
Fossils Quotes

There are 201 quotes

"The oldest Homo sapien fossil on Earth is a skull found in Morocco."
"This absolutely astonishing fossil specimen preserves in amazing detail the last moments of struggle as a hunt went very wrong."
"Finding a fossil is a tiny scientific miracle, so to speak."
"That's fossils! That's so cool, I cannot believe this."
"Finding a fossil like this is the best experience for any fossil hunter."
"Naledi is undoubtedly one of the most mysterious fossil hominins known to date."
"The fossilized skeleton of Australopithecus afarensis was uncovered by a team of scientists led by American paleoanthropologist Donald Johanson and French geologist Maurice Taieb."
"Having these digital copies of important fossils at least we have some kind of record."
"Entire classes of species were wiped off the face of the Earth, and we know this because we are able to find hints of their existence: fossils."
"Fossilized animals have always fascinated us because they help us understand Earth's unusual past."
"Billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water... over the earth."
"The Sahara has turned up fossils of all sorts of aquatic life - fish, mollusks, and even plants - indicating a rich and diverse ecosystem."
"Fossils are a great way of identifying prehistoric or extinct creatures."
"Nobody's ever found a transitional fossil? That's just not true."
"Back in summer 2020 forest ranger Greg franic was going about his duties in the Sierra mountains of California USA when he found what can only be described as a treasure Trove of ancient fossils."
"I started finding dinosaur fossils, I mean lots of them."
"The whole surface, all of these circular features here, are ammonite fossils. All around, that's quite spectacular."
"Many of the world’s most important ancient hominid fossils have been found in Kenya and Tanzania."
"Relatives of T-Rex had feathers, indicated by fossil evidence."
"Even though that other big one should have a nicer ammonite in general, I think these three all together are really unique."
"How is this real? These fossils are huge and beautiful!"
"Welcome back to the channel! We're in Kentucky, finding fossils from over 400 million years ago. Insane, right?"
"The only evidence was molecular, and no actual fossils were ever found."
"Alberta is known worldwide as one of the richest sources of dinosaur fossils."
"The evidence of fossils challenges the notion of millions of years and supports a young Earth view."
"The reality is that this area is incredibly rich in dinosaurs."
"Suminia's well-preserved fossils reveal characteristics that were unusual for its time, notably adaptations for an arboreal lifestyle."
"Psychic Jeffrey Hudson performed psychometry on fossil remains at the Stark Fontaine caves, claiming to have recorded ghostly sounds."
"Pseudo fossils often resemble the shapes, patterns, or structures seen in genuine fossils, leading to confusion or misidentification by observers unfamiliar with geological processes."
"...there is certainly a whole mountain of prehistoric Highland fossils in the Wayan and formations just like it waiting to be uncovered..."
"We have more than 1700 fossil hominin specimens."
"Welcome to the Wheeler Amphitheater in western Utah. This seemingly desolate location is actually a world-class locality for finding trilobite fossils."
"I'm here today to talk about new fossils that were found in North Africa and how it's changing the way we view modern human origins."
"Most fossils you can find just lying around, does illustrate what can be there to be found on a very, very good day."
"Most of these little white things you see coming out of the rocks are fossils."
"The bats' wings came from the front legs of some kind of rodents, but we don't find any fossils of that. There are approximately 1,000 fossil bats found, and they're all 100% fossil bats."
"...there's a lot of amber, a lot of natural amber, including one piece. He's got lots of insect inclusions. Okay, so that's worth quite a bit. A little Jurassic Park action could happen maybe. Dragonflies and mites."
"I love plant fossils with all of my heart."
"There are very few ammonites with soft parts preserved. One of my former postdocs, Isabel Cruta, who's now in Paris, she described the jaw structures within some ammonite shells where they were preserved intact and were revealed by scanning methods."
"The discovery is also exciting because until now soft flesh tissue was only ever found in extremely rare fossils."
"Fossils provide evidence of how species have evolved over time."
"Girki also had an interest in fossils and natural Curiosities and he was among the first to attempt interpretations of fossils not as anomalies or magical objects but as remains of the past."
