
Optimistic Outlook Quotes

There are 439 quotes

"Wow, amazing news. The future is bright. Congrats to all my friends and fans in Saudi Arabia on this big announcement."
"Ultimately, love wins. Ultimately, unity consciousness returns."
"People trust Elon Musk. They want to like him. They have hope for the future because superheroes do exist."
"Tamson Donner wrote in a letter: 'If I do not experience something far worse than I have yet done, I shall say that the trouble is all in getting started.'"
"The future holds absolutely promising and wonderful things for you."
"You assume that everything's working to your advantage towards this jump."
"Honestly, I don't think we have to live with this at all."
"Money will start coming to you through multiple sources on a continuous basis. It's beautiful how it happens, it really is."
"You are at the beginning of a wonderful journey."
"Join the rally because we believe it's going to be magnificent."
"They're feeling optimistic about this connection."
"If we can be even partially right... this whole subject becomes a much more pleasant subject."
"For the next 200 years, we'll have what we had the past 200 years: the greatest nation on the face of the Earth."
"If we do this right, our country and the world, frankly, but our country can be rolling again pretty quickly. Pretty quickly."
"Humanity's future, whether inside the walls of Eden or not, looks bright."
"Guys man, it's gonna pay off come the season, you know we're gonna be in better shape we're gonna start winning these games."
"Stock-to-flow model historically suggests optimistic times ahead as Bitcoin's price deviates positively."
"I'm confident we're going to at this point as long as everybody executes the plan."
"The end of this pandemic now looks more attainable as more vaccines come online and the vaccine news is consistently good."
"A lot of good things happening here for you."
"We all want to move in the same direction towards a better future for our children and our grandchildren."
"The truth will be revealed... The moral arc of the universe bends towards truth."
"The US will get hurt in this fight, but I think we'll win."
"Any problem is solvable because we live in the matrix."
"No situation is impossible. There're just contingencies and obstacles to get around."
"This is just the beginning. It's going to be incredible."
"Money going in your favor like it's coming in for you."
"At this point, it's like anything that happens, I just have that mentality like, 'Okay, this is good, this is gonna be good for something.'"
"This isn't about getting stuck in hard times, this is about moving forward into better times."
"I hope so. I would just like to get to 12 at this stage. Eleven and three is a real possibility."
"America is thriving like never before, and ladies and gentlemen of Louisiana, the best is yet to come."
"I view today as an absolute win because of the conversations we're having."
"This could be brilliant this could be really good."
"When more regulators and politicians and leaders of business understand that I think it's going to go very well for this technology with respect to regulation." - Joe Lubin
"This is going to make my world so much better."
"Democracy will prevail, love will prevail, compassion will prevail, intelligence will prevail."
"You have to be the one to ask questions if you don't know all the information about a subject. That means you have something to learn, which is not a bad thing."
"Portugal their squad is such strong contenders like such strong contenders." - Lawrence
"We cannot fail. Love and light will prevail forever."
"I see this as a down payment... there is more yet to come."
"It's okay, it ain't really half bad. No one got killed, I'm still alive."
"You'll have a good life, a life beyond your wildest dreams."
"We are witnessing extremes on the one hand of injustice and iniquity, but we also see very promising signs of radically new ideas about humankind."
"I am confident that together we will rise to this challenge."
"We look so good and it could be one of the best summers ever."
"That's already very promising for the future of this anime."
"This lawsuit is going to end up being the best thing that ever happened to XRP."
"This disease could potentially be eradicated from the surface of the earth."
"We're going to be in fantastic shape in a very short period of time."
"Ultimately, I think rational minds will prevail."
"The US is teetering on the brink of authoritarianism." - Heather Cox Richardson
"Yes we can make America great and build back better."
"We're confident with the progress we're making."
"Life is good, guys. We're gonna be a global superstar!"
"Things will sort themselves out, they always do."
"The best case for Mississippi State this year nine and three."
"This might be your last best opportunity to get it this cheap, there's always a silver lining."
"Not all is lost, but the good thing is where we are now presents a really good buying opportunity."
"I think a better world is out there buds; we just gotta build it."
"This is actually going to make things better."
"Survival rates from cancers keep getting better and better and better."
"The shaking is not going to stop... but that is not necessarily a bad thing."
"If it is true that ivermectin, for example, is an effective treatment and an effective prophylaxis for COVID, then that should be tremendously good news from the point of view of ending lockdowns and getting back to economic normal."
"Consumer spending is strong, so we're in what is arguably the best economy in a while."
"Socialists can imagine an infinitely better world and we are never going to stop fighting for it."
