
Incompetence Quotes

There are 292 quotes

"99% of the time, I attribute the things that we see in the world that we might term evil or bad to incompetence and not to evil."
"It's pretty clear to me the people in charge...were all shockingly incompetent considering the high stakes they were facing."
"Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
"Excuses are the tools of incompetence; they build monuments of nothing."
"Excuses are tools of incompetence, and people who use them rarely amount to anything."
"The Republican party is absolutely incompetent."
"Never ascribe to malice that which could be adequately explained by incompetence."
"This is what happens when you scrape past the bottom of the barrel: you get chaos, you get incompetence."
"Peter's Principle is being promoted to the level of your incompetence."
"Russian incompetence is evident in the entire invasion plan."
"Everywhere you look, there's a crisis riddled with incompetence, division, and dysfunction."
"He completely just bungled the entire thing."
"Not only did Boris Johnson not have the basics of critical thinking, risk awareness, a school child level of knowledge of infectious diseases, or even an understanding of what a decimal number is."
"Donald Trump's team, how can I put this nicely, doesn't know what they're talking about."
"He was no longer just a bad employee—it seemed like a miracle Kevin had ever been employed at all."
"She's demonstrated a Judicial incapability and that her rulings have painted herself into a corner that apparently she's unwilling to to get herself out of and she's blaming the prosecutors for putting her there."
"This case screams either major incompetence or a cover-up to me."
"People like that just make me sick, like the weaponized incompetence is insane."
"There was incompetence all around. I'm a big subscriber to the incompetence Theory as opposed to The Conspiracy Theory." - Scott Ritter
"Manchester United are incompetent at transfers. We are a disgrace when it comes to transfers."
"But let's talk about caring about the American people. The American people have had to sacrifice far too much because of the incompetence of this administration."
"The most incompetent act the president of the United States has engaged in our lifetimes."
"If you give an idiot power, they do really stupid things with it."
"As long as you speak the vocabulary, you can be as garbage at your job as it is possible to be and you will still be treated as though you are a wondrous politician."
"This is an inept, one of the most pathetic administrations we have ever seen."
"It's internal sabotage. I don't think they're purposely trying to make us fail, but their incompetence is sabotaging the club. They're just not very good at this job."
"Democrats losing ground in the house is unbelievable incompetence could be 10 seats or so lost."
"She's not good at it, so she's just in a position where she's locked down."
"These dum-dums not only wanted to commit a coup they left all their evidence in writing like again the giant idiots they are."
"Politicians who use the word unprecedented... unprecedented in the extent of incompetence, ineptitude, stupidity, dishonesty, and corruption."
"But on a day-to-day basis, as these things happen from this president, from this White House, we have just adapted to a new normal of embarrassing incompetence and ignorant dishonesty."
"It's based on incompetence, obviously. Obviously the FDA and the CDC and the World Health Organization had no [__] clue what they were doing."
"We are living in a world where political incompetence gets rewarded, where the politicians who are destroying and crippling and punishing the lowly citizenry are so far detached they have no idea."
"The crew's handling of the fire was found to be incompetent."
"According to the research, capitalists are bad at business too."
"Never ascribe to maliciousness what can be easily explained by incompetence."
"The issue is has and always will be complete and utter incompetence of management."
"Master villain guw who plans every detail of his heists leave three complete strangers unsecured to run a muck in his house yeah he's new with this whole child rearing thing but come the hell on that is cool."
"It's just par for the course, government is just largely incompetent and sometimes downright evil." - Narrator
"You can be grossly incompetent and be a threat to democracy."
"The numbers are staggering but they don't begin to explain the greed and incompetence that created this mess."
"Incompetence is a huge factor, but that's not a solution."
"We've got a moron for President of the United States."
"There's bullying too, people with low skills and knowledge have been in positions for many years."
"The b1 ballad droids were also known for being extremely stupid and incapable on battlefield."
"It's even scarier than the Fed having the power in the first place because now all of a sudden they've got the power and they're admitting that they're completely inept and completely incompetent."
"Looks like American foreign policy has become a cross between the Three Stooges and The Godfather. It's an amazing mix of venal, violent corruption in complete and utter incompetence."
