
Promise Fulfillment Quotes

There are 51 quotes

"I kept my promise, recognized the true capital of Israel, and opened the American Embassy in Jerusalem."
"Adaru then realized that she had been working really hard lately so to keep his promise from before he was going to gift her a small part of the reward."
"He intends to deliver on the promises he made."
"Donald Trump is not a politician, he's a builder. He delivers on what he says he will do."
"Their camaraderie and fulfill their promise."
"It really is part of our civic duty to ensure that the people that we elect into office actually make good on the promises that they made during the election."
"He's actually fulfilled more promises than he made and I have."
"System Shock is going to be completed and all our promises fulfilled."
"He's kept every promise he can make to the American people, and he's got my full support."
"No one knows what's happening, I'm pretty sure I'm certain that is actually just whales trying to push the prices back down."
"We're going to be judged by whether or not we live up to the promises we made."
"The difference between the fulfillment of a promise and only having a partial release is literally the quality of your attitude and approach to the word that God has spoken."
"I believe these days the Holy Spirit is closing the gap between promise and fulfillment."
"We preach to you the good news of the promise made to the fathers, that God has fulfilled this promise to our children, and that he raised up Jesus as it is also written in the second Psalm, 'You are my son, today I have begotten you.'"
"We're not just working, we're making every promise come true."
"Tyson Fury delivered on everything he said he would."
"What does it mean to me that the fan community has sort of risen up demanding this version? Well, I only think that because of the promise I've made them over the course of the two other movies."
"By putting on a show, he not only fills his promise but earns his surname in the process."
"You've kept your promise to the American people."
"Fulfilling promises: 'I said I was gonna do this, I'm doing it.'"
"Every single element is going to be fulfilled."
"I always love it when a skill delivers on its promise."
"If you promise something and you give it then it becomes huge agreed."
"Trump plans to continue delivering upon his past promises."
"Rocket Lab is constantly making improvements, fulfilling promises, and doing great things."
"Thank you for breathing life into what once seemed as a dead promise."
"Real action that's we've taken, real promises that we've kept and real results that we delivered."
"Maybe they could just deliver what they promised... that would give some Redemption to this Fiasco."
"Life is winning in America because you and this president kept your promises from the very beginning."
"Trust in me as I will lead you to a place where all my promises bloom."
"You've kept your promise and helped everyone recover, the hope rises."
"Epic Games have kept their promise." - Clumbos are making a comeback!
"We will pay for their counseling today and we will honor a commitment that we made then that we didn't realize fell apart and broke."
"I try to aim for a 100 hit rate where when I announce something to you guys it actually ends up happening."
"It's just important to make sure someone delivers on their promises, and if they don't, then I mean, we need to hold them accountable, right?"
"Prayer is the place where God's promises become our reality, where God forms us into agents of heaven and on Earth, where God reforms the world around us into another kingdom."
"When you put action to your faith, God watches his word and fulfills his promise."
"When we gave the money to women for their education, a lot of them came back and fulfilled on the promise."
"He actually delivers on those promises."
"It's definitely delivering what it promises in regards to scalability when it comes to data."
"The Lord has proclaimed you to be His special people, just as He promised you."
"God marked me at such a young age and despite everything that I had walked through, God was so faithful to fulfill his promise."
"I promised you rain, and I delivered."
"We got what you promised, so we did our job."
"I promised to build a brand new beautiful big house for you."