
Social Issue Quotes

There are 549 quotes

"It would cost 20 billion dollars to end homelessness for good in the U.S."
"Loneliness is a problem that has existed behind the shadows for too long."
"A surgeon general's new warning about an epidemic of loneliness as bad for you as smoking cigarettes."
"Internet addiction is a huge issue in China."
"We are in great need of prison reform in this country."
"Slavery is something we in the West thought had disappeared... but not only is it still present, it's also prevalent in our own backyards."
"Reports on loneliness compare its health effects to smoking 15 cigarettes every day."
"Part of the reason that I wanted to do this is because I think there's a big stigma around mental illness."
"Rest in peace, Breonna Taylor. Arrest the cops that murder black people."
"A report issued at the end of 2023 indicated that there had been a 12% increase in homelessness since 2022, a reported 653,000 people were homeless, the highest number since the country began recording in 2007."
"Homelessness is not an act of God. It's not the result of economic collapse in this country. America did not run out of housing."
"Homelessness is by far the single biggest issue in Los Angeles right now."
"I see human beings eating food out of the trash that I wouldn't give to my dog. We got to do something."
"This is about making sure that women can control their own bodies and their futures."
"Something has to be done about it. Something."
"There are two standards of justice in this country. We see it every single day. The American people see this every single day."
"Gun violence in America is a seemingly intractable issue with a complex history and tragic real-life stakes."
"It is incredibly unfortunate what is happening to Asians in this country, and I hope that you guys will not look away."
"In the United States of America alone, more than half a million people go missing every year."
"There's just such a high demographic of domestic violence in our military personnel."
"George Bush doesn't care about black people." - Kanye West
"Native American women are more than twice as likely to experience violence than any other demographic. One in three native women is sexually assaulted during her lifetime."
"It's driving while black, so the lesson from Maxine Waters is we have got to teach our cops to stop being racist."
"The abortion issue triggers deep emotions for good reason."
"They yelled racist slurs like 'ching chong' and sprayed her with pepper spray."
"It's just unbelievable that in this day and age we are still losing men and women to domestic homicide."
"Almost 2 million Canadians access Food Bank in March."
"Christian nationalism is the biggest threat that we're facing."
"Transphobia has always been at the heart of fascism and is still at the heart of fascism."
"Being a gay man, people try to tell me that I shouldn't have the right to get married because of their religious views."
"This is not a partisan issue, this is human rights."
"It's regular people like us who can tackle these terrors and help fight the growing number of missing person cases."
"There's an incredible amount of unnecessary scarcity in this land of abundance."
"The moral weight of the abortion question itself."
"We can't lose a generation; we can't lose young people who have either the inability to get high-speed internet because of their economic circumstances or because of learning disabilities."
"Dolph doing good things out there in Memphis dusty [__] hating on him I hate that."
"Mass migration of people from unstable countries to countries like ours is the biggest issue we're facing."
"One of the things I'm going to do is declare a public emergency on homelessness... so we can build low-cost housing."
"We should really see housing as something that meets a human right, a basic need."
"Housing is becoming extremely expensive, which is making it very difficult for all people."
"I want to see a world where people don't have to die because they can't afford to go to a doctor or because they're sick and then couldn't afford to pay their bills and went bankrupt."
"There is nothing worse than to be a victim of a hate crime."
"I think this is the human rights issue of our day."
"Thoughts and prayers are not enough. Action is needed."
"The homeless man is like asking and begging for food."
"There is accountability for anti-Semitism and hate."
"Every time we arrest drug dealers or people who possess or use drugs it doesn't stop anything."
"We're not doing enough to combat this problem. We're not taking it seriously enough. There are a lot of words, there are a lot of strategies around this, but there's not a whole lot of action."
"None of these people have a natural answer as to what you're supposed to do with unaccompanied kids who show up at the border."
"Acknowledging addiction as something that exists in this world isn't an offensive label to wear."
"Man are deleting themselves at a record pace."
"Racism is hell of a thing nobody should suffer it. I don't have an opinion on Meghan Markle I do not know her I know one thing y'all gonna stop being racist to black people but let's be clear all that is secondary to the primary problem."
"Racist hashtag March for life participants harassed and mocked this elderly Native American man."
"The idea of someone unable to afford insulin even though they're a full-time federal worker is so devastating."
"Since the beginning of the year, a shortage of baby formula is keeping parents up at night."
"You have to solve that problem otherwise we're just adding more people to go live in the shadows."
"This is like telling a rape victim they had it coming because they dressed the way they wanted to. Maybe check the rapist instead."
"Education should not be for sale like this is a big problem."
"I don't think drug addicts should be in jail period..."
"There's literally no reason to go against this those are human beings with no homes you wouldn't want a dog to sleep on the street but how can you let humans do that it's so cruel and heartbreaking."
"The elephant in the room should be noted at the outset: gender identity is real."
"Do I lose my family then? No one's doing a goddamn thing about it."
"It is criminal in this country that we have young people graduate with 30, 40, 50,000 of debt just to get an education."
"Mike, you're crazy dude, thank you so much for the love and support my man. I really, really appreciate it."
