
Environmental Crisis Quotes

There are 323 quotes

"So, that's how it ended last time. Except this time, it won't just be barbarians; it'll be the planet itself that's on fire."
"People are suffering; people are dying; entire ecosystems are collapsing. Mass extinction is well underway."
"Our world is already in flames. It's getting hotter; we can't breathe. We are here because our parents trashed the planet, and it's up to our generation to save it."
"The obsession that we have had with maximizing profits for shareholders alone has led to incredible inequality and a planetary emergency."
"We are facing a crisis and one that has consequences for us all. It threatens our ability to feed ourselves, to control our climate, it even puts us at greater risk of pandemic diseases such as COVID-19." - David Attenborough
"We contacted your leaders because your planet is in grave trouble."
"Climate change is accelerating. The melting of the polar ice caps is exceeding predictions that even came from a year or two ago."
"We didn't evolve to process this type of complexity and hyper objects...yet these issues are catastrophic today."
"We're losing 200 species a day, that are eliminated forever. The Earth is just as sick as everybody else is."
"Our planet is in a kind of collapse. The natural world is collapsing around us, and that's actually happening right now."
"Every day we wake up, and there's a new catastrophe: massive wildfires, record-breaking heat waves, disappearing glaciers, melting permafrost, political instability, new diseases. People are afraid."
"We are in the midst of the sixth mass extinction with up to 200 species becoming extinct every single day."
"Humans are causing this, and it really is catastrophic. We're just now beginning to see how catastrophic."
"The oceans might tip... maybe the plankton dies because of ocean acidification, and the anobacteria take over."
"Plastic pollution is slowly crippling the Earth's vital ecosystems, and it's now up to us to try and stop it."
"The 21st century is an incredibly pivotal point in the history of humanity. We are facing crises in water, soil, energy, the atmosphere."
"The year is 2075 and Earth is going through a serious water shortage. Sea levels are falling, it never rains, and infant mortality rates have spiked as people desperately consume contaminated water."
"Entire ecosystems are collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction."
"if you see the earth in a state of emergency if you see the environment in a state of emergency if you're looking at the world in a state of emergency it's because the alarm is just getting louder and louder and louder and trying to say wake up."
"Our house is already on fire... All evidence shows that this is the path of greatest destruction." - John Kerry
"We need to solve this fast. Every day that this problem continues is a tragedy."
"An increase of 1.5 degrees is the maximum the planet can tolerate. Should temperatures increase further, we will face even more droughts, floods, extreme heat, and poverty, and at worst, the extinction of humankind altogether."
"It's about coming to the moment to deal with this maximum threat that we exist where that's now facing us: climate change."
"The scientific community is trying to provide solutions to avert the fate of the planet."
"The scientists are now saying... sorry we underestimated the degree and the severity and the speed in which climate change is ravaging this country."
"I contend that it is a powerful spirit that is alive that will kill us before we can kill it it will rid itself of the disease of man if we don't."
"The fact that our planet is dying is evident, clear, unavoidable, and objectively correct."
"We can do this... we are rapidly running out of alternatives."
"We're in a mass extinction right now called the Anthropocene because we are killing off everything at an alarming rate."
"The extreme heat and dry conditions at the edge of the Arctic Circle fueling the blazes."
"Shouldn't the solution be too, if the root of our ecological crisis is religious?"
"The world is facing a crisis which is man-made or at least largely Mankind's fault."
"It's very much been a Mercedes circuit this weekend."
"Over the past 50 years, two-thirds of the world's wildlife has been lost. 40% of the plant species are threatened to extinction."
"Wildfires have become more common. Hurricanes more intense and more common. Flooding more intense and more common. We are going to be presented with more and more crises like this."
"The devastation is truly shocking, but what makes it worse is that we shouldn't be shocked. We've ignored warning after warning."
"We are literally approaching destruction of the mainland."
"And when we talk about drought take a look at the horror show that is now taking place in the beautiful country of Australia which is on fire take a look at what happened in California over the last year."
"We're losing two to 300 species of plant animal and insect to Extinction every single day. Try to get your arms around that."
"It's leading towards a genetic apocalypse of across the planet."
"The climate crisis isn't a problem of the future; we're seeing the catastrophic effects of it right now."
"The climate crisis is no longer a future doomsday mentality, it's happening right now."
