
Consumer Advocacy Quotes

There are 195 quotes

"Critique is inherently pro-consumer, even if you disagree with it. It's important that we have these discussions."
"Demand better. We should all be demanding better. Just stop defending shitty industry practices by saying it's normal. That it happens everywhere."
"The only way you're gonna get big studios to take a fresh look at the way they make games is to make your voice heard and maybe stop buying games with blatantly exploitative and terrible progression systems."
"Right to repair and repairability are things that I am very happy to be sold to me."
"What we're talking about with right to repair is not signing your life away or your ability to speak away in order to get access to a sleep sensor to a MacBook."
"Unsafe at any speed permanently altered the course of a reckless U.S. automobile industry and made Nader a household name."
"Steam has taken a pro free-speech position, one that I appreciate and one that I fully totally support because I believe in the consumer far more than I believe in a corporation to decide what's best for you."
"Most recently, the New York Senate voted to pass electronics right to repair legislation, marking the first time any legislative body in America has done so and marking a significant win for right to repair."
"Consumer Reports is independent; they buy their own cars and test them."
"We should be pro-consumer because we are the ones with the power. We are the ones with the privilege."
"The consumer and the developers need to take their game back. The Elder Scrolls Online is something that shouldn't be screwed with so much."
"I don't want to have a mom listen to my recommendation and use the money that she worked so hard for on a product that I'm just shilling out because I feel like I wanna make a buck."
"It brought people together to at least question why Nintendo can't even provide a quarter of this game's value."
"Stop supporting companies that don't align with your values."
"The fact that companies can expect backlash if they announce NFTs is a positive sign."
"Be a critical consumer of a lot of these nutrition supplements that you see on the internet."
"A single-player story driven experience with no macro transactions or loot boxes or really any nonsense at all."
"If I buy a product, I should be able to fix it, to repair it, to own it."
"Sometimes you need to talk about the duds, sometimes you need to talk about the problems to help others avoid it."
"Stop buying cars... the only Avenue as consumers that we have to get manufacturers and dealers to rethink how it is that they're doing business."
"Let's give working people the quality they deserve."
"I appreciate you guys sticking it to the big evil corporations."
"There isn't a single game that wouldn't be better off with having rewards tied to gameplay progression rather than glorified slot machines."
"This is how it's done. No microtransactions, no loot boxes, just pure raw experience."
"We may have been painted in a negative customer light by gaming media, truthfully we've been fighting for lower prices and a more open market - which to me is the most important thing for consumers."
"Universal is actually doing stuff that's pro-consumer."
"Consumer groups don't buy these claims they say tech firms are holding fast to a status quo that forces customers to pay more for repairs or simply buy new devices."
"I always hate it when these companies lie to us."
"This feels like the end of this microtransaction culture because it's gone so far beyond ridiculous."
"Support the games you enjoy, and speak up about the things you don't like."
"It's just important to voice your concern about any of this monetization BS the industry is trying to throw at us."
"I think that if Apple were truly interested in the consumers' interest maybe it could have told them that the entire problem would have been solved by a battery replacement."
"You don't have to go to bat for major AAA multi-billion dollar corporations because if you do please understand you're going to bat for thieves for abusers for predators."
"Now I'm proving a point how just how nasty some of your games are GameStop."
"Let's keep asking for better content and let's keep expecting better content."
"As consumers, our only solution is to stop buying their product."
"Hopefully, situations like this force companies to do better." - "Hopefully, situations like this force companies to do better."
"The mere fact that the game was released in this state and they thought without our uproar over on Twitter and over on social media about how bad franchise mode is and how unacceptable that is."
"I wasn't complaining about the price of the MacBook Pro. What I don't like is calling it pro when it doesn't even have a discrete GPU in it."
"The PC master-race is our only safeguard against a greedy corporation."
"No more pay-to-win stuff in games, get all the pay-to-win stuff out of there."
"Supporting small businesses like these if you can, online, in your community. It's a great way to get some awesome products while also supporting real people."
"Reviews that don't serve their basic consumer informing purpose are worse than useless."
"You're not really doing anyone any favors. Look out for AMD look out for you guys the consumers."
"Until all of these companies give smaller customers a chance to reach for the stars, I urge all of you to stay angry about space."
"It's a bit frustrating to see quite a few people defending 3070 Tis and probably this product as well. It really should have had 16 gigabytes of VRAM."
"Not enough people are talking about what's right for the consumers."
"Please reprint the card so that people have access to it instead of making another similar version."
"If they can't sell the cards at the higher prices they're going to have to lower those prices and that's what we want lower graphics card prices now."
"Instead of lobbying congress to make it so that nobody could surge prices to gouge consumers, no, they're just going to take it off your credit score."
"It is a consumer movement that rejects sloppy standards in reporting about video games."
"Angry Joe's rage is often effective... when you're facing off against a mega big bad business, you need someone who can mobilize the indignation within the viewer."
