
Creative Direction Quotes

There are 144 quotes

"Zelda creator Shigeru Miyamoto saw this proposal and was very dissatisfied with its direction. He flipped the pitch, saying the game should be more of a Dynasty Warriors title with Zelda elements."
"Creating the next vision and kind of like where we go in the future."
"What could set Funko pop aside different and I think someone who could bring comedy because I think you can't do something like this without comedy but also bring some other aspects to it outside of the box is none other than Jordan Peele."
"It's clear that Luke Smith is the head of the creative vision for Destiny."
"I'm not going to focus on any of them i'm also not going to use any previously established main villains from other live-action movies or any villains we expect to show up in future live-action movies."
"Like with previous series, Tomino sought to reach a new generation."
"You should do a show the way we think it should be done."
"It's smart for the DC EU to have somebody like Matt Reeves."
"Forget David Ayer, forget Zack Snyder. Leave it to the guy who made lights out and Annabel creation to rejuvenate the DC Cinematic Universe."
"I think the coolest thing that Ryan Coogler does in these movies is takes real-world influences and stitches it into the fabric of these characters."
"Disney was often described as the conductor with his artists being the orchestra..."
"It's pretty interesting seeing Always Sunny take a look at itself from this angle."
"Graining wanted to get away from what he called the rubber band reality of the Looney Tunes and Tom and Jerry."
"The action directors were the stars of the first season, inspiring and one-upping each other constantly."
"Hollywood, please, give someone who understands that gender is a crock of shit a tonne of money to make movies instead."
"The cast of Marvel's Eternals talks about what makes them special and the film's director talks about getting chosen for the project."
"How would we... what kind of things do we want the anime version of the moral arc to do to improve upon the manga version?"
"I do think we're gonna see a reboot for this. This is a movie that's calling for a reboot. I think you gotta have a lot of fun with it."
"Ryan Johnson said about this movie was to essentially look at Empire and do the opposite of that."
"I would like to see a more sophisticated, focused, cohesive art direction."
"It's one of those shows where like you can tell it's has a singular vision, it's written with a particular mentality in mind, and I [ __ ] with that, I [ __ ] with what they're trying to do."
"The Mandalorian is the best thing they've produced and it's because of John Favreau and Hail Gina Carano."
"It's a choice between continuing with a formula that will at one point or another lose theme aside from the core fan base or venturing into the unknown and risking everything he's built."
"Turtles co-creator Peter Laird... stresses that the film will return the turtles to their darker, edgier comic-book roots."
"We're gonna go back and make iCarly the way we like it and then the audience applauded."
"This is the only direction the series could have possibly gone after the absolute tsunami of praise that we as a whole showered part 4 with."
"We're trying to get away from Skyrim and make it a unique experience."
"They're each an expert in their own individual subject matter and they've been spearheading the creative."
"I would be more excited to see Naughty Dog be like, 'We're doing something brand new and here's what it is.'"
"Not everything is on the page... moments can be crafted by the way you shoot it and the way you stage the actors."
"If we gone a different direction, the show would be the only thing that doesn't fit with that Universe. Obviously, there's challenges there."
"If you're putting your love and passion in something that sucks and nobody wants let's put your love and passion into something people love and want like I don't know bad company three."
"In the fourth movie, I would have set in World War 2 in 1945."
"I think any good director could do it. They might have to make it a horror comedy."
"We want a saw film with less traps, less gore, less fun, more detective [__]."
"Feige wanted to remain authentic to these characters."
"If getting Taika Waititi back means we're gonna get more of that balance, more that incredibly dark heavy dramatic stuff with the incredibly jovial light funny entertaining stuff I'm all for it 100%."
"It's time to do something else in that Wizarding World."
"If you just let everything breathe and everybody kind of sizes each other up and you just let the world sit for a second, that type of art direction and that type of creative direction I think helps make the big moments quite bigger."
"I think we were all in agreement that we wanted to tell the truest version of this story and not the sanitized version."