"This rebuild is not even a rebuild at all, it's just simulate and they're gonna win all the games."
"Where it's carrying us is to a really bright democratic socialist and humane future."
"It's the beginning of a new leaf on this channel, it's exciting and it really is in a sane way just beginning."
"No one desires to meet with these experiences, but once you learn that adversities can be made to pay dividends, you will acquire the habit of looking for that seed of an equivalent benefit in each such experience."
"Blessing in disguise though, that's what sto said, that's a good attitude."
"Investigation, in fact, this is a new beginning."
"I have contacts, I have reason to believe that it does in fact get better."
"I think it's a blessing in disguise. I think I'm gonna grow bigger."
"It's the metaphorical death of the old Nikki and a hopeful better tomorrow."
"It's the best thing happening. Everything else is bad. Now, I do believe that we are deeply into the beginning of the golden age."
"I'm just excited to see what yourself, our communities, can continue to do to really help people live better, healthier lives."
"It was one of those moments where we hit a point, kind of like last season, where you see something happen and you're like, 'Oh, this is gonna work, like this season is going to work.'"
"For those of you who are having any cancerous problems or health issues, there is going to be recovery."
"The final message here is look forward look ahead there is nothing in the past that is for you but everything ahead of you is good."
"Within 30 to 40 years, it's a solved problem and you have unlimited energy for everybody in the world, and we're all good to go."
"This county is gonna be insane for us in terms of making money."
"Are we in the good timeline? Sam, we're about to be in the best timeline."
"A new life always represents new beginnings."
"For once, I'm not worried about the beginning of the season. I have a feeling we'll have a good start and a strong start as well."
"A new beginning is coming for you, a new world is coming."
"Strong roots, strong foundation, all in the works, all in the workings, honey."
"Ridiculous levels of improvement are coming your way."
"But I'm hyped, I feel like I'm in a pretty good spot right now."
"The future is very bright, so just hang tight."
"The future is looking bright again in Chicago, so Virginia should move up in owner rankings soon."
"He was going to make it, meaning that he was bound to find continuous success in whatever he did."
"Make a wish and kind of get the things that you desire out of this situation."
"However messy the world may be, it is still worth playing in and trying to make the most of."
"I think we still can be a nation in our Ascent... maybe there's another 250 years still left."
"The good news is that they're nothing new and they're gonna stick around."
"For us, it's not about happy endings; it's about happy beginnings."
"Ultimately, I think the future of Halo is one where 343 are playing a lesser role, and I think that is a good thing."
"This month is going to be brilliant because it's going to affect every single aspect of your life."
"The risk with bubbles is things go out of control in a good way if you're an investor."
"If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I'm going to the moon, I swear to God."
"I would rather fight and lose than surrender and lose because at least if you fight and lose there are some positive things that come with it."
"The truckers are gonna win the big picture. The outcome cards are the truckers are gonna win."
"Think about it, positive thought, positive bomb."
"He's going to be a lot better because of this experience."
"Prepare yourself for the deluge of advantages that are on their way. Recovery, provision, protection, and divine guidance will accompany you into your existence as we enter 2024."
"We're gonna be set in basically no time at all."
"I believe your greatest days are ahead of you."
"The United States would prosper in a way that is hardly imaginable today."
"Based on last month's jobs report, we're moving there with real alacrity."
"Suddenly everything is going to work a-okay."
"2022 is going to be a good, good year because of God."
"I never thought I would see... that world is here for you too."
"This year is going to be awesome...I truly believe this is just going to be an amazing year for me and the channel and the community."
"There's no such thing as a mistake, just only happy little accidents."
"I'm hopeful that there's a happy ending for the toys somewhere out there."
"I think it's going to be a good day, so let's head in and see what I find."
"America is not in decline. It's never been a good bet to bet against the American people."
"America's best days are ahead, and yes, we're on our way forward boldly."
"I have such a clean slate right now... the opportunities are endless."
"A huge wish fulfillment is coming through for you."
"There are a billion and a half reasons why you should be very optimistic about the future."
"Excited for the future, hope you have a good season."
"All these problems out here that exist for us can be solved."
"Finally, yeah, I know it's true, like we said though, at least we're finally starting to see some positive headlines regarding Activision Blizzard."
"Relatively shortly, inflation will return to very low levels."
"Success assured with good plans and hard work so definitely some success coming in for you as well."
"You're stronger than you know, the situation you're asking about is fertile."
"All the pieces, all of the ingredients that we need are already really here."
"You've got the most charitable community in the world; they... it's pretty... it's pretty incredible."
"The next time we see each other, it will be at the dawn of a whole new world, a peaceful, happy world."
