, sanitation and hygiene were misunderstood or completely absent."
"Having a backup whether that's wag bags, biffin bag, whatever, and also like planning ahead for digging your hole, it's clutch."
"Basiljet's new network was able to rid London of 2 billion litres of sewage a day, the system used gravity to keep the sludge flowing downhill."
"I thought people would prefer not to put their hand in pee water."
"You don't want poop in your water, so keep your poop outta your water, you're gonna have a great time."
"People are literally living in piles of garbage."
"Let's celebrate toilets, the porcelain bowl of honesty and Truth."
"There's limited sanitation and trash disposal... poor sanitation in the cities."
"Bagged milk is the way to go, far more sanitary, far just far better." - "Bagged milk is the way to go, far more sanitary, far just far better."
"Concrete toilets, certainly better than the smashed up sideways toilets."
"I've decided the code of nature. Defecating will only be allowed at least 100 feet from the village."
"It has a UV light that immediately cleans and sanitizes it."
"Cleanliness is not bigoted, it's called hygiene. And one of the reasons the Black Plague got out of hand was lack of so-called cleanliness."
"San Francisco actually had to hire a poop Patrol to deal with its feces problem."
"There are more people with cell phones than toilets."
"Our cities and towns would be operating very differently if it weren't for these garbage men collecting our trash every week."
"Water sanitation, food sanitation, and indoor plumbing dramatically reduced illness before the first vaccine was ever even invented or created."
"The largest historical decrease in morbidity and mortality caused by infectious disease was experienced not with the modern antibiotic and vaccine era but after the introduction of clean water and effective sewer systems."
"A septic truck can actually make somewhere between $500,000 and a million dollars a year just pumping out people's septic tanks."
"So I think we need to stop the war on microbes. Stop sanitizing so much."
"The trash can in the house is smelling bad, let's take you to the curb and we'll be glad we had. Look what's coming now, look, a super duper awesome garbage truck, awesome!"
"Ideal for toilets, urinals, and other porcelain fixtures."
"This is a Nature's Head composting toilet. Poo and pea part is separate and that's what keeps it from smelling."
"'Surprisingly, human waste isn't the only thing these workers need to be wary of...'"
"You just poop, wash, and pat dry."
"You better stop trying to work for sanitation. What do I look like dumping trash?"
"In a society that had progressed beyond the privy in the earth closet."
"When people only have contaminated water, they have no choice but to drink it. There's no substitute for clean drinking water."
"This is the treated poo that you can see that comes out of the machine. And breaking it up, this is when it's been riddled and it's fine."
"That innovation, as you might imagine, was the flush toilet."
"Disease was a major catalyst for changing how people thought about water and sewage."
"The history of clean water is at least relevant to the history of urban poop."
"Prevention is focused really on sanitation, hygiene, and vector control, so if you can avoid the vectors and keep things clean, you're gonna be fine."
"This is better than having sewage run up on the ground. The code, if you can, if there's any way possible, the code's there for a reason. Code's a good thing."
"Canning salsa in pint jars: making sure everything is perfectly sanitized."
"It's quite surprising what work goes into ensuring we have clean drinking water."
"The gong farmers, medieval England. They were the people that went around at night and collected up all the excrement from the latrines and stuff, but they were kind of social pariahs."
"Sewage treatment involves primary, secondary, and tertiary processing."
"I think that the market does take care of a lot of these things... people don't actually want to live in human waste, you know, like we actually don't want to do that."
"The reason for the hot water is because yeah I cleaned all my scrub them and I dunked them in sanitizer but that only gets the outside it doesn't actually get what's on the inside so by doing the hot water trick we actually are sanitizing everything."
"Isopropyl alcohol 70%, anything stronger it's not necessary."
"His proposal ensured that the sewage was no longer dumped onto the shores of the Thames."
"Toilet use is a luxury. Many people still don't have access to a toilet."
"This is crazy... students complaining of diarrhea infections like typhoid because this is the water we've been using."
"Their mission is to make sure that in their lifetime everybody has access to a toilet because there are so many people in this world that unfortunately don't have that."
"One tip that I have is for you to mix it with some water in a spray bottle this makes spraying down and sanitizing surfaces really easy."
"San Diego housed a massive amount of trash making it home to scavengers and the Moraco Orphanage."
"Hello from the sewers of NYC, which swallow up these delicacies when they are washed away by the sweeper trucks."
"Before you sanitize your bus between the morning routes, you must pull away from the loading zone to a safe location."
