
Fair Use Quotes

There are 108 quotes

"Critique and review are protected by US fair use doctrine and rightfully so. The idea that you could use copyright law as a spear to attack those who are criticizing you is an affront to free speech and freedom of the press."
"Fair use is meant to keep copyright as it is but recognize that there's gonna be some context where you can do things with copyrighted content that doesn't impact the original creator's ability to recoup their losses and make a profit."
"Fair use is assessing how much does what you've created impact the original and its ability to be profitable in the market."
"The Copyright Act unambiguously contemplates fair use as a use authorized by law."
"The heart of the fair use inquiry is the extent to which the purpose and character of the use is transformative."
"By implementing Article 13, there is a very real chance the EU will kill the very concept of fair use on the Internet."
"How are people able to claim copyright on parody videos? Parodies are supposed to be covered under the Fair Use Act."
"The most important factor when determining Fair Use is whether or not it's transformative, and serves a different purpose from the original." - YMS
"Reviews and using the copyrighted material to support that review, that's a classic use that is often considered a fair use." - Julie
"Why is one a fascinating question because, why if I put pork sausage on a biscuit, I call that breakfast, but if I put beef patty on a piece of bread, that's lunch?"
"If Duke and Media knows that MXR Plays is making a fair use but they have reached out to them with a demand and a claim anyway, yeah, that's extortion."
"This is the story of the fight for fair use."
"Fair use… a legal doctrine designed to protect transformative content."
"If the allegedly infringing work is not properly considered a market substitute for the infringing work, the fourth factor weighs in favor of the defendant."
"Ultimately, she said that the fair use went in favor overall of h3h3 because they were offering critique and commentary and not usurping the original market for the work."
"Fair use is what allows every movie review and critique and response video and commentary."
"Ethan's video contains a ton of my copyrighted material... fair use is a really gray and nebulous part of copyright law."
"Fortunately through some miracle you've actually intervened and stated that it was fair use which given how broken the system is is almost incredible."
"Imagine there is a 20-foot tall giant with a big shirt that says fair use incarnate, that's what it is."
"You really have to be able to ride the line well between getting damage in and pushing the pace."
"A lot of people on youtube who have to deal with copyright issues will oftentimes will point to the klein case as something you know that highlights that fair use is still upheld."
"This is absolutely 100 percent fair use and the internet will rise up to protect it."
"I've never violated copyright law. I stay within the bounds of what's considered fair use."
"Nothing like a react streamer coming after someone for fair use."
"Fair use is a right, not just an affirmative defense."
"The First Amendment concerns are addressed in the copyright field through the fair use doctrine."
"Fair use is not just excused by the law but is wholly authorized by the law."
"Fair use is when you use somebody else's copyrighted materials in a way that is fair enough that you don't need to get their permission to use them."
"Remember, fair use protects the ability to make critical commentary, political commentary, satire, etc. That's free speech."
"Taco Man is a fantastic example of fair use Let's Plays... He adds his original art to the videos and only includes parts of the game he's making fun of."
"Fair use is not a proactive defense against a lawsuit, pro fair use is a defense in a court of law."
"Right to repair is very similar to fair use give us educational fair use to access these resources to be able to learn from them and maybe we can finally catch up."
"Demonetization: if it's fair use, you will win."
"The judge repeatedly warned Akilah Hughes that the use that Sargon of Akkad was quintessential fair use."
"The Fair Use Protection Account (FUPA)... managed to raise more than 170 thousand dollars for its cause of protecting YouTubers from these kinds of copyright bullies like Matt Haas."
"Not all Weird Al songs are fair use but they don't need to be because they're all licensed."
"Forget that copyright law has evolved to a point that fair use exists and they want to continue to strike and seal all your money."
"If you intentionally want to make a cover of a song or artwork that might be considered fan art, then as long as you credit the original artist and creator, I would think that's generally within fair use."
"That's exactly what fair use is for copyright law. Copyright is to protect creativity and inventiveness, and if that creativity and inventiveness has applied to use your original idea to create a new idea, that's totally protected."
"We strongly believe in fair use and believe that this improvement to Content ID will make a real difference."
"You could call that transformative, heck, I'd argue it even falls under fair use."
"He blatantly states that Griffin's content on him is actually fair use."
