
Narrative Depth Quotes

There are 596 quotes

"What they give to the narrative is something which Tolkien was very aware of, and which he often talked and wrote about, and which he valued very much, and that is depth."
"I love this series, and it's all thanks to you. That three heroes arc is incredible. The story is really, really deep, deeper than Gwenpoolies absurd ever be."
"Add to all this a heartfelt story about our search for meaning, overcoming childhood flaws, the allure of unlimited power, and the destructive desire for vengeance."
"At its best, the world of Azeroth is a rich layer cake of narratives, big and small."
"It's a story about the sake of the universe, long torn-apart lovers finding their way back to each other, and it has by far some of the most complex villains arguably out of the entire Mario series."
"The wars between the Autobots and Decepticons...has not just been an actual physical battle; it's an ideological battle."
"Upon its release in 1997, Final Fantasy Tactics was lauded for its rich narrative and detailed gameplay mechanics."
"Even more than in a lot of its high-quality predecessors, it just feels more like a living, breathing city."
"It's my opinion that due to seeing Ganondorf's corpse spewing mouths from within in the tears of the Kingdom trailers, Calamity Ganon is the culmination of demise's leftover malice."
"It's not just a cliche struggle between good and evil; it's a struggle between different ideologies, different philosophies, different life experiences, and different ways of life."
"At her best, Nora Freeze can stand on her own whilst also elevating the story of Victor. It can become an interesting meditation on relationships, an actual examination of the mechanics they're in."
"The tension between goodness and weakness is legitimately compelling."
"The character development here... is really something."
"Red is symbolic of the love that the queen has for her son, while the black embroidery makes it clear to the audience that there's a darkness to that love."
"The game needed to introduce characters as compelling as Joel and Ellie."
"So the Pinocchio Plot becomes most interesting when it explores what the character actually wants."
"There are no video games I have ever played that have risen to that level of combining World building with plot with narrative and my expectations and real world philosophy."
"But most importantly, both of these films tell the tale of an artist seeking greatness who must first endure suffering and sacrifice."
"But if you want an engrossing and captivating storyline with tough decisions and even tougher outcomes, then Far Harbor is your best bet."
"The story here had a lot of depth and more interesting b-plots."
"The sequel’s storytelling was on another level entirely."
"Silence, not the symphony of death, the orchestration of Sithis himself."
"Choice that goes beyond a simple dialogue option."
"One of the major threads through season 4 is Darlene's battle with depression."
"But not everything needs to have a sad ending as if we explore the rest of the Smoldering Lake we can find the corpses of a spider and a woman."
"So much character [ __ ] to dig into here. I love this, this is awesome."
"The true hook of Zombie Island was what the reality of the monsters meant for the stories and messages."
"Ruined King as a love letter to storytelling and the law from our world."
"A lack of social world building results in characters that feel surface-level and flat."
"If you feel the need to enhance a tale about a rogue secret Inquisitor seeking to save the very Imperium of man from total destruction at the hands of a sinister court, then you have not told the story properly."
"I have watched you for a long time watched you with a thousand eyes and one I saw your birth and that of your lord father before you I saw your first step heard your first word was part of your first dream."
"So my OMG game site review would be this: subtle touches and interesting choices can't save a game about impacting the lives of characters it forgets to flesh out."
"Final Fantasy 6 is less about the general plot concerning the empire's attempt at conquest but more about the characters involved in the story."
"Bioshock's structure encourages us to explore the levels deeply, uncovering lore, philosophical parables, and the intricacies of Rapture's functioning."
"There will be a lot of answers, there will be a lot of pain, there will be a lot of joy and maybe a few tears as well."
"It builds a world that is truly believable in this narrative, this characterization that is in every building on every sidewalk on the street lamps, the cars that you drive."
"Every interaction feels personal and impactful transcending the traditional boundaries between a player and a character."
"Robin´s past, the genocide of her people, her lifelong run from the grasps of the world government and the loneliness and heartbreak she experienced, really hammered in what One Piece was going to be about in the long run."
"This arc comments on the human condition through the Chimera ants."
"It's still a golden age of television. I'm now getting experiences from television that used to only get from novels."
"Divinity Original Sin 2 has more choice and consequence than any other RPG."
"The damsel in distress in both Vivi and Rebecca, the shadow of the protagonist in Blackbeard. The cast is so."
"Immersions the name of the game's strong narrative elements cutscenes characters world building etc."
