
Inspirational Impact Quotes

There are 76 quotes

"This story is like... like an inspirational character comes to the real world, and what happens?"
"What I want written on my gravestone is some combination of, uh, good dad, good husband, and inspirational teacher."
"I think it's your story and I think that it will resonate with other people's stories in a way that it just kinda, it sprouts wings."
"I want to be there when the next icon of indie horror success inspires legions of others."
"You need to prioritize yourself before you prioritize inspiring others."
"LucasArts had many problems but they also inspired a generation."
"Nothing is more powerful than if I find out that you have accomplishments that you're not telling me about."
"Your actions were able to help someone as broad as myself look at the world in a brighter light."
"Sidney Poitier brought us the common tragedy of racism, the inspiring possibility of reconciliation, and the simple joys of everyday life." - Sidney Poitier
"Because of my videos, you moved to Rwanda or you came to visit. We moved, brother. You know how inspirational that is."
"As you get older you start understanding that those things are very superficial things... maybe the important thing is to... inspire somebody else to create their passion."
"Literally, bro, I get messages like hundreds of fans every day telling me how much I've helped them."
"They're putting you into more awareness of your true essence."
"They look at you as a major inspiration for that change."
"Dr. Maya Angelou is beyond the words pioneer."
"I just feel so privileged to be recognized as a face of beauty. I can't imagine what this means for other women who look like me."
"You have no idea how powerful your story can be to someone else who's reading it."
"One of us is all that's needed in one community to spark the fire of other courageous men."
"He inspired me throughout the years. We will miss him, that's for sure. He is a legend. He is number one."
"Webb represents the best of NASA. It maintains our ability to propel us forward for science, for risk-taking, for inspiration."
"Thomas Jefferson was an amazing person who was in Lewis and Clark's lives, and I think he's the kind of guy who anyone would get a lot from and really admire."
"It's not something that lives and dies with one person; it's how can you inspire a person to then in turn inspire another person, and then inspire another person. And that's how you create something that I think lasts forever."
"This person is truly bringing enlightenment with them. Very cool. Aries Leo Pisces Scorpio coming in."
"Our personal testimonies can definitely help others."
"I don't think a day goes by where I don't get a message from somebody saying that they were inspired by our show to go into medicine."
"They see you as having this really powerful and positive effect on people, and they look up to you as an inspiration."
"Motivation and inspiration are more important than information and compliance."
"Somebody's breakthrough may start with hearing your testimony."
"I've had people tell me like I've helped them overcome depression because they've gotten into reading."
"Leading by example is very powerful for them."
"This has been I don't know how somebody could bring so much light different vampires but you have done it Chris."
"Showing that the image didn't just bolster spirits but saved lives."
"You guys are inspirational to a lot of people, a dream come true."
"Even if you couldn't visually witness it, witnessing something like that just the awe of it, the words fail me. It's breathtaking, it's inspiring, it's a movement of change. You just feel it."
"You're literally inspiring tens of millions of people."
"You having wealth does not take away from other people having wealth. In fact, the more wealth you make, the more you inspire people around you to make wealth."
"It brightens up their day like they got through something because they had inspirational content like this."
"Watching you has made me better, more confident in myself."
"Let's get into the real inspirational figure of the franchise."
"He transforms ordinary lives and makes them trophies of his grace."
"You heal, inspire, teach, and entertain with your words."
"I love that I am able to inspire anyone to create."
"I've got so many comments about how inspirational that place was."
"Congratulations, your videos are awesome, you're inspiring tons of people."
"Look at what humans have accomplished and tell me how you're not impressed."
"Hannah Minx: inspiring happiness and creativity in others, leaving a lasting legacy."
"I feel like I've changed people's lives, whether I've realized it or not, they tell me that."
"Seeing how people are coming to mindfulness and meditation more feels inspiring to me."
"Your story is going to be a miracle to somebody else."
"In many cases, changed their lives helping them to believe that there's more to life than what we make out."
"If I inspire one person to go ahead and help somebody else that's huge."
"I had planned to kill myself... then I came across your material and I canceled my date with suicide essentially."
"You've inspired me and so many other people literally all around the world."
"Games have inspired many generations of people to pursue creativity and collaboration."
"They admire you for everything you've accomplished in your life. They're like, 'Why can't I just be like that?'"
"Your example will inspire many around you, leading them away from feelings of inadequacy and towards the realization of the wonderful plans I have for their lives."
"Nothing in my life is a bigger accolade than knowing that I've inspired or saved somebody's life."
"If my story can motivate you to change something you're doing or change one person's life, that's what it's worth."
"After his untimely passing in 1995 due to a battle with cancer, Ross’ legacy would live on, inspiring those all over the world to continue watching his show, over 20 years later."
"Hopefully when I share my life... others would look at me and say you know what it doesn't even matter."
"If you ever set out to make a change in the world through your music, just know that you did that night and you do every single time you go up on that stage and perform."
"Put that fire up under yourselves. You all are in a position to help a lot of people, inspire a lot of people."
"It's inspiring to know that people really appreciate nature."
"You are like a burst of magic for people on a deep subconscious level."
"Your example lets everybody know anything is possible."
"They remain an inspiration to the entire world."
"The amount of love and positivity that people have shown us is truly incredible."
"To be told that we're an inspiration, I think that is like the biggest reward you can get."
"She lit a fire in people um that someone that you might have thought was so unexpected really like helped people to be encircled about by that goodness and glory of of God in her ministry."
"It feels amazing to motivate and inspire people."
"The Nobel Prize is like the Olympics, about heroes and inspiring stories."
"...somebody comes into the world like a light and it may not be here long, but it's caught and other people have picked it up and now they'll go out and spread it."
"You're gonna touch so many lives by sharing that story."
"If someone watched one of my videos and did seasonal work and enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed it, that would be the best thing in the world for me."