"Girki's unicorn was not an attempt at acception but rather a genuine effort to make sense of the puzzling fossil remains found in his time."
"Girki like many of his contemporaries tried to fit his findings within the framework of no natural history which at the time included mythical accounts."
"Modern researchers have determined that the fossils were given a burial suitable for a high-ranking official sometime between 1300 and 1200 BC."
"But in many cases the fossils are only dated by the sediments they're in."
"After all the bruises and the scars and the swearing and getting stuck, it was all worth it because I got the opportunity to get to dig up the fossil remains of our ancient human ancestors."
"Yeah so their bones are fossils those are two different things so which ones there are a couple of bones but most of the time they're just fossils there's imprints in the dirt oh no because stan was the most intact yes yeah so that was bones."
"the fossil and living can kangaroos are only found in australia"
"Fossils of a creature called Haast's eagle found in 2009 show a bird that was around 40 pounds in weight with a wingspan of 3 meters."
"We have a wealth of tremendously well-preserved fossils."
"When we have fossils like Tiktaalik we can compare the arms of people and chickens and mice to the fins of fish in novel ways."
"We do not have fossils documenting a transition between Australopithecus and Homo."
"Successful day hunting fossils and geology, in the Carmel Formation, Jurassic Age, 168 million years old."
"This is a cone shell, but it's different than most of them because this isn't actually the shell fossilized there. This is the inside cast of the shell."
"Probably the coolest part about Rock Point Provincial Park is that it's home to exposed fossils of a coral reef dating back to over 350 million years."
"When studying the samples mined in Greenland 1.5 kilometers under the ice, the stunned scientists found branches and leaves instead of sand and stone."
"The lake bed may provide an intact pristine archive of fossils and chemical markers dating back to an unknown distant past."
"The ammonites were coiled up snakes that had been turned to stone, earning them the nickname snake stones."
"Trace fossils are everywhere and this is true."
"Look at all this Devonian age Limestone we're walking on though just full of fossils."
"Fossils tell stories. This is not the end of this story but simply the beginning."
"If digging up fossils was this easy as brushing away sand, it'd make our lives as paleontologists way easier."
"...Noah's Flood perfectly explains how all over the earth you have these beautifully preserved fossils and it also explains the Cambrian explosion."
"The staggering volume of fossil-bearing sedimentary rocks around the world, billions of dead things buried in rock layers laid down by water all over the earth."
"As long as a couple scavengers get to them, there's no fossil evidence, there's no remaining bones, they just kind of shred and disappear, so I'm going to start with the bones. Good pick, very science-y."
"I picked this tile because it actually has fossilized plants in it. I've always wanted one of these natural rock bowl sinks, and I found it at Lowe's in the clearance aisle."
"Index fossils are basically just these perfect little time stamps on rocks."
"Fossils are still very helpful in correlating sedimentary rocks around the world."
"The geologic time scale was based largely on the fossil record."
"We use fossils to kind of indicate where breaks should be in the geologic record."
"Biostratigraphy is still relevant today even though we have absolute or numerical aging."
"Trilobite eyes fossilized because they were crystals of calcite, mineralized eyes."
"Get ready for layers of fossil fish and insight that is geology rich."
"These cabbage-shaped fossils were built by cyanobacteria, which is a blue-green algae."
"They appear suddenly in the fossil record; evolutionary novelty is usually abrupt."
"I would say that the Dmanisi fossils constitute just one population within this unbranched lineage."
"The whole process of burial, erosion, formation of fossils, and the exposure of fossils is going on today the way it has for so many years."
"These fossils don't belong to me; they belong to the scientific community."
"The fossils contained in the world's rocks provide a biography of life."
"The known fossil dates back to about 80 million."
"The absence of fossil evidence for intermediary stages has been a persistent and nagging problem for evolution."
"If we see depictions and carvings and historical written descriptions of dragons, and they end up being real, and if those match what we see from fossils, then that totally reshapes our view of history."
"The lineage of this fish species dates back 200 million years; they truly are living fossils."
