
Climate Quotes

There are 1857 quotes

"Ethiopia enjoys a monsoon climate typical of equatorial countries but remains cooler than its neighbors at points of high elevation."
"The warm sun and smiling sky of Italy is no climate for revolution. Naples is not Paris."
"Canada is a generally cold country, that is true, but here in Vancouver, we basically get the same weather as Seattle."
"One of the least snowiest winters in Michigan's history."
"Nearly every ethnic group in Africa adapts on a year-to-year basis for the ever changing climate around them."
"The icy landscape was once a lush tropical rainforest brimming with life."
"The Antarctica might be an unforgivingly cold place, but that has not prevented it from being at the center of conspiracy theories."
"One of the other parts of your story that you know it's important to understand is the military programs to weaponize climate."
"It is ironic, given the fact that only two inches of rain falls here annually, that much of this water was dedicated to ritual purposes."
"Something interesting about being in Puerto Rico is that it's obviously warm during Christmastime."
"California remains such a desirable location, spectacular geography, incredible climate."
"You gotta watch out for European heat, it can really bite you in the ass when it wants to."
"If the greenhouse warming were similar on this planet and had a surface, it would be its surface temperature would be something like 72 Fahrenheit, a very pleasant temperature."
"Millions of people live in warm climates and go through everyday life without the luxury of air conditioners."
"It's like... 113 degrees in Texas and like Texas doesn't have a power grid that functions but yeah, things are going crazy."
"It's a great place to live and it doesn't rain all the time."
"It's no secret that this is not only the best state in the country because of the weather, but because of the way we have been responsibly governed by our leader Ron DeSantis."
"Winter is not only approaching, but it's actually here."
"Nightmare of the wildfires... it took living through 40-degree temperatures."
"Unprecedented in tens of thousands of years."
"The greatest lie ever perpetrated on the human race is the lie of the condensation trail."
"Through technological innovation and scientific research, we strive to overcome the challenges presented by the planet's inhospitable climate and create conditions that support extended human presence."
"The year of no summer: In 1816, there was no summer due to severe climate abnormalities."
"The tide is directly tied to regulating the temperature on this planet. Otherwise, we'd end up in another Ice Age."
"I think we're very lucky certainly the UK that our summers don't get stupidly hot yeah because actually a lot of places that we've been fortunate to go recently in Dubai you cannot play golf in summer like it's impossible."
"Heat-related events kill more people in the United States than any other weather event."
"The best chance of rain we've had in months."
"I want to be somewhere out there in the plains but also I want to be somewhere kind of cool."
"Two elderly Russian women freeze to death in unheated homes."
"Think about how affordable energy could really change people's lives, make it so people are not freezing this winter, make it so there's no heat-related deaths."
"Now we see the global temperature from 1880 all the way to 2018."
"There's been a particularly nice warm part of it that's happening here in Florida."
"But I just want to point that out there are there are temperature discrepancies."
"Welcome to Seychelles – it's not just perpetual summer, it's an ideal climate to enjoy."
"I thrive in the winter, I don't know about you guys but I straight up thrive in the cold."
"This year's flag bearers for Team USA might be the coolest ever Tokyo can get pretty hot and humid."
"If you don't mind negative 40 in the winter I don't know why you haven't moved to Minnesota yet"
"Renewable doesn't work well in extreme weather, never will."
"Do you think you will see above average snow or below average snow this upcoming winter?"
"Natural forces influence climate change throughout Earth's history, and it's still true today."
"Altogether, that's 291 trillion extra Joules of heat."
"It's really, really neat here. It's just like very hot, but it's a very cozy, warm feeling."
"London was just an easy choice because everybody speaks English, the weather is nice and mild."
"I hate the cold, and I can live in... I want it to be 100 degrees every day."
"The best the drought map has looked since February 25th, 2020."
"The new cold era can be a new Gold era for those who adapt and adjust and target their investments."
"Number 12: Air-conditioned bus stops - even at the coldest part of the year, you won't find the mercury dropping below 60 degrees Fahrenheit in Dubai."
"Dubai lies in the middle of the Arabian desert, which means the city can get real hot."
"Imagine a world with a single vast landmass enveloped in a climate that was uniformly warm, stable, and possibly teeming with vegetation and life."
"That's a beautiful mountain, look at it, oh so frosty, so much lovely wet snow at the top of this otherwise arid map."
"I love fall and spring, summer is way too hot."