"South Korea has the world record for the highest suicide rate."
"I want to devote all my time and energy to defending The Unborn from abortion."
"We're going to see more homeless than you can even comprehend unless we fix the affordable housing crisis."
"The Charlie Project: A website that contains over 14,000 cold cases of missing people."
"There's not nearly enough outrage over the student loan thing. There should be an eruption of moral outrage over this."
"Politically, what you have is a 14-year-old child in prison because he has nowhere to go."
"These kids should not be homeless, stationed not be in the streets. We're gonna provide housing for them."
"The most important thing to me is the fact that on an average day, three people die at the hands of police."
"There are at least seven and a half thousand young people waiting on a waiting list for help."
"Thank you, Vice President. In March, Breonna Taylor, a 26-year-old emergency room technician in Louisville, was shot and killed after police officers executing a search warrant in a narcotics investigation broke into her apartment."
"Last Meal Project: Reflecting on the broader topic of the death penalty."
"No kid should go missing off a street. That should be a pandemic. That's unacceptable from this point on."
"Paying people not paying them a living wage... if people are not getting paid a living wage, it's unacceptable."
"What's depicted on that video... I don't have the words to describe how horrific that was."
"The underlying epidemic of gun violence has stayed with us for decades and is going to continue to grow unfestered unless we do something about it."
"This man is literally trying to start a harassment campaign against a woman whose only crime is trying to get literal justice for her sister's [bleep] murder."
"It's just been demonized to an unbelievable point."
"This isn't me ruining his life, this is me speaking out on an issue."
"Let's be the generation that finally tackles our healthcare crisis."
"Jesse Tyler Ferguson is a long-standing advocate for marriage equality."
"There will be over 140 girls under the age of 14 tonight in Atlanta... sold for sex... I want to thank men for standing up."
"The number one issue that young people bring up is the housing crisis."
"I truly and firmly believe we need to make a change to this horrible act. It needs to stop bullying, immaturity, and just taking things as a joke..."
"I don't know why homophobes are so adverse to the idea of being called 'homophobe', because it's like, if you've got to be a homophobe, just be a homophobe!"
"It's incredibly disrespectful to fake mental illnesses for any reason."
"People are intimidated they fears of something they don't know, you know, and this is ignorance ultimately it's ignorance."
"Outside the neighborhood wandering citizens were demanding the authorities to deal with the infected inside."
"There is never a good reason to bully a person."
"Everyone feels affected, everyone doesn't like it."
"Nobody should have to resort to literally begging for strangers to support the cost of their medical care."
"Cancel culture is a real thing, and it's a problem."
"Whenever you see child sexual abuse, if you're a victim, it affects you too."
"We want everyone to live free from harassment or discrimination."
"Nobody should ever be abusing, assaulting, harassing people in the first place, and that is the real issue."
"Children shouldn't be going hungry in the United States."
"Harassment to me is constantly bugging and picking on someone even after they've repeatedly asked you to stop."
"When it's the cops doing it, who are you supposed to turn to?"
"I'm very concerned about ending homelessness among veterans... when veterans are sleeping on cardboard boxes in the rain I have a problem with that."
"Racism is disgusting, and I believe it exists."
"Great news for millions and millions of Americans who are facing eviction or are in eviction cases right now."
"We won't always be homeless, and we weren't born like this. But we will always be human."
"Homelessness is a temporary situation for some. However, we should prevent homelessness and make it temporary for all."
"45 million people are struggling with student debt, 500,000 people tonight are sleeping out on the street including 30,000 veterans. That is not an economy that's working for the American people; that's the economy working for the 1%."
"Nobody wins if people are dying prematurely."
"It's heartbreaking and it's an absolute mess."
"Why are black people in jail at higher rates than white people? That's the question, right?"
"There's a difference between hating trans people and calling out hypocrisy in the culture."
"The Supreme Court sent a strong message this week."
"The drug war should have been dead long ago."
"No man should ever put his hands on a woman."
"That wasn't accidentally racist. That was on purpose racist."
"You're a goddamn hero, Dia. Honestly, you are the bravest person for speaking out about this extremely important and devastating issue."
"Los Angeles is considered to be the homeless capital of the developed world."
"This isn't about stopping abortion, it's about power."
"The concept of white privilege is stoking divisions and marginalizing the most disadvantaged in society."
"Ukraine's orphanages are feeder for child trafficking."
"The blue lives matter flag is not a pro-cop flag, it's an anti-black people flag."
"Is it really a sin that we want to stop gun violence?"
"We need to actually renew public housing, repeal the Fair Cloth Amendment, and increase our housing stock."
"Seeing this anti-Semitism that's out there and festering... it's really disheartening to me."
"Sexual assault is one of the most egregious acts."
"We have got to do everything that we possibly can to combat gun violence in America."
"You're being opposed politically now... by Delta Airlines, Major League Baseball, and Coca-Cola."
"Migration has become unprecedented, it's a population movement, not just migration."
"Last year, this man married a 16-year-old girl. Remember her uncle went on Twitter begging Nigerians to stop the man from marrying the girl? Nothing happened."
