
Chemicals Quotes

There are 115 quotes

"Chemicals in our food, cleaning products, etc., are affecting many people's ability to reason."
"Almost everything that we eat has some sort of harmful chemicals in it."
"These chemicals are not designed for human consumption."
"Natural medicines such as herbal and dietary supplements are made up of chemicals, too, just like everything else."
"Most water is polluted with forever chemicals, which doesn't sound like very good news unless you're another chemical and you're lonely."
"Coal tar dyes in food may contain heavy metals and cause health issues."
"Endocrine disrupting chemicals: a growing concern."
"Everything's chemicals, man, really glad to have them as a sponsor."
"If suffering is diminished and meaning is made of the life process through the use of chemicals, that is genius."
"For the first time in recent history, the USDA has admitted that we now have higher and higher levels of DDT in our food supply."
"A little bit of chemical can make a massive difference in how you see the entire world."
"They're like, oh, nasty, nasty chemicals. There are many words in food, in cosmetics that we can't pronounce."
"Unfortunately, the destructive power of ammonium nitrate has also been used by terrorists to commit atrocities."
"I just want to say that for clarity... the amount of succumbing acid is crazy high in these needles."
"What do we use chlorine for? I don't even know."
"But to understand the layers of political and legal drama unfolding today, it's important to understand what the U.S. has deemed illegal when it comes to PFAS. In short, not much."
"These artificial estrogen chemicals lower your total testosterone, they lower your free testosterone, and then they block the binding to receptors."
"We detected the chemical in 92% of oat-based foods purchased."
"I mean I don't think hydras that risky for shrimp but I also don't feel like hydroxide is that risky either."
"When formaldehyde comes in contact with the skin there are some adverse side effects that can occur in some people, namely irritant contact dermatitis."
"We live in a society for better or worse that chooses to ship the most deadly, the most toxic, the most dangerous chemicals ever made by man in rail cars right through populated cities."
"Glyphosate destroys our microbiome. It's literally like an antibiotic that kills your own microbiome as well as the microbiome of the soil."
"Everything's a chemical. All right, you're a chemical, the air you breathe is chemical, water is made out of chemicals, everything is chemicals."
"You can shop a little change in your shopping cart, and those chemicals go away."
"Don't judge me and don't worry, it's a natural chemical and you can actually eat it."
"You just do not need harsh chemicals for daily cleaning. It's just absolutely not necessary."
"Anything that ends in a 'Z-E-N-E'... they're different types of benzines. You're killing me right now."
"As you go from the grasses and grains to fish or cows, they'll increase these chemicals through biomagnification."
"Can you not just take the weird overly processed chemical dyes out of the food please?"
"So, our response to someone or something in our environment, or our response to our own thought, an image of what could happen in the future, a memory of the past, could actually cause chemicals to be secreted from the brain."
"The chemicals of stress are highly addictive: fear, anger, hostility, violence, anxiety, insecurity, guilt, shame, sadness, unworthiness, depression."
"Organic certified gardens don't use chemicals? That's false."
"The upper one was a mixture of the isopropyl alcohol and the isononal alcohol."
"Happy chemicals are just your body's way of saying 'This is working. I'm getting my needs met. Keep doing this.'"
"We add chemicals to our food specifically to induce dopamine stimulation in our brain."
"...there's over 10,000 chemicals in our food supply that are banned in all European nations."
"I just don't want to introduce stuff chemicals into my garden unless it's desperate."
"Over time, things like chlorine and fluorides... can build up in your soil."
"If you're exposed to these chemicals... babies who are exposed to these chemicals will end up being more obese."
"It’s weird to think that our feelings are caused by different natural chemicals that run around the body."
"But foliar fungicides are also detrimental, and when all the research shows that the most detrimental chemical to the soil microbiome, fungicides or the most detrimental chemicals plural, are the fungicides."
"And yet we aren't told from the chemical companies the dangers that you're actually dealing with with any of these toxic chemicals."
"The belief that if a product contains no man-made chemicals it must be healthy. Arsenic, Cyanide, and a multitude of other substances are natural and yet can kill you."
"What's really bad is the harmful chemicals, things like Benzene which certainly have negative health effects."
"Hydrogen is widely used today. It is a Fe stock chemical for many different heavy Industries, fertilizers for example."
"We need fat to manufacture these chemicals, so don't be deficient."
"No insecticide, no chemicals, everything organic."
"Despite years of study and impressive breakthroughs, researchers are only beginning to understand the chemical's complex role in the functioning of the body and brain."
"My house just feels so fresh and clean with none of the nasty harsh chemicals."
"We're adding chemicals to water not water to chemicals."
"The amount of chemicals in the food we eat in America is insane compared to the rest of the world."
"All of these feelings that I'll generically call happiness are basically produced by four chemicals inside our bodies."
