
Story Development Quotes

There are 182 quotes

"Yeah, I don't want to make this a sad ending."
"The drama of everything from the entire story to a single scene hinges on things changing for very specific in-character or in-world reasons."
"Naruto vs Pain is basically the climax of the second act of the story and so obviously like the last one there's a lot of build up here."
"Plot-wise, this is easily the most interesting place the Knuckles comic has ever been."
"The story circle focuses on the fundamental elements of the story."
"There should be a rhyme and reason to every single beat of your character."
"I enjoyed the storyline up until that point."
"I have literally hundreds of other story ideas and characters in my old sketchbooks."
"It’s a game that gets smarter over time - as the consequences of your actions snowball throughout the story, or as you start a new game and see how differently things can play out."
"Nothing quite gets people talking like speculation, coming up with their own ideas of where the plot might go or what'll happen next."
"The unique quality of this arc is how all of these assassins are brought into the story."
"It actually was something that was really good that happened because I think it made for a very interesting story and let all this other stuff grow. It pushed things forward."
"Ultimately, they provide a sense of closure to those story threads once complete."
"A lot of really interesting kind of tidbits, throwbacks to the story, as well as new details and some great twists and turns."
"Overwatch 2 will move the overall canon of the lore of Overwatch forward."
"Everything builds up over the course of the four lengthy discs to create some of the most engaging."
"The characters themselves are very interesting along with their development."
"Arcanum’s story doesn’t set the world alight, but after starting slowly and predictably, it takes a few twists and turns that I didn’t expect."
"I really do appreciate this lore dump, this is cool."
"Why is this a surprise? That's the moment in all of these comic universes where it feels like the writers are out of ideas."
"We've been developing what we hope is one of the best stories, gonna ask away thanks for the five brother I appreciate you guys too and I am looking forward to see how people react to it."
"They set up the next part of the story which has me so excited you wouldn't even believe it."
"Start with a person or an event and work from that. Develop the short story idea prior to moving forward to actually writing the story."
"The Secret War seems to be like where it's converging, where, where, like, you know, the story narratively seems to be going."
"Blizzard's upcoming arpg will bring new storylines associated with additional mechanics and game features."
"I'm hoping this is going to darker, more interesting places."
"A new adaptation can provide an opportunity to rethink flawed plot elements, rework the pacing of certain story and character arcs, and reinvent aspects of a series that might not have aged well or that might take away from its core appeal."
"And just like that, Windy’s spell was broken."
"The card could have spent all of season 1 searching out Soji and fighting the synth ban... A very sci-fi kind of story."
"It's pretty impactful story of the Fall the tribunal was interesting to watch unfold..."
"You're probably right. The way this story is unraveling is pretty cool."
"Bethesda found a way to introduce the Brotherhood of Steel much earlier and very far away from the Brotherhood's birthplace."
"Clashes between Emotec and the Silent King promise an intriguing story arc in the future."
"Frieza will not be in this story because if we're going to sit here and talk about how the ark is perhaps nearing its end what sense would it make for Frieza to kind of pop in"
"The story begins where the normal flow of life ends."
"I love the concept and I think this feature will lead to some interesting role-playing and story development."
"It is, however, at the moment incomplete as in there are vast areas of the lore that have yet to even begin being touched."
"There's going to be all kinds of endings and it's really sounding like you'll be able to create multiple different types of stories with these characters."
"Enemies to lovers brings a different Nuance if Done Right."
"How are they going to resolve this issue? What is the resolution here?"
"Supposedly it's the original story of Destiny 1 which got scrapped all those rewrites ago years ago."
"Look what they did to Bill Cosby this is the number one black television star."
"I'm glad the child didn't eat all the frogs, that was a worry of mine."
"This chapter wasn't necessarily the craziest thing ever but it was a step in the right direction."
"The last chapter in this story has not been told."
"For every pirates than the Big Mom Pirates, however, you do have, once again, the Chess Peacekeepers that are a huge army that have their own individual ranks."
"It's interesting to think about how everything will fall into place by the end of the story."
"Gamers want engrossing stories featuring strong character development."
"Unbelievable, I did not expect the father to have involvement in defeating this demon at all."
"Next week, we're going to get a lot of answers hopefully."
"It is fair to criticize the arc so far but we can't come to a conclusion because the arc hasn't come to its conclusion."
"The dialogue... especially when it pertains to the story is very well written, helps develop the plot a little bit more, and helps you especially in certain situations sympathize with some of the characters."
"The deaths of these characters had a profound impact on the whole story."
