
Positive Reviews Quotes

There are 53 quotes

"Reviews for the game remained generally positive, with familiar praise for the game's story and gameplay coupled with compliments for the gorgeous visual upgrade."
"It received generally positive reviews from critics, breaking several pandemic box office records."
"Resident Evil 7 was met with good reviews all round making a return to form for the classic survival horror franchise."
"This event is very, very cool... one of the best events they've ever done."
"We're not embarrassed by the reviews because they're awesome."
"It's a moment so epic you cannot help but rate this show strong."
"Fantastic reviews all around, 91% very positive on Steam."
"I have looked quite closely at real-world examples of this system and there has only been very good feedback."
"Almost 3,000 reviews and not one single negative review."
"We do not spend anywhere near enough time talking about the games that we actually do like."
"Overwhelmingly extremely positive Impressions so far on this game."
"Kingdom Hearts 2 received highly positive reviews."
"This raid just doesn't have a single bad encounter."
"Destiny 2 was well received by reviewers and the community."
"Everybody loves bug snacks... proved to be an amazing game when it was finally released."
"Devil May Cry 4 was met with positive reviews, with many praising the improved graphics, tight controls, and well-crafted story..."
"Redout 2... got a surprise delay... reviews for it though are generally favorable."
"Luckily, the extremely positive reviews for Logan meant that he ended his tenure."
"Probably gonna be really good. Beastars. I've heard a lot of good things about it."
"Aliens: Fire Team Elite is way better than I was expecting it to be."
"The game received positive reviews from critics, who praised the combat style, randomized level design, weapons and items."
"Well, I gotta say guys, we got some pretty outstanding and glowing reviews from our customers today."
"Cinderella got some of the best reviews of my career and I am immensely proud of it."
"Critics applauded the arcade-style gameplay with huge open levels to explore and fun weapons and items to discover."
"I just want to ride this thing all day long, which is the biggest compliment I can give it."
"I haven't heard a single person who's ridden this attraction get off and say I didn't really like it or I was disappointed."
"Portal Racer's excellency should be celebrated." - Boulder Paper Shotgun
"The First Reactions are out and they are Stellar."
"Valheim has sold 3 million units and it's still sitting at 96 positive rating on Steam."
"Everybody that I've talked to has said they sound really good."
"I'm actually so excited, I've heard fantastic things about this lounge."
"...what's said about this place is overwhelmingly positive."
"I've heard a lot of good things about this book as well."
"He received positive reviews for his performance."
"I've been super super excited to see it, I've heard really good things."
"Starman got far better reviews and even landed an Academy Award nomination."
"I'm so excited. This movie is gonna be so good. I have heard nothing but amazing things about it."
"It's now been one month since Qriket Media Reads published our first book, Mobility by Lydia Kiesling, and not only did it make the bestseller list, it also received amazing reviews."
"It's got very good write-ups from what I'm looking at here."
"I heard fantastic things about this."
"If you make an effort to collect reviews and provide an incentive to leave a review, chances are they will leave a four to five star review."
"Everybody that has it really raves about how good it is."
"Everything I've heard about this was really good."
"I've heard really fantastic things about the sequel."
"I've heard nothing but good things about this cleanser."
"I just can't wait for it and I feel like it's gonna be just super cute and I've only heard amazing things."
"Princess Polly is one of those brands that I've heard so many people say so many good things about."
"I am thoroughly enjoying how many things I've positively reviewed today."