
Faith In God Quotes

There are 52 quotes

"If I believe in God and if I believe in myself, nothing is impossible."
"We would have absolute confidence and perfect surrender to Him if we knew how good God actually was."
"Live by your complete trust in God; you'll never go wrong if you trust him."
"How about God has already figured it out, so am I gonna trust Him?"
"Have faith in God. Have faith in the one who is, who was, and who will forever be."
"God wants to save us Himself. He wants us to call on Him and know He can do it."
"Don't focus too much on unanswered prayers. Delight in the Lord and rest in His timing."
"Let's fight on our knees and let's believe God."
"Cast all your anxieties on God because he cares for you."
"Staying anxious only limits God. Listen, it's not up to you to figure it out because that's not what God wants. He simply wants you to put your faith in him because he cares about you. You can give him your worries."
"There is no safer place in the universe than to be one of His sheep."
"God Is Bigger and that he is working on all things out for your good."
"Some trust in horses and some trust in chariots, but I trust in you, Lord Jesus."
"You have to believe in God, not in your ability to do it yourself."
"If I could convince someone today of one thing it would be that God is in control, that is He is still working, He is still there, just as He always has been."
"I just remember crying out to the Lord one night and basically said, 'God, if you are real, I need all of you or nothing.'"
"Trusting God means accepting that His ways are higher, His plans more intricate."
"Recognize God is not the one who's failing us. God has never failed."
"Dare to believe in God even if you don't know how he's going to help you. He is an expert in impossible situations and he has never failed in any of his previous endeavors."
"Your faith, your trust, your belief must be in God."
"Our faith in God is a reasonable faith. It is not an irrational leap in the dark."
"I don't know, but God knows. That's the difference."
"Trust God first and do what He wants you to do."
"Never would have made it if God weren't right here beside me all day every day."
"The key is not knowing all the answers but trusting God to know the answer."
"God's promises will come to fruition because he is in control of the timing."
"Trust in God's unwavering presence and show your love and gratitude."
"Trust God while waiting. He will fight for you if you'll only be still long enough."
"Have faith in God. Trust that he's going to guide us."
"Do not be afraid, do not be dismayed. The Lord of hosts is in your life. Claim His promises, believe in His power, for He is with you."
"I want to prophesy that there's a sudden Awakening from people who have been hidden away who have left the faith and are going to be awakened to faith in God suddenly."
"When you're making that Dua to Allah, have full faith and conviction Allah is going to answer my Dua. Come with that approach to Allah. Okay, don't you know, he says, he said he told us that..."
"You're a good God, you're a faithful God, and I trust you."
"When you start to trust God and you start to walk with Him... you just watch Him work that in here and work in there."
"Faith is a wide-awakening confidence in God and His grace."
"It's your faith in God, it's not your faith in healing, it's not your faith in prosperity, it's not your faith in any area, it is faith in God about that situation."
"We are to have faith in God, and we can have faith in God because God keeps his promises."
"Do you believe that He can do it? Do you believe it?"
"Stay steadfast in your belief in God, pray for your kingdom spouse, pray for your situation."
"I believe that God can do more in two minutes than therapy of twenty years."
"Those who leave everything in God's hands will eventually see God's hands in everything."
"That's when you really know it's God, because there's no human explanation for me to get out of this mess except the miraculous intervention of the divine."
"Will you not therefore believe the unfailing word of an unchanging God?"
"You are the chosen community; you promote good, you forbid evil, you believe in Allah."
"For man it is impossible, but for God all things are possible."
"Lean not to your own understanding but trust God with all your heart."
"Everything that He does, whether I like it or not, is for my good."
"Frank's faith in God grows stronger than ever before, shaping his newfound purpose in life."
"You trust me, I trust you, and both of us trust God."
"You got to believe in yourself first, and then put faith in God."