"This ranges from pieces of dinosaur bones to dinosaur eggs and even gastroliths, stones swallowed by dinosaurs to help with digestion in the stomach."
"Fossils are one-of-a-kind resource; once they're destroyed or erosion has weathered them away, you can't get them back again."
"Without fossils, we wouldn't even know that things like extinctions exist."
"This is one of the biggest fossil reserves in the whole world."
"Our fossil record is amazingly incomplete. It's miraculous that we have any fossils at all."
"If there's any sorting to the fossil record, it's better explained by a flood."
"The oldest fossils are found in Africa, and specifically they are only found in Africa."
"I first came across Mary Anning when I was looking for a gift for my ex-boyfriend, and he really loved fossils."
"The reason there are fossils of sea creatures in the mountains is that millions of years ago, the land that is now in the clouds was once at the bottom of the ocean."
"Paleontology is the study of ancient life through fossils."
"There are probably more Jurassic animal fossils waiting to be discovered."
"Look at the color on that bull shark tooth."
"The Rancho La Brea Tar Pits... preserve millions of fossils, the majority of which come from two large carnivore species: one is the dire wolf, and the other is the sabertooth cat, Smilodon."
"Limestone is actually made up of the skeletons of million million year old sea creatures."
"It's completely impossible to put a value on fossils like this Berlin specimen, but I would say that certainly something like this if this was the original would be worth fifty million dollars."
"Smilodon is the second most common carnivore we find at Rancho La Brea."
"What we see depicted in the fossils is merely a single frame of a massive movie; Earth's numerous ages likely were just as full of complex and diverse life forms as our own."
"Fossils completely changed our understanding of the world and they are still doing so today."
"When we're studying the fossils of the Burgess Shale, we are in a very real way studying the deep time origins of pretty much every major animal group you can think of."
"This field work included work at the Marble Canyon fossil locality, one of the recently found new really important Burgess Shale localities."
"Burgess Shale fossils shed light on old mysteries."
"The Burgess Shale itself is a series of fossil localities that are all part of the Stephen Formation up in the Canadian part of the Rockies."
"These fossils are about 506 to 508 million years old."
"We're still going back and collecting new fossils from the Burgess Shale."
"If you can find a fossil, it's a sedimentary rock."
"I'm over the moon with that lovely ammonite and the imprint fully intact."
"We've got an incredible fossil to show you, including a fossil fish egg, fire saw paddle, and crocodile skull."
"The dueling dinosaurs is one of the most remarkable fossil discoveries ever made."
"It actually shows ancient behavior stuck in a rock."
"Look at the monster skull, wow, wow, that's incredible."
"Have you ever wondered how we know what dinosaurs look like? We learned by discovering fossils."
"Stromatolites are formed by cyanobacteria, some of the earliest life forms on Earth."
"A paleontologist studies all fossilized life from fish to plants, really anything that's part of the fossil record."
"Over the years, over millions of these fossil fish have been sold and found."
"If oil is made from dinosaur fossils and plastic is made from oil, plastic dinosaurs are made from real dinosaurs."
"Throughout time, these findings include huge fossils of unknown species and thousand-year-old carcasses with entire flesh."
"We have skeletons of fossilized Homo sapiens that are identical to any sample that you could donate in the room tonight."
"This whole area is known as the Jurassic Coastline, mainly due to the huge number of fossils that are found."
"Look at this dinosaur bone. It's part of a dinosaur leg bone that was around 154 million years ago."
"We find their fossils in a special kind of rock called sedimentary rocks."
"The oldest fossil in the world... ancient fossils from Greenland reported to be 3.7 billion years old."
"The oldest Homo sapiens fossils in Europe were found in Romania."
"You can actually get a chance to touch these things just as they were buried 150 million years ago."
"Fossils are formed in a number of different ways, but most are formed when a plant or animal dies in a watery environment and is buried in mud or silt."
"My first North Carolina fossils were small gray shark's teeth, but like many boys and girls, I wanted to dig for the bones of dinosaurs or mastodons."