"The birth of Silent Hill 2 came from conversations among the central team of the kind of stories they wanted to create. Everyone contributed ideas and themes they liked."
"But there you go, guys, that is part seven of Dumbledore's Big Plan."
"The festivities begin when Super Mario Party launches October 5th you got it right a new story in a village with a secret to hide Game Freak presents a brand new RPG."
"The idea that Luffy is playing out a predetermined fate as Zunisha seems to suggest versus the idea that this really is Luffy carving his own path and deciding what he wants to do."
"You can have custom items drive the story of your game and then sort of like really move it forward."
"The story of Boku no Hero has never been so intense."
"There's so much there to create new stories that are just as cute as this one."
"The fact that they canned the entire story for Final Fantasy 10."
"I guess we'll have to play through the story ourselves to learn more."
"His story begins during the raid on the Pillar of Autumn."
"Everything has been leading to all these moments for each of the story arcs."
"Realism hitting this story on the weekend of Saturday and Sunday."
"Maybe Red Skull went full magic on this thing, opening a dimension."
"Juicy lore reveals and fun things like that as those quest lines go on."
"Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: It's a simple and harmless premise to start with but some of the story beats get like real. You start in a dreamlike state answering questions similar to Dragon Quest 3."
"The big question has been: Is this going to wrap up the story?"
"The decision creates a rift between Usopp and the crew."
"So um I guess this is the chapter one of a whole new uh novel we're gonna be starting here."
"That's when it started getting real interesting."
"So over the past few years main characters in these year-long stories they've always been like the best direct source of information when it comes to where the next series of events is heading."
"All he knows is that I am an Inquisitor, and that he is in danger. He is not wrong in this assertion."
"They were the perfect haters to lovers story."
"First of all once all is said and done they do actually establish that Bangar Ruinbringer survives."
"In terms of story and lore mega evolution gets a big thumbs up from me."
"This will be the kickoff, the starting arc of the final saga."
"It looks as if we're only going to have one main character... going in a different direction of the Grand Theft Auto 5 story that featured three main protagonists."
"The culmination of every tease and instance of foreshadowing: the return of Zanza."
"I'm pretty sure there's a very good chance we'll have a continuation on this story at some point."
"She is embracing her power, I'm the queen of Seven Kingdoms, I will do as I wish."
"Chapter Rewritten is doing great in the story Department."
"I want to first point out that Oda did not intend for Shanks to lose his arm initially. That was something that was added into the story to increase the tension and the drama by the editors."
"Enclave: final act of the main story, answering lingering questions."
"A moment such as this can completely change your opinion about the Big Mom Pirates, which is something that Oda could be setting up."
"It's symbolic ladies and gentlemen. It is symbolic of the one-piece story. It's a blank slate we can go any direction from this point forward."
"What saved it in the end was how excited I was once all of those previous elements finally started coming together and doing so in rapid succession leading to a very creepy and informative climax."
"The complete decimation of Big Mom and her entire pirate crew, taking out the ranks of the Yonko, that I would be very surprised if that went down."
"An insane final Act to a story that seemed pretty simple."
"The World building lore dumps are pretty important here because what we're getting now clearly in this chapter this Arc are going to be so prevalent for things to come in the future of the story."
"Seven original Warlords turned out to be so significant right."
"But this of course does not mean that the story is over."
"I could totally see that going down at the end of the story."
"It's a sense of knowing again, because there really is nothing to know at this point in this story."
"Thumbs up for the progression of this chapter, the setup for the final clash and the series that we all love."
"Things that transpired in this chapter is gonna have huge ramifications for the future."
"A whimper of an ending for characters, for story, for gameplay."
"I like that it's challenging my expectations of what the story is and where it's going."
"This chapter yet again changed my mind on how I thought this was all going to play out."
"Maybe they'll play a more significant role in future events."
"If you got a great story idea and it doesn't need that other character, then you don't do it."
"Hack number 11: Create a character that can fit into the world you created in your story."
"More Kenjaku, more of Kanjaku's plans—obviously he's having all of these issues and you know there's a correlation between him and Tengen."
"Breaking the cycle is one of the major goals."
"This is a Grinch and possibly a revenge for all of his brethren."
"But Egghead Island so far has been an exceptionally lean Arc."
"The payoff needs to be important, and if the payoff makes sense, makes the whole thing great..."
"The Sound of Drums does a fantastic job at continuing the story, building off of Utopia's setup and adding its own build up to the last of the time lords."
"I appreciated the twists in character motivations."