"We've managed to do three months every night at eight o'clock just chatting and that for me is always the most powerful period of the United Stand's history because it just shows what this is."
"The discrimination against women is slowing killing Japan."
"Dismantle human trafficking networks. Nobody's talking about this, it's huge."
"Fat shaming is not a constructive conversation to have."
"Abortion will never erase the pain of incest or rape."
"I'm sad it's happening but I'm heartened to see it's getting attention because I want people to feel less alone with it."
"It's wild that this is happening in Ottawa and Toronto, every major city in this country has a homeless epidemic."
"End this bullying epidemic once and for all."
"I'm sorry to cut you but you're comparing homosexuality to stealing."
"120,000 New York City students are homeless. Why is no one talking?"
"I will never stop reporting on pedophilia, I will never stop reporting on the threat of pedophilia to our children."
"Cyberbullying is a very, very serious social phenomenon. Very dangerous; it's making a lot of people angry, it's increasing the suicide rate in many cities and many countries."
"The argument is: stop killing innocent babies. That's the whole argument."
"Racism is a public health issue... all for your safety."
"This whole situation makes a complete mockery of all the victims of human trafficking. It's very, very sad."
"We're in a crisis of connection, this disconnection from ourselves and disconnection from each other."
"We absolutely need to start teaching kids about consent."
"Jeremy Lin was always overlooked because he was Asian... call it flat-out racism."
"Nearly half of the accounts that sent direct misogynistic abuse went on to reoffend."
"What makes somebody drink and then come into a masjid? Something is happening in this person's life."
"Meanwhile, as millions face eviction and diminished unemployment checks, the end of the paycheck protection program, and stone is student loan deferrals, still no covered relief plan, half the Republican party seems to have left the building."
"Squatters have victimized many, many New Yorkers who say something just has to be done."
"The idea we can't afford to look after the sick I struggle with that I really do."
"This isn't a United issue, this isn't a Liverpool issue, this is a national issue, this is a football in England issue."
"The Native American suicide rate is double the national average."
"A period should be the end of a sentence, not the end of a woman's education."
"Racism is a public health crisis, says Greg Fischer."
"At what point is there going to be just no place left for affordable housing in the United States?"
"The solutions they're offering don't even try to fix the problem; they just want to make things difficult for homeless people."
"Let's work together to build a world where people don't die simply because they're women."
"I sympathize if you're addicted, but stop facilitating human trafficking just because you want to get off, please."
"One of the most disturbing problems in our world today is human trafficking and particularly the trafficking of children."
"Our prison population is higher both per capita and in total numbers than any other country on earth."
"There's no accountability, so why wouldn't this keep happening?"
"We don't care if the goddamn video was fake or not, the topic itself was worth discussing and salute to you stepfathers."
"The problem for black people is that we can't afford to buy another cheeseburger."
"America is infected with systemic racism - a big deal to say that."
"Every assault is bad and the bigger issue is American prisons are terrible at keeping inmates safe."
"All people who are missing deserve that equality."
"It wasn't just a traffic stop when it ended in death."
"It's time to start tackling gun violence as a public health problem."
"Biden just announced that he supports ending the filibuster to codify abortion."
"The most common age for girls trafficked is 15 to 17, for boys under 12."
"Racism is alive today more so than any time in the history of this country."
"We're the only richest country in the world without universal health care, Medicare for all."
"Children are going hungry, Nancy. America's going hungry."
"He's been calling Mexican immigrants rapists and criminals."
"Human trafficking is a non-partisan issue, we can all agree."
"Access to healthy food is a real issue for a lot of people."
"Their identity is based on anti black hatred."
"People can't afford to live in our cities anymore."
"Donald Trump did he do a good job denouncing white supremacists and far-right groups? No he didn't."
"Every female black or white that's missing is because somebody took them."
"It's definitely something that needs to change."
"There are only 420 beds in the United States of America to rehabilitate these survivors. That is combating a $150 billion per year industry."
"If the PA people had done the right thing, that boy would not have been raped."
"F Matt Walsh and uh F Spotify for for platforming this stuff and making millions of dollars off of full-on 100 percent completely evidence-free data-free transphobia period end of story."
"White terrorism is a real issue, and denying it is complicity in propping up a system of belief where truth doesn't matter."
"This obsession will intensify to the level that it has to be dealt with."
"The evidence of human sex trafficking... is staggering."
"Republicans voted against providing baby formula for mothers who couldn't access it."
"Food is so important and while we're all eating, we don't think about all the millions of people in this country who are not eating."
"Why is transphobia so embedded in what people would otherwise refer to as like a progressive center...?"
"White supremacy is unquestionably the biggest threat to this country."
"So you're okay with kids growing up in the foster care system rather than gay parents?"
"Alcoholism transcends gender." - "Alcoholism transcends gender."
"Poor people who are still making minimum wage are affected."
"Human trafficking transcends policy, transcends politics."
"Not only is that immature but it's also a cop-out and it's needlessly simplifying a very real issue."
"This is a moral certainty that we don't have a kidnapping ring and concentration camps in this country."
"The city needs to admit there is a problem with police brutality."