"It's not going to be every case, that's fair use."
"Fair use is part of it, it's not like a weaselly side thing... it's an integral part that we allow people to build off of existing work."
"Fair use says that in certain situations you can use copyrighted material without asking for permission."
"I care a lot about fair use and free speech and everything, so I offered to put him in... no, I put him in touch with my attorney."
"If art is used in a transformative way, you'll nearly guarantee that that is a fair use application."
"Van Gogh's interpretation of this art piece would be absolutely allowed under the conditions of fair use."
"This video completely and utterly falls under the realm of fair use for YouTube."
"Namely, that his reaction videos are insufficiently transformative to constitute fair use."
"Over here it's still recording, fair use on your own content."
"Fair use means that I, or anybody else, is allowed to use copyrighted material if we are providing a review or critique or some sort of educational commentary that is legally allowed."
"This is an attempt to silence criticism that is protected by fair use law and it is entirely appropriate and good. Benny Hinn is not repentant, Bennie Hinn is trying to silence criticism, abusing a system on YouTube to do it, but YouTube has got my back."
"Fair use cases are very fact-specific."
"It's fair use, it's parody, transformational."
"That analogy would work if I stole the event in its entirety and re-uploaded it to YouTube or resold it or something like that. That's not what happened. I reacted to a brief clip. That's called fair use."
"At the end of the day there is no black and white line for where fair use starts and ends it's up to courts to figure that out."
"... this video falls within the fair use provisions, particularly as pertain to criticism and parody."
"The supreme court deemed home recordings as long as they weren't being sold to be a fair use of copyrighted material."
"I'm able to do stuff like this on this channel because this is an education channel and what I do with these videos, particularly these Michael Jackson videos falls under fair use."
"I still like Ethan; I feel like the strides he made for fair use on the platform are like we should all appreciate that."
"Creating for enjoyment will never be an issue for things like education, research, private study, criticism, review, parody, satire, or news reporting."
"Fair use and fair dealing allow for parts of copyrighted content to be used in the context of criticism and commentary."
"If we fight it like we did last time, we strengthen the case for fair use on YouTube."
"Commentary videos and criticism is a pretty well-established category of fair use and fair dealing."
"The entire reason fair use laws exist is so that we can either educate, criticize, or review something."
"Sampling can be considered fair use."
"You're allowed to make critical videos as fair use."
"Is react content theft, or in less clickbaity terms, when streamers react to content that another person created, does it fall under fair use?"
"Recording programs off-air for personal use qualified as fair use."
"Transformative has really permeated how you think about fair use right now."
"Fair use is a non-infringing use of copyrighted work."
"Fair use is a principle in copyright law that allows people to use copyrighted material without permission from the copyright holder."
"This footage is used for criticism, commentary, education and is protected by the fair use law."
"The lawsuit went on to set a legal precedent on fair use that benefited the entire platform."
"Our dialogue online relies on fair use; our ability to literally speak to one another about everything culture, politics, etc., relies on fair use."
"We live in a world where there's fair use every day; it's almost part of our digital language."
"Regardless of how painfully obvious a video can fall in line with fair use, these copyright claims continue to get through automatically."
"Fair use is the doctrine that states excerpts of copyrighted material may, under certain circumstances, be quoted verbatim for purposes such as criticism, news reporting, teaching, and research without the need for permission from or payment to the copyright holder."
"Fair use is ultimately putting a line that balances these two often competing ideals."
"I have no problem with commentary content, people making their own viewers that acquire some use of other people's work for context."
"If you add sufficient commentary, you're in fair use territory."
"Fair use may be found when a work is used for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, or research."
"Such works thus lie at the heart of the fair use doctrine to guarantee of breathing space within the confines of copyright."
"Just using a gif or a snippet from manga or anime should not be an issue."
"The fair use doctrine was predicated on the author's implied consent to reasonable and customary use when he released his work for public consumption."
"If you are criticizing someone else's work, if it's a parody, if it's a meme, if it's news, if it's reporting, if it's research or scholarship or teaching, generally it is fair use."
"The fair use doctrine allows creators to take portions of other people's work and adapt, criticize, parody, or add to them without the permission of the original creator."
"This is called fair use and is allowed for the purpose of criticism, news reporting, teaching, and parody."