"Hail Gary! Sorry I'm late, but have you heard about the latest edits for the re-release of Mass Effect? More lens flares and no more butt shots of women. It's time to hit them in their wallets."
"I want you to care about what's going on in our food supply in this country."
"Your voice really does matter, so I hope that you use it to speak up for a food supply that doesn't make us sick."
"Don't give them your money, that's not voting with your dollars."
"The [__] that they allow in our food here is nothing short of evil."
"The gaming industry cannot keep taking our money and deliver unfinished products. This needs to stop."
"I hate loot boxes. I absolutely hate loot boxes."
"The day one argument is just not there for either of them."
"Star Wars Battlefront 2 is the game that shook us into awakening because it showed us how a game can be top to bottom ruined by greed."
"We've seen most of the publishers move away from loot boxes and it's kind of a selling point now when a developer comes out and says look there aren't going to be loot boxes."
"Listen to us Victoria's Secret and bring back the damn Angels."
"Stop [ __ ] around, Tiburon and EA. We deserve better."
"Their customers revolt en masse to the growing disparity between reality and Ubisoft's rose-colored but bullshit-smelling version of events."
"I don't want to see them go out of business, but I want to see them change their practices."
"Every game needs a demo y'all out here making record profits with these microtransactions and subscription models so I don't want to hear nothing about y'all lack of resources because y'all gotten very good at extracting ours."
"The case serves as a reminder of the importance of corporate transparency and the power of consumer advocacy."
"Games publishers... just trying to screw you as subtly as they possibly can until it becomes impossible for you to pretend that you're not being screwed anymore."
"Microsoft is doing things in a more pro-consumer way."
"I truly believe no game should cost $2,000 for in-app purchases."
"I just want you to demand as much as you can from the people who make your media."
"Light a fire under the developer's ass and make sure that... people are paying 70 bucks to play a game actually get to play the game that they paid for."
"I've also been pretty critical of them in these videos as well because you often criticize the things you love the most."
"The reason that this is a consumer-driven movement, the reason that there are a lot of consumers supporting this, is because consumers are tired of getting ripped off."
"Seriously, if you have complaints, voice them. If you're not happy with the way this is being done, email Hasbro."
"Maybe supporting quality is a good place to start."
"You as a consumer should be demanding more from these companies."
"We support HB 1124: Right to Repair or as we like to call it, Just Let Us Fix Our Stuff."
"You deserve better, regardless of what some game dev tells you."
"Dynamic module imports let you import code only when you actually need it, improving performance and reducing unnecessary downloads."
"My job isn't to take care of the brands, my job is to take care of you."
"I'm a consumer advocate and as such I just tell you what's good."
"They're slowly trying to get us to be okay with the idea that we don't own anything."
"It showed signs of life for the little guy against an evil soulless Corporation known as Nexon."
"Enough is enough. You will not spend another dime. You will not put us in hawk."
"There's a move away from loot box systems in game development."
"I'm allowed to be pissed off at this [ __ ] company, you should be too."
"You don't want to promote me and my image? Fine, but you're not gonna get my money either."
"Take the stick out of your ass and just let people play your older titles."
"We really need to demand transparency and accountability from these companies."
"I'll stop talking about loot boxes I'll stop talking about game industry bollocks when the game industry stops [ __ ] doing it all right."
"If you want a manual get the manual send that message to GM into all manufacturers."
"Sony actually step in and offer refunds for this game."
"It's because their products are so good that customers want to advertise for them."
"We are creating a movement right now, and it's up to us to demand and show retailers that we care about our health."
"If you want something to change or improve, I beg of you to make a stink about it to complain and discuss with other people so that Valve will get the message."
"I actually find this a very kind of pro consumer move in general beyond the whole technical aspects."
"If Benny can go in a room with them and say, 'Yo I got 26, 27 to the number 1s,' that's why he has more number ones than anybody in the industry."
"That's an okay sale price, but did you know we can get everybody in America an even better price than that?"
"We need to show solidarity as content creators and consumers."
"No amount of money is ever ever ever gonna make me make any product look better than what it is."
"No amount of money or free stuff would ever make me make a product out to be better than what it is."
"Apple deserves to be ragged on as much as possible for every move they do."
"You never have to feel pressured to buy on day one."
"If you get bad service on an airline and you've got ten thousand followers, well you might get a response. But what's that? You got a hundred thousand followers? Oh, now you're flying first class and they're apologizing."
"AMD definitely needs to change those names moving forward because it's just it's really it's borderline anti-consumer."
"Just like you bought your thing, you own it. Own it. You should be able to get it fixed however you want."
"You bought it, you should be able to fix it."
"Clap that up! 120 ingredients banned from Burger King's menu."
"Let's break this trend. Put the goddamn charger in the box."
"Giving you a level of consumer advocacy that in business you just don't often find."
"It's not about lining your pockets with special interest dollars... It's how are we taking on some of these folks that are really in a lot of ways price gouging consumers."