"Should we get rid of the dead bodies? Because they're really stinking up the place."
"It does not smell one bit. The only thing that might smell a little bit is your liquids container. But the solids go into a container where we have coconut fibers."
"Garbage men/women. Lest we be buried in our own waste."
"Let me tell you, I'd definitely prefer one of these fancy toilets over any Roman toilet that was built 2,000 years later."
"...nothing that goes on my steam table ever gets served again... most stuff that goes on a hot dog cart I can't imagine anybody ever putting back on the cargo reusing."
"So it does leave a little bit of a film on the countertop, but not my favorite, but still I like using it because it does a good job of sanitizing."
"It is claimed or marketed to purify and basically kill 99.9 percent of any bacteria."
"So they've gone for the cassette toilet. We offer a marine flushing toilet as well, and there's pros and cons with both those which we can go through with you at ordering to ensure you get what you want, what you need."
"Garbage trucks are used to pick up garbage. Our garbage day is Thursdays."
"The first flushing toilet was invented by a poet, Thomas Crapper. This guy revolutionized that."
"More than 500,000 people die every year from sanitation related diseases but this problem can be solved."
"When we learn from something like the 1918 flu pandemic, we learn by force. We learned about sanitation not because we're so engineer and savvy, but because we got tired of people dying from cholera."
"Good sanitation, really good fermentation practices, good yeast management, that stuff is like 75 plus percent of the pie."
"It's very easy to interrupt transmission; it's reduced by air drying, heating, bleach, alcohol, 70% alcohol works well to inactivate it."
"Most home brewers do enough to really thoroughly sanitize their equipment."
"I think I'm probably gonna have to double down the sanitation practices on the kegging side."
"This is a dirty topic, but someone's got to talk about it."
"While civic sanitation agencies have made good progress... only the cooperative action of each individual can ensure final elimination of the health menace represented by this prolific pest."
"Isn't afraid to get her hands dirty and currently works with the sanitation department in her community."
"You can jazz this tank up to a high temperature and kill the bacteria in it."
"It's a highly concentrated cleaning fluid for chemical toilets with a fresh, inviting smell."
"Evidence from Chadwick and Snow, as well as Pasteur's germ theory, showed that cleaning towns could stop the spread of disease."
"Heat kills the best. If you have a washing machine with hot water access, wash the contaminated items at a minimum of 50 degrees Celsius for at least 10 minutes."
"Forty-two percent of the world's population lacks access to proper sanitation."
"This really speaks to a deeper issue of the lack of proper sanitation and medical facilities in some areas of developing countries."
"The modern toilet... keeps the smell from getting back into the house."
"The most dependable method of destroying all forms of microbes."
"An incinerator toilet actually burns the waste into ash and it really doesn't smell at all."
"Sanitation comes before feelings, which has always been the health inspector's code of honor."
"There's a UV light that will kill 99.9 percent of all bacteria and viruses."
"If you're a pro makeup artist, sanitation has to be your number one priority."
"Three thousand nine hundred children die every single day because of lack of access to clean water and adequate sanitation."
"Educate the public about what is appropriate to flush."
"Removing germs from the hands helps prevent diarrhea, respiratory infections, skin infections, and eye infections."
"The removal of filth provided Victorians with gainful employment."
"If it's over 60% alcohol, yes it will help with viruses."
"If soap and water are not readily available, use an alcohol-based sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol."
"Most of the control for cockroaches is non-chemical; it's sanitation and excluding them."
"Free chlorine is the chlorine in your water available to do the job that we need it there for."
"You stay off-grid for much longer, and that's what I like about the cassette toilets."
"Hospitals use UV lights to keep their environment sterilizing, germ-free."
"Keep your hands clean, stay sanitized."
"This comprehensive blueprint aimed to enhance both the quality of life and the nation's sanitation infrastructure."
"Access to clean water, sanitation, then improved education."
"If you can heat water up enough, it can destroy harmful bacteria."
"Utilizing the best UV sterilizer you can fit or afford."
"We've killed all the bacteria in the float box, very very important."
"Clean water and sanitation is one of the United Nations sustainable development goals."
"The belief has been that it's a non-toxic method of pest control that's really based on Resident sanitation."
"The Cockroaches really appreciate it, so yes, this does help the populations do very well, this lack of Sanitation."
"Everybody has to cooperate in order for sanitation to work."
"Reduced mortality has been due to improved sanitation conditions."
