
Law And Order Quotes

There are 152 quotes

"Without Law and Order, you have chaos. You have anarchy."
"When you have law and order on your streets...economic activity starts happening, people start getting happier."
"Law and order with justice where people are treated fairly."
"We are going to restore the rule of law in the United States."
"Liberal democracy is really hard. Persuading a country of 300 plus million people that is incredibly diverse that we all got to hang together and follow laws and let each other say things that we hate, um, that's really hard."
"Our nation is a law as a nation of law and order, and violence is never the path we should pursue to create effective change."
"Decline is a choice, and we have a binary choice: do we want law and order, do we want people to flourish?"
"Lady Justice is usually depicted with three iconic accessories: the scale, the sword, and the blindfold."
"You cannot allow mob rule to take over the rule of law and law and order."
"A fair system of law and order and police reforms automates responses to fascism, street style fascism, revanchism, obscurantism."
"For most Americans who care about law and order, it is deeply problematic to have individuals working in the FBI who are sympathizers of January 6th insurrectionists."
"We chose facts over fear. We chose education over indoctrination. We chose law and order over rioting and disorder."
"That's why we used to shoot looters, not because we hated them, but in order to defend the foundation of all that we have, which is private property secured by law."
"Restoring Law and Order is Paramount as our cities descend into chaos."
"If police raid a place and there's a load of drugs there."
"There is still some semblance of constitutional government. There's still some semblance of law and order."
"I'm pretty sure that we all agree on some level that society functions best when we all cooperate with some basic rule of law"
"We are disciplined in fighting this COVID. We are disciplined in having our right to protest, but doing it peacefully and in a way that respects law and order."
"A good strong law and order system in a nation is kind of a prerequisite for a thriving society."
"People need to know that there's still some kind of law in this city." - Renee Montoya
"I'm not a fan of blocking off roads I'm not a fan of violating the law but that is not a principle for the democrats it only depends on what your cause is."
"We have to be about law and order, otherwise you're going to see your cities burn."
"That's what it means to respect the rule of law. That's what it means to seek elective office in our democracy."
"If we don't impose law and order, it's going to be back to Fear City."
"As Democrats, we need to embrace law and order in a compassionate, empathetic way."
"Don't hasten the day. Enjoy rule of law. Protect it, and don't seek violence."
"Making the argument the system itself is responsible right now for too many black people looting Louis Vuitton is ridiculous," Shapiro said. "It's ridiculous on its face and it ends with more crime and more people being harmed."
"Socialism works when you have the golden rule of law and order and everybody contributes."
"America without the rule of law is no longer America."
"The law and order perspective, first introduced during the peak of the civil rights movement by rabid segregationists, had become nearly hegemonic two decades later."
"It's not a good thing but think about how many societies, how many empires, how much World change was enacted just because people wanted Law and Order."
"No one is above the law and all actions have consequences."
"We need to get back to a real tangible consequence-led sort of society."
"There is a primary and fundamental role for government: to stop aggression of one individual against another."
"Dark times where the law has been reduced to rubble."
"A nation without laws without following its laws without borders isn't a nation at all."
"The Democrats stand for crime, corruption, and chaos. Republicans stand for law, order, and justice."
"We need to choose law and order over rioting and disorder."
"The importance of Law and Order and where we are in this historical moment is really symbolized though in that Trump mug shot and the reaction to the mug shot."
"Law and order, the first-hand beneficiary is woman folks."
"We cannot forget about victims there has to be a deterrent if you're going to have laws and we're going to arrest people if there is no deterrent what are we doing."
"I'm kind of torn on this because while I don't necessarily support vigilante justice, I think if we went down that road, it would just be chaos all day long on the streets."
"We the People must decide whether we're going to sustain a republic where reality is accepted, the law is obeyed, and your vote is truly sacred."
"The woke have gone crazy, we need Law and Order."
"You know, rules are rules and the law is the law."
"If there are no shared laws, there is no nation."
"We are very proud that we are a Law and Order State."
"This is not peaceful protesting. This is criminal activity."
"The key to order is law; order brings success."
"We believe in law and order. We support the men and women of law enforcement, and we stand with the citizens in every city, and every community, and every part of our country who wish to live in safety, security, dignity, and peace."
"We're standing fast against the assault on our public order and republican order by the left."
"What is the point of being a law-abiding citizen in a country that only rewards criminality?"
"Vote Trump if you want to restore Law and Order in this country."
"The biggest victims of the rioting are peace-loving citizens in our poorest communities, and as their president I will fight to keep them safe." - Trump
"These are not acts of peaceful protest... These are acts of domestic terror." - Trump
"Destroy a country's culture, dilute that culture and make criminals' rights more important than victims' rights."
"Release murderers and rapists... it becomes I don't want to vote for that guy because he's you know Lawless."
"It doesn't matter if you don't think it's fair. That is how it is. A functioning civilized society has rules. You don't get to pick and choose which ones you want to follow."
"We are not going to allow our cities in this state to be in chaos, period!"
"What we need here is a system of Law and Order, facts, and evidence."