"The events that led to Infinite are all the backstory left in the audio logs."
"Final Fantasy VII Rebirth embraces the concept of free exploration with compelling stories, mini-games, and powerful monsters."
"Villains that are essentially a good guy, but just have different motivations than our main protagonist, make more compelling characters."
"We don't always have to have deceased parents, siblings, or broken homes to add depth to a story."
"What fantasy allows: a greater, deeper exploration."
"Every character remembers what happens to those connected to him."
"Do you desire RPGs? Spectacular stories, compelling characters, and wondrous worlds await."
"It's the story of redemption for some and perseverance for all."
"Adding queerness within tension and driving into its potential is even better."
"Dead Space's story is as multi-layered as its gameplay and very well told."
"That clues me that we might be looking at a far more ancient story than we think we are."
"You can tell stories with depth in a video game."
"It will be a fully open-world game with an intense story."
"Give me more of this - seeing how a character deals with their feelings."
"Unused characters reveal hidden depths and potential."
"We thought we were experiencing the bond between two brothers and how that bond transcends death because we feel it helped a character grow in a way we once thought impossible."
"It's a seesaw of heart-pounding heists followed by heart-wrenching deep and meaningful when."
"A lot of the important characters you'll meet... have a lot to say dependent on your character build previous actions."
"Nolan's trilogy successfully captured the underlying essence, transforming a run-of-the-mill superhero story into a cinematic journey."
"Visually this is art narratively it is dense and thought-provoking and moving."
"Sure it may not be bursting with imagination as much as Studio Ghibli's other works but it doesn't matter considering how deep and powerful the story is."
"MGS2 is essentially the video game narrative equivalent of the pen is mightier than the sword."
"For as much as I have complained about the new additions to Kiwami, this is one that I love through it through. It really makes him a way stronger villain with even more depth when he was already a pretty good one to begin with."
"Ellie is the synthesis of the two worlds and of the two philosophies."
"Between these customizations and the Night Warrior story arc, I think we are bound for a far darker Night Elf characterization in Shadowlands."
"It does seem that we've finally found a foe that can best the avatar of kane."
"Your NPCs can be insightfully discussing the meaning of life but the player won't notice if the game requires at least one around a corner and fell the bad guys were bullies." - Martin Hollis
"The character development and the character arcs that these people went through was something unprecedented on TV."
"The writers of Adventure Time really showed their skill with the romance between Min and Marty; it was a wonderful nearly slice-of-life segment which fleshed out both characters and made me care for them deeply."
"It’s interesting to see this side of Beast Boy—a side that is relatively pragmatic when compared with the other characters surrounding him."
"The most emotionally devastated character is an AI with no feelings... that is a work of genius."
"This depressive state essentially post-breakup is where we find Hulk."
"If you could wrap it up into a book, it would be this. It's just these six best friends and this found family who have grown up together."
"Stakes that are tied intricately to a character’s emotions are so much more meaningful than some grand, unimaginable stakes like the destruction of the universe."
"The reward for completing every shrine in the game is lore heavy."
"I really do appreciate this lore dump, this is cool."
"For a game whose story starts off a little spooky and ends up epically supernatural, there is a surprising depth and realness to the relationships depicted."
"As painful as it is, we need Charlos for One Piece to have the full depth that it does."
"I have never been as enthralled in the story that a game has presented as I was in the story of The Last of Us Part II."
"Throughout the prequel and a mainstay throughout the series, you get these sub-stories that while I've mentioned are optional, do flesh out the characters."
"A gorgeously crafted world and Story full of difficult choices heartbreaking decisions and a warmth in learning more of the characters at your hand."
"I was always curious about the characters and their activities, wanted to learn more about the world and understand everybody's relationships to one another."
"The acting in The Last of Us seems to take it to a whole new level. Their scene, especially, is incredibly well done."
"It's the darkest and most poignant entry in the series."
"Super Paper Mario's plot is anything but shallow."
"The story is mostly about relationships developing between all of your characters."
"If they were going to try a heavier story with higher stakes, they were really going to use it to say something."
"This is the first time we've gotten an origin story about any of the monsters in Stranger Things."
"There's no way Rey's journey can compare to Anakin's. Rey is just handed power without any struggle or consequences. Anakin's journey had depth and consequence."
"I wanted to tell a story that grounded all the characters we knew and loved."
