
Information Exchange Quotes

There are 58 quotes

"The point of speech is to be able to communicate information to another person or persons."
"The free exchange of information and ideas, the lifeblood of a liberal society, is daily becoming more constricted."
"Communication is a two-way street. If it's only one way, if it's just me telling you what I think I know, I'm spraying information at you, but I want to get you engaged, I want you to hear it, I want you to remember it."
"I just always want to encourage civil and informed conversation."
"Like the bygone colonies of the star men, the post-humans cooperated through the unrestricted exchange of information and experience."
"People come to Twitter to see what's happening in the world."
"Communities in Social is the future of not just how we interact but how we get our information period." - Tyler Carlson
"Decentralized direct information exchange led by independent voices is a direct challenge to capitalistic institutional information hegemony."
"The UFO phenomenon is really a multi-dimensional communication outreach in information terms."
"Following the count in that conversation, Papadopoulos continued to correspond with campaign officials."
"Information creates a conversation that needs to be had."
"Trade brings the world together, information is passed on."
"Encourage sharing, the free flow of information, and people being able to just talk about what they want to talk about."
"Science rests on the free exchange of information."
"We're seeding you with truth and intelligence."
"Information sharing and TikTok as a platform for that is exceptionally useful."
"People give off information without knowing they're giving you information."
"I'm not here to argue, I'm here to share information and get feedback."
"APIs are everywhere. They allow technologies to talk with each other, shaping information passed between one to another."
"This larger network of things, all this information from around the world, is coming together in one place."
"A lot could happen there, man, lots of questions coming in today."
"Communication can be best defined as a two-way process of exchanging information between two entities."
"The exchange of information is incredible."
"Communication is more about managing social relationships than exchanging information."
"I really hope to go down and meet him, maybe at like the next Summer NAM, and we'll do a nice interview with him because he is a wealth of information."
"The more you start to bring it up, you're actually finding people will share the information with you."
"Companies like Google have made it their business to make free products you almost can't live without, in exchange for your information."
"So there's lots of options just depends on what you want for your outcome and just just talk to people you can read all you want but you know getting the information from other people that will tell you straight up."
"I'm hoping that somebody could exchange some information with me."
"The web is a way of exchanging information peer-to-peer."
"The open exchange of information around the world can have a positive global impact."
"Ethical journalism strives to ensure the free exchange of information that's accurate, fair and thorough."
"You trade information back and forth, that's what we call having a good two-way and reciprocal conversation."
"The notion that someday there would be a way that information could just move around between people quickly and cheaply was something so novel, so remarkable, and so profound."
"With a Neuralink, we'll be able to both send and receive information extremely quickly."
"We can all just go in and enter what we know and all the other boaters can see it."
"Communication is key, and we're talking about learning about how people communicate, reading those signs, what kind of information they're sending out to you."
"Be respectful of other people that are giving you information."
"My reward shall be this: you shall give me all the information in your power about these murders in the Rue Morgue."
"I love that we can share all of this information with people from all over the world."
"Health Information Exchanges improve the sharing of data between EMS and other healthcare providers."
"In order to create a smart economy, we need to be smart ourselves and to do that we need to have an exchange of information; we need free information; we need unbiased information."
"Communication is the process of transferring information and meaning between senders and receivers using one or more written, oral, visual, or electronic media."
"We want to think about services; if they want information from you that you hold, they come and ask you for that information via well-defined service interfaces."
"Basically what a socket connection means is that two machines have information about each other's network location."
"The whole promise of the internet is we'll break down borders and there'll be this incredible global real-time exchange of information."
"We have such marvelously working liberal movements of information where you can send packets of information anywhere all over the world."
"Postmodernity looks and is organized more like the Internet; it's the exchange of information."
"Communication is the act of passing information and understanding between two persons."
"Interpersonal communication is the exchange of information among people."
"I think it's always great if we can share as much information as possible."