
Workload Quotes

There are 375 quotes

"If you don't want people to leave medicine, pay them well and not overwork them."
"There's a lot more work in planning and design than you tend to think there is when you first get into it."
"One nurse, 39 patients, overnight shift. Let that sink in."
"Bernie should absolutely fly first class. Campaigns are an insane amount of work, and when you fly that often, it becomes hard to stay rested."
"We have a lot to do, could we please just chill?"
"What really hurts people is if you don't have the energy and the resources, you can overwork."
"Psychologists are feeling the same pressure... many psychologists are working at a beyond capacity."
"The intensity of the workload at university is unforgiving."
"I now feel as though because I'm willing to speak to these things, I'm also having to work a lot less harder."
"The more you take on, the better and more successful you're going to be."
"So eventually they're just kind of like, you know what, we can't get to everything."
"Frankly, it is coming in at a faster rate than I can open it, so I better get cracking."
"The workload and the effects that it has on you are usually nowhere near as severe as a common like real job."
"Grind whatever you want to do and go to school, no matter how much you got on your plate."
"Our weeks were pushing over a hundred hours every single week."
"Don't think I'm shopping there. I'm gonna have to do like an extra upload a week just to whack all of these hauls out."
"Is this too much content? Is that way too much for me to be doing? Is it just gonna burn you guys out?"
"It was so easy for me to get overwhelmed. You just get unit after unit after unit."
"This video that I'm working on is really going to be a lot."
"The work never ends, it never ends but this is definitely less work and more fun."
"Hollerith had avoided bankruptcy and now had more work than he could handle."
"Let's get into the charts because there is a lot of chart, there are a lot of charts that we need to do today."
"I just need more time, I need more hours in the day."
"I think the main reason is that they take on too much too quick and becomes overbearing."
"So much of this was shot at one o'clock in the morning, we just had to get stuff finished."
"That's the kind of one that leaves you sweating the backlog and you're like, oh man."
"I could have streamed more. Yeah, I mean, that can be stressful or that can be a load for some people."
"We've got a lot of work to do, but that's okay."
"Don't take too much on, you'll burn yourself out."
"It's a lot of work and it's a lot of overhead."
"I got way too much on my plate... I still enjoy it."
"Damn this is a month's worth of work right here."
"It's like all of my time is consumed and I'm like, what would I do if I wasn't working?"
"Teachers work the most unpaid hours of any profession and have seen a 25% pay cut in real terms since 2010."
"There's a lot to do when you run a YouTube channel and courses, I totally understand."
"Employed people is a lot of responsibility on your shoulder there's a lot of work to do for sure."
"We do almost 15 videos a week, which is actually a lot of work."
"33 opportunities last week. This is the workload that you signed up for when you invested in Joe Mixon in the draft."
"It's actually scary that trying to do a lot of things at once, it does weigh down on you. Get some rest, Mashima, before you feel that burnout."
"The amount of work in there would just be kind of crazy."
"Twenty hours a week is a part-time job on top of your main job."
"Just because a woman can do it all doesn't mean she should. Why not share the load?"
"The Premier League is the best league in the world, so it's not overrated, the players are overworked, easy as that."
"A lot of overworked people that do not have enough time to focus on security... it does help to have a second set of eyes."
"I'm not the only one that always has a never-ending to-do list."
"Remember that you're applying to a PhD knowing that it's more work than a full-time job."
"Now it's every spare hour I've got and I can say that for the same for everybody else in the team, it is non-stop. There is not enough hours in the day, literally."
"I was working full-time on Jujutsu Kaisen because of the rapid deadlines I was getting."
"It's like three news cycles in one day, right? It's like three days in one, except they only paid me for one of them and expected me to work all three."
"Just because you're the one that's not doing it doesn't mean it's not a full-time job."
"So as your mixes get more complex, you're not having to do more work."
"Asking healthy players to play basketball isn't too much."
"The reality is asking healthy players to play basketball isn't too much."
"When I was young, I used to play Sunday, Sunday, Sunday. But when I went to Napoli, it started a little bit more. Midweek, then when I was at Chelsea, I was like, 'This is the high level. This is what they said. It's game, game, game, game, game.'"
"I feel like I work for like five businesses."
"...it runs automatically for you forever so that's why it's great you do a little bit of work up front and then you just let it run."
"they're picking up a car from me they brought a car down from Canada and now Vivian's talking about wanting a pink bug to rival Marx all I know is I got a lot of cars to build."
