
Policy Critique Quotes

There are 260 quotes

"There is no such thing as trickle-down economics. It simply doesn't exist."
"YouTube's policies allow for flagrant abuse of the copyright system to censor review and critique, and it has to stop."
"I don't think it's a good idea for millions of Americans to lose healthcare during the middle of a pandemic."
"Our priorities are all wrong. We've got the wrong people in doing the wrong stuff. We've got our eye over here, you know, on green and not looking at the total cost of being green. Are we really being green?"
"I have long maintained, as many other libertarian personality types, even some conservatives and many democrats have always said, it was a disaster to be in there in the first place."
"The current approach is not working. It's hurting Canadians, it's funding criminals, and we have to make a change in our policy." - Justin Trudeau
"You can be deeply sympathetic to people who have been harmed in any sort of crime and still recognize that bad policy does not solve the problem."
"My big concern with global warming is that the policies being pushed are having a disastrous effect on the world's poorest people."
"It's expensive, it's inhumane, and it doesn't work, and I don't understand why we keep repeating things the same way and expecting another result. I think that's called insanity."
"We can protect the environment without punishing the economy."
"It's not about science anymore. Well, it's about politics."
"President Biden ran his campaign on a message of unity, but since day one of his administration, he has been defined by divisive policies that are the wrong approach for Tennessee families and workers."
"The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself, and I've said it many times."
"I support comprehensive immigration reform did in the past, will in the future, but the situation we have on the border today is horrible."
"Means testing costs as much or sometimes even more than just providing the service universally."
"The Democrats are pushing socialist government-run health care that bans private health insurance for 180 million Americans."
"We let assault weapons be sold in this country with no background checks."
"You're homeless because of these bad policies."
"It's always the right approach to highlight harm... Just show the harm that is being caused by the bad ideas, the bad policies, the bad ideologies or causes that people are supporting."
"The cure cannot be worse than the problem itself. That's what's happening."
"There's no logical reason for credit history to be involved in a person's hiring."
"Stop relying on government as the first resource and put it back as a last resort."
"We open too early...we're already behind...consider rolling back reopening."
"The sanctions haven't worked seems to have made things worse."
"The evidence shows us that actually this is one of the safest psychoactive substances that are out there."
"I'm critical of bad policies. I don't have a problem with religion. I'm religious too. I have a problem with religion being used as a justification to harm people."
"You have to accept that the model which they have built for themselves no longer works, that you cannot in this day and age conduct policy using terrorism as a legitimate instrument of statecraft."
"I think that's why you see the support trailing off for Biden's policy here because people are starting to go all right what when does this end what is how do we get to some kind of a."
"Biden's plan is not a solution, it's a virtual surrender."
"It's not rates that caused the recession, it's the inflation and the bad policy."
"Florida follows the science, California does not."
"The continued existence of poverty in America is a policy choice."
"I like the word austerity because it shows that this is a choice." - Highlighting policy decisions affecting people's lives.
"No country ever saved lives by making itself poorer."
"You're destroying young lives with it, you're hurting way more people than you're helping with the Student Loan program."
"Under this proposal, the intimate financial details of everyone...will be turned over to the IRS."
"You cannot incarcerate your way out of a health problem."
"I hope Elon as he purges the Bots as he lifts the insane woke rules on speech as he fires the people who were enforcing this leftist censorship policy I hope he doesn't doesn't go a little bit too far."
"America's overreliance on the military to achieve policy objectives and the unilateral actions pursued without an international mandate have backfired."
"There's a wealth of legal opinion out there outlining the risks posed by IHRA in terms of clamping down on legitimate protected freedom of speech."
"The damage done by lockdown will exceed any savings by a huge factor."
"The last thing we need to do is have an unsecured border."
"You can punish Jeff Bezos but how do you really hurt the poor and the middle class? Bad economic policy, that's how you hurt them."
"Democrats hate working people so much they'd rather lose political power than enact a single popular policy that helps us."
"Every other developed civilized country in the world has universal health care. We're the only ones who don't."
"Bad ideas don't work, bad policy has consequences, ludicrous ideas eventually get exposed."
"The Fed hasn't done a thing right since Paul Volcker."
"It's not about the policies, it's about power."
"We have to rewrite the rules of our economy from the top down."
