
Time Scale Quotes

There are 55 quotes

"Evolution is very slow... It takes millions and millions of years."
"A civilization reading one of our messages could be billions of years ahead of us."
"With every generation, star production slows down, and the Milky Way has been in business for 13 billion years."
"Humanity's only existed for a very, very fraction of the time."
"Experience teaches us that a justice's tenure, that their jurisprudence is assessed and measured in decades, not in individual years."
"Evolution is not just occurring over the course of glacial lengths of time. It can be occurring very rapidly."
"These relatively quick changes occurring over a minuscule amount of time stand as a testament to how much life can evolve and change over hundreds, thousands, hundreds of thousands and even millions of years."
"It is a surprisingly accurate number, why is that? Because two million, five hundred and eight thousand years ago, our planet started to look almost what it looks like today."
"It would take decades, if not centuries, for the planet to recover from the catastrophic environmental consequences of the impact."
"There are craters on Venus as well, but not much. The solar system is almost empty now, but less than a billion years ago, there were still many objects moving around."
"Even if this were true, the signals would have been sent at least 3 billion years ago, so the senders may not exist anymore."
"Days turn months in aggregate 1.7 months of gains have been lost every day this is extreme."
"For 30 million years, the debris eroded from the Alps has been dumped in a 30,000 square mile bowl."
"Things do go back thousands and millions of years."
"The rock cycle... works on this really, really long time scale that's pretty mind-blowing."
"Everyone blaming Biden, Trump, Bush, Reagan, meanwhile this [ __ ] 400 million years ago."
"If you think about the future of intelligent existence, let's just talk about a five-year, 500-year time scale."
"The geologic time scale was based largely on the fossil record."
"Evolution requires a very long period of time... millions or even billions of years."
"Life has been around on this planet for some 3.5 billion years; us as humans, a very small fraction of that."
"The Sun takes about a quarter billion years to go once around the Milky Way galaxy."
"The Precambrian was almost 90 percent of Earth's history."
"...a language replaces its entire sound system roughly once every ten thousand years."
"We should not be using things on the minute time scale that then take a half a thousand years to decompose."
"We've warmed about 12 degrees in the last 12,000 years, three of those are in the last 40 years."
"All it would take is one of them to have developed intelligent life a few million years ahead of us."
"The dark matter particles would gradually decay and their decay would have a lifetime of about 10 times 10 to the 11 years."
"If you compress the time of the dinosaurs from when they started till now into one 365 day year, they started on January 1st and would have ended about the third week of September. Humans would have come along on December 31st."
"A trillion seconds is 33,000 years."
"The analog of neurons firing might occur on the order of millions of years, so a thinking process might last for trillions of trillions of trillions of years."
"To the earth, 100 years is nothing; a million years is nothing. This planet lives and breathes on a much vaster scale. We have been residents here for the blink of an eye. If we are gone tomorrow, the earth will not miss us."
"In the next 50 years, humans will cause so many mammal species to go extinct that researchers found replacing them will take the earth 3 to 7 million years."
"Even the shortest-lived stars have lifespans approaching 10 million years, a time longer than separates us from chimpanzees."
"But if you want to go from one end of your galaxy to the other, it will take you a hundred thousand years going 186,000 miles per second."
"A close flyby like this would unfold over hundreds of thousands of years, disrupting the orbits of millions of objects."
"The entire mantle is effectively solid and appears to flow only over vast amounts of time."
"The whole of recorded human history is the dust from one stroke of a nail file on the same scale as the time that's been available for evolution."
"You still get a civilization that’s growing to spread over a whole galaxy in a relatively short period compared to the age of that galaxy."
"We have high productivity within about 30,000 years, that's an order of magnitude faster than other Gulf of Mexico sites."
"If we crunched the numbers on this and take 4.6 billion years worth of time and make it equivalent to 365 days... that's our New Year's Eve party."
"If we could watch the system for the next hundreds of millions or billions of years or so, we'd see them continue to merge together and form one giant galaxy from all of the individual components."
"Another handy reference is this geologic time scale, which includes the different eras and periods that make up the Earth's total 4.6 billion year history."
"The solar system has been shown to be chaotic... it's chaotic on the timescale of five million years."
"We are currently on the first day of the 51st year of his Reign."
"There's no effective difference between micro and macro evolution; macroevolution is just micro evolution over a longer period of time essentially."
"The oceans have been around for billions of years, they dominate the earth's surface."
"In cosmology, the time scale for evolutionary processes in the universe are unimaginably large."
"It has been proven in ecology that the behavior over a large time scale actually looks like this oscillatory behavior with a slight phase shift."
"If you put evolution onto a year scale, we're only six seconds old."
"The procession of the Earth's axis traces out a circle in the sky over a period of about 26,000 years."
"Geology in action on a human time scale is just incredible."