"Remember we are the party of Law and Order, respect the law and our great men and women in blue."
"But we're going to talk about how we're going to support law and order, support the men and women of law enforcement and get ready to hear a lot about that next week."
"President Trump has made it clear, we will have law and order in our streets."
"Every society with a better justice system prospers."
"Without law, Commander, there is no civilization." - Colonel Nicholson
"MLK Jr. said: 'I had hoped that the white moderate would understand the Law and Order exists for the purpose of establishing Justice.'"
"Is it that serious? Yeah, breaking the law for me, yeah, it is. I'm a big enough Creator."
"He who is serving the law will be greatest of all."
"You do not get to take a gun, point it at people, and then pull the trigger."
"So is it any surprise that the party that wants to try to claim that this presidential race has been decided is exactly the party that throws law and order out the window in every other context in arena of life?"
"There's got to be a restoration of awe in the nation in the world for law and order."
"It's kind of hard to square the idea of being in favor of law and order if you are not in favor of these, quote, 'process crimes.'"
"People reap what they sow. If you refuse to stand up for law and order, you deserve what happens."
"Domestic terrorists have taken over Seattle run by Radical Left Democrats, of course. Law and order." - Trump
"We can be and we must be a nation of laws and of immigrants and of compassion."
"It's more important to keep law and order in this society than to be worried about weak-kneed people."
"Why do you Democrats always care more about criminals than honest Americans?"
"The political divide... seems to be about people who believe in Law and Order..."
"Transparency, real Law and Order, compassion, empathy, and intelligence."
"We've gotten away with some [ __ ] so I can totally see this group of white people. No, it's our country, it's my Capitol, I can storm and break everything and harm people in there and be fine."
"We don't support violence as conservatives. We believe in law enforcement, law and order, and security."
"House Republicans are proudly the party of Law and Order and we proudly back the blue."
"We're gonna make law and order a centerpiece of the great American comeback."
"Through The Years America has stood as the world symbol for Law and Order."
"Violence, looting, anarchy: not to be tolerated. Plain and simple."
"Republicans are the party of law, order, and life."
"Without law you have no order without order you have no sanity because you can only have a sane society when you have justice."
"Laws are there to protect people... Government is also meant to be there... to protect them in their best interest."
"Say the words, 'law and order,' Joe. Just say the words."
"The events of January 6, 2021, were unprecedented and tragic. They were an attack not only upon the capital and government officials but also an attack on the rule of law."
"I am asking for everyone at the US Capitol to remain peaceful. No violence! Remember, we are the party of Law and Order. Respect the law and our great men and women in blue. Thank you!"
"Without law, there will be chaos and confusion in society."
"Upholding law and order, as well as spreading love, is what's best for the digital world."
"It's like the subplot of a Law and Order Special Victims Unit."
"Once Law and Order is in place the economy will begin to grow because people invest in the country they'll see it's more uh organized they'll see that there is a rule of law and after that jobs will come from that inward investment."
"Law and order exist for the purpose of establishing justice, and when they fail in this purpose, they become the dangerously structured dams that block the flow of social progress."
"Superman, defender of law and order, champion of equal rights, valiant, courageous fighter against the forces of hate and prejudice!"
"People had to fight, even die, to establish the law and order you take for granted today."
"I'm all for strong Law and Order."
"No society can survive without law and order."
"We're just getting started. We will restore law and order on Long Island. We'll bring back justice to the United States."
"Jacob believes in Law and Order but thinks jail should be a place of Rehabilitation instead of punishment."
"Keeping the laws, we find a better way."
"We can create an environment where we can have Law and Order, where we can have a civil society, where people can flourish."
"He's the greatest champion of law and order in the West - he's the Lone Ranger."
"We welcome our guests of high esteem on this day. Give your applause to our keeper of freedom and order, Lawmaster Orentha Stonegrasp."
"We're not really talking very much about welfare and gay marriage, and we would be living in law and order times now."
"If law and order can once be established, our honest hard-working citizens will make California the garden spot of the nation."
"It is important to follow the law because the law is there for a purpose."
"Lawlessness breeds more lawlessness."
"The most important task of the state is to give them the legal protection or law and order."
"Whoever wants to have democracy and the rule of law will see that the maintenance of law and order is by far the most important task of a state."
"I believe in basic law and order, and I believe in borders."
"Across the territory from Yuma to Fort Defiance, from Flagstaff to the Huachucas, and below the border through Chihuahua and Sonora, his name was respected or feared, depending on which side of the law you are on."
"We want law and order and we want to respect everybody."
"Liberty can be realized only within an established state, ready to prevent a gangster from killing and robbing his weaker fellows."
"Every law could be broken, just like there was once an incomparably glorious myth in human civilization where Pangu opened up the heavens and the Earth."
"We are a nation of laws, and we are a nation that tolerates differences of opinion because we have a civilized and a non-violent way of resolving our conflicts."
"Law is the rules of man, but order is the law of the universe."
"We live in a society governed by law; it is not up to anybody to take the law into their own hands."
"Welcome to the Law and Order cinematic universe."
"John Munch is like the Nick Fury of the Law noticed in the universe."