
Sports Philosophy Quotes

There are 111 quotes

"You can't rely on the results alone; you've got to build a performance that the result will take care of itself."
"If Leicester can do it in six months, if Southampton can have a philosophy in six months, and Crystal Palace can win all the games they've won in eight months, why do we need a philosophy that's going to take three years?"
"You want to go somewhere where the fastest guy doesn't always win, or where the underdog has an actual chance."
"The sport at the end of the day is about pushing the envelope as far as possible anyway."
"There's no such thing as the greatest, you can be the best but you can lose."
"That's powerful stuff and that is ultimately what sport is."
"Son, there's only two types of people on the field: winners and learners."
"For me, the point of view of just love to defend, the heart of defending, I would consider that sometimes more important than a goal."
"Sports is a meritocracy. It inculcates the idea that you are part of a team and there's something larger than you."
"Sports is about starting somewhere, banding together, increasing your resources, and going for, you know, growing towards contending."
"You're looking for any growth and lessons, not about wins and losses."
"You win as a team and lose as a team, so I find that even more relevant in Formula One."
"It's not always the best fighter that wins the fight, it's the fighter that fights the best." - George St. Pierre
"I believe in mentality more than I believe in anything else in sport."
"It's not about the result, it's about the individual performances."
"Nobody gives a [__] about your philosophy of what you think the game should be like."
"It's not about tippy tappy football, it's a battle."
"Football does not belong to anyone or rather it belongs to everyone."
"It's not about coming away with the victory, it's about..."
"Winning cures all as we like to say in this business but it's a beautiful thing."
"No player is bigger than Manchester United. Point-blank period."
"Sometimes you don't need to win the trophy to be the best."
"Defense wins championships. There's some potential here; this draft class does look pretty good overall."
"It's better to be lucky than good sometimes."
"What excites me most about Ten Hag is his football, down to that philosophy, down to those roots."
"It's not how fast you go, it's how fast you go with fluidity, how you're incorporating the tricks." - Scotty Kramer
"Talent can win you games, culture wins championships."
"It's only a bad shot if you miss. It's only a bad gamble if you don't get it."
"Just don't focus on who we play... focus on who we are as a program and how we play."
"Sometimes being bad is better than being just average."
"Some people treat football as a matter of life and death but it's more important than that." - Bill Shankly
"There's always someone new coming up, there's always someone stronger, faster, better. Nobody's champion forever."
"We cannot make the game bigger only because in a decisive moment we have to do anything anyway the best we can do."
"Football is more than just a sport, Messi represents something way beyond himself."
"I like it when the best is fighting the best."
"Football's not black and white, oversimplify it and that's what they do."
"Football's a team game you know what I'm saying and as soon as you try and make it anything other than a team game you stop winning you know like that."
"Talent does not win championships, work ever does."
"That failure is simply a lesson, that victory is only a brief moment in time, and that resilience will ensure that these rowers still have many chapters to go in their sporting journey and their school here."
"Philosophically Stephen Jones thinks it's a good idea to always be pretty good because boy if you're always pretty good you're this far away from being great."
"Only true Champions have earned the right to call the lineal champion."
"You are what your record says you are." - Brian Campbell
"You may not be the fastest but you will have the most fun."
"The turnaround had been absolutely enormous, Lemoine has always been a big believer in rugby as a fundamentally emotional game."
"Sports is not made of humiliation, it's about winning." - Frank
"Sport is not about equality, sport is about maintaining a competitive advantage for as long as possible legally or illegally."
"Nothing is better than first place because I think that's the principles of Manchester United that I learned under Sir Alex Ferguson."
"You're not going to win every ball game, but the key is that you shoot that shot."
"Football can be very very simple... football's not that deep."
"Swinging missing with a great swing is better than contact with a poor swing."
"Winning isn't everything, winning is the only thing."
"You can't buy trophies, God, you can't buy trophies, you have to earn them."
