
Sequel Anticipation Quotes

There are 153 quotes

"Fujibayashi reconsider the level of animal interactivity for Breath of the Wild 2."
"What can the Forza teams do with Forza Horizon 5? Well, we've already seen it in action, and the results are typically amazing."
"Total war, it's pretty final, isn't it? Your sequel should actually be even more Total War."
"They might consider working on a follow-up film."
"This is gonna be one of those rare instances where the sequel is better than the original."
"Great film... I want to see a sequel to this."
"I hate that I want to see Spaceballs 2: The Search for More Money because I do want to see it."
"Our goal is for Overwatch to be the worthy successor to the first story to be the next evolution to be a true sequel."
"I hope for a third Splatoon entry. Splatoon is really popular and it's gained quite a bit of traction since the first game."
"Characters who were accompanying members in FF7 Rebirth will become official playable party members in the next title."
"Everyone should support it and go and see films like this and make sure you're junior part two."
"And if I’m right, and 2022 really does become The Year of the Sequel, then I will be a happy camper."
"Fans can expect Boseman to reprise his role as T'Challa in Black Panther 2."
"I suppose it isn't a post-credits scene if it doesn't give unnecessary information that no one needed or could have waited until the sequel to learn."
"The only way to end a rivalry is for someone to rise above it. You have to be the bigger man."
"I would love to see The Amazing Spider-Man 3."
"The sequel to into the spider-verse will chronicle the further adventures of miles morales and is set to hit theaters october 7th 2022."
"Borderlands 3... finally Randy Pitchford, the CEO of Gearbox, had promised that they would only do a third game in this series if it was massive."
"I really enjoy these games. I'm excited for the potential of a sequel."
"What did you guys want? Oh no, there it turns out there's another Terminator."
"Let us know what you thought. Are you interested in seeing it? I want to see a sequel as well."
"It made me really happy because it means that maybe Jet Set Radio could make a return."
"The Last of Us Part 2, absolutely makes sense because the Last of Us was great."
"Now, if you didn't like Dune Part One, what's wrong with you? But I don't think Dune Part Two is going to completely change your mind."
"It looks set to be fantastic looking in shiny 4k and a great sequel to the experimental first game."
"Hideki Atsuno still doesn't completely rule out an official third game in the trilogy one day happening."
"Everything you do is elevated by Jesus by the grace of God."
"Time for a bit of speculation about the sequel."
"Surprise, there's going to be more than one."
"Let's get ten thousand likes for this video if you guys want me to come back for a part number two."
"There's plenty of stuff that could be fixed there should be fixed and if they make another one or if we include these characters and in other movies that I'd be looking forward to."
"I really want to see Edgar Wright do a Baby Driver too."
"It feels like God of War 2018 too... it picks up exactly from where the last game ends."
"Millions of movie fans are celebrating the 35th anniversary of the 80s classic 'Top Gun' as they prepare for its coming sequel."
"The fans have spoken, they want another one."
"I want Aladdin too already, really enjoyed the first."
"I assumed like many of us who enjoyed the original game had just kind of made peace with the fact that there was never going to be a sequel."
"Sometimes a game is so good with so much room for expansion that it's a sin when we have to wait ages for a sequel."
"Nintendo crafted such a beautiful and satisfying handheld Mario experience that it seems ridiculous to me that they didn't give it a second go."
"I want it now. Oh Luigi's Mansion just worked so well on the 3ds especially with that 3d effect. Luigi's Mansion three would have been a perfect addition to the library."
"The movie ends with a perfect setup for a sequel."
"It really seems like the developers are finally going to be able to fix almost everything that was wrong with the division one and give us the experience that we've always wanted."
"If a sequel could recapture that balance, I'd buy a ticket."
"Thanks for watching, and I'll see you all in part two."
"I couldn't imagine, that's what I'm trying to tell y'all." - "This game for sure needs a part two though."
"I'd love to see them get the chance to make another book to follow this one exploring those loose ends revolving around Valerie Vlad and Danny's identity."