"Can we engineer a system that's more resilient?... I think the answer is yes."
"Arsenal second place, Arsenal they're getting better."
"We are in essentially one of the generational challenges that we've experienced. Are you confident we can win it? Yes. Why? Ultimately, our values, our free market system, I think, will prevail."
"He says all the time mommy is already here and they can live this way now."
"I think it is very possible this company, best-case scenario, does 400 million dollars of net income in 2022."
"So happy with how everything's going so far."
"Hope for the best, prepare for the worst and then off we go."
"Now it's at seven hundred percent efficiency. Oh, that's fantastic! We're never going to run out of energy again."
"We are certain that we will perfect it. It will be the best ever created."
"Your life is opening up and new opportunities are about to appear."
"I really feel like this park is gonna keep getting better and better."
"I guess being stranded in the sky does have some perks."
"Your days of being unhappy are coming to an end."
"That's pretty good. Okay, we're okay, we're okay, we're okay."
"The long-term future for Fortnite is still very bright."
"Looks like the numbers are again in our favor."
"The energy that I'm seeing from the America First caucus made me very, very happy."
"Believe that it's true, believe that it can happen to you."
"The biggest danger we face today is that we will cease believing in the one force that raised Humanity out of the tens of thousands of years of General misery: the very idea of progress."
"This is the end of the beginning, not the beginning of the end."
"Expect the unexpected but in a really good way for you."
"If I can smile, I think I'll be able to do my best from now on."
"I waffle David I go pessimistic and optimistic back and forth."
"We gotta celebrate days like this, and this is just the beginning."
"Barrymore stands out not only for her physical beauty but also for her optimistic spirit and positive attitude toward life."
"I believe this year is going to be the best year for us."
"Don't look back, your bright future is ahead of you."
"My faith is in myself, God, and the beautiful world that's ahead of me."
"Something beautiful would start from this moment."
"This is coming up better than I could ever imagine."
"Overall, the playtest is imperfect but better than the Current player's handbook. Optimistic for the next edition."
"Golden opportunities instead of painful lessons."
"The upside is so much greater than the worst case."
"I'm expecting that for ck and i it's a different time in our lives it's a different era but it can be the best year yet glory to god."
"As investors all we're simply doing is saying I think that this company or this market or this whole planet's future is going to be better down the road than it is today."
"No one knows what next year holds but it'll be a lot better if you're..."
"I have despite the fact I am verified and spooked it's gonna be a great day."
"The arc of the moral universe bends towards justice."
"I have a very sincere kind of positive outlook on the wind industry because it just makes sense."
"I think it's smart... you have to show people that life is getting better, will get better."
"Crypto goes down but it gets up again, are you ever gonna keep it down?"
"Not only is it great, but it's getting better and better."
"Humanity will solve sustainable energy. The future is bright."
"I know good and well that I'm going to wind up in a better place."
"You have to remove this Nigeria is a very rich country blessed by God with good weather with good everything."
"In the future, there will be more opportunities."
"The future here is actually looking so bright for Team17."
"It seems like a really good win-win situation for me."
"Once you get that type of clarity that something's your Birthright, it's only up from here."
"I'm in a really good space, yes you are, um, if you would have told me my life would have looked like this two years ago I would have believed you but I would have laughed and then I would have believed you."
"Life will get better, just control your Johnson."
"Aim for the moon and if you fail, you'll still land amongst the stars."
"We can come out at the other end, go into 2021 riding the stallion, feeling empowered, feeling clear and concrete with who we are."
"I haven't sold a single share and I don't expect to for another 10 years. The prospects are brighter than they've ever been."
"things are improving from my perspective considerably."
"And to just know that there's good people everywhere."
"Your year is coming in as this bright shining beautiful transformative star."
"Just when you thought you were staying plateaued, things are getting better and better."
"All this will pass... what's right before us right now is something absolutely beautiful."
"Initial reviews of the 2025 tyon are looking very promising."
"Shoot your shot because chances are it will go well for you."
"Payments are actually very similar to information; packets of money can go through routers between Payment Systems just as packets of information can go through routers between information networks."
"The death card showing a total change in transition is that your normal way of life is being disrupted but not for the worst and usually for the better in the grand scheme of things."
"It's worth considering and it's just another... thing in the bullish thesis of potential outcomes."
"Rejection is really your protection, your redirection."
"Every problem that presents itself in the world is actually opportunity."
"Get excited about what you're going through...there is an after-map that you will get to enjoy and experience."
"I live with that moment by moment I've got a big advantage."
"The only thing left to do is you can go up, so there's nowhere to go but up."
"I see a new Nigeria coming and that's what I hold on to as hope."