"The best thing we can do is help consumers advocate for themselves and make smarter choices."
"My main goal with these videos are for you to look more critically at what actually goes into your pet food and become more educated on the ingredients and business practices of pet food brands."
"Steam Deck is kind of being held back by what I'm going to say, 'shitty attitudes' that don't think about consumers."
"Gaslighting that person and making them feel like their concerns and their issues and their irritation are not important, I think is wrong."
"The swifties have bad blood with Ticket Master and I support them 100%."
"I will always side on the consumer side. If it's bad for gamers, I don't like it."
"Virtually every company in every industry takes some practices to try and destroy your ability to repair what you own."
"Get the feeling you've been cheated." - Emma Vigeland
"Cursed beyond additives, beyond colors, beyond the very notion of filament itself."
"We need to demand more from these gaming companies."
"They have to find a way to really drive that pro-consumerism to their very core and start offering what people really, really want in that realm."
"I don't want it to be something that this is the dress you have to buy because this is the one that's being put in your face, no, it's the right dress."
"Petition them with an email to corporate or tag them on social media and say, 'Hey, Place City, get them back in there. We love them.'"
"The SEC finally saying no we're not going to allow the big guy to bully around the little guy anymore we are going to fight for the little guy we're going to allow them to make money."
"It's good that he made this video to basically warn people how like bad this product is... it is completely pointless."
"Let's even get some better numbers going. More likes, more how terrible this game is because I saved thousands of people from buying it already. Think about that."
"Consumer advocacy groups and Democratic lawmakers said the move will harm consumers and internet businesses." - The New York Times
"Hope every new RPG in the Triple A space tries to be as good and that those companies try to be as pro-consumer as larian."
"There is no way in hell that we would have seen the backlash against Star Wars Battlefront 2 loot boxes if not for Jim Sterling building a case against that s*** for months and months and months and years before that."
"At a certain point, reviewers need to hold these companies accountable that we can't be sure if you buy this card it's going to work if it didn't work when we used it."
"I hope other brands follow suit and take note. That's such a big thing to people who have that issue."
"It's a free market, but a whole hell of a lot of people are calling them out on really bad decisions."
"No one should ever support or buy any game EA makes."
"But this time Ticketmaster seems to have gone too far and I'd say between the 2019 and 2023 controversies, they deserve to be separated from Live Nation at the very least."
"If I were you, I'd spam them on social media telling them I want want this phone."
"I hope it causes EA to recognize the faults in the system so that they fix it."
"I believe you deserve better games and better treatment from gaming companies."
"Kudos to Patriot Ordnance Factory, well done. Someone, some manufacturer paying attention to the problems I've been ranting about for years."
"Being okay with bad practices means that companies are always gonna do the bare minimum for you."
"Consumer reports is no longer recommending the Tesla Model 3."
"It's about time we started sending the message to game developers that we are not falling for this shit anymore."
"I'm so glad that they canceled microtransactions you guys, such a good solid idea."
"I think most of these services we use are worse than you think, and I want people to do something about it."
"Sup everybody, this is Carrick with AC Jean, as always it's my continuing mission to bring you reviews that aren't two minutes long or filled with sponsored bullcrap."
"At the end of the day, I don't care if it's free... I'm gonna speak the truth about it."
"My goal is just to help people not get ripped off."
"It's not about kissing up to companies, it's about unbiased opinions."
"...you have the power to bring about kind of a Reckoning with the RV industry..."
"I care for my viewers and I don't want people to get duped, I don't want people to get tricked."
"If it's about the end consumer and their skin, their safety, their health, their money, then I will voice the opinion no matter who it pisses off."
"Policy Genius works for you, not the insurance companies."
"We're on the side of the consumer."
"Vote with your wallet, don't buy products that have the MQA licensing fees tacked on."
"Exposing the truth behind skincare brands: a turning point for me."
"This is Headlight Revolution, and what we do is actually test to make sure you guys don't buy stuff that doesn't work or has false claims."
"The decision to unlaunch the 4080 12 gigabyte is a huge win for consumers and absolutely the right move from Nvidia."
"The consumer is the primary concern, and represent the consumer as if it was your grandmother."
"That's literally the purpose, that's customers standing together and saying, 'Hey, this is a terrible product or this is a good product,' so that we can make more informed decisions."
"They're more than just a traditional law firm; they're a national consumer-facing brand with a promise of being for the people."
"I'm a big supporter of right to repair."
"What they stand for seems to be what I stand for to the letter."
"It wasn't about the money for me, it was more about getting an honest look at this thing out to everybody who's paid for it."
"I really think someone needs to start a petition to make sure that plastic blind bags are no more."
"When consumers know they have someone on their side, it helps them have a little more faith in the economic system and their own future."
"Morgan and Morgan is not a traditional law firm; they are a consumer-facing brand with a promise of being for the people."
"I liked helping people understand their money but hated trying to sell them on stuff that they didn't really need."
"I'm always gonna side on the consumer side."