
Public Protest Quotes

There are 74 quotes

"Each of those people who protested illegally, I'm sure have loved ones they're going to go home and risk passing that virus onto their most closest people to them."
"Israel blew up. There were hundreds of thousands of demonstrators in the streets, marching against Benjamin Netanyahu."
"If everybody knows that Samsung is actively working to try to destroy the independent repair market, that's not a good look."
"Once the American people realize that we are on this automatic course towards nuclear Annihilation, they'd be in the streets demanding that this not happen."
"The BBB grew out of the mass demonstrations against the Dutch government's proposal to cut nitrogen emissions by 50 in the country's farming sector by 2030."
"Nintendo doesn't want to give these people a platform to peacefully protest against Nintendo's decision."
"If the people don't stand up now, then they will forever hold their peace."
"In 2020, thousands of people marched in the streets trying to defund the police."
"Protest as much as you want, but going after someone to ruin their career is a different thing. That's cancel culture."
"When peacefulness intensifies, apparently that's when you set fire to a courthouse, damage a police station, and assault police officers. But it's mostly peaceful, guys."
"What started as a fun gathering of people trying to stick it to the man now feels like a revolt."
"In Hong Kong, officials banned an annual pro-democracy march for the first time, arresting dozens of unauthorized protesters under a controversial new security law."
"Their point is across and those owners can't dodge from it."
"Protesters demonstrate outside UK premiere claiming explicit film glamorizes domestic violence."
"Protesters heckle a Brooklyn taqueria after Chauvin verdict as white demonstrator leads chants telling white owners to get the F out of New York."
"Remember that bill that passed when everyone was outside screaming at them? Stuff like that shapes the narrative in the long term."
"Until you confront the law enforcement problems with law enforcement and the criminal justice system, you're going to continue to get protests." - Jason Stanley
"It's not about 30 pesos; it's about 30 years."
"That's the one thing I take from the India thing is that, you know, 250 million people can band together and demand change."
"People will do what they will do: Youtuber livestreams himself pooping on Nancy Pelosi's driveway. That's real by the way, uh, and disclaimer: don't do that on her driveway."
"What's going to stop a war is people getting in the streets and stopping a war."
"If the senators do not respect people's vote, they will march to the street once again."
"People are protesting at his residence, they want justice for Gabby."
"Protesters poured into the streets of Berlin chanting 'Black Lives Matter' and 'I can't breathe'."
"They despise people protesting or even rioting over the horrific conditions because they are contributing to those conditions in literally every way they can."
"A pregnant mom arrested in front of her husband and children for communicating details about an anti-lockdown protest."
"Chinese people are running out of hope, they're resorting to kneeling in front of the God of Justice himself, crying out of injustice caused by the government."
"This is one of the largest issues that has ever been protested on ever in history."
"We will never bow to the mob ever, ever. No matter what."
"Are we now at the point where we believe that people throwing mile 12 cocktails at Federal buildings last year in 2020, they're mostly peaceful protesters but parents protesting radicalism in their kids' Schools, they're the domestic terrorists?"
"The orange revolution: one in every five Ukrainians went out in protest."
"I'm glad to see people protesting and standing up."
"Drastic changes are required for the studio to stay relevant."
"Honestly, this summer we are going to see protests."
"The power in our silence... They've already planned for us to stay in the streets."
"If ordinary people cannot gather on a street and actually make their feelings known, we've lost pretty much everything."
"Laura Loomer was back at it again last week at Twitter's New York City headquarters shouting through a megaphone about how unfair it is that her account got banned."
"It's not going to happen without a huge public outcry... and make sure they hear our anger." - Kitty Colbert
"The people are standing up now. The direct protest we're seeing is in Canada." - The Speaker
"The enraged citizens of Tucson marched in the streets behind Vicki's family to protest lenient laws against convicted child molesters."
"George Floyd stuff didn't move you. It's hard to stand up to night after night after night after night of police brutalizing people."
"I think one thing that is different now is it's not just black folks angry like when you go to youth protest like you said you see everybody there now."
"There hasn't been one arrest and now he's participating in an illegal, unconstitutional, and totally unnecessary lockdown of the American people."
"The measure of whether you are free or not is can you protest in the Public Square."
"It's criminal how little coverage these protests have been getting."
"Thousands of New Zealanders protest for freedom after six weeks of lockdown."
"From this point forward I think everybody in across America should take their stinking mask off their face, tell the government to kiss our our lilly white asses."
"Shame on you for standing out here thinking you know what's right for other people's bodies."
"Over the weekend thousands fled to the streets to demand protections on Reproductive Rights."
"Why haven't I ever seen a damn riot around the healthcare racket? A million families went bankrupt last year due to medical bills."
"I'm surprised that more people are not out on the streets protesting."
"More than 175,000 people across France protested against the country's vaccine pass."
"I want to believe that people are standing up and saying no to mandates."
"The Occupy Wall Street movement began with anger over the Wall Street bailout."
"People want to criticize those cops in Miami that kneel down, but look."
"The people will take to the streets and take back their lives."
"This is a country where people have faced bullets in the streets to stand up for democracy."
"There are thousands and thousands, millions of people worldwide that are standing up to this nonsense right now."
"People have taken to the streets to protest this outrage, this usurpation of constitutional rights and liberties."
"The slave trade finally came to an end due to a variety of factors, including the protests of millions of ordinary people in Europe and the United States."
"The violation of the ban on fireworks at this time reflects a form of civil disobedience."