
Healthcare Workers Quotes

There are 113 quotes

"Healthcare workers like myself risked our lives at the beginning of the pandemic because we actually had no idea what we were getting ourselves into."
"People used to cheer in the street in New York City... Praise the healthcare workers like they were actual heroes."
"On behalf of all of the managers, we owe a massive thank you to the NHS and the key workers for guiding us through these difficult times."
"Canadian soldiers risked their lives on the battlefield; Canadian scientists, doctors, nurses, and care workers battle on."
"New York City needs another forty-five thousand medical workers. Let's hope they get them."
"Thank you to the health care workers and the first responders. These are very brave people."
"In England right now, there are nurses going to food banks to feed their children. This is not right, this is not acceptable, it impacts mental health."
"We are grateful for all of those who work in public health, health care, and laboratories to find cases, trace contact, and interrupt transmission to slow the spread of COVID-19."
"Our thoughts go out to families who may have loved ones in hospital or have lost loved ones, and thoughts of course, go out to all the heroes on the front line, medicine working in ICUs nonstop."
"Our nurses and doctors on the front lines, our workers stocking shelves at a grocery store - they need you to make the right choices."
"The soldiers in this fight are our healthcare professionals. It's the doctors, it's the nurses, it's the people who are working in the hospitals, it's the aides. They are the soldiers who are fighting this battle for us."
"Israel has killed over 311 doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers."
"I just want to give my blessings and thank you to all their first responders all the nurses and all the doctors out there."
"I'm just thrilled about this. In fact, my love of the game was what even inspired me to create a YouTube channel in the first place."
"We owe it to the doctors and the nurses and other front line workers."
"Who's your hero? My hero is a group of people, and those are the healthcare workers who are on the front line every day."
"Love to all NHS workers. Keep up the good work."
"The grat is you get to contribute to your community and truly help people every time you go to work."
"This mission is dedicated to frontline workers."
"We pray for the doctors and the nurses, for the paramedics and the truck drivers, and above all, the people fighting for their lives in New York and all across our land."
"Healthcare workers: your courage and dedication are our greatest assets."
"Healthcare frontline workers are frustrated and angry."
"Our number one goal is to keep our patients and our health care workers safe."
"The best thing that we can do to support our health care workers."
"Nurses are some of the most wonderful people on the planet."
"So, I really salute my essential workers out there. I really do. I mean, they're going out in the world, subjecting themselves to risk, bringing that potential risk back home. I think that deserves a little bit more compensation, personally."
"I want to send my lovely message to the people that is working very hard to trying to save life like the people that is working in NHS and I think there are real heroes."
"Hi, I'm a healthcare worker crying at the hospital." - "It's important to show more of this."
"Our thoughts and wishes go out to the people on the front line: our health care workers, doctors, nurses, phlebotomists, you know, our tech people even our front desk people and administrators."
"Nurses rock, we love you! Thank you for everything you do."
"It's disgusting to see our Heroes, medical workers that are volunteering, many times working overtime, helping people in their worst states, now being thrown to the streets."
"A big shout out to all the nurses out there as well because earlier this week was world nurse day."
"I want to thank all of the great professionals - doctors, nurses, paramedics, and first responders."
"Thank you to the many amazing frontline workers."
"Thank you to everyone in the NHS, the frontline of the fight against Corona virus."
"This just confirms that medical workers are, in fact, superheroes."
"The staff across the NHS have done an absolutely brilliant job."
"I want to thank everyone in the NHS, the frontline of the fight against coronavirus."
"That's encouraging aspiration. What's so care workers so is that the answer for care workers?"
"I think the heroes on this... are the frontline health workers."
"The work they do is just absolutely amazing, and I want to thank of all the nurses the doctors everybody here."
"I have family in New York, my sister's a nurse practitioner in a Westchester hospital, and my niece is a nurse on a Long Island Hospital."
"These medical workers, they have a tough road ahead, all praise to them tonight."
"Not all heroes wear capes. Some of them wear stethoscopes."
