
Geopolitical Implications Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"The sheer human cost of the war, leaving aside all the geopolitical and economic implications, is simply staggering."
"Why are the members of the Church of climate the climate activists so averse to the United States producing oil and gas but are perfectly fine with global markets that allow the likes of petrochina and many Russian oil and gas producers to pick up the slack?"
"Gas being an issue in this debate, particularly on Russia but indeed in Germany."
"Dutch investigators determine that the missile launcher is Russian-owned."
"Recent news of significant oil and gas deposits off the coast of South Africa has thrust the nation into Global geopolitical challenges."
"The point is we're a pretty smart species." - Bjorn Lomborg
"The politics of bitcoin are fascinating; on a micro level, it's classic liberal or even libertarian, but geopolitically, it aligns with a Marxist or leftist critique of American foreign policy."
"If the west is dependent on countries like Russia for their oil in the future."
"Telecommunications equipment made by untrusted vendors including Huawei is a threat to the security of the U.S. and our allies."
"The situation is such that if Batman Falls, well in time the rest of Donbass Falls as well."
"If we withdraw support for Ukraine, we will have to stand at the sidelines and watch a genocide happen in Europe."
"If China does take Taiwan, that's it, the US is no longer a superpower."
"This is hugely significant and it's a big big win for the Ukrainians."
"A Russian victory in Ukraine would result in Russia having the largest and most experienced land army in Europe."
"If Iran becomes nuclear, it completely alters the Dynamics of the world."
"To stop supporting Ukraine now is to do Putin and by extension the tyrants of half the world the biggest favor in the world."
"This new firm started making investment deals that would serve the strategic interests of the Chinese military."
"The Green New Deal mindset was a gift to Putin."
"Do you think it's morally okay to play atomic heart even though buying it means giving some money to Russia's government? Uh, yeah I think it's fine."
"It does look as if the situation in chuar is now very bad indeed..."
"Major seismic changes will be happening over the next year... whether or not the Chinese Communist Party actually collapses well it has extremely real-world implications right here in America."
"It's a line that Japan can easily control and monitor, and it also builds a wall of missiles. Any calculus that China is making on whether or not to invade Taiwan will have to now factor in this wall of missiles ready to roll."
"You got to be kidding me and that crazy you got I but the implications of that are so significant because Japanese government basically saying we're walking away is in essence an affirmation to China to go ahead and attack Taiwan."
"Nuclear weapons didn't save the British Empire, they didn't save the French in Algeria, they didn't save the Soviet Union in Afghanistan."
"Accusing someone of disinformation is almost saying that there are competent State actors or something."
"There is no such thing as a small nuclear strike. If Putin uses a tactical nuke, it's World War III."
"If Ukraine's sovereignty and territory are not respected, then no country is truly secure."
"It represents the endgame of militarization."
"What would happen though if the US didn't exist anymore?"
"If Russia succeed[s], it will encourage other authoritarian leaders in the world to do the same."
"The war in Ukraine may actually be less about territory and more about people."
"We're fighting a proxy war. Russia is fighting a proxy war with an alliance that has a population basically 10 times as large."
"If Ukraine falls, their countries will be next. It will not start with Russian bombers or tanks crossing borders, it will start on the streets, in YouTube channels, on TV screens."
"The Chinese would be delighted, the Russians would be delighted, the North Koreans will be delighted... and that's not good for world stability."
"If China were to take control of Taiwan, it would spell the end of a liberal democracy and have a chilling effect on democracies around the world."
"Even if a little bit, that could in and of itself be justification for NATO to invoke Article 5."
"Failure to retake the peninsula would mean an ongoing threat to Ukrainian State identity and Global Security."
"The U.S. dollar is in peril, and the digital yuan will make transactions even easier."
"Whatever temporary gains the Ukrainians might achieve they are playing into the Russian agenda."
"China's Bureau of Statistics released a bunch of economic data and I mean first of all we know that any data that comes out of China is a lie."
"What message does that send to enemies domestic and foreign? If they can do anything to America... it's open season."
"This isn't a war about Ukraine... this is a war about freedom."
"I don't feel war in Europe if we're not part of the EU."
"Putin's career in jeopardy as rebellion looms amidst war with Ukraine."
"If Russia adds the Arctic area to Russian territory, they will have their hand on roughly 16 percent of the world's untapped oil."
"It's actually really Western considering that the East is gone."
"I think it's important to help Ukraine, but I do think that there will be unintended consequences with all these weapons pouring in."
"From strategic inactivity to proactive defense: Japan's military buildup."
"More importantly, it disavowed the notion of any inherent Russian military superiority on the basis of geopolitical reputation or economic power alone."
"If there's any single event during the Ukraine war so far that would make XI rethink invading Taiwan this is it."
"It has taken a war, a war on the continent and a direct threat but it's a start."
"Don't underestimate the importance of these midterm results for Ukraine with the Democrats outperforming expectations probably holding the Senate and trumpit Republicans doing poorly."
"the chinese navy is bigger than united states navy and that should hit people like a ton of bricks"
"Isn't that an indirect threat to NATO and the United States national security at the same time?"
"With each success on the battlefield, Ukraine sends a powerful message to the world."
"Clearly, Washington’s gift of the ATACMS has opened up a range of strategic options."
"We may be delivering Al-Qaeda another prize; they'll be in Libya. They weren't there before."
"Your kids aren't going to have to go to the Middle East to fight wars again."
"When you see Jerusalem as a very heavy stone for all people, you should know that you're getting near something interesting."
"Mongolians will enjoy autonomy, nationality autonomy. Yeah, I know what a promise from the CCP is worth."
"The green bag is losing its power as a reserve currency."
"Arctic sea lanes could come before the 24th century Suez and Panama canal's."
"This really isn't even up for debate, and any leak would kill people in NATO countries. That's an automatic Article 5."
"Three immigration experts say that DHS secretary Alejandro mayarkas's unwillingness to enforce laws and regulations... has allowed an unprecedented number of Russians and Chinese illegal immigrants to enter the country from Mexico."
"The fact that the U.S. is building one gigafactory or the equivalent of one gigafactory every four months and China's building one every week, China is in tune with the pace of what's happening here and the U.S. at the moment isn't."
"A victory for Russia in Ukraine would be a defeat of NATO and that's why it must be prevented."
"The drills show a strong resolve of the South Korea U.S Alliance."
"The US dollar, that kingpin of the oil world, will officially be dead."
"Whoever controls Taiwan, they're gonna move on and try to take over the Pacific."
"Russia's invasion of Ukraine is sidelining the seriousness of the invasion even worse China now supports and helps spread Kremlin propaganda."