
Photography Technique Quotes

There are 128 quotes

"It's okay to have some motion blur in certain situations; that's going to help you tell a story."
"By getting to eye level... it creates a real sense of intimacy and really kind of put you into it, into the animal's world in a way that you can't do any other way."
"The only way to capture a serendipitous image is really to be well practiced out all the time."
"It's most effective to pre-visualize in your mind the image that you want to take before you take it."
"This means that you're not going to overcook it by just cranking one contrast slider up; you're bringing it in by adding layers one at a time."
"Personal distortion, you know, I wasn't high enough or in quite the right position to get orthogonal to that subject."
"I love the softness... there's such a motion in the foreground, motion in the background, there's even a little bit of softness on the subject... it feels like it's in motion."
"What I like to teach is how to let the natural elements in these photos speak for themselves and using post-processing as a mean to enhance what's already there."
"When you're working up close...you have to be really critical with your focus."
"When you're physically engaging with whatever you're photographing, be conscious of what's going in the frame, because that's the information that winds up ultimately getting conveyed."
"Direct manual focus is a really cool way to go because it'll basically use autofocus but then once the focus locks you could then turn the focus ring and fine-tune the focus."
"Backlight pops someone out of the background, adds a halo effect."
"If you can count the eyelashes, you know you have the focus."
"You can make a space feel bigger by shooting tighter." - Mike Kelly
"Communicate a mood and a sense of place rather than just showing the entire room." - Mike Kelly
"With single focus mode, it will search for focus and once it finds it it will just lock in."
"HDR can make a good picture better but it cannot make a bad picture good."
"Shoot in raw... You can push and pull the exposure or colors much further."
"Knowing how to properly compose an image will instantly up your photo game."
"A wide-angle lens forces you to get close to your subjects."
"Forced perspective makes buildings look taller."
"By moving the light around what we're doing essentially is creating shape and form on the top of the bottle."
"The low angle is what adds so much connection to this photo."
"I'm a big fan of using out-of-focus areas in a frame to draw you in to the subject."
"The lower you are the longer you want it so that's how I pick it but what's nice is the way it isolates remember we had trouble isolating with a wide-angle."
"I'm a lazy photographer... I want to do this with a minimal amount of gear."
"With a camera like that, you can do street photography in urban environments at ISO 100 handheld."
"The raise up allows you to Showcase elements behind your subject as you ascend."
"The great thing about shooting in burst mode is I can get it right at that peak."
"One thing that you should take notice of from that last shot to this shot is in this shot there's a lot more contrast and there's a lot more vivid colors going on."
"The face should be the brightest. If the person's face is the same exact light level as the body, you're not really giving the face importance."
"For shooting with off-camera flash, you want to shoot at a very low ISO."
"The best way to get flight shots is to find birds that are engaged in predictable repeatable behaviors."
"Get closer to your subject for a really tight portrait."
"At night you can pretty easily take low noise photos with a pretty fast shutter speed."
"Focus peaking has become part of my shooting... it's actually something I picked up and it's been a great bonus."
"Silent shooting is really useful for discretely shooting."
"You can change that shadow by moving your subject back or away from the background."
"When you grab this focus point using the back button the camera also meters this entire scene."
"The most accurate way of focusing to get sharp stars is to use the live view screen on the back of our cameras."
"The one in the center, by far better than if you just hit the shutter button by itself."
"Selective focus allows you to exaggerate blur more in images."
"I shoot a lot at waist and hip level and kind of down low."
"Split Toning allows you to apply one color to just the shadows and one color to just the highlights."
"This isn't spray and pray what I'm going to talk about here it's it's a conscious decision so it's a technique it's a strategy for shooting in a scenario that I was in."
"Have you ever heard of the image review technique where you load your photos on your computer and you flip it upside down?"
"Penn developed a technique to democratize his subjects, strip away all the artifice and reveal something behind the facade."
"...I think that heavy split tone adds a lot to the cinematic vibe of these images because a lot of the movies we watch nowadays a lot of the TV shows we watch have heavy color grades and one way to kind of mimic that in Lightroom is applying a heavier split tone..."
"I really pride myself in not cropping the photos just because I feel like I want to use the maximum amount of megapixels that the camera allows me to use."
"You're going to get the most blurry depth of field, blurry background out of any of the other lens options, directly from Canon."
"I subscribe to an 80/20 Rule... I want the camera set up where I can make just small adjustments and keep my eye in the viewfinder 80% of the time."
"We're gonna create foreground elements by hanging Christmas lights in front of my camera."
"If you compose your shots carefully, you can make them look wide but not super distorted."
"Wide tracking works well in continuous auto focus mode and allows you to track your subjects while moving."
"Interval shooting is really cool... it's great for people to kind of change pose."
"The way that the bokeh and the background falls off and how sharp everything else is."
"We can really just pop her out of the background."
"If you actually take the time and do a right time-lapse shot, it can turn out very beautiful."
"For the fast panning shots, you're going to be prioritizing your shutter speed over everything else."
"Get in line with the height of the headlights to really accentuate the proportions of the car."
"Dodging was used in dark rooms to brighten areas of an image by decreasing the exposure of the film negative."
"To freeze motion, you need to use both a high shutter speed and flash."