"I truly feel like if people actually knew how much work goes into being an influencer for your full-time job I think people would genuinely just be shook."
"Emily's would be like 20 hours, no last time it was eight hours."
"Maybe they put too much on Jerry's plate or just kind of gave him a little too much like cart blanch just to do whatever at Adidas and I'm not saying that giving a collaborator the leeway to kind of do what you want is a bad thing but maybe he just had too much going on."
"Not only that, their job got harder at a time when there's more pressure on."
"It's much easier when you don't have to do the work."
"There's no need for urgency. You don't have to do more work, you don't have to do anything faster."
"My job forces overtime, and sometimes I work 21 days straight, 12-16 hours a day. Dude, what?"
"This is a ton of work, more than kept me busy."
"The busiest man in the build-up to the first test was our physio, Dave 'Rooster' Roberts."
"50 videos a day? I'm a pro YouTuber, and I have an editor on a hire, but 50 videos a day is nuts."
"I had thousands of orders to pack."
"We thought, how hard could it be to add one more project into the mix?"
"Durability and how it's held up over time despite running it at a hundred percent power and speed for the majority of my work."
"I'm doing probably four hours in the morning and four hours in the evening of packing, so that's a full eight-hour day of packing plus content plus all the other stuff that I do."
"How long did this project take you? It was about a full work week worth of work."
"I've turned out a lot of work a lot of work in the last three days."
"because you know if it's so much work to be done and sometimes I get you know several assignments do and at the same time and I find myself rushing to get assignments in and you know it can just be a little daunting it's just overwhelming sometimes."
"We have to let the people who assign our work know when we're at or approaching the limit."
"I'm pretty sure every other [__] huge student complains about the workload and still goes out and does stuff like I'm human and I'm not going to spend every living waking minute of my life working but I'm allowed to complain about the work though because it is a lot."
"Don't worry, take it slow, and see how you get on with the workloads."
"It's actually really hard to be a full-time content creator."
"I was working full time at that point as well as Ministering full time and had enhanced responsibilities at the kingdom hall with minimal recreation and no support at home."
"Managing emotions, managing workload, managing expectations, and just learning how to be a boss."
"Mondays are like this, where you have a lot of packages going on."
"We have so much to do down here, it's a mess."
"I don't have a staff. I am my own, you know. I don't have an assistant. I need about seven of them but I have none."
"We're juggling a lot of vehicles right now."
"May was probably the busiest month for me in terms of work."
"I started finding myself kind of taking on more tasks basically my job started off with me just booking clients right so in the end I was given more work."
"I really fought so hard because I'm doing like four people's jobs."
"So how many hours was this shift that made you end over 900 pounds yeah it wasn't in a care home or was it in an NHS it's it's like any other NHS Hospital."
"Even in that scenario sometimes I book so many appointments in between seeing them for that one month period where I tattoo them."
"Cosmos DB executes many billions of transactions every single day."
"My schedule is absolutely ludicrous."
"So throughout the video I'll kind of talk about that and also to be honest uh since jay stepped away at the end of march 2021 I've been doing this essentially on my own for four months and I am tired."
"...be prepared to tackle all of these things because making a YouTube series is an immense, immense amount of work."
"It's not necessarily a lot of work, it takes some time."
"I always take more projects than I could ever finish... but I like it."
"So I create an availability set per unique workload."
"If the workload is HTTP or HTTPS, I can use Azure Front Door."
"I can't go home, I've got too much work to do here. I need to finish the hut, start on the garden, and I haven't even thought about the plumbing."
"I'm a group fitness instructor so I understand just the the workload on a daily basis when you are in a physical type of job."
"We sold 12,000, and at one point he called me up, he's like, 'Dude, we sold 12,000. Are you ready to sign all these?'"
"The last 10 years or so of YouTube being really busy, therefore work being really busy for me, I've always been in the mindset that the more I can do the better."
"As soon as you start climbing up, as soon as you start to feel overwhelmed, as work is not getting done—both your marketing and your clients' work—you want to hire."
"There's days where it's like we get nothing and the days where it's absolutely busy, like you can't even catch a break."
"...Accelerated Computing instances are suitable for GPU-intensive workloads."
"I refuse to do a take home. My life is too full. I'm not doing a take home."
"I'm busy with all the politics right here. I don't think I want to get into more politics than that."
"Realistically that was holding me back at the end day I was doing like five people's jobs in one and I'm not even particularly good at all these tasks but I was like I have to they've got to get done."