"I'm incredibly excited that we're getting a full sequel."
"It's nuts if we can make Horse Wars 3, that would be fantastic."
"Had we originally gotten this version nearly four years ago back in 2017, we probably would have been on the Justice League 2 by now."
"The mere existence of Breath of the Wild 2 is encouraging."
"Fans who played the last game know that they were able to visit six of the nine realms in God of War. You'll be able to visit all nine."
"If they do it number eight do it like that yes like that like that that we need."
"You know what, I'd still like to hold out for one more Superman movie."
"With how complicated the multiverse of madness sounds, it actually would probably be better to wait for Doctor Strange three for Mordo's return."
"A successor to this would have been mind-blowing."
"I'd be up to seeing him back, both him and Sam Worthington and what's it the three of those guys."
"Everyone loves fate bringer and this is probably gonna be fate bringer 2.0."
"The immense popularity of Wade Wilson's story prompted FOX to jump straight into creating a sequel."
"Super Mario Galaxy: You know you got a hit when fans of the Galaxy series are still requesting a Mario Galaxy 3."
"The next movie is going to have to be 'Dawn of the Planet of the Dinosaurs' given how many of these got loose at the end of this one."
"Stalker 2... from the limited time I played at the first stalker like when I got my gaming pc 10 years ago I enjoyed what I played but seeing this [ __ ] right here it's on a completely different level."
"This is the first one, like the game has a story. There's even set up for a sequel in the game which I really enjoyed."
"I just hope a season 2 doesn't have a second outbreak pop up like 28 weeks later or anything."
"If Microsoft announced Lost Odyssey 2 I would be right there."
"It just feels phenomenal we get once again back into the Mass Effect series and hopefully they'll utilize all the aspects that made the first three Mass Effect games so phenomenal."
"This really is the perfect time for a return to Oblivion and Cyrodiil for the game's next chapter."
"I'm gonna trust them to hopefully produce another great movie for us."
"Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the water."
"Do you think they are jumping the gun by announcing a sequel before we've even seen the first movie?"
"This stealth action game looks visually stunning and is a sequel to surprise hit 'A Plague Tale: Innocence,' which impressed players with its rat physics."
"The sequel to the 2016 blockbuster will, as the name suggests, take a closer look at the concept of multiverses."
"The action in John Wick 4 promises to be very intense."
"Overall, this was a 10 out of 10 can't wait for the Irish sequel."
"Is Crash 4 'It's About Time' the sequel we've all been asking for? Absolutely."
"David Fincher coming to direct a sequel? I would throw up rainbows with glee, it's great!"
"Still, the Prototype faithful maintain a semblance of hope for a third installment."
"Ground Zeroes was not just a preview for the kind of gameplay to be seeing in the Phantom Pain but it was also a powerful display of what the brand-new Fox engine was capable of."
"Xenoverse 3 can still happen even with the DLC, they could add 4,000 more characters and still make it."
"Supporting Xenoverse 2 DLC shows developers there's demand for more content, potentially paving the way for Xenoverse 3."
"Hades too surprise announced at the at the awards huge hugely popular the original game kind of a surprise hit at the time uh lots of people excited about the sequel"
"Breath of the wild was so good it was so groundbreaking in so many ways that it it deserved a sequel if any Zelda was going to get a direct sequel breath of the wild was the one to choose."
"I'm excited for this new cyberpunk game I really loved the first game I thought it was great had a blast with it."
"If Mangold is confident enough to make the claim that no one is going to replace Indiana Jones, could that mean they're ready to bow to public pressure and change the ending again?"
"Are we getting round two? Is that what's gonna happen?"
"Bitcoin has shown us that it is the honey badger. It doesn't care."
"It's really important for these movies to get you excited about the next movie."
"Ron Gilbert eventually came forward and said he'd be interested in finally picking up where he left off."
"The rematches are at a whole different level, which was hidden in the books."
"You bet your ass I'm excited for the sequel! Ragnarok, man, bring it on!"