"Game design is about getting players to make choices."
"When it came to ending my show, I knew that introducing my own character as the final antagonist was the only direction I wanted to take."
"We just want to see everything play out the way whatever they have in mind whatever Feige thought up under that baseball cap of his."
"The musical choices for what little we have seen of Infinite, purposefully crafted by the expert hand of Martin O'Donnell, are now being breathed anew into the next chapter of this story."
"Greta Gerwig is directing a Barbie movie written by Noah Baumbach, starring Margot Robbie and Ryan Gosling."
"It's such an odd series to pin down a core identity for whether it be story or gameplay."
"It's not easy to pick a direction for this series so many years later."
"I'd want another Naughty Dog Jack and Daxter probably not based off the stuff they came up with in the concept stages of the cancelled Jack 4."
"While the makers of this series clearly didn't want to go down the same path as Lynch, they were either big fans or at least aware of how popular his film still is."
"I think the Terminator franchise can be saved... It needs James Cameron or a complete reimagining."
"As long as you have the right writers and director, you can tap into anything."
"It's about damn time they actually focus on making good horror movies around these legendary characters instead of forcing them into becoming an Avengers esque superhero team."
"Reverting Mickey back to a more classic design and tossing him into a darker and grittier world... that's just really cool."
"Being creative director for me, it's also making a big business which I'm doing, but it's also like expressing more my point of view more myself."
"I don't think it should be a remastering of classic WoW."
"Dave Filoni's Star Wars is going to be the closest thing that we'll ever get to George Lucas' Star Wars going forwards."
"It's a perfect fit... I think Neil Druckmann is uniquely qualified... there's definitely an episodic nature to The Last of Us."
"They've already gone in a certain creational and narrative direction with the remake at this point."
"I wish Marvel would do is what DC has done telling some self-contained outside of their main Cinematic Universe movies."
"The action on display is mesmerizing which showcases truly alien spaces."
"I'm really intrigued. It doesn't look and feel the way I expected."
"John Favreau and Dave Filoni are just doing an amazing job with this show."
"They actually lean into that in this movie and it's brilliant."
"All we know about this canceled series is that it would have been lighter in tone."
"Every video is gonna have an animated intro now, every single one."
"The first four seasons... George was more hands-on, so it was more his vision of the story."
"Totally dug what they were doing with this show."
"That guy over there created it, thank you very much in the right direction."
"Battlefield 1942 took aim at a different time period."
"It's like somebody told this Opie's director all right you have got ten seconds to trick me into getting excited about volleyball and they totally did it."
"The Last of Us Part 2 is the straw to break the back of Naughty Dog's AAA linear game design camel."
"Heyman's strength lies in long-term storytelling and understanding characters. Hopefully, this will make the product more creatively rewarding for wrestlers."
"I think that this is amazing and one of the instances I feel like it's a great example of someone self-producing for a good reason because they really know where to take their vision and direction."
"Thank God I'd like they got the writers and it's the same writer from Birds of Prey which is why like okay she's probably got a plan for Gotham."
"People that worked with Walt Disney knew Walt Disney personally are like oh my God what are you doing the son of the director of the original who's like in his 90s is like both my father and Walt are spinning in their graves right now."
"Candyman's director Bernard Rose had wanted to do a follow-up to Candyman but for it to be a prequel focusing on Candyman and Helen's relationship from a previous life."
"I appreciate the fact that they took this fourth film in a very different direction."
"Superman is a fun character, it has to have an element of joy."
"I think Triple H wants that WWE storytelling style to end more than pretty much anybody."
"That chorus, it's very reminiscent of God's Menu but they went sideways this time."
"As long as we continue to have people like Angela running the show and they've got an idea where these stories are going."
"James Gunn needs to make a decision point, have a path forward... that's what they should do."
"Critics praised its refreshing change of direction and lighthearted tone, particular praise was given to the sense of humor and the performances from the cast."