"It's showing that bad people don't always go around announcing how evil they are."
"The deeper you go, the better the loot is going to get."
"Transcends and moves beyond a lot of classic fantasy tropes."
"The mystery component of Firewatch really isn't much about Henry; you're the one putting in the footwork."
"Your party’s writing and character and development runs laps around 'Kingmaker'."
"Jiraiya's backstory brings together the hopes of himself, Minato, and Nagato."
"Sanji may not be given the most time for fights and hype moments, but my god is he an amazing character with an even better backstory."
"I don't see it getting much darker, but I do think that there is like the Empire Strikes Back effect where a sequel kind of has to go down that rabbit hole."
"It's a story of Matt Murdock, it's also the story of Wilson Fisk."
"A great story for Bioware is really about characters that you can have a connection with, choices you get to make, and feeling like the story's about you."
"His whole thing was like, you don't know the whole story."
"The hero and character development is amazing in Free Kingdoms."
"Bullet at least provides some backstory and depth to the other characters so hey I'm cool with her plus she's got a crazy unique Drive."
"Each perspective adding a new layer of truth and understanding to the narrative."
"A profound insight regarding the nature of the Ascians."
"The side quests and the lore in general... it's as good as the main story if not better."
"The writing is intentionally can't be...these characters actually have a surprising amount of depth to them."
"I want her to have a plot, I want her to have a character arc."
"Westfall is an amazing zone. Here's why: It tells a story that's not one-sided."
"I like the fact that it's not just a space adventure and firefights take a ship take the enterprise park it over a planet and then have the scenario play out and then give us a life lesson at the end and sweet Star Trek."
"Stormlight Archive has an incredible world..."
"Sayonara Oshiite: A game about trauma, descending into madness, and the blurring of reality."
"Everything in its world, no matter how small and isolated it may seem, is connected to everything else."
"Echo's story unfolds with gripping intensity, revealing the complexities of her character."
"The reveal of Black Widow being sterilized added a new dimension."
"Black Widow's Red Room storyline was fantastic."
"There are confronting themes at the core of this game... about the things that can happen to people that leave them forever emotionally scarred."
"I really need a deep, rich story narrative game, and if Vampire Survivors came along and I was like, 'Oh, this is it, turns out this is exactly what I needed.'"
"Ragnarok is this beautiful mature extrapolation of Parenthood and responsibility."
"The influence of just yog Sauron underneath the earth and his blood literally being used to create all of those structures there's something pretty wild going on there."
"Fallout New Vegas: a buggy masterpiece filled with amazing stories, great side missions, and an absolute heap of bugs."
"Despite being so fantastical, it's so human."
"Big Mom is here to teach us that this universe is vast and deep."
"Murphy is always a win even when narrating the creative star within a star."
"They gave us more substantial stories with stronger character motivations, while still remaining their wispy trickster-y selves."
"The writers and developers succeeded in showing us how much more meaningful a sacrifice is when it is made for a community rather than for oneself."
"Her love for Joel is a neat character study."
"Yakuza 2 delves far deeper into Kiryu's character by outright challenging the sort of man he is."
"The sheer preponderance of soul concentrated in these games leaves them free to take steps beyond what other games do."
"I think villains are cooler than heroes. I've always found the characters a little deeper and more complex, more memorable."
"Characters are complicated and their stories can be deep."
"It's probably the only example of an RPG where reading the books and scrolls actually fundamentally increases your understanding of what's happening in the game's narrative."
"The stories within it, um, it's very, very powerful."
"They're beautiful women that are also mass murderers."
"Halo 6's story may be the most human involved and artistically engineered."
"You could make an entire movie about this movie, and I believe they will someday."
"Making history come to life which is the coolest thing about video games and why I think they're so important."
"Horizon Zero Dawn provides a beautiful narrative of an Earth where all history is completely erased."
"A confrontation that has so much more depth than people give it credit for."
"Beneath all of that lies a confrontation that has so much more depth than people give it credit for."
"This I believe is the secret to Arcane's depth, the great overlap technique creates a unique narrative with room for like 10,000 connections."
"It's this approach applied to literally everything that creates a story we can have rich discussions about continuously for at least a year and undoubtedly many more."
"Kratos, I can’t believe I’m saying this, has actually fully opened up as a character."
"This book was less about the particular struggle Harry faced and more about finally learning why Voldemort was the way he was."