"You're giving yourself too much work."
"Gary the medic is overworked and underpaid, let me tell you."
"If you're getting too much work and it feels overwhelming, that is actually a really good thing."
"It was a really big day but then of course the work the work kind of starts after that you know you're signed and then it's like okay let's get to work let's let's get in the studio let's release some songs and Do videos."
"Do your best, but don't overly kill yourself with homework and studying."
"It feels good, I'm not going to lie. It's a lot of work. Kind of have to start prioritizing the workloads I take on now because this is such a big deal, big money. So, I'm excited."
"Don't make more work for yourself."
"Honestly I never finished all the workout too because the list is endless when you work for yourself there's always something to do."
"I do all the editing, all the recording, every single thumbnail, and I read every single comment as well."
"If everybody else can do the right work, then Happy Days, right? Then we're less busy and everybody gets their share."
"I just feel very tired of everything, fed up and it's going to be so much hard work."
"...he took everything he could get, and like until he kind of hooked up with Joe Simon and Joe Simon was like look, you got to pick and choose. I can get it to where you're doing like half as much work but getting paid more."
"Your to-do list is never going to be 'too done.'"
"The workload itself is very uneven here when looking at everything from actual work to chores."
"The work doesn't end for me. It actually gets even more busy from this point on."
"Zone four, you said, it takes weeks. That might be a total workload of eight, nine, ten hours over a couple weeks, if even that."
"The majority of what I was doing was the 96 series 100 though because those were just easier to do and still accepted."
"Even if he lived a very, very long life, he could not have expected his time in Elm Street to be such a workload for him."
"Pretty much everything got exhausting. I'd work all day and come home to round two at home life. I was in control of pretty much everything, so I asked my husband to take on more responsibilities."
"People think youtubers have an easy job."
"It's literally Saturday which means my video is supposed to go live tomorrow. I still haven't finished editing and I also don't have a conclusion because it's been so much work."
"This is so much more work than I thought it would be."
"I couldn't keep up, I had to hire people."
"I didn't want to do too much, I didn't want to just overwork myself."
"That's the tea, your girl got a 10-page paper due Sunday."
"I just don't have time, I don't think I have the brain power right now with everything I'm doing to have time to do it."
Realistically on most jobs, we have to say no. You know, companies aren't going to say, "Well, we better not give Jamie too much work." They're going to say, "Let's keep giving Jamie work, and he's a professional, he's an adult, he'll tell us when it's too much."
"The workload is a lot, but it's something that becomes more manageable as you go on."
"Yeah, we gotta strike a balance here. Go win the Heisman but then now you've got 300 carries two years consecutively. Not everybody's Derrick Henry out there, right?"
"In your PhD... there's not that constant pressure that makes it difficult from a doing perspective but it makes it much easier from an internal mental health perspective."
"So there's no clear winner here, right it does depend on the workload and that's why it's important to Benchmark various different workloads."
"Things happened and then I started filling it up more and at the point where I got sick doing this, my upstairs is no different, I live upstairs."
"...much of the rendering workload could be offloaded to an add-on card."
"The queue here stands for QDep, which is essentially how many things the drive is being asked to do at once."
"There's a number of emails in my inbox."
"I've packaged over 400 orders. It's just been crazy. This is our busiest time of the year here."
"You had so much dialogue in every scene... there's no rest for you... to just go I can have fun today because you're already thinking about the next day."
"Analyze the work distribution, work optimization for overburdened workers, assign tasks to lesser burdened employees."
"Her family described her as an amazing mother who'd simply bitten off more than she could chew."
"We've got a lot of work ahead of us this week."
"I do everything end to end I would love to have an assistant at some point but let's see at the moment like I can't really justify it because I've got time and um but yes."
"I'm gonna have to make myself eat because I'm really not hungry like at all. I haven't ate today, I usually never eat if I have so much stuff to do."
"The amount of charting compared to when I was an ER nurse is like quadruple the amount. Honestly, even more than that."
"Homework is just needless work. Stop assigning."
"Students suddenly discover that professors assign more reading than is humanly possible for anybody to do if they're going to get any sleep at night."
"It's physically and emotionally tiring. I have a hundred and fifty students a day. I'm like the rat in the cage on the wheel. I can't seem to get off."
"The majority of vtuber agencies ask you to stream a bare minimum of 3 days a week, which sounds doable until you realize just how much work is required behind the scenes before you can go live."