"Why not lean into the romance angle even more than the action angle and give us our first true rom-com in an adaptation of spider-man blue?"
"They made this for the critics and not the fans."
"NieR: Automata isn't the prettiest looking game out there, but Yoko Taro presents the game with such flair and panache that it's easy to look past some of the flaws."
"That's what DC needs to lean into more, the fun of it all."
"Bruce Vaughn returning to Walt Disney Imagineering as Chief Creative Officer effective March 20th."
"I personally love the whole Once Upon a Brawl theme."
"We wanted it to be a tour of the modern Marvel Universe."
"Fallen Kingdom, they said, you know what? We're gonna make a weird-ass horror movie that'll be funny for good reasons and bad reasons."
"And then this one, yeah, they were like, you know what? We're gonna make a heist flick."
"Art styles that go from being simplistic to overly detailed can change due to new art directors."
"If you want to make a Deadpool-like Harlequin movie about Harlequin, then make a Deadpool-like Harlequin movie about Harlequin."
"I think maybe 'Thor 5' would benefit from another shake-up similar to Ragnarok."
"This also got me thinking that for the NXT brand as a whole, Triple H running creative is awesome."
"Cherry Bomb was the start of a new creative direction for Tyler, straying away from the rap and hip-hop side of his work."
"I don't understand why the WWE main roster writing staff just couldn't figure out what to do with these amazing, borderline generational talents."
"I think that they can do whatever they want, but if you stray away so far that it's not even Powerpuff Girls anymore, then it seems like it seems very strange that you even called it that."
"You are not not going to enjoy the singing. Hunger Games shouldn't be about singing and then it just turned into singing."
"They took the things that were great about the remake and either like flipped them on their head or they took the story in a completely new direction."
"He was the director and the writer of this script, and he did it with a purpose."
"If they put me in charge of Lucasfilm tomorrow, the first thing I would do is I would go DC Cinematic Universe on the whole thing and I'd be like, okay, this, this, this, this, and this, all garbage."
"I'm switching gears to be less of a reviewer and more of an author."
"Creative directors are about making decisions, not necessarily sitting down to sew."
"I decided that I wanted to go in a more positive direction with my dinosaur versus Indiana Jones adventure video, showcasing what those rides do well."
"The genius of art director Matt Jefferies and Gene Roddenberry."
"I really like the new editing style of the show."
"I love this set so much; I love the directions that Hot Wheels goes."
"What kind of vibe they're going for, because that's going to be the framework for every decision you make."
"The main takeaway from this here, this little app, is that you grab your three colors... and then you choose one that you want to be the leader."
"Going and creating something that doesn't actually exist... that includes like the ability to direct that expression, the lighting, the portrait that doesn't exist without someone on the other side of the camera."
"Ultimately the role of a creative director is to lead the direction of the brand to kind of be like the president."
"My overall goal in life is just to make people happy, whether that's through on screen, behind the camera, or in a creative project that maybe I would hopefully creative direct someday."
"I actually really like the direction of where this is headed."
"The nice thing with all of this is that we can do a bit of art direction."
"As a creative director, you're going to help a company in all things related to their creative direction that involves artistic work."
"Texas Chainsaw Massacre 2 should be praised for its ludicrous and crazy amount of originality and inventiveness."
"I love the direction that they went with this."
"Now comes the fun part, which is art directing this thing."
"Part of what makes them fun, despite there not being much to talk about, is how much more creative this season has been in terms of direction and transitions."
"I've been thinking about it and I've been altering like what I want to do with it, and right now that seems like the best approach."
"Each director was given a letter of the alphabet and asked to choose a word."
"Crystal Dynamics took the game in a direction that we would not have taken it."
"Art direction is about why; it's not about pretty pictures."
"Concept art is solidifying and bringing a team unified around an idea and a concept."
"I was thinking about maybe taking this in a little bit of a different direction, more like old school, actual Norse god Thor."
"I love all of this swing for the fence risks that were in the Last Jedi."