"Deadly heat and record-setting droughts - it is an absolutely dire situation."
"We are currently facing extinction around the world. There are millions of people who are disenfranchised, who are affected by hurricanes and wildfires, whose lives are being destroyed by our collective indifference."
"We have no choice as moral human beings but to address the planetary crisis of climate change. It's not a choice."
"Humanity is on thin ice, and that ice is melting fast."
"We are experiencing through climate change the destruction of the entire human species."
"We're losing about 200 species a day. That's 10,000 times the normal rate. Nothing normal about that."
"The planet's burning down and the fascists are taking over and we have a lot of work to do and I believe we actually can win we actually because we do win yeah."
"The true state of climate and environmental collapse is exponentially more dire and more immediate than anything we are being told by any official sources."
"The only thing standing in the way of a livable future is the failure of political leadership."
"Our planet is on fire and this extremist Supreme Court has destroyed the federal government's ability to fight back."
"Climate change is an existential threat to this country and the entire planet."
"Climate change is a major, major crisis for this country."
"The environmental problems we're facing, these are very, very serious species-threatening events."
"Our world is threatened by environmental catastrophe and crippled by our own greed. Are we really too selfish to save it?"
"If we do not fix the climate, if we do not stop devastating it, if you do not stop devastating wildlife and nature, then we are not going to have food to put on the table quite soon."
"Extreme heat in oceans past the point of no return."
"Once the Amazon rainforest passes the point of no return, it could disappear within 50 years, risking the loss of around 10 million species."
"The ongoing sixth mass extinction may be the most serious environmental threat to the persistence of human civilization because it is irreversible."
"Jakarta: Sinking 25 centimeters a year; 95% of North Jakarta to be submerged by 2050."
"There's already an ecological apocalypse happening or it's imminent."
"People are suffering, people are dying, entire ecosystems collapsing. We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money."
"The oceans are dying; be clear about that. They're converting into what's called a 'canfield ocean,' a lifeless, superheated oxygen stratified ocean where nothing lives."
"The overall species extinction rate is currently 15,000 times the background rate."
"We each of us all of us are hurling toward near-term planetary omnicide."
"Climate change is not a problem anymore, it's a serious problem."
"The climate collapse crisis: it's time. Tides wait for No One."
"A tidal wave of biosphere collapse looms over our Collective heads."
"The planetary climate system is unraveling by the day."
"Facing reality headlong, head-on, is imperative."
"Their job should be getting people evacuated their job should be doing all the science necessary to find out exactly what went into the water exactly what was in the soil exactly how far it spread and getting everybody out of Harm's Way."
"Climate breakdown destroys our life-support systems; we need to confront it."
"Climate change is already killing human beings, destroying nature and making the world poorer."
"Irreversible loss of the West Antarctic and Greenland ice sheets could be imminent."
"The year is 2044 and the whole world's gone downhill somewhat after a massive fuel crisis."
"Now is a decisive moment in the life of our planet and all of humanity."
"This matter is of utmost significance for the survival of every living being on this planet."
"Within seven years, life on the planet may become unbearable due to extremely rising temperatures."
"The planet is broken. Nature is broken. Collectively, the human race is why."
"It's either we change the way we live or we all die."
"The only way forward in this fight is to reach a critical mass of awareness."
"As the sixth great mass extinction on planet Earth proceeds and accelerates..."
"Climate change is real and accelerating and just curbing our emissions is not going to be enough."
"More than 11,000 scientists declare a climate emergency."
"They feel this in their soul. This is like a Divine marriage."
"The rapidly accelerating collapse of Earth's life support systems has now made it impossible for 'business as usual' to be maintained."
"The tapping of pipelines, stealing of oil, and the emissions from the refining process have added another complication to the region's environmental crisis."
"The climate apocalypse is real and it is coming."
"The Greenland ice sheet is close to a melting point of no return."
"Now isolated in the world, literally isolated, and racing toward the precipice while the rest of the world is trying to do something."
"Global warming is becoming a serious crisis, and we need to do something about that."
"We face a fight for life, nothing less. All hands are needed on deck, not hiding in their cabin as the ship goes down."
"The situation is dire and getting more dire every day."
"Our water is at risk. This is one of the worst drought situations that I've ever seen."