"Some workloads like AI, deep learning, and data science are optimized for GPU accelerated computing."
"I feel so tired, I feel, I want to go to sleep but I can't, there's a lot to do here like a lot."
"How well it would look like sustainable workload, having choice and control over what you do..."
"I didn't realize how much of a difference my teacher bestie would make in the workload."
"I've been absolutely flat out basically seven days a week, and I've had to sort of pace myself so I can do what I'm supposed to do and not just fall over."
"It's just a lot of a lot of work."
"It doesn't feel real cuz I mean last year we went so non-stop especially I mean at the end of the year we had five at once we started this year with four at once and now all of a sudden we're down to one and that's even about to wrap up like it it feels like they're punking me."
"Hybrid cloud means that you use both private and public cloud resources, and maybe you shuffle workloads between them."
"Having those two days off means I have to catch up in the weekend."
"You're adding a huge burden to the teachers without providing any additional support."
"I really don't want to be editing one massive video."
"The Electra will happily fly 20 minutes to Hay River and then load up and fly 20 minutes back and unload for four hours. The plane doesn't mind, that's a lot of work for the crew."
"Teachers don't just work their Duty day hours. We work before school, after school, we stay late. It's pretty much like a 24/7 job."
"So, when I'm on call, which is, uh, on either a Saturday or a Sunday meeting, I have to be in the hospital and around, that's probably additional 35 plus patients."
"You understand, I need a day off, yeah, I can't go back to back to back to back I can't do that."
"You can make however much or how little you want depending on your rates and how much you want to work."
"In a year's time, more than 70,000 hearing requests are handled by the Office of Administrative Hearings."
"I've got, I don't know, two handfuls of videos I need to do right now, so besides this one, hopefully I can get another one finished up real quick."
"I have a lot to do in here. I have a lot of props and everything to manage."
"Twice the work half the recognition and you're constantly being asked what it's like being a female lawyer."
"Are you getting more work? Do you find that your time is getting filled up with all of these different projects that you can start doing? If so, then that's a great signal to start charging for your work."
"They have a six-week stretch where there are no breaks, and he has a young team to go into it with as well."
"It's like if people think you're trying to throw one more thing on their plate, you know, by teaching them techniques or getting some mentoring, you know, that type of thing, it's like I'm already maxed out."
"My job was too easy I'm a YouTuber okay I have to work 70 hours a week playing video games to make these videos and what do I get just money."
"Overcommitment can occur when time is not allocated correctly, without taking into account their current workload or priorities."
"People who urgently need appointments currently have to wait a very long time to receive them, and the staff that work there are overworked and underpaid."
"It's okay to slow down. You know, I remember aides close to the couple that worked with them at the palace here often used to say, you know, they like to jump from one big project to the next, they run at 100 miles an hour."
"They're just the overworked and often underpaid ground floor devs that have to implement all the ideas coming from the top as asinine and poorly thought out as they may be."
"As you work cops harder, you wear them out."
"It's simply absurd to have you crawl laps by night and make your own staples by day."
"Homework is just needless work. Stop assigning it."
"Couples who distribute their workload fairly are happier than those who don't, because obviously then it's unfair, right?"
"We've got a huge amount of work to deliver between now and Christmas, some amazing work to deliver."
"2 weeks ago I had a bit of a meltdown my business is broken what is the flipping point I was just in a bit of a mental health crisis who was struggling financially I was struggling mentally and I was overwork myself I had a bit of a crisis of control"
"You've got to reduce the workload if you're at work and your boss is constantly giving you, you know, a certain amount of work, you know you can manage that, but if somebody else comes and starts giving you more, you start getting overwhelmed."
"...we need to do like some real training because we have some very overworked HR managers."
"...are you running high level multi-core workloads or are you just intending on using it for light tasks and gaming and things like that."
"As a result of this, a president's major decisions during this period, and a majority of the work they did, was front-loaded."
"We wanted to have a structured approach so that we are able to analyze our workloads from different resilience best practices standpoint."
"That assignment that I just submitted was literally the biggest assignment I've had all year."
"I think this is the problem with being self-employed, people think you get a job, you do work, it's all fine."
"This modifier is saying that the work that was required today to provide a service was more than what is typically required."
"Wish I could just clone myself, you know? Have an extra little me who goes in and films the videos and stuff, or no, an extra me that edits the videos."
"They do not tell you when they do this YouTube and Twitch and everything it is an insane amount of work."
"Checking every book would take too much damn time."