"We need to streamline our immigration process. Like, everything else is a waste of [__] time. Everything else is so virtue signaling, so stupid."
"The war on drugs, all that, everybody can say now that the war on drugs is wrong."
"Why is this a global competition to you if everyday Americans are still losing their lives?"
"The ethical prerequisite for mandates wasn't there."
"For just the increase in the military budget that we had in one year we could pay for free college for everybody in the country."
"Trickle-down economics has never worked and it's time to grow the economy from the bottom in the middle out."
"Dumping thousands of migrants onto the street - this is coming soon, and it's not going to work out."
"You're gonna lose more people by putting a country into a massive recession or depression."
"I'm critical of federal policy because it affects more people."
"Biden inviting people to cross... it's a human rights disaster."
"The ban is hurting hundreds of thousands of people."
"The other path is the ultra MAGA plan put forward by congressional Republicans."
"Let's let the market decide how many doctors we need, let's let prices give that information of how many doctors we need and not bureaucrats in Washington."
"You've taken the ground from under me... sensible gun laws now look stupid."
"You're not going to solve that problem by simply continuing to give people money. The way to solve that problem is to open up the country again and let people get back to their lives."
"Inflation is a regressive tax that most hurts the least affluent. Misdirection doesn't help the country."
"I'm 100% anti-mandate, be it tests or exemptions, because we're going to start getting into really dangerous territory."
"This isn't going to solve our climate problems. All it's going to do is drive up costs."
"Given the reputational damage, yet I'd say the little noticed freight shipping moratorium is a far more economic consequence."
"There is no evidence-backed position for prohibiting gender affirming care that wouldn't have you taken out every other form of healthcare with it."
"If the Pentagon top brass believes that killing American infants is more important than being able to have generals to go kill our enemies, that's the pentagon's problem."
"If it's not a holiday, it incentivizes the unemployed to vote, which creates a pressure system where the wants and needs of the unemployed outweigh those of the working class."
"I think it's nonsense, I think it's overly aggressive, it's just them being dicks, they didn't have to do it."
"Birthright citizenship is bad policy. I tend to agree with this."
"This is why we need to immediately invest in minority healthcare, HBCUs. See, watch the sleight of hand, investments in minority-owned businesses, with investments in health equity, with investments in HBCUs. Nothing burgers."
"The beauty of Medicare for all is that you get the Medicaid service without means testing."
"America's policies have been detrimental to the freedoms of its people."
"Any policy that results in unequal outcomes is a racist policy."
"This really heartless and dangerous policy that the president latched onto was actually completely thought out in detail."
"The reversal on trans rights and Willow is political malpractice by Biden... regardless of what science thinks."
"A call to take into account the harmful effects that intellectual property rates cause."
"The prime minister can't defend his policy so he's changing the name"
"That whole like customers are always right, that needs to [ __ ] go."
"Appeasement is how we made the situation much, much more dangerous."
"Their energy policy and the insanity of it is causing disasters everywhere."
"We need to put America First and quite frankly they're putting us at risk."
"It's incredibly inefficient, and frankly, we'd be better off just handing big sacks of cash with dollar signs on them to developers rather than this complex tax credit system."
"The death rate was falling all over the world, even in countries like Sweden that didn't impose lockdowns."
"They want you to give in so they can enact social credit systems."
"We want to affirm the worker in America. Working people in America don't want a government that comes in and says actually you know people in DC know better than you."
"End for-profit policing that's another no-brainer."
"Our response to this disease has actually been worse than the disease itself."
"There needs to be a more permanent Universal and comprehensive program that benefits everybody."
"We don't want any bureaucracy that involves individualizing benefits from the government is wrong but any bureaucracy that is set up to provide Universal benefits is right."
"The policies they have, the mandates they have, and the systems of social control they've developed around this may not hold up."
"That isn't down to anything close to extinction level restriction."
"A humanitarian crisis caused by Donald Trump using what many call child abuse as a tool of government policy."
"Can we not have a disagreement that same-day voter registration may be a bad idea when even the state of New York and the people of New York think it's a bad idea?"
"The economic consequences of Trump's new plan could be swift and severe."
"The War on Drugs has been rather a large failure."
"Ironically, her policy prescriptions may actually be what's causing the problem."