"We are not facing a situation where it would be nice if people used less plastic. We have a crisis on our hands when it comes to single-use plastic."
"It's the climate crisis, it's what we've done to the nitrogen cycle, it's what we're doing to the water cycle, it's what we do to biodiversity and overall we've destabilized the earth's natural life support systems."
"Because it's more than just climate change, it's more than just a climate crisis, it's both, it encompasses like I was saying biodiversity loss, the destabilization of other systems."
"The climate and environmental crisis is overwhelmingly a political crisis, a crisis of power and equality."
"Nature and goodness are under siege, all life hangs in the balance."
"The magnitude of something like this is a game-changer for the entire planet."
"The world is on fire, the Amazon rainforest is on fire right now as I speak."
"In the very first week after it dried up, we'd lose about 400,000 animals that would die in a week."
"The melting of the ice sheets is on track to meet the worst-case scenario."
"These extremes are here. The climate crisis."
"The crisis is we're burning up the planet and AOC says we're going to die in 12 years."
"More than 11,000 scientists have endorsed a letter declaring a climate crisis."
"Normal was a crisis, is it normal that Australia was on fire a couple of months ago, is it normal that the Amazon was on fire a couple of months before that?"
"It's the worst drought situation ever on record."
"Unexplained mass extinction in Russia: a troubling sign."
"The Earth will soon die and take arts, religion, and other beautiful ideas along with it if they give up."
"The natural world was clearly being depleted with species going extinct at a rate approximately 5,000 times greater than the natural Extinction rate."
"We are currently knocking on the door of a climate catastrophe, and we need to be reducing our CO2 emissions instead of greatly increasing them."
"Extreme weather events represent what the Secretary General has rightly called code red for humanity."
"Over 130 million gallons of crude oil were released into the Gulf of Mexico, further marking it as one of the worst environmental disasters in our world's history."
"We are absolutely racing into uncharted territory."
"We're all of us on a runaway train of near-term self-annihilation."
"You're killing your planet, your planet is dying."
"This is a planetary crisis this is a safety crisis but above all it is also a Justice crisis."
"We are dying globally because we're killing the Earth that actually inhabits everybody."
"It's not coming, it's here... we are in the sixth great mass extinction now."
"The ocean is on fire. Hello? The ocean is made out of water. It shouldn't be on fire!"
"It is the greatest existential threat to human life currently facing us. We need to take care of it while we still have the choice to do so."
"If we collectively face the oncoming storm head-on with unyielding courage, determination, and fortitude, we can yet make a difference for the better."
"Climate change is the greatest existential threat to our species."
"Fossil fuel driven economic growth over the past 30 years has pushed us to the brink of a global climate catastrophe."
"Every single day 200 to 300 species of plant, animal, and insect are being lost forever to Extinction."
"The sustainability experts conclude that there's no outcome that doesn't include a massive near-term decline in the human population."
"Because they say early on that like earth is dying..."
"Earth is under attack, we need to protect and preserve all life."
"The planet is burning down to the ground literally."
"This is about our way of life, about humans. Our future is threatened by a crisis that politicians have spent too much time separating and making partisan." - Shota Scott Martinez
"When we last left off Magni and mother were determining how best to start healing the planet unfortunately since then things have gotten worse giant wounds are opening up all over the world and we don't have a good way to heal them."
"The only way we can have any chance of salvaging anything from this equation is if a significant percentage of the population wakes up, realizes the severity of what's unfolding, and helps us."
"The situation is urgent. The pandemic was nothing compared to the climate collapse. What's coming can't even be imagined."
"Climate breakdown is a unique existential threat."
"We are in the beginning of a mass extinction and all you can talk about is money and fairytales of eternal economic growth."
"These kids are smart enough to understand that there is a crisis going on."
"Even the mainstream media is now admitting that the Earth is suffering a crisis of mass extinction."
"We got the equivalent of a nuclear time bomb on our hand with global warming."
"Wildfires in Northern California are still raging, one spreading over more than one hundred thousand acres in nine days."
"We're neck deep in the sixth known mass extinction."
"The extinction crisis is as bad as the great change... what is at stake is the future of mankind."
"Our homes are on fire and the climate Cerberus is walking around the planet on the loose without the leash."
"You're headed for a climate disaster, and yet every year governments spend hundreds of billions of public funds on fossil fuel subsidies."
