
Military-industrial Complex Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"We need to recognize the war in Afghanistan for what it was: a massive transfer of wealth from the American people to the military-industrial complex, at tremendous cost of human life."
"The military-industrial empire prefers perpetual conflict over diplomacy and peace."
"We must guard against the acquisition of unwanted influence by the military-industrial complex."
"We must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex."
"Ike reached the end of his Presidency concerned above all about what he referred to as the 'military industrial complex' and its potential to hijack and erode American democracy."
"Against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex."
"The military-industrial complex plays a major role in continuing to keep us in some state of war."
"President Eisenhower's last speech...he warned about the increasing cooperation between military facilities and arms manufacturing companies and how much these are influencing our government."
"The military-industrial complex seems to be able to control foreign policy, to generate, create war, and then find convenient excuses for why that war might be taking place."
"Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and Military Machinery of Defense with our peaceful methods and goals."
"Militarism will be part of that break because what one of the things we try to do with our focus show that what happens to people around the world really does affect how we live here in the United States."
"How do we get a handle on this military-industrial complex the warning that Eisenhower gave us on the way out of office has come to fruition."
"This is single-handedly the best piece of video I've seen from CNN. The description and the breakdown of the military-industrial complex is spot-on."
"Your enemy is not China, your enemy is not Russia, your enemy is the military-industrial complex."
"The war machine is profitable if you continually create unrest and you have these international forms of government, guess what it makes it a lot easier to lead people by the nose into conflicts that they have no business being a part of."
"Remember Dwight Eisenhower when he was departing office he said in his farewell speech beware the military-industrial complex."
"Ultimately, if we want to get rid of the military industrial complex, it’s up to Congress to do just that."
"No American president has gone close to even trying to interfere with the military-industrial complex."
"This type of censorship is hugely frightening to the military-industrial complex."
"The profound connection between Silicon Valley and the military-industrial complex."
"Eisenhower warns about the dangers of the military-industrial complex."
"For the benefit of absolutely no one but the military and intelligence industrial complex."
"Guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence by the military-industrial complex."
"No one wins in a war folks except the defense contractors and the guys that make billions of dollars by sending your boys your sons and your daughters off to war to be killed and maimed so they can make a big paycheck."
"They're all compromised on purpose and they know they do PR for the military-industrial complex."
"There is a link between the impetus towards saying that a human life in the womb has no value and our military-industrial complex... The authoritarian spirit of international governance to try and submit the freedom and free will of people."
"We have a common enemy, it's the military-industrial complex."
"With Boeing against the ropes, the US Air Force is preparing to declassify the secret space program to shake up the military-industrial complex and generate support for a space force."
"It's the same freaking blob. Silicon Valley and the military and intelligence communities have openly fused now."
"World War Three is starting, and it's not about supporting the Ukrainians, it's about the military-industrial complex siphoning tax dollars."
"War is about profits, profits for the military-industrial complex."
"We have to get money out of politics to handcuff the military-industrial complex."
"We cannot do both. It's an answer that was delivered over and over again by people that are benefiting from the military-industrial complex." - Candace Owens
"Beware of the military-industrial complex." - President Eisenhower
"Guard against the military-industrial complex."
"Eisenhower warned about this threat, the military-industrial complex."
"This war is about regime change in Russia and supporting the military-industrial complex."
"This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience."
"Before he left office in 1961, he gave a memorable speech that today appears as a lucid prophecy: 'This conjunction of an immense military establishment and a large arms industry is new in the American experience.'"
"Dollar hegemony is under attack... ironically bad for the middle class but good for the military-industrial complex."
"The purpose of US foreign policy today is to support the complex that we've created in the national security state that is fueled, funded, and powered by interminable war and the ramifications thereof."
"This country is just a giant weapons factory to me."
"The news again is basically a commercial, isn't it? A commercial for the military-industrial complex, for weaponry, for looming war."
"His warnings about the military-industrial complex deeply resonate today."
"This monster, we need to stop this monster, this military-industrial complex, they are pulling the strings and they ignored it."
"Be warned against the military-industrial complex, as warned by Eisenhower in his farewell address."
"Politics is the entertainment division of the military-industrial complex."
"They need Americans to stop these War pimps who go on to work for these military-industrial complex from just running these guys and gals to the meat grinder and it's got to stop."
"The growth of a government military-industrial complex aimed at the liberation of humans has rendered them subject to forces beyond their control."
"The United States has developed a military-industrial complex... we need to put it under control to remain a democracy."
"We have to resist the undue influence of the military-industrial complex."
"The military-industrial complex has absolutely nothing to do with what we like to talk about free enterprise."