"Paleontology is the study of prehistoric animal and plant life through the analysis of fossils."
"Fossils are the remains of something that lived a long, long time ago."
"Everything we know about prehistoric creatures is because of fossils."
"The back fossils have revealed the shocking transition between swinging from branch to branch to walking upright as human beings."
"We have an embarrassment of intermediate fossils."
"Macroevolution refers to the big phenotypic changes that we see in the fossil record."
"The preserved remains, impression, or trace of any once-living thing from a past geological age."
"We're about to be splitting rocks open and finding 315 million-year-old Carboniferous plant fossils."
"The fossils are so perfectly preserved that microscopic structures have been preserved in the soft tissues and feathers."
"I have made a large collection of fish fossils, part of which I've donated to museums."
"Walcott made a momentous discovery along the trail; he stumbled across many interesting fossils of animals they were unlike any that he nor anyone else had ever seen before."
"Fossils with bone structures identical to modern American alligators have been recovered that date back as far as 2.5 million years."
"It's a hotbed here for fossils. You can just on a daily basis dig your hand into the side of the cliffs and find different fossils."
"Every fossil we find is transitional by definition because all life is transitional."
"We've never found ancient dinosaur fossils less than 65 million years old, so, they must have died out... 65 million years... ago!"
"We know dinosaurs once lived because we found their fossilized bones."
"Without hesitation or ambiguity, and fully mindful of such paleontological wonders as large dinosaurs and African apemen, I state that the invertebrates of the Burgess Shale... are the world's most important animal fossils."
"This is so full of fossils, we call this fossiliferous limestone."
"Like the Bob Ross of fossils now, little happy little fossil right there."
"Fossil preparation is a specialization of the science of paleontology."
"Billions of fossils buried in the mud around the world."
"We have too many fossils and placing them in a way that is nice and linear has become impossible."
"A better and more complete recognition of what fossils are and what they mean has been established."
"A landscape dominated by sandy hills that were comprised of deep sea fossils, mud, and obviously sand."
"We have evidence of life with prokaryotic fossils in stromatolites dating back about 3.5 billion years."
"Alberta is well known for its dinosaur fossils."
"We actually have more fossils from our homed ancestors than we do for any individual species of dinosaur."
"As you will have understood, this is an exceptional site very rich in fossils of marine animals."
"We're incredibly lucky to have the fossil record that we have."
"The real data are these stacks of rocks that have fossils in them; the interpretation is then how those stacks of rocks came to exist."
"One of the things that I do as a paleo artist is look at the actual fossils, discuss them with paleontologists, and then try and come up with better skeletal reconstructions."
"Sometimes the conditions are especially perfect and allow the feathers and internal organs of an animal to be preserved in the rock for all time."
"The remains or physical evidence of an organism, which is a fossil, are most often preserved in sedimentary rocks."
"Biogeography is an excellent explanation for the patterns of fossils that we observe in the fossil record."
"Shark teeth are so abundant and easily fossilized, and you find them so often, so having a record like that pushing back to the Ordovician is invaluable for our understanding of evolution."
"Here you can easily find wonderful fossils - rocks with the shape of animals and plants from ancient times."
"The John Day Fossil Beds is a world-class collection of fossils. There's almost no other place in North America that has such a complete record of mammals from this time."
"My name is Brenna, and I work as a paleontologist, which is someone who finds and restores fossils for a living."
"Mary treated her search for fossils not as a casual income like most of her countrymen, but as her main job."
"Ocean floors are not places known to form fossils because of scavengers and decomposition."
"Trilobites had a calcified exoskeleton which is the main reason why they are very important in the fossil record of arthropods."
"Fossils are perhaps the most important inclusion found in some sedimentary rocks."
"All fossils are transitional; evolution is constant."
"Fossils are literally cast in stone, so that's as permanent as it gets."
"These fossils are not just in the dirt; they're in particular layers of geologic strata that exist all around the world."
"These actually do have fossilized insects in them and they are anywhere from 10 to 40 million years old."
"This area is one of the most prolific and accessible sites in Europe for dinosaur fossils."