"So here is the goodie bag or goodie basket I guess of the goodies for the nurses."
"The government must ensure that mental health provision is available for all NHS workers and care staff now and for as long as they need it."
"Thank you to NHS in the UK and thank you to all the doctors nurses all around the world."
"Anesthesiology is one of the few specialties that goes out of their way to make sure that we actually get to eat throughout the course of the day. Cheers to anesthesiology!"
"We can't help these patients unless we have our own mental health in check."
"Thank you to healthcare workers always."
"If you guys didn't know Kelsey is a nurse she's been working very hard with all this craziness going on."
"People do die and we know they die but you're not normal if it doesn't affect you."
"Shouts out to all the nurses out there. Shouts out to my favorite nurse, my little sister Belinda."
"NHS staff are at the heart of what makes our Health Service work."
"There wouldn't be an NHS without them, their skill, their expertise, their dedication."
"Don't mess around, just give the nurses what they need and what they deserve."
"Moral injury among health care workers or even legal guardians may occur if they have to make difficult decisions related to life and death or resource allocation during pandemics."
"Help me help the healers, heal the helpers."
"Not all heroes wear capes, some of them wear scrubs."
"Increasing their pay will hopefully show that they are valued and will hopefully stop people leaving the profession or experiencing things like burnout."
"Canada is inviting healthcare workers in the first-ever occupation-specific Express Entry draws."
"They are literally heroes which save life every day."
"This video is for all of you healthcare workers out there who are working so hard and putting yourself in danger to take care of people."
"Our NHS are incredible, shout out to you if you work for the NHS, you are doing wonderful things, you magical person."
"Thank you so much, hats off to all you guys that are alright in the health field."
"The Department of Health knows that you work hard in aged care and we thank you for that."
"Pray for our healthcare workers. Pray for them and their families."
"Thank you to all of our health care heroes, thank you to every essential worker."
"He and all the other healthcare workers are actual heroes."
"Cheers to the healthcare workers around the world."
"During the pandemic, these were the people who were saving Canada."
"You absolutely deserve to be here and to be labeled one of the most badass healthcare workers in this country."
"Thank you to everyone who works in all kinds of medical and care work to treat everybody that's been affected during crazy situation."
"A massive shout out to all NHS workers and key workers who are doing an amazing job."
"I just wanted to take a minute to say how much we appreciate the healthcare workers working in the NICU."
"We would like to pay particular thanks to the thousands of key workers, the doctors, the nurses who have kept us safe during this period."
"Give a big round of hearts to all of our health care workers."
"Thank you nurses for all that you do."
"Dear [Name], I wanted to express my gratitude to you from all of us at home for working so tirelessly on the frontlines to keep us safe."
"The UK has said healthcare workers, we've had enough of you; we don't want you anymore. Now it's time to go to Finland."
"Big huge shout out to all the NHS workers and all the key workers at the moment that are keeping the country going."
"The most important response to this crisis has come from our health-care workers."
"Thank you to all of our medical professionals, all of our first responders out on the front lines."
"The Philippines is the top supplier of nurses in the world, with about 25% of all overseas nurses coming from the country."
"Hold your head up high; folks who work in the dementia and Alzheimer's unit of assisted living homes are angels to me."
"For every bad apple, there are thousands of people working their socks off to make the NHS work."
"We value you, shout out to all our hospital people."
"If you are a healthcare worker... God bless you, thank you, thank you, thank you."
"I'm so thankful that there are doctors and nurses currently working."
"We are of course so grateful for nurses, doctors, all medical staff."
"We need all of you, and you don't get the praise you deserve normally, and you should get a whole lot of praise now."
"Please give them some extra gratitude because they deserve it."
"We're gonna do a huge thank you party for them."
"I cannot thank the first responders, the nurses, and the doctors enough."
"We are doing everything possible to support the incredibly brave nurses and physicians."
"Take a minute, really take a minute, to put yourself in the shoes of the people who are saving lives right now."
"My heart goes out to all the first responders, doctors, nurses who are out there every day saving lives and trying to protect us."