"My approach will always be the same. Racing is life for me."
"Life is never fair, but the whole purpose of sport is we have parameters."
"My thing is this, I'm willing to die doing something I love. So if you're willing to die doing something you love, 99% of the time you're gonna come out on top." - Floyd Mayweather
"Boxing is like a relationship, you don't bite the hand that feeds you."
"The game gonna give you what you give it. When you're not giving it enough, it ain't gonna give you nothing."
"I've always been Pep, because there's no right and wrong in football. It's just what you'd like to see."
"It's not just about the winning, it's everything that kind of goes into it."
"I can think of no better illustration of what the game of basketball is about: the team, not any one individual."
"You can't be on defense, you gotta attack, attack, attack."
"This football club is more than results... if you play good football, you're gonna get good results."
"Football is the most popular sport in the world because the weak can beat the powerful."
"It's not about trophies; wait for the season to end."
"Players win games and coaches lose games." - Famous Bill Belichick quote
"I'd rather be athletic, but you really want skill to back it up."
"Team wins championships, no one person wins the championship."
"A win is a win. I'd rather one-nil than play a beautiful game and lose 4-3."
"I think that he fits perfectly into their philosophy."
"You want to have fun on the team but yeah we we take it seriously but we also just like try to enjoy it yeah that's part of right being a good cause."
"Winning cures everything so let's see what kind of a streak we'll be on here."
"If you choose to appreciate sports simply in terms of winning and losing, there is nothing for you here."
"Anything less than a championship is a failure. It's what it is. There's only one winner."
"He kept the sport truly about what it was about for him, he didn't allow the sport to materialize into something that was uncomfortable for himself."
"Enjoy yourself playing football because games are meant to be enjoyed."
"Why should winning matter at all? This is a team game."
"It's not about winning championships or accolades. It's competing."
"To be a champion doesn't necessarily need a trophy. It's being on a journey and accepting that champions have lost so many times, have missed so many shots."
"It's not about the wins and losses, it's about the process."
"If you can walk away from the sport, you win."
"Golf is the only game that you don't practice on the playing field that you're playing. I'm a huge advocate of getting out on the golf course as much as you can."
"We opted for a footballing revolution, we decided to return to the footballing philosophy that we thought was the best."
"This is baseball. You gotta stop thinking. Just have fun."
"Sport doesn't have to be about just winning or maximizing productivity; it can be a much more human experience."
"Sports at least, this is my take on it, is a proving ground to help you test and improve your techniques."
"I've always believed one should play one's natural game, especially at this level."
"There's not one guy bigger than the game. The game is the game; nobody's bigger than the game."
"Basketball is a game to just be played, you win or you lose, and you either a competitor or you're not."
"It's not just a game, it's a way of life."
"Sports supposed to be about kids enjoying themselves, having fun, learning team spirit, exercise."
"When you can run the football, that's what the game is about."
"You have to work hard first, play second."
"It's not about the result, it's about the performance."
"That's what makes this game such a great game; it could be so rewarding at times and so frustrating at others."
"His whole philosophy about sport was sharing knowledge."
"In boxing, you got to take the rough with the smooth, and that's life, that's how it goes."
"Well, we asked Sandy Koufax about his philosophy and what the World Series means to him after a tough pennant race."
"Defense wins championships is simply not a myth in football."
"Stopping a goal is as good as scoring a goal in this era for me."
"It's more than a game, you know. The game is gonna end sometime, and it's what you get for your life, what you build on inside yourself."
"Football is not a business and when you think of it as a business, it's a terrible investment."
"If you're not having fun in baseball, you missed the point of everything."
"Play the game, not the occasion, to beautify football, your opportunity to right the wrongs."
"Basketball to me is more of a rhythm sport."
"The beauty of golf is like no matter you're going out there, you're playing against yourself each time."
"The only thing that matters in the NFL is one thing: winning football games."
"Basketball has always and will always be a skill-based game."