
Educational Journey Quotes

There are 70 quotes

"The journey has been very educational on my end because I feel like spiritually I needed this."
"We just barely started our journey, and we have so far to go and so much more to learn at University."
"Don't be discouraged if you don't finish a course or you leave it early because really it's about learning and getting comfortable with learning."
"Allow me to take you on a journey through Half-Life's impacted legacy."
"Thank you for watching this far, thank you for being there every step of the way throughout this whole degree up to this point."
"Skincare and understanding... saved me like literally."
"Thank you guys for coming on my journey of my first day of school of my junior year."
"But then I got in, so wow, off I went, and I was so happy."
"Cheers to hopefully a great learning experience for the next eight weeks."
"Whether you're on the red side or whether you're on the blue side or you're still deciding keep learning and we'll be there with you along your journey."
"Join us on this journey of seeking knowledge together."
"The Ram reality of my personality coming out is going to be the Ram reality of higher learning."
"Just the amount that I've learned across the entire series, not just because I had to learn Blender really to do a lot of my stuff but just the amount I've learned from about YouTube in general from all you guys has been crazy."
"Every single little thing failing along the way contributed to where I am now. It's a result of never giving up, never being afraid to show my ignorance."
"Even if it seems complicated now, keep at it. Understanding will come with time."
"From concept to creation: Learn web design fundamentals."
"Eventually I went back to school... and I tried new things constantly."
"Certification is a journey, not just a milestone."
"There is no such thing as an undignified path to a physics degree."
"I do not know what I will accomplish. All I do know is that while I was learning more and more every day about the world, I realized how much I didn't know."
"My trip through school as I became the greatest hero of all time while simultaneously horribly disabling myself at every turn."
"The challenges and the obstacles that you are experiencing right now are temporary, okay? Very soon you're gonna graduate, you're gonna learn some sort of lesson and graduate, therefore a lot of blessings are gonna rain in."
"Working on cars is this kind of ongoing journey, hopefully, of education and hopefully learning about yourself."
"Thanks so much for making this journey with me and teaching me so much about one of my favorite games."
"If you have more questions than you started with, that's good... becoming an anti-racist teacher is a lifelong journey."
"Enjoy the journey of learning, even if it means making mistakes and struggling along the way."
"I'm so excited to take you along with me as I enter my third year of uni."
"Simply knowing isn't the end of the journey; it's about applying that knowledge in the world."
"Every Theory has unknowns and flaws. The admission that you don't know something is the beginning of an educational journey."
"Appreciate and enjoy the learning process and don't worry about the end result as much."
"You're going to learn so much along the way."
"I arrived at the Master Seminary in August of 2007 and completed my training three years later, in May 2010."
"I want to go back and share this wealth of knowledge."
"Imagine being he growing them around although quite a lot of college so I'm air you want to be beside the show his greatness."
"Thank you for getting into the senior year of it all with me today. I will see you next time."
"We're not here on a mission, we're to learn."
"Remember passion and curiosity are going to get you through this journey not the promise of the three letters."
"This senior class you know it means everything to me."
"I'm just doing it to try and help and share the experiences that I've encountered with my CPA exam process and hopefully it makes an impact on someone out there."
"It's a long process and I'm glad you mentioned that, right a lot of students are only focused on that end goal and they're miserable the rest of the time."
"Michelle's journey began at Princeton University, followed by her enrollment at Harvard Law School."
"Hop on the spaceship of knowledge; it's lifting off."
"Stick with me on this journey, I guarantee you that you'll be comfortable in algebra but not only that you'll be really really good."
"What do I look fondly on about getting my PhD is the process itself, is the grinding at the work, it made me a different person."
"You are about to embark on a journey through the most in-depth financial analysis."
"More important than the name on your diploma is what you did while you were earning that diploma."
"I am really proud that I am still learning."
"Although flight schools are a stepping-stone, they all wish they could have taken the time to actually truly enjoy flight school while they were going through it."
"It was my golden dream from that moment to get to the place where I then became this and just a big admirer of the University of Oklahoma."
"Sending them back to school is a huge deal, it's also the very first time all four kids have been at the same school."
"College is a time where you grow the most."
"Who's excited to learn? Me, because I'm gonna learn as I go."
"School does not last forever. Soon you'll be out; university is going to be totally different."
"My journey as an English student has been very exciting."
"You're constantly learning, and the more excited you are about things, the better your learning process."
"The result is not as important as the lessons that you learn along the way."
"Expect to be challenged. Some things are going to go smooth, and then there's going to be things that are going to be difficult."
"The story ends with Ray and Claire going throughout the world explaining all these sci-fi concepts to people with like medieval levels of education and eventually living happily ever after with their two kids."
"This journey of learning becomes easy, and then at the end, passing the test becomes also easy."
"We are excited to be going on this journey with you."
"I look forward to continuing my journey here at UAF; the fire academy has set the stage for my future here."
"Being a singer is one of the greatest educational journeys you can ever be on."
"It's really an eye-opening voyage into critical thinking."
"Welcome to the first semester of creative writing."
"Experience the excitement of university."
"Every day is a learning process, a learning all."
"Earth is a school, we come here to learn and to advance the cause of true civilization, which means you got to be civil, you cannot be human unless you are humane."
"Get started on your journey towards learning success."
"On a more personal level, the experience of applying to and enrolling in a new high school completely encouraged my own self-discovery and revolutionized my future."