"There was a very, very real prospect that the flood defenses would fail here."
"Facts don't care about your feelings, dude. Look it up. There are already climate change refugees."
"This water thing is a big slow moving steamroller of a situation..."
"Previously, the scientific consensus was that as long as we keep temperatures under 2 degrees higher for the rest of the 21st century we'd be able to avoid the more catastrophic consequences of climate change."
"Our house is still on fire, your inaction is fueling the flames."
"What must be understood is that the severity of what's unfolding can no longer be hidden."
"I think we are as a consequence of global warming going to have a major mass extinction of life on Earth."
"It's beyond urgent. 75% of the ice volume in the Arctic has already melted in the last 30 years."
"If we don't deal with this issue, we don't allow the planet to respond to the damage done on its own."
"An abrupt climate collapse is unfolding and accelerating."
"The unfolding planetary meltdown is even worse than the dire headlines."
"Our backyard is burning and we're not doing anything about it."
"We're in the largest mass extinction the planet has seen in 66 million years."
"It's that we have reached the point of no return and must therefore ride out the storm that approaches."
"The inexorable march towards climate destruction is a grave concern." - Noam Chomsky
"Deadly heat is killing countless forms of flora and fauna, and we're next."
"The Sea of Galilee is on the brink of disaster."
"We Face a common Threat all of us from every side of the fence when this spaceship earth fails we're done."
"The weird thing is, the majority of the news articles that you're seeing on Chinese media right now are focusing on American droughts, where actually China is now facing the most severe drought they've ever faced."
"European insect populations tumble, signaling a concerning decline."
"The Salton Sea was once a hot tourist destination, but experts say it has become the worst environmental and public health crisis in modern history."
"Losing our coral reefs is not only bad news for fish, it is a global crisis."
"No future with fossil fuels, we're in a climate crisis."
"Just over the past few days we have seen life-threatening heat waves, extremely dangerous wildfires..."
"The planet is broken, the ever increasing weight of the human race can no longer be maintained."
"Climate change is a world war two level threat."
"If things don't turn around soon, we are going to be facing an absolutely crippling Water Crisis in this country."
"Remember, it's all BS. People understand whether they claim to deny climate change or not, our collective house is in crisis."
"The earth is dying - and if humanity doesn’t make any other plans, we’ll die, too."
"This is an existential crisis that we're facing."
"Our planet is on a collision course with disaster."
"We all, all of us are now passengers on a runaway train of calamity and collapse."
"Existential threats, but one issue stands out for the following reason: there's no place to hide from it."
"The Doomsday Clock clicked forward, the closest it's ever been to midnight."
"The signs are undeniable: climate change, species extinctions, human suffering."
"The human climate niche is disappearing, and we are facing the end of what was."
"Three rivers running out of water and out of time."
"Climate change is our house collapsing while the rest of these issues are the arguments the family is having while the roof falls on top of them."
"You can't ignore what's happening to the Earth."
"The scale and the number of issues The Reef faces have gone far beyond the capacity of the systems that were put into place a generation ago."
"...the next in the economic crisis will, if not exactly coincide with an environmental crisis, it will have to take some notice of it."
"The bees are disappearing and at an alarming rate."
"We've got 12 years to limit climate change catastrophe, warns UN."
"Air pollution is a global crisis."
"The insect apocalypse is here. What does it mean for the rest of life on Earth?"
"The polar ice caps have melted and humanity is on the brink of extinction."
"It is not a question of will we or won't we decarbonize because what's happening is that every year or two or three the environmental crises become more and more dramatic."
"Elon Musk himself says that the next great crisis on our planet will be one of water. And ourselves at Galante and Sons have developed an incredible vaccine."
"Nothing could be more dangerous than that that means reaching irreversible tipping points at which stage just that it declined to the destruction of human life on Earth."
"Without action, nearly all reefs could die off in the next few decades."
"Fire Drill Fridays... You know who said we have to act like our house is on fire like it's a real crisis because it is."
"Our scientists are now telling us we are in the sixth extinction of life on Earth because of the fossil fuel civilization."
"The US West is experiencing the worst Mega drought in 1200 years."
"Stagnant air masses are pollution's best friend but humankind's worst enemy."
"Our planet is burning up, the concessions made to the oil and gas industry are harming people from marginalized groups."