
National Comparison Quotes

There are 61 quotes

"Every year, the United States falls further and further behind its peer nations in crucial metrics like quality of life, wages, health outcomes, and infrastructure."
"There is no mass movement to Sudan; there is no mass movement to Saudi Arabia. China does not have a massive immigration problem. The footfall speaks for itself."
"Canada has far less poverty, which says something about various types of inequality."
"The tables have officially turned: Iceland has low crime rates."
"This country is a model in democracy, compared to what's happening in France, it's a miracle how smooth it's been."
"Israel is one of the smallest nations on the planet. It's the size of New Jersey."
"I care much more about England which is a lot more [ __ ] up in the United States in lots of ways."
"Israel has probably the best Judiciary in the world."
"If India is moving slower than China, most Indians see their democracy as a big long-term asset, a winner over time."
"Italians in general are less racist than Americans."
"The Irish response to Ukrainian refugees really did put Britain to shame."
"We have better testing than any country in the world."
"Yo, American money is not, by definition, any more like legitimate than any other country's currency."
"It’s all about standards, something the U.S. seems to have a deficit of in the fast-food world."
"What is it about our history, our culture, and our police that set us apart in all measurable ways from other similar countries? The answer is messy and layered."
"America's got it good now that I've been traveling."
"Statistically, Alaska has more annual missing persons reports than anywhere else in the country, twice the national average."
"Iceland has one of the lowest crime rates in the entire world."
"We've tested now over 60 million people. No other country's even close to that."
"Our system is by far the most robust and advanced anywhere in the world by far."
"China saves its people as democracies slaughter theirs."
"That's how democracy works. Ghana was way ahead of Nigeria on the freedom index for a long time for a simple reason that it went from one election cycle to the other replacing the government in power."
"America has the best [ __ ] drugs it's period okay we have the best drugs even in Amsterdam."
"The Czech Republic has 6,000 confirmed cases and about a hundred and forty deaths - one of the few countries that can really say it's flattened the curve."
"And India's is more than 5 and 1/2 times what it was."
"We are better than anybody in the world on testing. We have tested more than anybody in the world and we have the best tests in the world."
"They're doing leaps and bounds better than we are."
"The happiest place in the world? Because they take care of their people."
"The power is within the people, truly in America, whereas it's illusionary in most other countries."
"Compared to the US, it's just not even close."
"It's hard to compare America to anywhere else."
"Despite being a nation smaller in area than the country of Guinea in West Africa, the UK today stands with the sixth largest national economy by nominal GDP in the world." - Barb, Geography Now host
"We're in a pretty confusing state. I feel that America may be the least racist country I've ever been in."
"We are fortunate to live in a nation where if you're gay, you're not thrown off a building."
"When you look at the shape of the curves in America versus almost all of our peer countries, it's horrifying."
"The United States has now conducted more than 5.4 million tests nearly double the number tested in any other country more than twice as much as any other country think of that."
"What my concept of family values is about is that the United States should not be the only major country on Earth that does not guarantee paid family and medical leave."
"Imagine you're an American like I am and you think wow we lead the world in science and technology."
"How has Croatia managed to outperform the other Former Yugoslav Nations by such a distance?"
"Look at the countries that have women running them, how they've coped with the pandemic, for example."
"Canada does take the clear win when it comes to the crime index however ranking as the 56th safest country in the world. The UK sits in a very poor 74th."
"This one is a clear win for the UK in terms of safety but for epicness, it's a win for Canada."
"Canadians for example can expect to live an average of almost four and a half years longer than Americans."
"It will also be the biggest in terms of population, squeezing ahead of Nigeria and becoming the fourth most populous country on earth."
"America is really cool compared to other countries."
"Canadians literally live longer, have better healthcare."
"America gives more philanthropy than any other country, it's not even close."
"Hey America, we're the only developed nation without subsidized healthcare."
"Productivity explains 60% of why one country grows and another one does not."
"I feel really bad for the Canadians, actually I don't, you guys have a lot better things going on up there than we do down here right now."