"You really picked the most incompetent GTA player to watch a series of, didn't you guys?"
"Fired by hatred, motivated by greed, and doomed by incompetence."
"He's totally ill-equipped to be making remarks about tech by his own logic and his own admissions."
"We have a problem in this country that transcends anything in the political realm: incompetence."
"Donald Trump sucks, he's an incompetent buffoon."
"This whole ordeal is just stupidity, bad decisions, half-assed efforts."
"Companies are a lot more incompetent than you'd think."
"Incompetence should not be rewarded with blind loyalty."
"Our politics is being run by incompetent people."
"The one silver lining here is that the cops' ability to cover this up is as incompetent as their ability to protect the lives of school children."
"He sucks, he's perpetually bewildered, like the dork that doesn't know anything."
"There's no excuse for this except incompetence and greed."
"The worst thing you can do is kind of be an insensitive [ __ ] or just be incompetent at running the Inquisition."
"Incompetence in the limit is indistinguishable from sabotage."
"Never ascribe to malice that which may be explained by incompetence."
"It was awesome to see his lawyers absolutely fall over their own shoelaces just trying to make their case."
"Elaborate crimes pulled off by really dumb people."
"The winning platform should be these people are wildly incompetent." - Ben Shapiro
"Either they're incompetent or they're doing it on purpose, and either way sucks for our country."
"Until there's a paradigm shift and these things are rethought, we're not going to get out of this sort of death spiral of incompetence."
"Don't fall into the trap of allowing their incompetence to become a solution."
"This is beyond the normal level of incompetence."
"Never underestimate the power of human incompetence."
"No one this dumb should have risen to the rank of Captain."
"As you get older, you're gonna be amazed at the level of incompetence you're gonna see in all places."
"The SEC legal team is completely incompetent."
"Don't be so scared of them. They're bad people and they're dumb at it as well."
"Never attribute to malice what incompetence can explain."
"This dumbass who can't even answer, is he his master?"
"The Russians aren't as good as you think they are... their evil is mitigated only by their stupidity, incompetence, and Corruption."
"Never attribute anything to malice when incompetence will survive just as well."
"How difficulties in recognizing one's own incompetence lead to inflated self-assessments."
"The people who were managing me didn't know what the [__] they were doing."
"It's always fun to watch someone completely incompetent just continue to fail upwards."
"In a hierarchy, every employee tends to rise to his level of incompetence."
"Some of these dudes are just morons, just stupid as a soggy Cheeto, dumb as a broken Oreo."
"Vince McMahon doesn't know what the [expletive] he's doing."
"Shouldn't have a medical license cuz this [expletive]'s a travesty."
"Don't attribute to malice what you can attribute to incompetence."
"I'm not a good husband. I'll be honest. I'm not unfaithful or controlling, but I am incompetent. And that can really break your person over the absence."
"Incompetence still floats to the top like feces in the toilet."
"Damn Daniel, back at it again with the incompetence and poor time management skills."
"Trump's fundamentally unequipped to handle the reality of a situation like this."
"It's like an eighth grader trying to get psyched up for a school dance."
"He knows how to drive a car in various other vehicles but doesn't know how to brush his teeth. Ew."
"Have you ever asked someone to do one, just one really small, really simple job and they've still managed to get it wrong somehow?"
"Using a hammer is their solution? At a brand new hospital? That is dumb."
"I was not exaggerating when I told you these would be some goofy ass assassination attempts."
"Faster than me dude, they don't even have their sirens on. That's how pathetic this is."
"Anyone can weaponize their incompetence."
"They literally had one freaking job. They had one job to send people a code that worked and they couldn't even do that."
"This is like the most inept security force on the planet."
"All the disadvantages in this world are due to incompetence. If you want to curse something, curse your own weakness."
"Don't attribute to malice which can be explained with incompetence."
"Incompetence plus greed, one of the most dangerous combos of all time."
"There's no way to get some sort of a simple or quick Declaration of Competency, we're kind of up shit's creek a little bit."
"He's kind of out of practice, dealing with our stupid little threats."
"So Mulan almost falls to her death AGAIN because she's an idiot that covered her wings for no reason."