"We love Ahimsa because it lets us know that our kids are not being exposed to harmful chemicals."
"Emotions are just chemicals released in the brain, they give us a message but don't tell us what to do."
"I just don't think it's needed. It is nice for blankets sometimes, make them extra fluffy or smell good, but a lot of times the fabric softener just adds more buildup and more chemicals to the fibers of your Fabrics keeping them from getting super clean."
"Many plants make irritating chemicals for self-defense purposes."
"I don't like using anything chemical in the garden at all."
"Every chemical toxin acts like estrogen, they're all estrogen,"
"Never used undiluted IPA on your paintwork as that can dissolve or attack or eat away at the clear coat over time."
"I was sober enough to be scared though, but we got inside and the first thing that I noticed was just the smell of the house, like heavy heavy chemicals and actual [__]."
"Chemicals like chlorine and perfume can damage this pendant."
"Do not do that. Just be really careful with acetone."
"When working with acid, it's extremely important to wear rubber gloves, extra protective clothing with no skin exposed, safety glasses, a respirator, and work in a well-ventilated environment."
"Calcium aluminate cements are extremely resistant to corrosive chemicals like acids and bases."
"It's very important to practice safety with chemicals... even if they're chemicals that you're very confident with and you've used before."
"Your brain is flush with chemicals that can turn your life into a story of epic proportions."
"Don't use your kitchen oven for this because you will fill whatever oven you use with nasty chemicals."
"If too much of these chemical fertilizers is used, the harmful chemicals get inside the fruits and vegetables and that makes them very dangerous to eat."
"At least 45 percent of America's tap water contains what are known as forever chemicals."
"PFAS chemicals... have recently been found to be a lot more harmful than previously imagined, being now linked to various illnesses, various cancers, reduced birth weight, developmental challenges for children, among many other health problems."
"These chemicals are pretty dangerous. If you don't feel comfortable doing this stuff, definitely don't do it."
"Always review the safety data sheets when working with any solvents, chemicals, or refrigerants."
"These chemicals are cumulative... the less you have in your life, the better you're going to be overall."
"If you do use chemical cleaning products, make sure they are locked away."
"If you don't know the hazards associated with mixing different chemicals, it's definitely not something you should be doing."
"An alchemist needs access to lots of chemicals. How many? Lots."
"It's really important that the use of harmful chemicals is regulated and monitored."
"Biodegradable chemicals are very important."
"Since the Green Revolution, we've seen an increase in chemicals and herbicides. Sustainable agriculture strives to eliminate this or limit them as much as possible."
"The absolute best advice that I can give you for any of this stuff is to do research based on the city or the town the country that you're living in about how to properly dispose of hazardous chemicals like this."
"The positive is going to be green because the phenyl pyruvic acid is present and it was detected by the ferric chloride."
"Europe has banned a lot of the chemical stuff that we have."
"That's incredible what some chemicals can do to 40,000 miles of grime."
"Chemicals can help us learn faster, chemicals can help us expand or contract our consciousness."
"Toxicology is the study of how chemicals cause injury to living cells and the whole organism."
"Chemicals are not inherently bad but they've been labeled as it because when we hear the word chemicals sometimes it triggers in our mind of like this horrible green goo."
"Not all chemicals are bad, there's amazing chemicals."
"He was opposed to all forms of drugs and chemicals."
"It's always really scary to work with because HF is really deadly."
"Chemical weapon is a chemical used to cause intentional death or harm through its toxic properties."
"You don't know what your chemicals could possibly do to you, so it is a very good idea to always wear gloves."
"Glyphosate... it's really harmful to us."
"Let me put a disclaimer in here, I do not recommend smelling chemicals, okay."
"We can use it to make our chemicals and products that society needs."
"If you're allowed to just buy chemicals, we need to make sure that people are properly educated about how to safely utilize chemicals."
"I learned this from my friend Larry Kosilla: always, always do that because chemicals will sit and have different concentrations on the top and bottom."
"It's a transient chemical and it will leave the body as quickly as you stop using it."
"As always, if you're dealing with chemicals, protect yourself."
"It eliminates the use of harmful chemicals."
"Better living through chemicals only applies if you live in the laboratory."
"General fear of chemicals just because you can't pronounce an ingredient doesn't mean it's dangerous."
"These are not filled with mysterious chemicals; these are filled with chemicals that you can identify."
"There's nothing mysterious about the kinds of chemicals that you find in foods or in flavoring agents or any fragrance."
"Unfortunately, this chemical is already in every living and non-living thing in this world; 99% of humans have it in their bodies."
"Never use bleach and ammonia-based cleaning products at the same time in the same room."
"Chemicals have a very good track record of forecasting economic growth or economic contractions."
"I felt like the happiest person ever when I first heard 'Chemicals'."
"You don't have to buy into the idea that you need all of these different specialized cleaning products that are full of all kinds of chemicals."