"There's story lines building up for the next great book in the Warcraft saga, some of that groundwork is laid here, there's a lot more in Azeroth we need to get back to and delve into some storylines and characters there."
"The series reveals the apparent sunsetting of the NCR, causing a furious debate."
"Conflict needs to inform the larger arc of the story. 'What's your plan after that? - Buy my wife. Buy freedom.'"
"Everybody in the crowd is just like, 'Oh man, Kaido is so nice. He's letting him off with just a little white lie.'"
"So here's my idea for the overall story of this trilogy that I believe could give meaning to everything that comes before it."
"There's probably still a lot more to see with the engineers' place in the grander scope of the story."
"I would argue that Dressrosa and Zou are sort of equal on the levels of the total overall reveals in relation to the story at large."
"But it's just scratching the surface of what actually happened to her."
"Blackbeard, we don't have to go through everything that he's done but he has two devil fruits, he's had two years."
"We're gonna see maybe some headliners that work directly under Queen."
"I think that the dragon knew about the ancient weapons but Robin told us that the ancient weapons do in fact exist."
"So many new characters being introduced, so many twists in the story, alliances changing, cities being destroyed, it's truly become so much more than it was at the start."
"The time skip happened at the perfect moment."
"Jojo begins with a nameless man waking up on the side of a hill and the story begins to follow him on his quest to recover his missing memories."
"I love the way this is handled like the evolution where the story took place."
"The next chapter in the story is where things begin to get darker."
"Then she was bit by a werewolf and that's when things started to get a little bit weird."
"The Dragon King offers apologies to the Slime."
"The legitimacy of that court has been questioned. The story goes quiet from there."
"Scarecrow could have been the main villain of the entire game."
"It's going to be a different story, it'll absolutely be a different story."
"Sasuke then asked if what he heard about Kawaki killing Boruto is true."
"My outline is not 'this happens and this happens' it is 'here is this subplot and here are a bunch of things that need to happen for the subplot to work.'"
"I'm really interested to see where the story goes."
"Both the first and second half of the game do have some really incredible story moments though."
"It's a very sophisticated tool for both plot construction and story development."
"This arc is dark, like they're really, really setting it up as a very dark arc."
"There's an evolving story within a plotline of value."
"If you've come up with an idea that you're trying to develop, trying to look at it through these four types of conflict or these four conflict dynamics can help you understand your own story."
"We're not even at the start of the story yet. The scandal was one thing, but it's the cover-up."
"With the destruction of the statues, the wind barrier slowly disappeared."
"This arc is heating up, we got Doflamingo on the way, we got Aokiji."
"This one feels like where it really begins."
"Everything should contribute to the purpose of the story."
"The story is greatly written that both expands the original concept and has a powerful emotional core."
"Ponies other than the main six saving the day is a nice little change of pace."
"It was like they weren't contriving anything; somehow, they found it in them to discover what was necessary about the next phase of the story."
"It meant a lot to the story going forward, very significant for sure."
"I'm really enjoying the direction of the story right now."
"This is the direction the story is going in, and I like it."
"A good well-constructed setup should be subtly woven into the script so that it feels like a natural part of the story."
"A series Bible is a collection of reference documents that have everything about your characters, your setting, and your plot."
"All was going according to plan and they were to be wed."
"First good decision anyone has made in the story."
"I'm blown away by how much the plot has evolved."
"This is a seismic tectonic shift in what is possible within this story."
"Every single sentence in your short story should do one of two things: it should either advance the plot or reveal character."
"When I'm shooting micro films, I like to pull my actors into the story development process."
"The whole story of One Piece has yet to really open up."
"These next few chapters are going to reshape everything we know about One Piece."
"It's getting so freaking good, I'm at the part where Harry and Hermione just got detention."
"Whatever happens at the last part of act one is what locks your character into the story now for good."
"I hope we get some development like this in the actual story of Dragon Ball Super."
"Sejin and Theo may not know that they are going to work together, but if you remember how the story first started, you will know that they are going to team up."
"I'm really curious to see where a story like this could go."
"Everything that has been played on throughout the entirety of the story has made sense, it has had purpose, it has an explanation, it has a reasoning, it has value behind it."
"That's how you can develop a story and people connect with it."
"Greed Island is a great way for us to take some time out of the story to learn more about Nen."
"We just got a bunch of crazy reveals that I think are going to end up being massively important for the rest of the story."
"Last chapter was really interesting."
"I think the plot warrants a sequel because we have you know it feels like a setup."
"I'm so excited to see where the story is going to go."
"I am still loving this story so much."