
Accidental Discovery Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"Social isolation is a difficult thing to study in a lot of conditions and we stumbled onto it by complete accident."
"The microwave oven may have been a benchmark of 1950s nuclear energy-based technology, but did you know that it was also the result of one of history's greatest boredom-induced accidents?"
"That accident actually led to the discovery of his heart condition."
"In 1889, workers were busy digging a well for water in Nampa, Idaho, little did they know they were about to stumble upon something fascinating."
"You've most definitely heard of penicillin before this medicine is an extremely effective antibiotic that is derived from a mold known as penicillium."
"The original Dead Sea Scrolls are said to have been found completely by accident by a sheep herder in some caves near the Dead Sea of Israel."
"An accidental discovery from the Hubble Telescope has revealed a new galaxy right beside us."
"Archaeologists working in Egypt recently discovered a giant statue submerged underneath groundwater inside of a slum in Cairo completely by accident."
"These arctic sponges are strange life forms that were found totally by accident on a boulder beneath the ice."
"The Terracotta Army is one of the most significant archaeological finds of all time, discovered completely by accident."
"The dwarves discovered the cave by accident when they were mining."
"Let the process begin and let me tell you I think I've accidentally stumbled across a really genius strategy here."
"Life was much more creative than we had ever thought ... discovered by accident."
"Or there might be a space-faring civilization which understandably communicates with its own crafts. It's entirely possible that something else out there in the galaxy might eventually detect these signals purely by accident..."
"Pop Rocks were discovered by two chemists at the General Foods lab while they were trying to design an instant soft drink in the 60s."
"As soon as you stop looking for your keys, like, there are my keys."
"It's funny, my journey into finding an energy healing profession out of being a software engineer was kind of an accident."
"Some random stone in her garden is actually an artifact dated to the 2nd century A.D. and is valued at somewhere around twenty thousand dollars."
"These 16-year-old kids from Westerville, Ohio accidentally invented an entire genre."
"Fishermen found his belongings including his ID floating in the water."
"Just to look at how many people have discovered incredible finds purely by accident actually that sounds like fun let's do."
"It's every video game nerd's dream accidentally finding a buried trove of unsold video game cartridges consoles and computers."
"Easily one of the most famous accidental discoveries in history the terracotta army was also one of the biggest."
"The concept of a tea bag was born right there out of a mistake."
"It is unclear exactly what these workers were searching for when they accidentally unearthed the aluminum wedge of ayud."
"Scientists accidentally grew a chicken with the face of a dinosaur."
"Exposing corruption could be a complex and accidental affair."
"Lewis inadvertently invents apartments.com, Zillow, and Airbnb."
"Yung Deon accidentally unlocked a new skill; it was like the first time he knew what it felt like to be able to rip anything apart."
"Hey there web flute is super sticky. Don't touch it, learned it the hard way."
"The cemetery itself was found by accident during the construction of a new bypass."
"That sat in the sun on a roof, that's like accidentally tripping and finding plutonium."
"Nintendo accidentally left many music preview files in the version 2.1.0 update allowing us to identify multiple unreleased courses."
"The pacemaker: one mistake that would save many lives."
"Did you know that penicillin was discovered completely by accident in 1928?"
"An 11-year-old accidentally invented ice pops."
"It is not often that I'll come across a monster of song creatures spoken of in the hymns of the colossals religious texts by accident."
"This simple mechanical mistake ended up becoming the pacemaker, which has since saved the lives of countless people."
"Fleming's rush to take his vacay wound up producing one of the most important antibiotics of the last century."
"Original Jackson Pollock painting found in a thrift shop."
"I just happened to let the YouTube run one day while doing dishes and it was your channel Steve but your video was over and another started."
"You'll know when it breaks, this is yellow and you'll see in fact I got these rags here from stepping on the floor where it shot."
"It's possible that you accidentally ventured into Caled while exploring..."
"Evolution itself is a process of mistakes... that every now and then lead to something special."
"We may have, through completely just completely inadvertently, this might be one of the greatest boons to humanity of all time."
"What this guy really had just done was uncovered the ancient subterranean city of Derinkuyu all whilst doing a little home improvement."
"The way NO release helps with erectile dysfunction was discovered completely by accident, not by him."
"I think it actually is fundamentally better than anything else I've seen just by accident."
"So this was a way that we could use space efficiently within the religious constraints of the city and it's a method that we discovered completely by accident."
"We accidentally found it. It just comes up on you."
"The microwave oven was invented by accident when Percy Spencer melted a chocolate bar with an active magnetron."
"The way I came up with mine was kind of by accident."
"The microwave was accidentally invented after a researcher walked by a radar tube and a chocolate bar melted in his pocket."
"I accidentally read Six of Crows and my life just exploded."
"Dr. Vaughn switched to using topical anesthesia for cataract surgery after an accidental discovery."
"I solved it by complete accident."
"I stumbled upon the solution by absolute accident."
"...it was kind of an accident, a happy accident."
"Bell Labs accidentally discovered radio astronomy and then told the guy who did it to shut up and work on telephones."
"We've accidentally found a gorgeous little beach bar."
"Some of the best recipes happen by accident."
"Sometimes getting lost makes you discover lots of places."
"I kind of tell people I got into security by accident."
"We accidentally reversed my 91-year-old mother's type 2 diabetes without even knowing it was possible."
"Sometimes incredible treasures and astonishing artifacts even turn up by accident."
"This accidental discovery would turn out to be one of the most significant medical breakthroughs in human history."
"I sort of stumbled into it, and then sort of fell headlong into it."
"You would wind up serving God more accidentally than you ever have on purpose before."
"The dish is called Crepe Suzette. It was created by a happy accident for the Prince of Wales."
"This is the fossil we accidentally made when the kids threw a vertebrae from the neighbor's dead animal that they killed, they threw in our pond one time and the next spring it was a fossil, which is pretty neat."