
Economic Status Quotes

There are 101 quotes

"It's not as though Saudi Arabia has run out of money. People are still buying oil."
"People born into wealthy families are more likely to be wealthy; people born into poor families are more likely to be poor."
"Most millionaires are self-made. 68 percent of the wealthiest people in the world were self-made."
"We no longer have a butler or nannies... we're pretty much poor, broke as well."
"Don Vito was part of the .0001 wealth class in America."
"Economically, Chile is one of Latin America’s most advanced nations."
"The only group profiting are very high status men."
"Every single customer that I've had that's ever bought one of these things was a woman who had a lot of money or her husband had a lot of money."
"You don't have to be the rich or the richest to roll in style."
"Usually women like to date or marry guys that are making a little bit more money have a little bit higher education or from a social standpoint are perceived with higher value."
"China is the second largest economy in the world at the moment."
"Our middle class used to be the envy of the developed world."
"Everyone deserves healthcare, no matter your economic status."
"A lot of money, it was a good choice definitely."
"Conservatives that make less than two hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year are simps."
"The UK remains one of the world's major economies."
"Israel is still one of the wealthiest and most advanced economies in the world."
"You have to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars to get something in the Ferrari or Lamborghini range to stop traffic the way this Karma does."
"You know why he has diamonds? Because he makes money."
"We've gone from 1st to 12th in the world in wages... most people are working harder for less money than they were making 10 years ago."
"Even after donating ten percent of your income, you would still be in the top one percent of the world's population."
"Every time a woman says that they need a man in the top 15 top 10 top 5 percent of earners they are telling the rest of me you're not good enough."
"We holders are the new wealthy elite."
"Everything about this one versus Abraham Lincoln's, you can tell the class. Not only in the dough and the ingredients but even how it's molded. Like you gotta have money to have a mold like this."
"One in six people are millionaires just in disposable income."
"Women, regardless of their income, want men who earn more than they do; all across the world, all throughout time, they are attracted to resource and status."
"Texas is the eighth largest economy in the world."
"The top spot as America's richest community."
"People are sitting flush with cash like they've never been."
"We have the best economy in our history, the most prosperity of any country."
"India's richest held a collective $596 billion between them."
"The amount of money these people have can only be described as ridiculous."
"We have a shortage of life-preserving equipment and you're putting out a call-out on gumtree. I thought we were supposed to be a leading economy. This is insane."
"I was always interested in health to some degree when I was poor I couldn't afford to eat healthy."
"China has become the biggest lender in the world."
"Millennials are the first generation to be worse off than their parents."
"It's been a great run for America's richest people, with nearly all of them wealthier than they were a year ago."
"Most of them have quite a bit of cash as well."
"The U.S is the world's leader and to regain in terms of doing very well on a global economic scale." - Mike McGloan
"The privilege that you have in society is not necessarily based on your skin color... If you're wealthy and black in the United States, you're better off than somebody that's poor and white 99% of the time."
"The American middle class is no more is no longer here."
"It's just the billionaires now because Bernie Sanders, he's a millionaire."
"You want to be in the top 20% of the earners in the United States. It will be the only people over the next ten years that are safe, I promise you."
"By 1975, Nauru was per capita the second richest nation on earth."
"If you've got your credit score set up and you've got just a little bit of money, you're the elite."
"Legacy is rising and lineage Rises if your legacy is lost and poverty and theft you're finished, you just finished."
"It allowed me to live what I call the poor man Puffy's lifestyle."
"You must understand that most of the really wealthy people do not work very hard."
"People with a little bit less money but more time are the happiest people."
"Just holding 0.28 bitcoins will put you in the upper one percent of the population."
"We had the greatest economy in the world by far."
"How many people do you know with 100k in their bank account? I'm rich."
"Like oh he does he just makes a lot of money oh that's what he does okay so at least the ones I've talked to it's just it's pretty obvious."
"Light-skinned women were more likely to marry higher-earning partners."
"But the five so-called millionaires in the church, they're poor."
"I grew up really poor and like $180,000 is like so much money to me."
"Most people think they are middle class but most are not and that's costing them a lot of money."
"Having less than one thousand dollars in savings is not a trait associated with the middle class."
"Two cars, a well-furnished single-family home, and regular vacations are all part of an upper middle class income starter pack."
"Some of the best job opportunities in America right now are roles that people associate with the working class."
"That status is becoming hereditary according to studies published by Georgetown University, Pew Research, and Harvard Business Review."
"The US is still very much in the game and the key player."
"Nauru became internationally hailed as the single richest country in the world on a per capita basis."
"Worth three times the value of other golds, only the privileged few can afford it, generations of royals have all worn pure Welsh gold wedding rings. So why is it so special?"
"South Africa is considered to be one of the richer countries."
"China is the second biggest power in the world economically."
"Luxembourg has the second highest per capita income in the world behind Qatar—a small but mighty country."
"The UK is a country with a population of about 60 million and is the sixth largest economy in the world."
"We are in a recession. It's official. Every economic indicator other than unemployment right now is negative."
"Vietnam is the fourth largest textile exporter in the world."
"You can meet a man who's making less than 50k a year who is working his butt off every single day who has a strong work ethic who has great values who has a great future ahead of him."
"Cost living here is 19 percent lower than the national average."
"Your middle class lifestyle is what makes you middle class."
"Breaking more than 50% of all six-figure earners living paycheck to paycheck is an all-time high."
"Richer than the Vanderbilts, the Gettys, or the Rockefellers."
"We live in one of the wealthiest countries in the world."
"There's a lot more to why most Americans are broke."
"Checking accounts are actually stronger up and down the income level than they were in 2019."
"The Australian National economy is pretty flat at the moment, that's the reality of it."
"Black Americans are poorer today than they were when it began."
"Most people don't drive a cheap car because they want to or because they think it's funny."
"...the lens of a class, i.e. economic situation..."
"China stands as the world's second largest economy."
"It has the highest GDP per capita of any country in the world, according to the IMF."
"The upper 20 percentile doing just fine, actually making more money."
"America is the wealthiest country, not just in the world, but in the history of the world."
"Black America is in a worse position now when it comes to the economy than we were two years ago."
"I'm not as rich as you guys I'm only a working man."
"A significant majority of our country may not live below the poverty line, but are still chronically poor and underserved."
"Income elasticity of demand can be positive or negative depending on the type of good."
"We have the lowest debt to GDP ratio in the G7."