"Preventing and controlling tapeworm infections in humans is very very simple... we begin with the sanitary approach."
"The reduced death rates fell above all because of what's been called by historians the sanitary revolution or the hygienic revolution."
"This is not a sponsored video; I published it because I'm passionate about the topic of Sanitation and I wanted to share the knowledge with you."
"Clean India, Swachh Bharat, the signature program of Prime Minister Modi in building toilets for all."
"Star San is a high foaming acid-base no rinse sanitizer that is effective and easy to use."
"A sanitary landfill is designed to hold Municipal Solid Waste with as little contamination of the surrounding environment as possible."
"Toilets are the greatest invention in the world when they work properly."
"Every time you flush, maybe you're going to get a microbial readout immediately."
"The transformation for everybody was when piped water was available to flush the sewage away."
"It's very important when you're making brews to sanitize."
"Huge shout out to everyone just involved in any way with the invention of the toilet."
"An invisible army is fighting a never-ending war; their enemy is the filth that we create and the vermin that thrive on it."
"Sanitation involves lowering microbial counts to safe public health levels and minimizing disease transfer from person to person."
"Sanitation is crucial, always be sure to fully sanitize your fermenter before transferring your chilled wort."
"UV sterilizing ultraviolet lamp sterilizes as it navigates, leaving behind sanitized surfaces."
"Sanitation lowers the microbial count to a safe public health level and minimizes the chances of disease transmission."
"Sanitation is vital, and soapless sanitation and waterless sanitation is incredibly helpful."
"I respect the system, sanitation team, they do an amazing job."
"Handwashing and hygiene is a very very important thing."
"Observing locations where services such as water sanitation are provided."
"Disinfection is the chemical process that uses specific products to destroy organisms on non-porous surfaces."
"Keeping your water balanced and sanitized is important for your safety, the enjoyment of the spa, and longevity of the spa components."
"Chlorination is the process of adding a chemical that is effective for killing bacteria in a water treatment plant."
"The differences in toilets reveal profound differences in culture."
"The principles behind all flush toilets are simple, but the differences between them are profound."
"Black soldier flies... they will bio-sanitize if you give them manure, they will change the microbial community... and those for human and animals pathogen microbes they will be eradicated or at least down to a level where they are not harmful anymore."
"More people in the world have phones than toilets."
"Every dollar invested in water and sanitation returns 4 to $12 to the local economy."
"Imagine how the world would be different if we didn't have toilet bowls," said Dr. Nicholas.
"The cleanup has been crucial in stopping cholera and other diseases which had been spreading across Zimbabwe."
"Adding chlorine to water can kill bacteria in water."
"Everyone has the right to Safe Drinking Water and adequate sanitation."
"Ozone is O3 and is able to be generated completely on site; it's a fresh oxidizer that continues to work."
"A recent World Health Organization study tells us that out of a world population of just over 6 billion, 3 billion have no sanitation and one billion have no clean water."
"Steam is excellent for loosening stains, killing dust mites and other allergens, and sanitizing your clothes and bedding."
"Boiling water for 15 minutes kills all macroorganisms."
"The conditions of sanitation and hygiene improved drastically in London after the Great Fire."
"Management of waste, especially human waste in slum areas, is a big challenge."
"About 80% of human waste from informal settlements in the city ends up in our urban rivers."
"We have a retention rate of over 97% of our community members who are happy and still keeping Fresh Life toilets."
"Eventually people began to understand that filth equaled disease."
"Latrine take-up and behavior change were perhaps more important to look at."
"Sanitation improvement was the first significant betterment of public health."
"...the vultures...they act like garbage collectors that you have at your home maybe every day of the week you see a big truck coming with people to collect garbage."
"The Great Stink of 1858 first deserves our attention because it is at the origin of public works that have permanently changed the face of London."
"This means drinking boiled water, ensuring food supply, and improving hygiene conditions."
"I've found a place that will accept lightly used makeup and lipsticks because they chop the tops off and then sanitize them."
"Every dollar that you invested in clean water and sanitation yielded a four to eight dollar return."
"Sanitizing your input and escaping your output."
"They're like the rubbish collectors of the natural world, ensuring there's no disease or rotten meat that can harm other animals."
"I was very aware that there were a problem with toilets."
"They accept used makeup, they sanitize everything, and then they distribute it."
"His emphasis on cleanliness, clean water, well-regulated hospitals had noticeable impacts, especially when it came to preventing outbreaks of diseases like cholera."