
Mapping Quotes

There are 513 quotes

"The Lord of the Rings, in some ways, is a work governed by a map, and that map is a map of fantasy. But behind the map of fantasy, there is a real map of England."
"All of this is possible because of our deep, deep commitment for over 16 years to build the world's most helpful map for people everywhere."
"How fallible one feels here. A map, a pencil, tracing paper. Yet, my courage fails at the thought of the people whom our errant lines enclose or exclude."
"This mapping project is shaping up to be an awesome project."
"The game was well received by critics, many of them enjoying the satisfaction of creating their own maps."
"The new Atlas is amazing, bottom to top. Every map can be T16. You can perma sustain any map of your choice on T16 in SSF. This is ridiculously good."
"It's a process of back and forth, you know, we start with mass out and mass out is the simplest and cleanest a map will ever be."
"I believe that what we map changes the life we lead."
"Back in the ancient times of August 2017, a member of the Hollow Knight community known as Nook began chipping away at mapping out the entirety of Hollow Knight’s world."
"What Lies Beneath our oceans are vast and cover almost 75% of our planet surface and yet they remain largely unmapped almost 80% of their wonders."
"We’re now able to calculate a detailed and dynamical map of the Milky Way."
"Welcome to the delightfully large map, it's a really pretty map by the way."
"Our goal is to learn a function that's mapping from our data X to our labels Y."
"Local Guides make maps more helpful, especially during times of crisis."
"Routes and towns are seamlessly blended together into one single map... a true sense of exploration."
"The new map is just better than the old one."
"Maps help keep players rooted and on target in long-term city campaigns."
"Coordinates on a map are crucial, especially in infinite worlds."
"I'm really happy with the way this map has worked out for me."
"Mapping things is an incredibly useful tool for humanity."
"A city that was built on the azure golf map."
"You are helping us create the most helpful and trusted digital representation of the real world."
"Each layer is its own copy of the height map and weight maps."
"The referee must draw out a minimum of six maps of his underground dungeon."
"The deeper you get, the bigger the structure is going to get."
"The main city is big, it's also not all loaded onto one map." - Josh
"Now ladies and gentlemen, say hello to our tribe. Things have changed a little bit, the map will look a smidge different."
"Once you start connecting things that the players care about with your map and the locations that are on it, you've now started to engage them."
"You need to get that topical map created as soon as possible."
"What I focus on is what I think makes mapping interesting."
"Let's explore the inside of this building. That map we got... Wow."
"The Korean government has started mapping the police stations set up by the CCP."
"It almost looks as red as it looks on the map."
"Every square inch of this map has detail and thought."
"Maps settings now have preferred type of travel, including cycling."
"The joy of locating hidden areas for equipment, a map function that does a great job of keeping track where you're located."
"It will look like a drone is following the car behind you, mapping all the areas ahead and around your car."
"Perhaps our role in history will be remembered as those who drew the maps that our descendants will one day take for granted."
"Finding a map for this animation was kind of difficult."
"The CGI map is actually closer to the railway series map than the model series one shockingly, and that is actually going to make it a hell of a lot easier to piece things together."
"It's name has been shown on maps and posters before."
"I became the de facto map maker of the group."
"The map just... it doesn't have a lot of relief, it doesn't really guide you, it doesn't really tell a story, it just kind of exists."
"By changing everyone’s maps, China wants to change how people think about the world."
"Although some Maps work very well, the map is not the territory."
"We literally started with this one highlighted County."
"We had the idea to impale the earth with a stick when we had reached the end of a venture so that if we came upon the stick from the other direction the next weekend we wouldn't know that we enjoyed the maps."
"But if I want to take mapping seriously today, I'll need to work with other people."
"We've put this in the Atlas. I'll just show you on the larger picture. This one is in the cemetery area, which you can see towards the top here."
"This is the future, in my opinion, of this quest to make the biggest map ever of our universe in 3D."