"We can no longer be the stupid country. We want to be the smart country."
"It's almost quaint to think that there have been years of a policy that we are alone in the universe."
"He acknowledges that the only way to fix this is to be race specific and then tells you but is black folk so we can't do anything race specific for you."
"Critical perspectives view policy very differently. CRT views policy not as a mechanism that delivers progressively greater degrees of equity, but a process that is shaped by the interests of the dominant white population."
"I think pretty much everyone I've met here sees it as like the weaponization of human rights."
"I loved about Trump was that he would look at something bad, a trade deal, and go, I don't really care. It's a bad trade deal. We're pulling out."
"The NHS should not be expected to pick up the pieces from lives damaged by the industry." - Clare Murdoch
"It's very difficult for me to think of any [race-based policies] that have helped more than they hurt."
"...weaken our borders, and replace your freedom with government controls."
"Defund the police and defund the place is a bad idea."
"Government giveaways create bubbles and unintended consequences."
"Consumer protections often end up hurting the very people they're meant to help."
"The United States cannot continue to essentially be the godfather and tell countries what to do."
"Freebies are dangerous for the economy and the country."
"Americans expect more. Our priorities should be different."
"You're hiring 87,000 IRS agents, not one border patrol agent."
"You can't just ban everything just because it has negative consequences in society for some people."
"Why are we just not doing everything we can to get off this ride?"
"Sweden did this, made the same mistake. If they had just protected their nursing homes, their death rate would have been vastly lower."
"People who create art have a much deeper understanding of human nature than the people who make our policies."
"It is a policy choice to allow some people to accumulate that much money hundreds of billions of dollars in the case of people in the United States before everybody has the chance to live with dignity."
"Mayor Salinas's plea echoes the frustration of many enforcing existing immigration law, yet the Biden administration's soft stance on border security exposes an alarming disregard for the rule of law."
"The Neville Chamberlain approach to aggression never ends well."
"Gun-free zones are failures again we see that in England complete failures."
"Being tough on crime means just being stupid and single-minded." - "What does it mean being tough on crime? Means just being stupid and single-minded."
"It's not actually about the environment they wanted a method to introduce like far left policies like socialism, environment was just like part of it."
"When someone raises a voice in dissent to this deadly calculus or questions necessity or even justification for these types of destructive policies, the response is immediate, drastic and consequential."
"Scotland's relatively high COVID death rate prompted questions over Scotland's strategy."
"Even today, a lot of this sounds like a left-wing wish list."
"A moratorium policy merely delays the threat of eviction as renters continue to accumulate debt."
"Continuing the eviction ban unfairly shifts economic hardships to the backs of housing providers."
"Policies can always be changed...but that doesn't mean it's a good policy."
"It's very disconcerting because we've seen that the ban was enacted through regulation and not legislation."
"Efficiency savings, running public services to the absolute limit - hopefully this crisis delegitimizes that idea."
"Preserving individual freedom is a very difficult task and some of these policies we see coming from China don't make it any easier."
"They hate California, they move out to Austin, and then they start voting for the same kinds of programs that made them flee their previous state."
"Vote for representatives who will lead us in the right direction, not offer candy for dinner."
"So why don't we then use our brains instead of taxing people for driving a minivan?"
"I think the whole world, and the United States in particular, is paying a price for his policy."
"Just because it's a policy doesn't mean it's right."
"Censorship is always wrong, especially bad on covid-19 policy."
"This is part of an overall policy of trying to whip up the cold war rhetoric."
"This doesn't go nearly as far as I would like to see it go, but it is an example of New York conceding certain points and shrinking the scope of their gun-free zone."
"Because it primarily affects us I think that's why it's so easily shut down I think that's why protections aren't in place prior to the shutdown."
"Isn't it ironic that zero tolerance policies actually encourage violence?"
"They should probably be addressing those first...but not they went and passed the pro-am and they went and passed the park."
"This is absolutely stunning and I want to go through it in detail because it definitely shows just how open Joe Biden has left the border."
"There is nothing compassionate about that, there is nothing right headed about that."
"They act as if they give a damn about children, but they refuse to acknowledge and pass policies that can help with actual issues."
"This guy's new policy is stopping our ability to transport goods and it was killing the economy of Texas by 100 million dollars a day."