"Siberian beach snowballs: a strange phenomenon baffling experts."
"Spoiler though-- it's hot, it's rapidly changing in all the right ways."
"Hurricanes gain their intensity from the heat of the ocean, you know, the science."
"It could be that we are now in the cold zone which was not the way it was when it first started."
"Expect that it's going to be a very, very hot summer."
"So keep an eye on weather right now. China's experiencing a whole lot of issues with the rainy season that's a little bit more intense than expected."
"It's kind of weird like we're in Canada obviously and it's the end of January and it's like this but whatever we're going to take advantage of it."
"The Conqueror of the Old Kingdom wasn't a regional ruler but enso the El Nino Southern oscillation."
"North America during this time was pretty much an African savannah in a different font."
"Temperatures could drop 50 degrees in 24 hours."
"You need air conditioning if you're there in the summer."
"The reality is flying closer to the equator probably makes the biggest difference."
"I am Canadian and I love the whole wintry aspect."
"The subtropical climate of Little Barrier allows lush forests to thrive."
"Hi, you know usually I eat inside my car because it's too hot outside in Vegas."
"This next piece is definitely not an essential if you live somewhere where it's a little bit warmer but if you live somewhere like I do where it gets cold really quickly and you really just want to bundle up if you're gonna love this."
"Even though the Arizona summer heat is slowing us down a little bit, we are still making great progress on the house."
"I hope that this winter is a very mild and warm winter for Europe and it happened so hopefully my mild is also relative."
"It's the rapid onset of an ice age, just like that, boom."
"This is not normal summer heat in fact on Tuesday it may reach 42 degrees Celsius in the UK and if that happens it'll be hotter in the UK then 99 of planet Earth 99."
"The ice is disappearing, and the land is changing."
"Climate change skeptics do cast out, pointing out that the cap grew slightly this season."
"Southern California: four seasons of fires, earthquakes, droughts, and riots."
"Did nature ever produce winter storms with warm sides? Short answer, no."
"It really is... the weather doesn't seem as noticeable."
"There's no doubt the senator Feinstein recognizes the climate crisis and she's not a denier."
"Welcome to South Carolina, I live in the upstate and love everything but the humidity and the bugs."
"And I think it is the great task of our generation not only to deal with climate, but to restore a sense of fairness to our economies, to our societies, to our world. And that is part of this battle, I think."
"Seattle summers or springs, summer is different though."
"The thermometers located at the Esperanza base on the northern edge of the Antarctic Peninsula reached an incredible 18.3°C, almost the same temperature as Los Angeles that day."
"You really have to adapt your services and your processes to fit the weather that you're in."
"Florida is very, very hot, but right now it's very cool and there's a nice breeze."
"The rise of the Himalayas might have had an impact on the climate of the entire planet."
"It's a place of extremes, a place where icy polar air hits warm wet Southern winds in a violent collision."
"Summer here is unbelievable. It's perfect for one 12th of the year."
"The height of these mountains is just enough to force moist ocean air to rise and cool, depositing upwards of 500 mm of rain per year."
"Most of the world's deserts straddle one of two special latitudes."
"The mystery though is why Atacama gets so much less rain than any place else."
"We live in the continent of Africa, and the weather is minimum 25 degrees."
"I love the sun, I love the weather here in the Philippines, I just love life in the Philippines."
"It's an indoor-outdoor space that's really important to me, the weather is great here in California."
"It's cold this time of year, but it's a great city, great history."
"The weather is the last thing you get used to."
"We would love to learn climate, we would love to learn extreme weather."
"The pansy is a little fastidious but not severely so; it thrives in a cool climate with partial shade and in a rich, moist, sandy soil."
"Antarctica was lush and green... there's undoubtedly a time when Antarctica was lush and green."
"It's deceivingly beautiful out because it's also very cold."
"The light irradiates latitudes near the equator directly, so the heating effect is greater."
"The light irradiates polar regions at an oblique angle, so the heating effect is dramatically lesser."
"You had heard tales about the ships that sailed off to the Eastern Seas where the weather was said to be sun-filled all year round."
"Portland is known as the Rose City because its climate is near perfect for growing them."
"Oregon has a very nice climate, marked by warm, dry summers and cool, rainy winters."
"If you live here in Oz or in another hot country somewhere else in the world you really want to go for a light colored interior trust me this will make your life much better in terms of how much colder you'll be in the car."
"Whether you like it or not, weather is a constant source of conversation."