"This Saturday December 30th at 2pm MST, I’m going to start designing the Dawn of Victory map live on Twitch."
"This is basically a foolproof map to 51 seats to retake the Senate."
"The coolest feature of all, you can add points of interest, one or multiple points of interest."
"As you can see I have a map here and if I put that in the item frame it takes up the whole block like that, yes exactly my thoughts."
"I've been exploring our great former America for some time now, trying to create the best route available to reunite the country with itself."
"That will open up that particular shape file as a layer in Google Earth itself."
"This is how the map looks, quite interesting isn't it?"
"I really hope that you as a beginner got a very thorough understanding of what the capabilities of ArcMap are."
"You can actually add the river network to this."
"There's really just kind of endless opportunities about how you can style the map."
"Every map projection has distortion in either the direction, shape, area, or distance."
"The question for us as humans wanting to use this is how do we take the things that we want to do and map those things into this sort of ocean of computational possibility."
"... discovering and mapping out the new lands ..."
"Let's start our next session of map visualization."
"Geological maps are a graphical representation of the distribution and geometry of different geological features below our feet."
"You need to be able to map out what you want in life and go after it."
"Mapping has been a solution for geological problems for millennia."
"The beauty of QGIS though is that whenever you run these tools, it creates a temporary layer, so it's never destructive."
"It allows you to define a section line on your map. It will then draw a topographical profile based on the satellite imagery or your background imagery."
"It's not just a controller that's about mapping what you would expect on screen."
"Instead of having a blank canvas, we can now move around the world and see what kind of areas we want to make maps of."
"My name is Leo, I'm from Brazil, and I have helped more than 3,000 students teaching how to produce maps in QGIS."
"Love mapping: really map out the partner's inner world."
"One of the most basic functions that modern GIS software provides is the ability to visualize Geographic and make maps."
"Mapping the action button to your camera is really, really great."
"It is estimated that only about five percent of the ocean's floor has been accurately mapped"
"In the practice part, we unravel the secrets of testing, starting with the Student Mapper class, ensuring correct mapping from DTO to objects."
"Someone actually went out and mapped all this to show how the Mississippi River changes and moves."
"By the end of this tutorial, you'll be able to convert a satellite image into a land cover classification map."
"Enjoy the beauty of public domain maps and their versatility for creative projects."
"In simple terms, an orthomosaic map involves puzzling together hundreds or even thousands of drone images into a finalized map that perfectly reflects the geographic area."
"We have better maps of Mars than we do of our own seabeds."
"...creates a first ever and also extremely accurate 3D map."
"There aren't any big blank spots on the map that I've never been able to find a way into."
"Symmetry is just a way of mapping the object to itself in a way that preserves structure."
"These spies are risking their lives to make maps, not to look for classified documents or to assassinate people, just to make maps. It's remarkable and terrifying."
"Mapping is almost as important as the actual 3D image itself."
"...there's a bunch of new cartography tools to support that."
"It's pretty much as easy to make a web map as it is to print a map."
"User accuracy is the probability that a pixel labeled as a certain land cover class in the map is really this class."
"An argument for having good topology is the fact that it becomes a lot easier to even map something like this."
"Gravitational lensing has become instrumental in mapping the distribution of dark matter."
"The largest three-dimensional map of the universe."
"Creating the biggest three-dimensional map of the universe we've ever had."
"Island like this whole thing is mapped out in 3D."
"Our goal in this video is to reconcile these two ideas: how do we take a curved surface and create a map for it such that it preserves the important features of the original surface?"
"Lidar allows us to see all the lumps and bumps on the ground, revealing hidden features."
"I just want to put Donuts on a map first and foremost."
"They were able to map vast regions in multiple wavelengths enabling astronomers to determine the size, shape, and age of the known universe."
"Through Juno’s data, we now have a highly detailed map of Jupiter’s magnetic field which is only getting more accurate with every passing orbit."
"Symmetric quantization maps a symmetric input range into a symmetric output range, preserving zero mapping."