"It recognizes that prolonged lockdowns impose a wide range of serious public health threats."
"If American policy can't get them to stop building in that one identifiable sub of Jerusalem then there's no such thing as Bridge or purchase."
"Maybe we should stop tarring and feathering the very policies we want to see in the world."
"Infinix policy is not based on logic or necessity it is based on the perceived value of the individual's life."
"If we're going to talk about the best and safest most effective way of reducing abortion, abortion bans are simply not the answer."
"Using mass shootings as your gauge of gun control policy is actually a foolish idea."
"It really is that simple...the trickle-down theory was nice it sounded good in principle we have enough data to see now it didn't work."
"Who's hoarding and speculating on houses? Who's the real CIT behind the policy of houses of a living in not for speculating?"
"There is immense collateral damage that comes from not easing restrictions after most people are vaccinated."
"Federal government should not force nuns to pay for abortion inducing drugs."
"I do support the arbitration process when it comes to wages and benefits and things of that nature, but there are other parts of it that really just don't make sense."
"It's really not, it's because of um gray area rules that are really dumb and people maximizing what they're gonna get out of it right."
"It's not a question of tough on crime or not tough on crime. It's a question of absolute self-serving hypocrisy."
"The Great Famine of the 1840s had a profound impact, exposing the stark limitations and frequent cruelty of British policy."
"The economic policies benefited the wealthy at the expense of the poor."
"Biden and the Democrats will off your jobs, dismantle your police departments, dissolve your borders, confiscate your guns."
"This just seems to me like common sense that when something like this simply should not happen."
"You should be free to speak out against mandates without sacrificing your job."
"My bias is that I think some of these policies need to go."
"Brazil's economy is now exporting raw materials, highlighting the failures of neoliberal policies."
"People pushing laws but they're not even in touch with reality."
"New York is no longer a sanctuary city just for immigrants; it is now also a sanctuary city for dangerous, violent criminals."
"We could have provided access to the formulas to produce COVID-19 vaccines to be made domestically in countries around the world, which could allay a great deal of the suffering that we're currently seeing."
"No country with even a passing interest in its own security would allow this to happen."
"Citizenship used to be a privilege granted when you had proven that your primary identity and interests were wholly American."
"Does the Santis have policies yes yes does he have a few money no no do you see it's one out of four you understand the point I'm making to you."
"They're arguing against giving people health care, which is cheaper and better."
"We pay twice as much as every other developed nation for healthcare and every one of those countries has better healthcare by every metric than we do"
"Criminalizing abortion is harmful to the health of everybody."
"The action represents the end of net neutrality as we know it and defies the will of millions of Americans." - Michael Beckerman
"There's absolutely nothing good that will come out of race obsessed policies... it is the destruction of American culture."
"There's a very sharp disconnect between public policy and public preferences."
"What I'm saying is there's no climate emergency, there's no climate crisis, and you know, I don't want us to build policies on sentiment and panic."
"The specter of qualified immunity chills people's desire to pursue legal avenues against police overreach."
"And they didn't update the laws for everybody else so it wasn't as if people could enjoy these good times as well."
"That would be the single dumbest thing that we are capable of doing."
"Discriminatory policy in addition to the press."
"The war on drugs, I think, was a terrible, terrible mistake."
"In their effort to supposedly make things more fair for women, they're making things less fair for men."
"It's also not normal that we don't have paid family leave. No other developed nation has this maniacal hatred of their own citizens."
"The real thing for me is like it's not a border crisis, it's a general lack of immigration reform."
"So let's just get this straight: Trust's plan is to reverse the national insurance rise that Rishi Sunak put in place in April... then she'll replace the money that would have gone to community-based social care... by snatching it out of the NHS."
"This is a wholesale rejection of the Biden agenda."
"The irony also is that when it comes to healthcare, short-term cost-cutting doesn't work."
"Spending your way to prosperity is so blatantly idiotic yet when you get groupthink going and everybody starts to repeat what they're told."
"When has ignorance ever been a good National Security strategy?"
"Affirmative action, I believe, is warranted, but it has been a problematic policy."
"The mask mandate is arbitrary, capricious because the CDC failed to adequately explain its reasoning."
"The war on drugs was the war on the takeover of the cartels."
"Prohibition doesn't work, it never has, it never will."