"It told a story beyond just connecting to the theme of grief."
"A game that will make you feel feels... a very compelling and very thoughtful experience."
"What happens after happily ever after? It's senior year, and Paige Hancock is finally living her best life. Emery Lord's award-winning storytelling shines in this heartfelt exploration of life's most important questions."
"Maven controls Riften, even the Thieves Guild and the Dark Brotherhood."
"Small moments of joy, the slight slivers of sweetness you get reading Berserk are so much more satisfying due to the overwhelming dread that permeates all of the rest of it."
"But the story has plenty of emotional impactful moments with characters that are a blast to spend time with."
"Ultimately powerful and undefeatable villains are shallow and boring characters."
"The whitebeard moment for me, it's so cool that you touched on the found family aspects of it or like what it actually means to be family."
"Realize that whatever you're going through, though you may feel that the solution and the ease is external, leave that to him. Leave that to him to guide you, to take the steps, and He will come running to you."
"She's a fully developed actual character who I had some investment with."
"A compelling, interesting three-dimensional character."
"Deeply woven storytelling and attention to detail."
"At its heart is a powerful story about the fate of humanity."
"It's a beautifully made movie with captivating cinematography which tells an insightful story of Bruce Wayne becoming Batman."
"I'm just glad they're putting more effort and time into the stories."
"I think the extra Dimension we carry...adds to those Stakes."
"Forbidden West puts Aloy in an almost Mass Effect style position of building a team to help her save the world."
"Act 2 humanizes the legend in all its ugliness."
"Better Call Saul: a character study over time."
"Val and Danny had way too much chemistry, the parallel lives they led, the complexity of loving someone who hates your secret identity—it was a character gold mine."
"My generation is toast if we don't act - it's time for real change."
"A story is more than simply what happens; it includes the meaning of what happens."
"Dark corners hide lonely secrets and forgotten tales, richly woven into the tapestry of the world itself."
"This is such an interesting and surprisingly mature plot thread that could explain some things about Janna."
"Sometimes helping us explore difficult concepts or better understand our own darker sides."
"It's just a nice little dig and it means that like we're gonna explore more of this character and how they used to know each other. I just love that, I love that there was just more history between these two."
"She's probably a more well-rounded character than Henry despite only being in 2 games of the series."
"Better Call Saul, Euphoria, Ozark, Severance, Squid Game, and Succession are like eight hour movies that are on par with what the best movies are."
"The hero and the villain both wanted the same thing. And not just like a macguffin, but their soul... like what they craved deep down inside them was to be seen."
"The tough girl only becomes interesting when there's more to her personality and her story."
"This is not a fun experience, but it's a really engrossing one."
"All five stories are emotionally effective, fleshed out, and interesting."
"The emotional scenes are allowed to be serious without comedy getting in the way."
"The lore in Final Fantasy 7... might be my favorite."
"That choice... being a superhero is really really hard."
"She ends up being arguably one of the most developed characters."
"Much like reading an item description from Dark Souls."
"Meaning is given to him through understanding what it means to hold another in the palm of your hand."
"The Last of Us was such an emotional journey, one of the best games I've ever played."
"The slow and heartbreaking deterioration of both mind and flesh make this Jekyll and Hyde type tale a terrifying horror remake you don't want to miss."
"Every villain they bring up when you get a bit of their backstory you find out that they're just someone, a normal person who went through some stuff and became this person."
"His heroic struggle against loss, betrayal, demons, and his own insecurities made for an absolutely electrifying character progression."
"They may never be full-on good guys... but the bond between them matters more to me than whatever they share with any of these other characters."
"I see a darkness in you, and in that darkness, eyes staring back at me."
"There's a lot more depth and layers to these characters."
"Flash’s slow change from typical bully to a shockingly well-rounded character is fantastic."
"Silent Hill 2 is a milestone and strong characters, narratives, and well-crafted environments."
"Hurt comfort is an easy S tier... it just pulls out my guts I don't know what it is but it makes me want to curl up in a ball and cry on the floor."
"Trying to find humanity in a dark and terrible world."
"Alan Wake 2 is a dense enough text... that invites the sort of interrogation that very few video games invite."
"The characters actually sit around and they have a meaningful conversation for once."
"Fallout is best when it brings it back to its original vision - gritty, grimy, morally ambiguous, hostile, and oppressive."
"How cool would it be to explore it more and really give these leads some depth and Intrigue."