
Outsider Quotes

There are 96 quotes

"If I don't sound like a typical Washington politician, it's because I'm not a politician."
"He's not of the political establishment. And so he's willing to be a disrupter."
"She's a character who already exists largely outside of wider society and its rules anyway."
"Sometimes solving the mystery will come from an outsider looking in."
"Kate is not a gear nor does she abide by the rules of the COG. She is an outsider, a survivalist that knows how to live off away."
"History's going to show a different side of this, the good guys, the children of light, they just won a round."
"In a world consumed by never-ending conflict, sometimes only an outsider will get the job done."
"Jason Todd is the black sheep of the bat family."
"Embrace the outcast, the creepy and depraved, the bizarre creations not meant for the normal world."
"Our land protects its own. An outsider will find in the Neck an endless morass of suckholes, quicksands, and green grass that looks solid to the unwary eye but turns to water the instant you tread on it."
"There's comedy built into it because not only is he an outsider and he doesn't know how things work, he's got freaking scissors for hands, baby."
"If there's a pattern, it's... an exploration of the outside or the outsider or what's considered the outsider or the underdog or the damaged."
"It's about otherness, it's about somebody who is not invited to the party."
"He was the ultimate outsider, the great white player in a black man's sport, an individualist in a team game."
"Common Rider OOO: Our hero, Eiji, is an out of towner with an incredibly tragic past."
"In an occupation, if you're part of an occupation force, you are the outsider, you are the bull in the china shop, you are the stranger that is tracking mud into that old lady's nice carpeted house."
"Even though he's just an outsider, Luffy is determined to save this country."
"I always felt like an outsider looking in. I never felt like I belonged in a place and I felt like nobody loved me."
"Edward is just such a perfect kind of embodiment of that outsider character, that person who doesn't fit in, that person with a great real purity and kindness and curiosity inside them."
"I felt like an alien because I wasn't from this place."
"Law enforcement is no chance. Outsiders they know have no chance."
"Sometimes I feel like I'm always on the outside."
"Go to the places that you don't usually go to, places that you're probably gonna feel uncomfortable walking in at first because you're gonna feel like you're an outsider."
"Every deal is different and every situation is different. But for me, not coming from politics, not coming from sports, zero social media presence, like no one knows anything about me."
"It's fascinating...there's an obsession with being an outsider...and yet you're not allowed to comment about anything if you are an outsider."
"That's pretty powerful, it was like you said that they all just need something like that outsider coming in."
"Jesus was born outside of the system and died outside of the city."
"I think the outsider part of me is probably the thing that drives my ambition most."
"It totally is more than outlaw, this stuff is outsider."
"It's the most outcast version of Batman we've ever seen."
"When it's yours, right, you take it for granted. If you're an outsider, you're studying it through a different lens."
"He was an outsider for a very long time."
"It's not about being for me. It's about coming out as a gay girl. But for some people it's like, I'm an outsider sitting at my family dinner table. Yeah, there's always a black sheep. You know, I've been the black sheep my whole life."
"He took it to an extreme, a whole new level of 'I'm an outsider.'"
"She's not someone from this world."
"Outcast in the South broke through to a point where people had no other option but to acknowledge them."
"You're the one who doesn't belong here."
"The Catholic church still had monasteries and that what I really wanted to do was go into a monastery and turn my back on modern society, you know the outsider syndrome."
"It's not even like gross or gory I promise it's fine. This book is about a girl named Samantha who goes to New England's Warren University who is an outsider who is extremely repelled by this group of girls called the bunnies."
"Our most popular question every day. It seems that overall sentiment for someone new and outside."
"He was an interloper, he was an alien from another world."
"It’s that guy. We’re looking for the one who doesn’t feel like they’re part of the team."
"I'm not of this system I'm out of this world I'm an alien"
"They're the castaways. They're from another planet."
"He's the radical outsider who becomes the political insider."
"He was the underdog bucking the system, an outsider who became a star by his own force of will."
"You're an outsider, and I know just how that feels."
"I think the researchers and the outside public and people who are not that's that thing of when you see the difference between an Insider and an outsider I think all the Insiders know."
"An outsider who craved admittance to worlds that seemed designed to exclude him."
"She's treated in public like royalty although many close to the royal family see her as an outlaw, an inconvenient woman."
"I don't think I felt I was an imposter because I felt I wasn't talented. But I did feel very much an outsider, and I did wonder, 'Do I really have as much talent as I hope I have?'"
"It sometimes requires an outsider, a fresh perspective, to make you see what you have already got."
"Our first impression of Randy is that he’s a dork and a little bit of an outsider."
"The outsider is a man who sees too deeply and too much."
"The view the people around you and your family and like friends and like yeah family yeah even family even friends like they don't understand and that can be a challenge because they make you can make you feel like an outsider that's for sure."
"Your portrayal of Tracy in that character stands for every outsider."
"Eve then says thank you and talks about how she is an outsider but is being treated so well."
"Arendt is a part of the Canon and yet she's an outsider to the Canon."
"Outsider status is incredibly useful if you would like to play any sort of middle man role."
"Outsider pressure groups have to rely quite heavily on the media to get their message across."
"For anyone who has ever felt like an outsider, it was the perfect show for the year 1964."
"...I come from a Jewish community in London in North London so I feel quite often an outsider in kind of English to England..."
"She was rebellious and an outsider from the beginning."
"Pam might seem like an outsider, but she doesn't just adapt, she thrives."
"I always felt a little bit like an outsider."
"However few people set out to be writers and this ambition coupled with his special talents of observation and powers of description resulted in Hawthorne being and feeling very much an outsider in his own society."
"There's nothing Philly about me, but maybe that's why it works."
"To be an outsider seemed to me to be very, very attractive."
"I think people do want the political Outsider; they don't want an establishment guy."
"It was the kind of small town local restaurant where everyone knows everybody else, making me something of an oddball."
"He's the outsider, and Outsiders... they're likely to get harassed by the local people."
"They are the most powerful metaphor for the outsider I ever encountered."
"You guys are the outcasts, the divine outcast, and because of it, it has helped you cultivate your wisdom."
"This is the story of an outsider, this is the story of an immigrant, this is the story of somebody trying to figure out who he is."
"Sometimes these guys that are not part of that world and get into it late are the guys that actually hold it down."
"I'm not saying that Sandy is a robot, but I am saying that she is an outsider who is constantly being underestimated."
"I think we all feel like outsiders to some extent, and I think it's a blessing to feel like an outsider in a way."
"She's always felt like an outsider."
"For although Nepenthe has calmed me, I know always that I am an outsider."
"He was embraced by the community but he was also outside of the community."
"Everybody can relate in some way to that feeling of being an outsider."
"He views her as an outcast, but she is a fighter, she is a scrapper, and he loves her mentality."
"We don't welcome outsiders," the innkeeper's words surprised Suchan greatly.
"Feeling like an outsider... maybe it enables you to bring fresh ideas, maybe it enables you to not get caught up in the way things always had been done and shift things to the way they can be done."
"It's often the moral foreigner who comes in with something wise to say."
"It's a beautiful movie about acceptance of being an outsider."
"An outsider that wants to work outside of the system will not succeed."
"Before you can become an Insider, you need to be an outsider."