"Focus bracketing with the 60 macro just makes macro photography so much easier."
"White balancing is how we manage the color temperature of the light source."
"That's what I love, honestly, you shoot at 1.8, 85 millimeter, and you can really like peek on one thing."
"Pre-visualization is something that's very important."
"The biker is perfectly captured with no motion blur at all; it doesn't look like it's a portion taken of the sensor."
"Through integration and image stacking, we can improve the signal to noise ratio."
"Selective blurring has been increasingly popular in the photography world, and Photoshop CS6 makes it even easier to do."
"Absolutely my favorite vantage point when doing landscape is very low to the ground."
"The beauty of water drop photography is first of all that the pictures are quite unique."
"By combining all of those different shots, by combining the different splashes coming from different angles, what we've done is created a really cool looking shot."
"By using single-shot autofocus for static subjects, you'll simply get better results. Your photos will be sharper."
"Finally, use foreground objects and natural frames to enclose and give context to your primary subject."
"Sometimes you'll want to blur the motion a bit to create an aesthetic effect."
"You really use bokeh and background blur as a compositional tool because you like subject separation."
"We see the transition of all the highlights. It makes her head look more round and makes it look more three-dimensional."
"The trick is to blur the background a little, keep some recognizable forms and shapes, so you can actually see what's going on but separate the subject from the background."
"Mastering exposure and the zone system for digital photographers... Lee covers in detail how to place different parts of the image in the zone and each zone and explains it very well."
"Think of the white balance as your perfect starting point, and then the custom camera profile is the direction from that point to accurate colors."
"Getting an accurate exposure reading of your scene can make a significant impact in the quality and visual language of your street photos."
"When breathing slowly and in control, breathe out, when your exhalation is complete, hold your breath, and a half second later is when you should press the shutter."
"Limiting yourself to a particular focal length... forces you to work a scene so much harder than you would with a zoom."
"That's how I shoot with a wide angle. My horizon very low, or my horizon very high, depending on if I want to emphasise the sky or the foreground."
"Multiple exposure mode can actually shoot, it'll take multiple images and combine them into a single image."
"Photography, especially lighting, is your secret sauce."
"We're actually skipping color grading on this image this time, so it's a little bit different."
"I always shoot tethered, I always color grade to make sure I'm controlling the color throughout."
"When you're shooting wide, you want to be at one 200th or more because the faster it is, the more frozen the picture is."
"What do we use the strobe for? Only to light the subject, but not the background and not the backscatter."
"Now the shot should be properly balanced when it comes to colors."
"Cross polarization is a technique that is widely used to capture reflective surfaces without the glare."
"If you can get low, your perspective on the players as you photograph will be much better."
"Proper exposure means that the image is not too bright or too dark."
"The longer the exposure, the emptier a busy street or square will appear."
"It stabilizes the scene so you can compose a little easier."
"Night flash is really cool because the camera attempts to fire the flash to expose a person in the foreground, and then leaves the shutter open so that the background is well exposed as well."
"The huge benefit of posting in pairs or multiples is you can start to tell a story and give your photos more of a narrative."
"Once I have this set and I've set the right aperture, then I'm able to shoot just one after another and capture the moment."
"Small people, big canvas is a great tactic to draw attention to your subject."
"Positioning your light at a 45-degree angle above and to the side of your model will add depth to the image."
"This work to our advantage as having some detail in our shadows gave us a richer, more believable image."
"But mainly what a black and white camera does is that it makes you just forget about colors. You just see light."
"If you've ever seen photos with dreamy, blurry, out-of-focus backgrounds, aperture is probably the reason why."
"Spot metering is my favorite way to meter for what I shoot."
"I'm using a long lens, the equivalent of a 70 to 200, and I'm probably going to be shooting at the longer ends of it because the foreground is a little bit uninspiring."
"Very sharp where you want it to be, very soft where you want it to be, that's a nice combination."
"Using a polarization filter in conjunction with the circular polarizer on the camera means we're basically able to remove all of the glare."
"Overcast lighting is always really important because it creates a soft kind of just really gentle lighting."
"You have the ability to shoot all the way down to 1.7 and blur the background out."
"Traditional macro photos have two key elements: sharp focus on a critical area of the subject like an eyeball, and a nice dark background that helps the subject stand out from its environment."
"The reason for these is to extend your shutter time to give you those long time exposures."
"Slow shutter mode allows you to create those sweet long exposures."
"It's all about lighting, not about your camera."
"If you get your exposure right, you're going to capture the colors of the scene in front of you as your eyes see it."
"One of my favorite compositional components is layering my subjects and shooting through things to create depth and interest."
"It kind of looks like it was painted, and it was really just defocusing."
"If you get the exposure right, if you spend the time to get everything perfect, then you know you've got the best result possible from your camera and the situation you were in."
"It gives you the ability to get some fantastic shallow depth of field."
"Try to shoot underexposed because it's much easier to bring back the shadows than highlights."
"Move your body. You saw before the difference between zooming out to get the right angle and then physically moving at that longer focal length."
"You never want the light to shine up their nose... you ultimately want to tip the baby's head to be in the position where the top of their head is aimed at the light so the light shines down their face."
"Off-camera flash photography can have great results."
"Bracketing allows you to try different settings to perhaps get one that is correct."