
Motivational Support Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"If it's enthusiasm you're after, I've got plenty to spare. Take as much as you want."
"We can constantly reinforce through each other of course you can do it."
"In this case, she is talking about how she's proud of him, how she loves him unconditionally, how she's committed to the truth, and how she motivates him."
"You matter so much. Without you, we cannot win this."
"So when you think you hurt me and tear me out all you're doing is helping me, you helped me Elevate because there are a lot of people in the streets who don't care about oh here right here snitch we care about the content he's putting out."
"They feel like you're successful, your hard work is paying off."
"You've got it, you can do this. Whatever it is that you're struggling with, you've got this."
"Someone believed in them enough not to accept the words for them and to hope for the best out of them."
"Your support has meant so much to me, the way you all motivate me and challenge me to do better."
"If you think that listening to me and Andrew are helping you in your life then stay true to yourself."
"Yo Anthony dude honestly I love them yo see you send me the motivation though my guy messages like that are the motivation you feel me"
"Hope has been very useful to quite a few people for getting through that sinister fight."
"Some people don't believe in themselves, so you give them something to believe in."
"I see it. I watch your hustle. I see your charisma."
"This is the time that we must recognize them, that we must understand that you are appreciated."
"I'll hold this light High till you catch up with me and then guess what I'm going to get hit with a sledgehammer and I'm going to expect you to go forward and hold that damn light high and remind me that I'm going to be okay."
"We're not there yet but that's exciting technology, you know."
"I believe in you. I want to see that amazing thing that you have inside you be unleashed unto the world."
"This video is dedicated to the people who are actually trying their best."
"Nice work, Rachel! One minute recovery, breathe it in."
"I need you to keep going with your life, no matter how hard it gets. Never give up. I promise you I will catch up."
"I need you to win, brother. I want you to win."
"I hope this served as some good runs for racing for your upcoming races."
"You're kicking butt, they do too in their own way."
"You're selling yourself short, B. I just think you shouldn't... you know."
"Your talent deserves all the recognition it can get."
"The challenge in front of you right now won't last."
"If you see somebody trying guys go ahead show them some love man because [ __ ] ain't easy."
"You're stronger than you know and will overcome this, be patient with yourself."
"Sometimes you just need someone there with you to push you to do your absolute best."
"Don't lose sight of where you want to go in life number three you guys got this lovely wish card too so don't give up on some kind of dream you guys have."
"Life is full of ups and downs you guys are the thing that keeps me going with that fire inside of me and you keep it burning."
"He wasn't betting on the X's and O's, he was betting on my heart and who I was." - Tyler Perry
"Supporting us has been an energy kick for us, especially my brother."
"You're not failing, you're not a piece of [__]."
"Your heart overflows with love, encouragement, and motivation. In the remaining weeks of this year, you will witness more blessings than ever before."
"You are fierce and you can do this, beat cancer."
"Anything is possible. Anything's possible. Good luck. You got this."
"Your yeses kept me going when everyone else was saying no."
"You're gonna do me proud. If I'm not doing you good in the video, you do me proud and post video."
"I wish you the best of luck in having this conversation with him because hopefully he can get his act together and start supporting you and taking care of your child."
"I mean bro, when I get feedback like this, this is what keeps me going. Just try this stuff for a month and if you don't get these results, get your money back. See, it's a literal no-brainer, it's an IQ test at this point in time."
"Find someone who pushes you, who encourages you, and speaks life into you. If they tear you down, if they don't believe in you, they ain't the one."
"It's not because they're lazy, it's because it is hard."
"You're not someone I feel that's afraid of change or letting go... you encourage them to get up and move to find something that works for them."
"Thank you for all of your videos they've got me through some of the toughest times of my life let's go for a wonderful 2019."
"This is the end of your losing streak, Richard. It's all up from here, you'll see."
"Hey bro, you're doing great man, keep it up."
"Keep going everyone, just do the best you can, that's all you're doing now, just do the best you can."
"They will help us walk through the portal, but they also have to see that we're trying."
"The feeling that although there is often darkness there are also little bits of light to encourage hope and hold on to possibility."
"You kept going even when things were going hard, bro. You kept going."
"The season is a marathon not a sprint, you know that boost morale up a little bit you know and it's it's a good response actually Ravagers putting a good performance on his first night some vampire what did you make of such a strong debut."
"The way you cheer other people on, even in your down season, shows God a lot."
"You're an amazing person. I'm so glad I'm able to know you. Keep up being awesome."
"It's the push, a nudge, a gentle nudge is all I need."
"If you feel like no one believes in you, I [expletive] believe in you."
"Here's an opportunity to focus on the positive, provide some positive feedback."
"There's always the chance in the Naruto universe."
"You're good at that, go get it, you can say it."
"Even when you don't feel yourself, even when you're not feeling beautiful, do it anyway because it will help. You can do this, we can do this."
"You've got the stamina to get to where you want to go."
"I feel if you guys just keep putting one foot after another you keep going you will get there."
"You make me a really happy person so keep up the great work Village."
"...your best effort is showing up consistently and persevering through any workout through anything life throws at you and you can do it i promise i'm here with you always will be."
"Know how to lift a man and motivate him because as a woman if you can do that you would be an amazing wife."
"It's okay to get something wrong. It's all right, don't give up. We're not in this world to give up."
"I hope this video finds you well, I hope you are safe, good luck with anything that you are doing in your life, you can do it."
"If you're watching this video because you're struggling in a class, I want you to stay positive and keep your head up."
"Keep doing what you're doing and don't lose hope."