
Small Victories Quotes

There are 75 quotes

"We don't give ourselves a pat on the back for doing something small."
"We've got some small victories that we can savor here."
"We denigrate how valuable small victories and like local work is to the grand picture of things."
"Start small and get those little victories to motivate you to continue on to more victories."
"Finding a can opener can feel like winning the lottery."
"Project Zomboid shows us how the little victories along the way make life worth living."
"It's victory enough to just have that conversation or get that email or read that text."
"We have enough pressure... take that pressure right off... small wins every day."
"We have to celebrate our victories no matter how small they are, how far and few in between they are."
"A small step is better than nothing, even if it means just forcing myself to brush my teeth a few times a week or going grocery shopping."
"Wednesday wins! I guess I'm getting that lollipop."
"Small, short term victories, real victories, are worth celebrating in the face of the powerful Big Bad."
"Sometimes it's okay to celebrate small victories."
"Celebrate the seemingly little things; they are important."
"Let's take our small victories as often as we can."
"Those little victories then successes... helped keep the positive mindset."
"It might be a low bar, but look, it's definitely a victory."
"The Flying Tigers: small victories sent big messages."
"We got a hit! The small victories in life, those are the ones that are meaningful."
"That's adulting, right? Have I for am I adulting at this point? I think you're doing it when the way that you express the freedom in your life is, I got to unload the dishwasher slightly earlier and that's like a victory."
"A win is a win if you can start pushing back a little bit."
"A key indicator of impending wealth is found in the small victories we achieve in our daily lives. These minor triumphs often overlooked can actually be precursors to greater financial success."
"It felt good to wave at that Karen while she was huffing in her car with my free coffee."
"I know it seems like such a small thing, but this is a huge success."
"You gotta take your small victories in life."
"In this bleak environment, it's always good to have a nice win."
"You have no idea how satisfying it was to find at least one box to have something inside."
"Honestly, those small accomplishments can mean so much and take so much weight off your shoulders."
"The smallest things change are a huge victory in the end."
"In the world of Rainbow Friends Abby, even the smallest victories feel like triumphs."
"Little moments like this are huge victories and ones that you want to at least attempt to reinforce."
"Success in life is a byproduct of big wins... but the little wins stacked every day... make you a [__] gangster of a human being."
"Small is better, focus on the extremely small win."
"It's hard to see, but even making just $200 is something to be grateful for."
"Taking care of yourself doesn't mean that I'm going to jump out of bed tomorrow and start my own business, but it does mean that I'm going to celebrate the fact that I got out of bed today and I took a shower."
"Even the little ones are worth catching."
"Those tiny wins and tiny steps you're teaching your body that you can, and that's the path out."
"But this turned out cute I love creating like little spaces I feel like when you kind of focus on a small space rather than looking at a giant project to tackle it's like a little more feasible and it feels like a win you know when you get it done."
"It's not a win but right now you take those small victories and stack those up for a big one."
"... it just looks so much nicer... so I always take the time 2 to 3 minutes to make my bed nicely and it just is a little win to start my day."
"Finally got ice trays. Feels very good to have ice."
"A small victory, but one that would build to the ultimate victories of tomorrow."
"There's no greater little victory than when you roll up to a place and they're like, that was impressive."
"I just gotta take a little wins right now."
"It's the little wins that make life exciting."
"He just witnessed a miracle, I found the screw that I dropped."
"Every step forward is a victory, no matter how small."
"It's about the small victories, guys."
"Confidence is built by little wins."
"Don't despise the little steps you know you can take every day; there are tiny miracles in each and every one of them."
"Start small, congratulate yourself for small wins, and accept that."
"Every small step in the direction of uncertainty and discomfort is a victory."
"Consistency is key and understanding that small wins are fuel to keep going."
"Keep with it honestly, and you'll kind of hit that moment where like, hey it gets really fun once you have the little small victories, small wins."
"Practice in little things, pray for little victories."
"Congratulating yourself for little victories is just as important. That's how you keep the enjoyment up."
"It's the little wins that's what I count on."
"Sometimes it's better to take them small wins and run."
"It's very difficult to have small victories when there's great adversities."
"Enjoy the little wins, even if they're not huge milestones; they're still worth celebrating."
"Little wins right, little wins equal big wins."
"It's all about the little wins, guys. The little wins count."
"It's within those failures that I managed to find these little successes and little wins."
"The small wins are really the big wins."
"We've been happy with how far we've come today, and even a small step is a good step on the way to consensus."
"You gotta celebrate the little victories, guys."
"You get excited when you work in the front end about little stupid stuff like that."
"So many things to be sad about these days, so it's like, why not celebrate any little accomplishment or win?"
"Celebrate your small wins, practice gratitude, and enjoy the energy of winning."