"They don't make great sci-fi horror films anymore, let alone like Aliens. Cameron did a great job. I hope Avatar 2 ends up being good."
"Doom Eternal and Wolfenstein Youngblood... I think everyone who enjoyed Doom 2016 and the recent Wolfenstein is more than happy to hear we've got more on the horizon."
"Knowing that we can make season two, we're already planning season two."
"A sequel led by people from the original team... would be incredible."
"Buckle in and get ready for the long-awaited sequel to one of my most viewed videos ever."
"So they were clearly trying to do right by the fans and I'd say the success of that first movie and Tyson's further involvement in the sequel is proof of that."
"We're also due for a new Mario. It's been five years since the last major 3D Mario game, which is about the right amount of time to start hearing about another Mario."
"Thing to come back to like it's so terrible boys a weird movie yeah I want to see a sequel and it would never live up to yeah there's no way there's no way."
"So let me know if you'd want to see that, part two of the 'Midsommar' Odyssey."
"I'm gonna pretend that the other two didn't happen and be excited for this idea."
"I can more or less tell you what the next movie is gonna be."
"Zack Snyder wants to do an Army of the Dead 2. Would you want to watch it?"
"We could be looking theoretically maybe at certainly one of the best Marvel second weekends ever."
"EA won't be able to downplay the success of this game which is great because that means that yeah a sequel makes sense pretty much all the way around"
"Dying Light 2 - feels like the sequel that I think a lot of the world needs and deserves."
"God of War Ragnarok... a little bit more intense than the last one."
"He can't get more ridiculous than 2012. Then he made Alien, uh, Independence Day Resurrection said 'Hold my beer,' now comes Moonfall."
"There was also, I guess sort of related to all this, they announced vampire the masquerade bloodlines 2, which is super exciting because I'm a huge fan of the original."
"Give us a sequel. Give us a sequel. That was basically them saying, can you all give us a sequel?"
"Failure is a huge part of Kingdom Come Deliverance and Kingdom Come Deliverance too."
"I think it'll be twice as long as the first one."
"Return of Commander Shepard in the next Mass Effect."
"Marvel's Eternals post-credits scenes leave viewers with new highs and wait what that we haven't felt in years."
"All I gotta say is part two is gonna be absolutely insane."
"I loved all the characters and I'm super excited to see how this continues."
"I would love to see another one, they made a fantastic one previously."
"For people that thought that this would be a huge departure from Ridley Scott's original this is very much kind of the definition of a sequel."
"The resounding success of the first part meant that the sequel was green lit almost immediately."
"The Half-life 2 beta looked more like a real sequel to Half-life 1, with many more interesting enemy types and many more weapons that we never ended up getting in the final game."
"Will there be a chapter three? Probably, right?"
"I immediately walked out thinking I want to see this movie again and I want there to be a sequel."
"The conclusion of the film comes together well, serving as a cool little lead-in to Toy Story 3."
"It's so bad, and I love it so very much. I can't wait to see a sequel."
"This video is my top 10 movies that deserve a sequel, movies that need a sequel."
"Big Carrey, the big Carrey carried that movie, yeah, he did, hard carried my career into a sequel."
"I am so very excited for this sequel novella."
"It was just a fantastic movie, and I'm very very excited for Back to the Future 2 and Back to the Future 3."
"The best way to get audiences interested in a follow-up is to have a solid previous installment."
"The cliffhanger of Josh's wife Renee realizing what's happened had audiences flocking to the cinema for the sequel's opening weekend."
"I am dying for them to make more of these, the fact that Space Jam never really got any proper follow-up until recently always felt really strange to me."
"I did have fun with this movie, and like you said, this movie's better because of what we get after it."
"You guys loved our Simpsons reaction video so much last time, we thought it was about time we did another one."
"There are quite a lot of loose threads that George Martin left at the end of Fire and Blood Part One that will almost certainly be picked up on in Fire and Blood Part Two."
"If Harrison's got one more in him, then I should have one more in me as well."