"...a tale of hubris, complacency, and downright incompetence."
"Excuses are tools of the incompetent that build monuments to nothingness."
"Most harm inflicted on others derived from incompetence, not malice."
"That's what you do when you don't know what you're doing, when you have no idea, when you just totally give up on your own film."
"He never has. Nope, he's not good at it."
"There are so many people in so many companies around the world that are in a position of authority and have absolutely no actual ability to lead. It's really sad."
"...there's absolutely no way that a group of high-level political conspirators could have relied on Oswald to do anything... he was completely incompetent at almost everything."
"This house looks like it's been rewired by a chimpanzee."
"They're all frauds, and now they're all sycophants to an incompetent authoritarian who repeatedly ignored warnings about what was coming."
"Felix falls short for his general ineptness."
"They're literally the worst kidnappers in the world."
"Our useless drunk manager finally got fired after 6 months of incompetency, harassment, meltdowns in front of customers and effed up liquor orders."
"Take it from someone who has a lot of experience with inadequate employees."
"The operatives were blocking the stairs standing there idiotically."
"Even though they had no idea what the hell they were doing."
"It's not stupidity that leads to incompetence, but rather the dead hand of the authoritarian personality."
"The Peter Principle: promoting leaders beyond their capabilities to an unimaginable level of incompetence."
"The worst mischief happens when incompetent leaders are promoted to supreme command."
"He's the Inspector Clouseau of criminal activity, the bumbling befucking Foon of all the crimes he's committed."
"This is the first time in history think about this all the botches that I've seen all the injuries that I've seen either live or on tape or all the wrestling I've watched this is the first time where all three individuals involved were complete [ __ ] idiots."
"They might as well run a goddamn head of lettuce."
"Italian General Prasa's incredible incompetence helped crumble the Italian invasion of Greece."
"Criminals are bad planners huh bad planners."
"'That's the problem with guys like these. They throw their weight around but can't do much else.'"
"America hates nothing more than an enemy that is also incompetent."
"Everybody loves a good Chase sequence but this one was a little anticlimactic as an employee casually jogged up to the truck grabbed the stolen goods and walked away forcing the thief to drive off empty-handed."
"The criminal's terrible choice of getaway vehicle is pretty embarrassing but incredibly he isn't the only Thief who was spoiled by a pickup truck."
"This criminal from Belleville Illinois decided to hold up a gas station he had the bright idea of wearing a mask unfortunately his choice in Disguise left a lot to be desired as he walked into the store and robbed the cashier with a see-through plastic bag over his head."
"This thief from Melbourne Australia attempted to break into a bookstore as the burglar's backpack gets caught in the store's door he struggles with it for a considerable amount of time pulling with all of his strength before realizing he can just take it off."
"Presumably the local police spent a good few minutes laughing at Jesse over the phone before heading to the scene and discovering him trapped in the chimney completely covered and soot."
"...if you put a cab driver in charge of nasa, if you put me in charge of the heart surgery wing at the mayo clinic, a lot of [__] will take place when you have something somebody in charge of something that has absolutely no experience knowledge or idea what they're doing."
"'You can get a really long way with the argument that every single institution that governs American life is run by absolute [__] numbskulls who have no idea what they're doing.'"
"Have you ever been given a job, but you didn't really know what you were doing? Well, that's nothing compared to the exploits of Ferdinand Waldo deera."
"It's kind of comical when you're supposed to be the acting secretary and you can't answer a question."
"I don't think he knows how to use it."
"This thing sucks because you don't know how to do it. I'm not good at bad things."
"I think the financial crisis was a particularly important moment when the elites, both financial and political, were exposed for their incompetence."
"They mastered space flight but they can't get through a wooden door."
"The problem is not only a quarrel with him, but that George's abilities are simply terrible, he is the shame of the entire treasury."
"That's the real issue here. They just can't count."
"Weaponized incompetence: when someone purposefully does something bad to avoid doing it again."
"I can only imagine that’s for one of two reasons. One is they’re desperately incompetent or — and which I think is the more likely reason — they’ve been paid off."
"We've given control of the country to people who don't know anything."