"If you're looking for a white Christmas, you are not going to get that here in Jacksonville, Florida."
"It's not a place. It's not an altitude or a particular type of topography. It's not dry or wet. It always comes down to temperature."
"Australia... nearly 70% of the country is either arid or semi-arid."
"The late 20th century interglacial appears to be over, and we're diving back into another Ice Age."
"That is my very favorite part about California, that you can drive for an hour or two and be in a completely different climate."
"It's extra cold up north, down south is nothing but hot 24/7 down there."
"In a tropical environment in Africa, where it's basically spring 12 months out of the year, you don't have to fight for survival."
"The average global temperature was around 230 degrees Celsius or 446 degrees Fahrenheit."
"In the mountains of Western Japan, the residents of these green houses are waiting for summer temperatures of 35° or higher."
"When that carbon is in the ground, locked up in rocks or sediments, then the planet is cool."
"While the rest of Australia swelters, in Bondi La Nina rules."
"When it comes to climate and season, carrots are quite adaptable."
"This is Texas baby, we don't play around with that AC here."
"Perth is the sunniest state capital in Australia and it has around 139 days of sunshine per year."
"Chapala offers one of the best climates in the world, attracting North American retirees and snowbirds with its peaceful environment and welcoming community."
"I really only use air conditioning usually in May and June because that's when it's hottest."
"Some varieties are best suited for growing in warmer climates or in a greenhouse, while others will cope just fine outside, even in notoriously fickle climates like mine."
"Heat pumps work great in cold climates."
"As the universe is getting hotter Cosmic radiation is getting stronger not so good for life on Earth."
"New York has the hottest summer coldest winter most temperate fall and spring months"
"It gets super hot, especially in Central America right now, super humid, so I do drink a lot extra water."
"We think of summer as bountiful, but even in this season of plenty, slight local variations in climate can massively change."
"Atacama has been a barren, essentially rainless landscape for millions of years."
"One of the effects of decreased rainfall and increased storm intensity is that when the rain does fall it doesn't necessarily penetrate into the heavy clay soils."
"This country accounts for 13 of the 32 climactic zones which puts Peru in fourth for the most climatically diverse country in the world."
"...the rain here does not get to that sort of like torrential quantity."
"Climate is worldwide; weather is local."
"The loss of the moon means the daily cycle has changed. Now, there are only 6 to 12 hours of sunlight a day and over a thousand days per year."
"Coral reefs proliferated in the warm climate, exceeding the intertropical zone."
"Found towards the center of the Lone Star State... Austin receives an average of 300 days of sunshine per year, making it one of America's sunniest cities."
"...as the climate became colder and colder towards the Ice Age this effect would be enhanced eventually leading to the largest animals alive today the Mr seeds or Baleen whales."
"The climate here, yeah don't get us wrong though 35° is also Tip Top but this is just like I'm not sweating as much which is always a bonus."
"Oklahoma's geography is as diverse as its history offering a unique blend of topographical features climates and natural resources."
"we've been in this van through every climate that you can imagine already and we haven't even officially moved into it yet"
"There is some kind of correlation between high temperatures and decreased economic output."
"It is important to understand that many diseases and health problems that arise in warmer parts of the world don’t exist in colder regions."
"Infant mortality in countries in the tropics is 50 percent higher than in colder countries."
"For staple crops like rice, maize, and wheat, productivity and yield is actually much higher in temperate zones than in tropical ones."
"The data suggests that hotter temperatures correlate to lower economic output."
"I miss about Denver and the mountains Aspen you leave your window 2 in open at night freezing oh [ __ ] in the middle of the night that [ __ ] desert with mountains"
"One of the key things when we design sustainable buildings is we actually look at the climate."
"most heat pumps they're only efficient when it's you know at the very lowest 20 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit outside"
"The climate on the Big Island is truly unique and ideal for most people because Hawaii is located near the equator."
"But if you're in Hawaii somewhere, you're like Baltimore East Coast, you know, it has to be more humid than it"
"Does it better suit our rainy climate? Absolutely."
"It does really depend on the climate if you're in a colder sort of wetter climate it may take a little bit longer to dry than say if you're in a bit of a warmer climate like we are in Darwin."
"You can grow blueberries from Canada all the way down to Florida as well as the highlands of Mexico. The overwhelming majority of the world's population can grow these small plants."
"Yeah, well they're in San Marino and I bet it's cold."
"Thanks to the dry Antarctic climate, many of the artifacts were almost perfectly preserved."
