
Informed Decision Quotes

There are 154 quotes

"The biggest con out there is 'Hey, just vote.' No, don't just vote, make an informed vote."
"You deserve the right to make an educated choice about your health."
"I'm glad they're going to study it and make an informed decision rather than just a reactionary one."
"And the next time you go out shopping for a new TV, hopefully now, you’ll know better."
"It's okay to change your mind if new information comes to light."
"I actually do want to know the specs and then I want to know the price and the pros and cons and all that nitty-gritty stuff."
"This is about wanting people to be informed about the health decisions they are making for themselves."
"No child can actually choose this path they don't have the psychological and emotional formation required to make an informed decision about fundamentally altering their identities."
"We should give women all of the information."
"Misinformation takes away our freedom to make informed decisions."
"Informed and enthusiastic consent is the preferred consent."
"If you test them under some sort of bottleneck scenario or you don't look at those edge cases that Tim talked about then you don't have all the information you can't make an informed decision."
"If people are debating whether they should take it, have a conversation with your doctor."
"There's definitely something to say about following your heart and taking action like that, but even then, it's still definitely important to make an informed decision."
"If you don't have the information how could you possibly make an educated decision?"
"Signing up to such ideologies needs to be a matter of informed consent."
"The worst thing for a cult is actually knowing what they sell before you buy it."
"Transparency allows fans to make informed decisions about their favorite bands."
"Viewers can only make their own minds up if they're given all the available facts."
"Vaccine hesitancy is legitimate. You should do your research and gather information from reliable sources before you put anything into your body."
"There's nothing wrong with doing your own research but if you do your own research on the COVID vaccine or on mask wearing you'll arrive at the dominant position because that's where the research leads. Simple as that."
"Listen to the doctors, listen to people who actually know."
"Individuals should make informed choices about their own healthcare."
"As Christians, we should be very informed by our faith when we vote."
"This is one of those instances where you should be basing the purchase on the aggregate of the data not a one-off."
"Be informed, have informed consent about what they're getting into."
"My brother bought shares because he did his own research."
"Study this out in detail from several different sides before you come down hard on a side."
"It's their body, their choice. If their parents or anyone is pressuring them, let them live with that and take it up with them later. It's none of our business how others choose to live their lives."
"To me, it's more about education, give more information and then let people make their own decision."
"The average citizen has a right to say he or she should be given the opportunity to make an informed choice."
"I would strongly advise all of you guys watching to look into this very closely and do your research."
"Let's look at the solutions, let's look at exactly what's happening, let's inform ourselves."
"Don't let people scare you out of a medication that your doctor agrees is the right decision for you and your body."
"People are gonna do that. This is so different because there is intelligence about this drug and the intelligence tells us: don't take it for this."
"Be informed, make sure you do your research."
"Use your mind use your eyes do your reading understand the science understand the data and then formulate your opinion and move forward don't just you know take it for what it's worth especially if it is leading through fear."
"The solution is to listen to macro voices every single week, and do exactly what Eric's done by taking all of this intellect absorbing it and making your own decisions from there."
"We're hoping that with this information people can make that better decision."
"Please do your homework research before you do something complicated with your body."
"If you're on the fence, I would wait a little bit, see how the game ends up getting developed and changed and then hop in."
"Transparency matters. Before diving into any 'opportunity,' do your research and demand clear, accessible information."
"Chartering catamarans before buying: essential for informed decisions."
"FOMO will lead you into financial disaster. Do your homework, do your research, don't just dive in."
"Do your research before you commit to some medical procedure."
"Follow the science and you can have that view."
"I think it's incredibly important to get the most informed picture of what information you're consuming."
"I think people are better served with having all the information."
"If you make the decision to go and get it, then you should be informed. You should have all the relevant information."
"Only you armed with the right knowledge can make the best decision for your child."
"You should always know what you're buying. Do your research. Don't just go out there and buy randomly."
"Regardless of what side of the issue you find yourself supporting, the important thing is we try to stay as objectively informed as possible."
"I just want everybody to hear the arguments from both sides and then competent individuals to be able to listen to both sides and come to their own reasonable conclusions."
"The best approach generally with these things is to have a range of news sources."
"I want you to be as informed as you can before you consider purchasing the Braun Series 9."
"Just let people make conformed decisions about their own bodies."
"You're going to have to look at the reviews and the benchmarks for what you plan to use it for."
"Instead of giving you a generic blanket statement to never use combination products, I want to make sure you are correctly informed about how to use it and you know the consequences for misusing it. Then you can decide for yourself what is best."
"But I do think it's really, really important that you're making the decision about having an induction at 39 weeks or seeing what happens in your pregnancy with the right information."
"...helps make a more informed decision so you know it'll fit your needs."
"Knowledge is power. We want you to go into the dealership knowing what you want and certainly not overpaying."
"Stream it first. Use streaming to your advantage to see if you like it before you make a purchase."
"Put a little research in things before you buy them to make sure you know what in the world you're gonna do with it when you get it."
"For those of you seriously considering buying this tent, this longer video is definitely the one to watch."
"Our patients can have discussions with their Physicians about the pros and cons of the therapies that they have at hand, be well informed, and make their decisions for themselves based on these data."
"I hope you guys really get to get some insight on these I will leave links down to every single one of these broadheads so you can make an informed decision on whether to buy it or not and use it out in the woods for your next hunting adventure."
"So I think, if enough data is presented to the patient, they can make a good educated decision."
"I'm here to help you make an informed decision for your pet not based on fear or misleading marketing."
"It's about explaining it to the customer and letting customer make their own informed choice. It's a benefit to them."
"Patients should be informed to make decisions about their health."
"Patients should have access to information to make informed decisions."