"So how do you represent the entire surface of a sphere on a flat sheet of paper? The solution is a map projection."
"By the 21st century computers and buried detectors may combine to create electronic street maps for every city in the country."
"Um, yeah, any of those custom maps you make can include whatever reference layers you like basically, so all of your own data there."
"ESRI maps offer intricate levels of control."
"Now, when we click one of these markers, you can see that it pops up with the name of the station."
"The front end portal allows you to view and work with GIS content in the map viewer, and you can also bring in GIS items from the web."
"The most important thing is not to map things. The most important thing is to understand."
"We can even flag other parts of brain such as subacute and farts using modern technology."
"This study is going to show how mapping mangroves can help us focus conservation practices."
"The Milky Way galaxy, via Gaia, via many surveys on top of Gaia, is being mapped like never before."
"So now that we have 10 plus years of mapping Canada for different crop types using C-band radar and optical data."
"We're mapping out the exact location of the round Tower hoping to go and find it."
"So to maps are therefore useful for that way but then the problem with them is of course is that they're not conveying very much information."
"One of the first research products you can go after is how to map these things."
"You can actually start mapping these areas out using Google Earth along with geological maps."
"The connectome is this beautiful map in which you can tie all that information together."
"In iOS 6, we have built an entire new mapping solution from the ground up, and it is beautiful."
"It's working! When the project, started we only had detailed maps for 6% of the ocean floor. Now? 25%."
"The use of modern technology including sonar scanning diving Explorations and underwater photography has been instrumental in mapping out the submerged City."
"We had found on the map a potential pass up and over to the north side of yamalong."
"Receptive fields that are adjacent in the retina are processed next to each other in the cortex, creating a map-like representation."
"It's good to like mentally map the HTML to the actual page too."
"An embedding is a mapping of a discrete or categorical variable to a dense representation."
"It's really designed to simplify map deployments and make those deployments as easy and successful as possible."
"Now we're going to plot them on our leaflet map."
"We have about 30 different predefined templates. I take my web map, hydrate it into a template, and I have an app right away."
"A web map is not a copy of my data. It's just a configuration file that references my data."
"So in order to actually tell Mapbox to zoom into a certain location, we can actually pass that location to our creation of a map."
"Mapping the sea floor is very useful for predicting how big a tsunami is going to be."
"...you can import points barriers line barriers or polygon barriers instead of drawing it on the map you can import it from here..."
"Hummingbird has really great mapping."
"Mapping can save time, improve safety, and acquire data that people have never had access to before."
"How does one become proficient in the mapping world? Practice, practice, practice."
"Should you be utilizing PPK when doing your drone mapping? Absolutely."
"There's a significant improvement in data quality when utilizing PPK in different types of scenarios."
"In a second overland expedition of 1843 and 44, Fremont and Carson, along with 27 mountain men, trappers, surveyors, and cartographers, explored and mapped the Oregon Trail out west."
"...this makes sense because the chase bank I thought was Chucky Cheese's is actually too small on Google maps."
"Given a map from the absolute G group to GL2 of the field with three elements."
"I love mapping because it allows you to represent data in a way that's not just numbers or words. It's a visual experience."
"You can map anything with one boundary like that to anything else with one boundary by a conformal mapping."
"How would you map Ultimate Spider-Man Omnibus volume 5 compared to the ultimate blank of Spider-Man Omnibus?"
"This literally shows us the ice map, the water ice map of the entire planet."
"This recent map is going to help us answer a lot of really old questions."
"Sarah Parcak is responsible for mapping the lost settlement of Tanis, one of the biggest archaeological sites anywhere in Egypt."
"According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, we've only mapped less than 10 percent of the world's ocean depths using Sonar."
"We want mapping, we want these more premium features."
"Evaluating map intentionally never solved a single problem. It enables us to identify problems from a system standpoint through asking kind of strategic questions and then design a better way forward."
