
Future Security Quotes

There are 78 quotes

"We are talking about a future that guarantees all of us safety, security, and dignity."
"We must therefore muster the courage and will, to stand together in solidarity and act: to right past wrongs, solve present problems, and secure the future."
"If you care about your future, if you care about your children's future, you're bringing in an extra minimum of 1,500 bucks a month after taxes, minimum."
"The greatest duty of the leader is securing the future for the next generation."
"I love you all. Be careful, keep investing because I believe you should be invested in something. Whatever you choose to invest in, put your money to work, secure your future, and work hard. Take care."
"Your financial prosperity tomorrow will be determined by your obedience to God's Word today."
"Make that money work for the rest of the dreams."
"My past is redeemed, my present makes sense, my future is secure."
"We want to make sure that little brother comes out of this with his future intact."
"What you can put away right now is going to save you money for the future."
"The caliber of our financial future will be determined by the financial choices we make today."
"Your children's future often falls on your shoulders."
"It's your future at stake, so you have to know these things, so that you don't get fooled."
"Save more than you spend. Make the sacrifice now so that you don't have to when you get older."
"As soon as I started making some decent money, I started looking at ways to secure a better future." - Mikey Garcia
"They're making sure that our future is secure."
"Your future is safe with Him; timely answers to your prayers will come."
"Save money, build wealth, secure your future."
"Paying off debt isn't just about paying off debt now. It's ensuring that you don't go back into debt in the future."
"We embark on a historic mission to change the course of history forever, to secure our future for generations to come."
"It's been a mad race to make sure that when I was gone my wife and my kids have the best opportunity possible."
"No problem will overcome you as long as you remain steadfast in faith, knowing that I hold your future in my hands."
"The biggest thing you can do for your kids financially is make sure they don't have to take care of you in your old age."
"You're just not stuck professionally, you're set up. Your own question says, 'I'm going to be financially set in the future.'"
"The security of your future is all in your hands."
"Just imagine how much different Rachel's world would be right now if there wasn't $15,000 in her mom's account, but instead there was a healthcare power of attorney and there was $250,000 sitting in a 401k."
"In this way, laying up for themselves the riches that endure forever as a good foundation for the future."
"This place needs protecting because all our futures depend on it."
"Rachel Moren's children need justice so they can live their lives."
"Nothing feels better than being able to put something back for the future."
"Our future for generations to come... Secure our future."
"Your past is gone, your future is secure, but your present is up for grabs."
"The one who is responsible for your future and who can secure your future is you."
"The fighters should be compensated because years from now they're not gonna be able to support themselves."
"If you truly believe yourself protected from any future event, then the future itself will make sure you're protected."
"Elections are our best hope for a safe and sustainable future."
"Your future's security is all in your hands."
"You've got to be willing to do today what others won't so you can have tomorrow others don't."
"Prioritize retirement savings: start early and consistently save for retirement, your future self will thank you."
"Saving is putting aside money for a rainy day or for when you get older."
"Would you rather have five million dollars now, or five million dollars when you're at retirement age?"
"You are your future, protect your future."
"Never be afraid of sacrificing because you're simply securing your future."
"I want to take a moment to talk about something very important when it comes to your financial future, investing."
"That's really exciting, I think that is going to secure the future of muzzleloading for a long, long time."
"Your future is in the hand of God and God alone."
"Every single year you work, you're building up one or two years of time off."
"Money does not secure your future, relationships are the key."
"You need to take action now to ensure that your loved ones are protected tomorrow."
"Our futures are not secured by the routines of our lives; our futures are secured by Almighty God and by our relationship with Jesus."
"Base the security of your future not on what you see, but on who you believe."
"Don't base the security of your future based on what you see, base it on who you believe."
"Pay yourself first... I want to take care of the person down the road 20 years down the road."
"I want to have a nice pension when I retire."
"Debt steals your future, savings secures it."
"Savings are critical. If you save your money, one day your money can save you."
"This can make his future a bit safer."
"Direct debits are your friend; start saving for your future, I promise you it's the most important thing you can do."
"Thinking ahead, the future version of you and what that person needs probably is kind of a sleep at night fund."
"As you constantly save for your future, your future is saved."
"Do Roth conversions, pay taxes now in order to never be taxed again."
"Get today the insurance that you will want to have when you are sick or injured."
"Education is an investment that can save you in the future."
"We have the tools and know-how to limit warming and secure a livable future."
"The bigger threat is coming actually and who we decide on now... will without exaggeration define the future and the security of our world within the next couple of years."
"Save for times when you're not making money."
"You guys are well taken care of or spirit is saying you will be well taken care of."
"Making a few wise decisions now can really set yourself up financially for the rest of your life."
"As long as we maintain our integrity, our future is secure."
"We are creating a secure future for generations to come at the newly recommissioned Phalanx research facility."
"Hailan, you should take advantage of your youth and have a child or two, someone to lean on in your old age."
"Because with bold action and a clear plan, we can and we will create a secure future."
"It's important to do it now so that all into the future you're protected."
"It's always better to save more now and worry less later."
"It's gonna be Christmas for years upon years because you're going to have benefits that last for the rest of your life."