
Casual Attitude Quotes

There are 72 quotes

"We're here to have fun; what could possibly go wrong?"
"You want a cheeseburger? Hell yeah, that's okay."
"I kind of think it's cool, man. He's like demystifying it a bit."
"I like to not have to worry about it too much."
"I don't know about you, but I'm just here to have fun."
"He's already dressed for the beach, dog. That's what he lost his way out. He's out taking the belt to the beach, I don't care."
"It's just like fucking whatever happens it doesn't matter cuz you're catching up with Bros you know like you die instantly expect at your buddy for the rest of the game it's like it's pretty chill."
"You shove 'em. 'Eh, it'll roll downhill, it's fine.'"
"Let's all just shut up, watch shows, and chill, you know?"
"I'm high enough off the back word, no problem, right? I mean, that's cool, definitely."
"He's kind of just like not trying super hard."
"I'll pay it like I'll pay it cool whatever you know because and you got Slayer yeah that's [ __ ]."
"If your PCs are feeling hey, zero consequences, everything's groovy, it's all shenanigans."
"It's all good. Just keep drinking, it's Margaritaville. Where's the tequila?"
"He's all right for you before you die, so cool, like you're like Bud Lights away."
"You better get it for the governor! So I just, they play the game, they didn't care. They didn't abort."
"Listen, I know the office is a mess, but it's our mess."
"Let's just have fun, all right? Not too terrible, all right?"
"It's just a game dude it doesn't matter if you're good at it like as long as you're having fun."
"This is the evidence of skill it's just a game dude."
"Leave the TV on if you want... Don't worry about it. I just put like a thousand dollars into your account."
"I actually don't care if I... okay, well, all that matters is I'm having fun."
"We'll break the game again if we have to. It's fine. I'm sure the game doesn't mind."
"If you don't take it too seriously, what will happen? What has to be done, will be done."
"I don't care about the work suit, but let's play the game anyway."
"Life is that already, that's right like you do diddy's right there sitting around you don't gotta start harlem shaking."
"The fastback opening in the rear, that is so cool."
"Even if he wasn't, it would be fun, man. Yeah, tournaments in a month, and he's gonna be kicking our ass all week."
"Sometimes you don't want to be the smartest in the room, just want to blow up your friends with a giant missile."
"We might as well have some fun with these witches."
"Just open the fucking beer bro, if you could open a beer with a karate chop."
"That's so stupid, whatever, I'm taking the W. I don't care."
"Why not have fun and make money? We don't got to be so serious."
"I threw her in the pool she got water on, oh my dress is so wet, Dax. Who cares? Grandmother not me even now I'm not quite sure."
"We've made divorce seem so easy, like it's just a thing to do, no big deal."
"We're just gonna be fooling around, having some fun, and hopefully not having a completely miserable time."
"I don't give a [ __ ]. I just wanted nail Kosovo first try, you know?"
"I don't really care about being a smartypants intellectual like I never said I was."
"Let's hang out, whatever, let it roll. It's like a fun rule."
"It's like a so what you know it's either that or you look bald right so who cares if your part's not perfect you know who wouldn't know if you had a perfect part anyway."
"You're ready for something new. If it works, it works. If it doesn't, who gives a [ __ ]?"
"He's not worried about that... just put the ball into another position... make them get a soft touch."
"Well, I'm gonna get a lawn chair and watch it play out."
"It's all BS anyways and what are we gonna do, throw away this cake? You know what I'm saying, let's just keep eating the cake."
"Life is about hanging around, not about taking anything seriously."
"It's like not serious... it's like not that serious."
"It's just people take things way too seriously and they can't just sit back and roll and relax and just laugh at it."
"It's not like this is the last burger you're ever gonna eat."
"I was so lackadaisical about it uh that i would have just let them have the sandwich with this little sweet and so all I know is that I was uh I was in line and I was like do you want me to get out of line because I'm next."
"It's all right, I got my board, it's a mess, don't look at it."
"I'm gonna take this trip and hang out with the first lady, pretty much."
"I should hope so, old sport. I may have shot a man, but I also got the beer. Hell yeah, boy!"
"It's fun to experiment with, I'm not mad at it."
"That's the mentality that you got blood, yeah. Oh, it's only pre-season fam. Time, this. I don't like wasting my time, you get me? If I'm watching something, I want the best of what I'm watching."
"He's just there like, 'Yep, he saw the Reddit post before qualifying, he was like, 'I don't need to do anything, yeah boys, I can just chill.' Alonso does the grid."
"The storm is gonna get bad, it's gonna get really, really bad, and we're out here having fun."
"Why not? It's literally nothing basically free."
"Whatever, man. We all start out somewhere in life."
"Doing pretty good. Alright, not a super loaded question, just, you know... I'm currently, you know, I'm 19, I'm just kind of floating, just going with the going with the motion. I don't exactly want like a relationship because, you know..."
"I'm just gonna shoot, shoot for fun. If I do well, I do well. If I don't, I don't care. Right?"
"I thought it was kind of a cool move to be like, 'I'm just going to take a little, like, this is fun, but like, I do have to... pee.'"
"Let's just do it and if it doesn't work out, no big deal, right?"
"We're all just winging it here; we're just doing our best out here, bro."
"I'm taking it in a relaxed fashion."
"Give it a whirl, see what happens."
"In the end, it's only rock and roll."
"I'm sorry, man, it's not that deep."
"It's a bit more laissez-faire, look at that, we're cultured."
"We were nominated but we were too lazy to wait for the red carpet line."
"It's a honey baked ham, I really don't care."
"So what? It's my room," he replied casually.