"You have to map it, and you have to feel confident with it."
"The Garmin Fenix 6S has the most advanced offline mapping system packed into a tiny watch on your wrist."
"It's little details like that that add so much life and personality to a map."
"Map over all of them going to return a new kind of item in place of that array."
"The problem mapping applications like Google Maps were built for cars."
"What at first looked like a pretty standard map, it's actually starting to take on quite a dreamlike element."
"We're just south of Shell Reef, so what I'll do here is I'll hit map tools, add waypoint, waypoint. I'm gonna name this 'Terra Playground Hotspot.'"
"... this is very interesting when I'm drawing this layer called arc, or previously I showed you where each of the arc is just connects to start and end of a trip."
"Right now I'm just mapping out the major things they'll have to go through to get to the main areas if you will."
"... so every single line on this map is made of one single bird trip."
"...that is Tara sculptor a really cool free map creation software..."
"The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it."
"I've bought all the big OS maps for the Lake District and plotted out the route."
"Next time we'll look at the SLAM mapping and SLAM navigation, create a map and autonomously driving around it."
"The herschels slowly mapped the structure of the Milky Way."
"We need these for when we map over something; we want to have a unique key."
"Google Maps is a perfect database to get leads from small and medium companies."
"The map is so accurate that it redraws itself instantly."
"With multiple map layouts and full lidar, it's pretty cool."
"Technology is mapping our experience, and experience itself is a symbolic representation."
"I'm really looking forward to having LiDAR all over the place then we can map these things."
"We're opening the map to the specific location of where that monkey lives, which is quite awesome."
"These maps are based on the Open Street Map project; this is user-created, they're absolutely free, and you can use them."
"We want to describe how solar insulation maps, how much sunlight is available, and we want to be able to estimate a solar resource amount locally at a specific spot on the planet."
"It's wonderful to join the dots on the Ordnance Survey map to chart the terrain with your feet."
"Calling a map on a JavaScript object to render 3D assets is mindblowing."
"We're going to turn our images of the moon into a map that shows the true chemical geological composition of the lunar surface."
"I'm starting North tomorrow with one of the mapping expeditions; we'll travel over country no human has ever seen before."
"We're going to map over these arrays and pass that to another helper function that we're going to create called Geometry."
"Then, I got to share the secret with you that Explain Plans are actually treasure maps."
"The highest resolution map you can have for a genome is the sequence."
"By having all of this in a centralized location, we're able to get into a much higher level of detail inside of a mapping platform that really hasn't been seen before."
"We're trying to bring the power of mapping and geography to you."
"With ArcGIS maps for Power BI, you can do descriptive analytics to really describe what's happened or understand what's been happening within your business."
"A base map provides a background or visual context for data in the map."
"We include an additional eight base maps on top of the ones from the standard account, so you get 12 base maps out of the box when you sign in with your account."
"Hello everyone and welcome to the Global Mapper webcast for the month of May."
"Getting started with Global Mapper."
"We can derive the local geology from the subsurface images, we can map faults and other structural features."
"We map expressions in the line on two entities in any one way, but some way we must, and all of those ways have to capture the pattern of rationality."
"This search box can actually link to Google Maps."
"This visual is really designed for people who don't have any previous mapping or GIS experience."
"The first way to start taking advantage of location intelligence is actually to put your location data on a map."
"We have an accurate scale drawing that shows the positions."
"You learn how to plot your netcdf data into a map like this and visualize it."
"What we're doing here is really mapping out our musical mind for these tunes."
"WGS84 is the most common projection I work with."
"The sort of fun part here is that you can also explore expression view."
"This really is just a blank canvas, but what I think is really cool is that we can quickly just build out a map."
"Once you're happy with the new style, you can publish it."
"These styles are created for mobile and web maps using the mobile SDKs and the JavaScript API; it's a single style that you can create and set across all of those different platforms."
"Because you're using the style URL now to reference in your application, it will always receive the latest updates you published."