"Our goal is not to sell you a trailer but to help you make an informed purchasing decision."
"We now have more information, we know what Brexit means, there's more that we know the implications of it."
"You can't just vote for the president, you really got to research."
"If you care about truly an informed choice, if you care about the truth, if you care about transparency, then you should care about every pregnant woman having access to free sonograms."
"I just want you to know the differences between them so you can make a better informed decision."
"A people's vote would be the first opportunity for people to vote on the facts, not on the fantasy."
"I encourage people to do their homework, I encourage people to make the decisions that work for them."
"It's a purchase that you really want to understand what you're buying and make sure that it's right for you."
"Here at Treadmill Review Guru, we try to provide you information that helps you make an informed buying decision."
"Gather good evidence-based information and weigh the risks of one more poke to the benefits of protecting your baby against vitamin K deficiency bleeding."
"If you understand some basic concepts of what you can find inside an overdrive pedal, you can really make an educated decision."
"You have to get educated, especially if you are planning on going directly to the seller or directly to the listing agent."
"Is this information that people should know before they decide to give their life, their time, their marriage, their children, and their eternities to a church?"
"This isn't meant to be 'oh here's a tuning, here's a guitar, here's a string gauge'... this is why you need that string gauge, just to get a little bit of a better understanding so you can make a more informed decision for yourself."
"The most important part as a patient is that you make an informed decision."
"Really do your research on the content management systems and play with them."
"Explicit consent means well informed, free, freely given, and in the form of opt-in."
"This is not one to just dive into completely blind, you got to make sure you kind of know what you're in for here."
"Hopefully by the end, you will have all the information you need to make an informed decision that meets your own personal needs for your own watercolor sketchbook or journal."
"If you're going to spend that kind of money, I want to make sure you have the information that you need to make an educated decision."
"I'm glad that I actually have the data to go by now and I'm not guessing like I was before."
"Car Vertical is, in my opinion, the ultimate tool for finding the right used car."
"Best to hear it for yourself, make a decision, make a properly informed decision rather than maybe guessing."
"When you purchase an annuity, there is a right to examine or a free look period which is usually between 10 to 30 days."
"I hope that this video does help you in making your buying decision a bit easier or has made you a better informed owner."
"Be aware of what the factors are, what is causing the market to move, and then just be stoic about it, but be an informed stoic."
"It's important that you do your research to figure out which way aligns best with your theology and the way you want to see your state and country represented."
"It's much better to be very clear and honest about what we do and don't know, what the risks and benefits are, and allow people to make decisions for themselves."
"We just want you to be informed and feel good and empowered about your pregnancy journey, your birth, having a newborn."
"Let's have full transparency about what's really happening so people can make informed decisions in their life."
"I just want people to be informed and make the best decisions for themselves."
"Knowing your options for pain control, both non-pharmacological and pharmacological, will help you have the best experience possible during labor and delivery."
"Whenever you see a video like that and you're not familiar with it, just do a little bit of research to see if it's actually something worth buying."
"People interested in these products deserve information, absolutely, but they deserve and should demand that information in context."
"The obvious piece of advice is that you should never sign a contract that you didn't read or you don't understand."
"You're going to be fully informed and so you can be as effective as possible when you make this choice."
"Always get a second opinion; always do your research so you're very informed before you make that decision."
"If you're just looking for an Airbnb, do your homework."
"Conscience must be informed and moral judgment enlightened."
"You're educated on what you're buying."
"I like to research something before I purchase it."
"It's really important that you do your research and so that you can ensure that when you're buying the car you're buying it fully informed."
"The vast majority of people who used to be in an MLM left for a good reason and are happy to say, 'Yeah, that's a scam.'"
"Not to discourage you from getting started but really just to give you a few more data points so you can make an informed decision."
"First things first, do your research. Don't sign up to anything you're not willing to commit to."
"And then from there, you can really make an educated choice on what are the perfect boxing gloves for you."
"Our focus is on giving you all the information you need to make an informed selection."
"Giving you information like that to help you make an educated decision for your hard-earned money, that's what I want to do here today."
"Reading the label and material safety data sheet of the pesticides to be considered will help you make the right decisions."
"You deserve to know everything when it comes to making your purchasing decision."
"Without this information, you cannot make an informed decision."
"I want to know the pros and the cons about the bag, the durability, wear and tear, and all those things so that I can make a good educated purchase."
"Autonomy is usually expressed as the right of a competent adult to make an informed decision about their own medical care."
"I've come to that conclusion because I've taken a look at the evidence myself."
"Statistics is a way of helping you to make informed decisions about hypotheses."
"Make sure you do your research, look at the reviews, watch YouTube videos on the best colored pencils for your budget."
"I'm content with the trade-offs and hopefully I've given you enough information to make your own informed decision."
"Can consenting adults hopefully attempt to make reasonable choices given enough reasonable information?"
"I recommend doing your research, seeing which course works best for your learning style."
"You want to be informed and then for yourself to make your own choice, what would be best given your goals."
"It's to get a clear enough view of the reality of your project so that you can make informed decisions to control your project in order to hit the targets."
"Don't follow your heart until you inform your heart."
"The more information that a customer has, the more comfortable they are in making a purchase."
"If you're working with a customer with a mobile point of sale... you can look at the reviews, look at the ratings, and help them make an informed decision."
"We fully want people to make an educated decision."
"Don't listen to those who have an agenda."
"Make sure that number one, you're informed and your decision... is an informed decision that you're making."
"An informed electorate casting votes is the democratic model."
"If you're well-informed, you just got to make the decision that rings true to you."
"Do your own research at the end of the day to come to your own conclusion."
"Decisions are made by people with the best knowledge overall for the benefit of everyone."
"No sense of making a decision without all the knowledge, is it?"