
Biden Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Biden's legislative accomplishments behind him and what he's been able to do as president through executive action and his guidance as a leader have been more successful than most would have thought."
"We can say that Biden isn't authentically popular, but he got more votes than any president in U.S. history."
"Our model currently shows a 35% chance of Biden winning by double digits."
"We’re closer than ever to independence from a deadly virus." - President Joe Biden
"Please, if you haven’t gotten vaccinated, do it. Do it now. For yourself, for your loved ones, for your community, and for your country." - President Joe Biden urging vaccination
"The battle against COVID-19 is over. We’ve got a lot more work to do." - President Joe Biden indicating the ongoing fight against the pandemic
"Biden's recovery of this economy that he never gets credited enough for."
"President Biden has set 2035 as the 100% clean electricity date."
"Every day that Trump is on the defensive is another day he is not catching up to Joe Biden."
"Biden's just going about doing things for the American people."
"CBS News battleground tracker shows Biden with a 10-point lead among likely voters."
"I got criticism for Biden, but if he does something that's good, I'm not gonna rag on him for it."
"On day one, President Biden fulfilled his promise to rejoin the Paris Agreement."
"Trump crushes Biden with a 35 point lead on the border."
"Biden's calm town hall: a stark contrast to Trump's chaos."
"Gas prices are through the roof, that's just how Biden wants it."
"It's over, Biden defeats Trump in a nail-biting election."
"President Joe Biden can stop this right now with an executive order."
"It's obama revivalism right biden is very different from obama in many ways he's more radical economically than obama was but they've gone back to what they think they know right which is let's go back to the regime."
"Biden's plan is not a solution, it's a virtual surrender."
"It's not over election-wise until January 20th when Joe Biden swears an oath and he's sworn into the Oval Office."
"Biden manages with a 50/50 Senate to do so much."
"Biden, be prepared. We are going to uncover every corrupt business dealing, every foreign entanglement, every abuse of power, and every check cut for the big guy."
"Biden's National Security adviser advocating industrial policy."
"It's Biden's fault for damaging trust in institutions while himself spreading this narrative that you just can't trust the government."
"That's what Biden is seeking to undo, and that's a big part of this."
"Biden, in comparison, was maybe more stately."
"You can't stop something like this." - President Biden
"Let's not forget there is a reason 81 million Americans voted for Biden."
"Biden is doing exactly the right strategic thing."
"They do not want Biden to run again for president."
"Is it safe to say Trump wasn't that bad after seeing a year of Joe Biden?"
"It's been a year of Joe Biden in office, has your life gotten better?"
"It's been a year since Biden's been in office, has your life improved?"
"They're upset that Trump had the audacity to ask information on Biden's misconduct. How dare you, Trump!"
"This is monumental, it's landmark, it's historic, it's the best week ever in a week Biden went from left for dead to the most consequential president in a generation."
"You've got two kinds of candidates at the top in the dem field: far-left candidates who will do well in the primaries... and then you've got Biden."
"I get the sense from talking to people who know Biden... I don't have any illusions about Putin."
"Biden is running to the left of just about every candidacy I can think of."
"I don't want to give Biden too much credit yet but him pulling us out of Afghanistan seems like a big deal."
"Biden pardons thousands for simple possession of marijuana."
"I don't think that Biden has a guaranteed loss."
"People understand that. That's visceral. You feel that. This is the worst thing in the world for Joe Biden right now."
"If you want to vote for Biden in the general election, that is up to your own personal moral calculus."
"Biden was asked about this the other day and his answer for why he doesn't support Medicare for all is because it will let employers off the hook for paying for health care."
"US President Joe Biden has been briefed on the vehicle explosion at the Rainbow Bridge Port of Entry and that he and his team are closely following developments."
"Biden's judicial appointees are by far the most diverse."
"President Biden announced three steps to end this failed approach."
"Unlike the Mega agenda, President Biden knows that families are feeling the burden of higher prices."
"Biden needs to embrace bread and butter issues and hammer them consistently."
"Like any president, Biden has his strengths and weaknesses, but clearly, one strength is his ability to give the nation a pep talk."
"President Biden says he's going to push hard to try to get more help to the people who need it."
"Biden has embraced medical authoritarianism such as unconstitutional covid vaccine mandates."
"Biden has allowed woke ideology to drive his agenda, we will never surrender to the woke mob."
"Um, I just think Joe Biden, because he's actually been more politically relevant than Trump. And this is not to excuse Trump's NFT superhero nonsense. I mean, or the fact that, yeah, he's not been charged by Congress or all of the kind of noise he's been making."
"President Biden has been at it again he's pulled another Ron Burgundy reading everything in the auto including instructions like pause."
"Biden's really good at the soft profanity too, nobody likes saying damn or Hell more than Joe Biden."
"Joe Biden has a very, very warped view of minorities."
"...he took it all away and you know Biden doesn't have anyone but his wife near him."
"There's biden and there's putin and I don't think putin is ready to step back from biden."
"It's a mistake to think that Biden's election means we're out of the woods. Far from it. We are watching a fascistic order pulling itself together."
"Biden had to sell it off to keep gas prices reasonable during the election. Now, with the industry under investing in sustaining Capital and the prices of oil on a bicycle provided he doesn't get the benefit of a recession to lower."
"We all know that it's over, it's done, it's Biden, it's Job. It's just a matter of time before it's confirmed."
"You can be Democrat, Republican, everybody can rally together and just meme on Biden."
"Biden's approval rating is near an all-time high."
"House Democrats achieved an historic victory, honoring the vision of President Biden and addressing the needs of the American people."
"Biden has promised to appoint a White House director of disability policy."
"Biden has added 12 to 13 million jobs."
"So far, Biden's administration has reacted exceedingly well with its flurry of European and Asian diplomacy."