"If I could sum up this film in one word, it would be incompetent. This is one of the most incompetent animated films that I have ever seen."
"Moments like this... reflect on how far it's devolved and how truly unqualified these people were to attempt a show like this."
"Showing incompetence isn't the problem. It's when that incompetence becomes the overall driving force of entire real-life institutions and events."
"Incompetence is often more destructive than outright malevolence."
"Never attribute to malice what you can to incompetence."
"Yelling like crazy to the server, 'You can't do your job! Maybe I should go in the kitchen and cook the omelette myself!'"
"'This movie really takes that to heart. The only reason Dr. Doom is able to accomplish anything in this movie is because the good guy stupidity allows him to. It's fascinating how much he is able to get away with simply because no one can be bothered to stop him.'"
"John seriously was not only a complete jerk but he was also awful at his job."
"Thank God she sucks at beer pong."
"Henchman is quite dull, doesn’t know how to read a room, such as trying to get King Dice’s autograph when The Devil is angry at him."
"I'm very, very bad at sports. I don't know anything about sports."
"...it's got some good ideas but it certainly has no idea what it's doing."
"They're just a little panicked they're just terrible driver never mind keep moving."
"The film is not just bad but bafflingly incompetent and totally oblivious to the point of unintentional comedy."
"The recent example of the Uvaldi school shooting showed the incompetence of the police."
"It's hard to believe that there has been anyone so ill-equipped for high office."
"That's somebody behind a desk who doesn't really know what they're talking about."
"My name's Eric and I'm an alcoholic and I don't know how to do this at all really."
"Desperate to get their one ship back the Zentradi send in a fleet of a million ships and when that fails, a fleet of exactly 4.8 million ships. That's right, they're that bad at their jobs."
"They sucked at being evil together."
"Frank, the guy who's mentally incompetent."
"And then the police leave their vehicle to check on him and he manages to steal the van. Not the smartest cops."
"Hardly Working is one of the worst, most incompetent, most chaotically constructed comedies that I've ever seen."
"They had a room full of mail and packages from the states that they never delivered."
"There is a degree of incompetence that is truly frightening and a degree of unrealism that is truly staggering."
"The defense won this case because of the terrible jury that heard it and the incredible incompetence of the prosecutors, not because of anything special at all done by the main lawyers for the defense."
"The incompetence of the prosecution."
"He didn't know what he was doing basically."
"Empathy is masking incompetence on an organizational level."
"Hillary Clinton just ran an incompetent presidential campaign and she lost the presidency to a [__] grabbing game show host."
"The rip-offs, the insanity, the incompetency."
"The thing you find is the entities we're sort of giving these credentials to do a terrible job keeping secrets."
"The reign of James II was defined by his utter ineptitude and tone-deaf approach to his subjects."
"They were just opening and closing, not even trying."
"You're only VIP if it stands for volcanically incompetent climber."
"He's actually just awful at doing what he does what he loves."
"Lockhart demonstrated an ineptitude...floundered throughout the entire practice duel."
"We knew that they were screwing the pooch."
"And then there's these two screw-ups who somehow conned their way onto the team."
"I found Prince of Space! His power apparently lies in his choosing incompetent enemies."
"I thought I can't think of one man who could [__] up a move three times in a row and by the time he's done get it moreover as dating ovations."
"This is how they know the empire's gonna fall: violence is the last refuge of the incompetent."
"Just the sheer incompetence of this"
"There's nothing worse than when somebody who thinks they should be in charge actually gets in charge those people are the worst."
"She essentially took herself out of the fight as well as taking the frigate out with this idiotic ram."
"Big Music Festival um I had Mike Peru he was the commentator who was he knew nothing about the sport he knew nothing about the athletes there was only three kiwis riding."
"The scariest people in the world are that don't know how to do it."
"Not since Jimmy Carter if we had a president this incompetent."
"We're no good at this. We don't know what we're doing."
"Thank you so much for all the support on that roof video. It is disturbing that people just feel comfortable like stealing from me or trying to take advantage of me and just doing like such an incompetent job."
"All of which ministerial fumblings bring us embarrassingly to the end of the round."
"The government is weak, incompetent, and divided."