"The houses are not really built for the cold winters in Perth. So coming from South Africa, it's quite similar to what we experienced back home."
"Texas attics often get to those crazy numbers up there, 130 degrees is a pretty average summertime attic temperature."
"Don't mess with the Heat and the sun in the middle of the day. Take that Siesta."
"The Mediterranean has now had 2 back to back summers, where in terms of heat, parts of it have been pretty tough, at least for a few weeks."
"Dorne is the southernmost region of Westeros, the hottest region with dry punishing deserts at the center."
"Come with an open mind. Embrace what we have. This is Africa. It will never snow here, and it will never shine there as it shines here."
"July was the hottest month ever recorded in Earth's history."
"I'm here to get out of the heat, so you know, that's why we go up there where it's a lot cooler."
"It's hailed as one of the coldest capital cities out there... It can get to below 50° C at its worst."
"You get the beautiful climate without the cost."
"On a positive note, these stronger than normal trade winds are blowing more of the warm surface water westward."
"Here in the Mâconnais, you get some south weather influence—so that's to say, usually, summer part of time is rather hot, so that's why the maturity of the grapes usually is higher."
"Victorville is in a prime location for the perfect climate."
"...I think AI can actually help with climate and sustainability in a number of ways... we managed to save 30 of the energy the cooling systems used by more efficiently controlling all the parameters..."
"The moon stabilizes the Earth on its axis, gives us moderate temperatures year-round, and it gives us the climate that selects for the kind of animal life that eventually became primates and people."
"Contrary to popular belief up here in Canada it does not snow all the time."
"The ocean moderates the temperature of our world."
"We're dry, but they have crazy mosquitoes."
"Each climate is going to depend on what you're going to pack. If you're in a cold environment, such as I live in the Northeast, it gets cold. Or if you live down in Florida, it never gets cold. You probably won't need half this stuff, okay?"
"Everybody knows Texas is hot, not just sort of hot, blisteringly life-devouringly hot."
"Plenty of room, power seats for the driver and the passenger. Both are heated as well, which is really nice because it is a little on the chilly side here for a change. I don't say that very often in my videos, do I? Here in Northwest Louisiana."
"I feel like the climate in Rome was good. So, sure, maybe."
"This arid, inhospitable region is scorching hot in summer, freezing in winter."
"The CG system is the biggest funder of that work and we're encouraging others. If you care about climate, if you care about nutrition, the impact of a dollar that goes in is pretty amazing."
"He doesn't remember last wearing pants because we lived in Hawaii and before that it was summer so it's been a long time."
"I think that's probably the worst thing you can do actually is to refuse to procreate... Most people who say they don't want to have children because of the climate, that's not actually the reason."
"What is it about the Texas climate that allows that to happen? Great question."
"What about the frost? Let's not forget, Japan is a very cold and rainy island."
"Antarctica is the air conditioning of our planet."
"Because it does get cold in England, and I really like it to be an enjoyable experience. I don't want to freeze."
"The flower Dome is three acres and built to mimic and support a cool and dry Mediterranean climate."
"New Zealand definitely wins in this category for me. It's just much more mild and temperate. New Zealand truly has four separate seasons."
"I heard that it never really rains in Arizona."
"We've learned a lot also about the causes of this, the tempo of dry-wet seasonality and dry-wet expression of climate over many, many years is the result of what's called orbital precession, related to the wobble of the Earth's axis of rotation."
"You will literally wrap yourself up, especially if you live in a really cold climate."
"But walking around guys just very very hard to fault do not worry about leftand drive it's because it's come from a much nicer climate you'll get used to it in two days and when you come to sell it will sell in Europe and sell for more so that's always good."
"Heat and heat adaption hasn't been talked about as much as it maybe should have been."
"The climate is considered mild Four Seasons."
"And important point about eruptions, very large eruptions can affect global climate. That's a theme I'll return to."
"During the glacial maximum, it may have been 20 or 25%."
"For Norway, lack of sunlight in winter is the worst."
"It is warm and pretty much Sunny year round so you're basically on a tropical vacation in the city sounds great to me."
"It's absolutely vital in Arizona that we have a reliable AC unit."
"The only big solution to any big global problem is innovation. It always has been, and it certainly is that today for climate."
"Regenerative agriculture describes farming and grazing practices that among other benefits reverse climate change."
"It's scorchingly hot year-round and the weather in general is just unbelievably unpredictable and violent."