
Speech Impact Quotes

There are 112 quotes

"Speech always has consequences. For every action, there is a reaction."
"Words have consequences, and ill words that go unchallenged are the first step on a continuum towards ill deeds, towards a much darker place where hatred and prejudice drive not only what people say but also what they do."
"The German Chancellor gave a stunning speech that he basically repudiated everything that Germany has stood for for 30 years."
"You are continually reaping the fruits of your words."
"Words are violence and so is silence; in that case, we're all extremely violent individuals."
"Jesus says, 'On the day of judgment, you will render an account for every careless word you have ever spoken.'"
"Can utterances, can something you say out loud affect material reality in a way that turns them into something a bit like magical spells?"
"Words have an impact... to say that we shouldn't consider the impact... is ludicrous."
"The only way we get delivered is to get honest."
"That's why I got in trouble because people was more focused on me saying [bleep] Martin Luther King."
"Value the power that is released through your words."
"Words have a lot to do with what you do, because as I taught in teaching on confession, you will rise or fall based upon your words."
"The idea that suicidality is directly a result of people like me saying 'no, men are not women and women are not men,' it's not true."
"Words hurt. Has never been punched in the face. That's right, you know?"
"One of the greatest feats of speech in anime every time I listen to it, I get goosebumps."
"A man shall eat good by the fruit of his lips; what he speaks consists, the fruit that it produces will either be bitter or sweet for him."
"The slower you speak, the more people will cling on to each word and anticipate the next..."
"Just an amateur? It's amateur with a 't,' you son of a—"
"I don't even know if it's the speech that like the ideas themselves but just like the way that they're always delivered."
"Words cannot hurt you and when you and we're in a society now where they're trying to protect people's feelings from words."
"Words are like seeds, and if somebody speaks unbelief over me... that thing never germinates."
"A rousing speech could do much to shore up morale."
"Knowing what was gonna happen the next day, it is really one of the most profound moments in a speech ever."
"Have you or your friends ever said a word so frequently that it's lost a lot of the initial punch that it had and eventually just lost all meaning entirely?"
"The balaams in this hour are going to be blatantly exposed... death and life are in the power of the tongue."
"Trump's speech last night had MSM in the comment section pulling their hair out."
"Words are like spells, and the spells that you cast on other people could be the spells you're casting on yourself."
"To change his mind, he must first change his speech."
"What comes out of our mouths has the power to inspire, to give life, to give breath, to bring inspiration and encouragement, and strength to others."
"That is piss-poor look it really is do you read me he's chalking it a bit right now so IRA serious."
"It's interesting to take a look at Aaron's facial expression as he says this during this moment he clearly has a lot of anger and conviction inside him which is a huge address to how he felt when he physically arrived in Mali."
"The president cannot just give a speech and mandate to the country what to do."
"God created the world with his words and we create our world with our words."
"Your words create worlds, the power of life and death in the tongue."
"Affirmation is really powerful, the more we speak about it, the more coming past."
"Prosody really does make a difference in helping babies pay more attention to parental speech."
"The most important words on the planet are the words that someone just said."
"Your words are like spells, they are spelling what you say out in the universe."
"May our words cause love, unity, and courtesy among each other."
"Allowing Donald Trump to speak is one of his best assets."
"What we think affects our experience, what we say affects our experience, our intentions are."
"Your words have impact and import and exhortation."
"Your words have the power to bring life or death, blessings or curses. Don't underestimate their power."
"Let your speech take you in the right direction."
"Life and death is in the power of your tongue."
"When this guy speaks it's just like the statements are so plain the statements are so direct the statements are so you you just can't come back everybody."
"Speech where there is a clear and present possibility that your words will cause violence."
"Be careful what you release out of your mouth. If you don't expect to see it tomorrow, don't talk about it today."
"Words are very important, what you call into being."
"You can see in the response to that extraordinary impassioned speech just how hungry as you rightly stated voters are, Democrats are, disaffected Dems in particular."
"When your feet slip you can restore your balance when your tongue slips you cannot recover your words act accordingly."
"Speech can spread hate, but also empower the individual."
"There is power in the tongue, life and death."
"It's amazing to watch, the power of persuasive speech."
"Political speech is really about mobilization, mobilization of people within your world of like-minded people."
"Choose your words wisely, what you think is what you create."
"Your tongue is your rudder... it's gonna steer the direction of your life."
"Why did I say that? If he doesn't think it's a joke, then there's something wrong with what I'm saying."
"I've said a lot of stupid, which is fine when you talk about most things but not when you're talking about race."
"What you think turns into what you say, and what you say turns into what you do."
"If you're going to say the provocative thing, then you have to think about what the reaction will be."
"The words that we speak around ourselves or the energy that creates the physical things that happen to us."
"Words have power and when you speak them you are actually spelling out majestic magic in that process."
"Freedom of speech and freedom of reach. It rhymes so it must be smart."
"Be careful what you say and what you prophesy over your kid's life when you're joking."
"It's not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; it's what comes out of your mouth that defiles you."
"Be very careful with what you're saying and the words that you use."
"Our words can either open doors to blessings or curses depending on how we use them."
"That's what it's all about...the best goddamn speech of all time."
"Life and death lie in the power of the tongue."
"Change your talk, start saying 'when' instead of 'if'."
"Timing is a complicated beast, interwoven with tone and body language."
"But you know what, Niamh, every single person who came up to me said that was the part of the speech that was most impactful, that they loved, and that needed to be said."
"What comes out of your mouth should be impacting someone's life."
"If you say 'I know what I mean' at the end of any sentence, it makes it real dirty."
"Your words are a greater threat than any firearm. They must censor you or else they lose power. It is that simple."
"In Christianity, it's not what you eat that condemns you; it's what comes out of your mouth."
"Not one of his words fell to the ground... not one of our words will fall to the ground."
"I'd be rhyming my speeches, check the way I release this, I gotta hold it down."
"No one deserves this, no one deserves that." - Speaker
"Things can change when you change your words because your words are things."
"Every word you speak molds and shapes your life."
"Watch your words because we speak our reality into existence."
"Death and life reside in the power of your tongue."
"When a person utters a curse... that gives the demons permission."
"So if you say things that 10 years ago were like a duh moment like yeah duh you say things that you said 10 years ago maybe even five or six years ago now you are considered a whole list of insults and a whole list of horrible names."
"We got to treat each other with dignity and respect civility matters words have consequences."
"Your tongue is a small thing, but what enormous damage it can do. It's like a tiny spark. It can set a great forest on fire." - James 3:5
"When you speak, you're creating an alternate reality."
"Your thoughts are very powerful, your words are really powerful, your perception is even more powerful."
"When we speak, our army stands up."
"Our words are incredibly powerful."
"Words are powerful because when you speak a word, it activates spiritual laws and deactivates other laws."
"What you speak in this hour is critical to what God can release through you."
"The things that you're speaking out of your mouth are the things that are setting the cornerstones of your life."
"Be careful the words you say; you will become the words you say."
"That speech deserves a prize or seven, okay? Amazing, amazing."
"Death and life is in the power of the tongue; watch what you say."
"The speech that we display makes an impact on our minds."
"When you speak, that tongue can be life or death."
"Every word that you speak is a literal spell over your life."
"A soothing tongue is a tree of life, but a perverse tongue crushes the spirit."