
Trying New Things Quotes

There are 380 quotes

"Complaining to yourself and robbing yourself of just trying something."
"Every time you break out of that habit and you do try something new, that is awesome. I'm proud of you because that's not easy to do."
"Cheers to being single, cheers to having romantic little dinners just for yourself, even when you're out of them, for trying new things, for doing things even when you are bad at them when you know you're bad at them, and for prioritizing your damn self no matter what."
"You'll never know what you can achieve unless you try."
"You have to be willing to try things because if you don't, you're going to get stuck."
"It's the year of me just trying new stuff. I just want to try everything."
"If you never try it, you're always going to wonder if it's something you should have done."
"It is incredible what we can achieve if we just give it a try."
"Just try it, because after you've done it the first time, you'll be more confident the second time."
"Just do it as an experiment, see what happens."
"Whenever I try something new, there's a little spark in me, a little bit of excitement."
"Life is short, you need to try new things," he said, gripping my shoulders.
"Let me try something new today and address these issues now."
"Just go for it, have a bit of fun. You don't have to be good at something to try it."
"Confidence is key: loosen up, have fun, try new things."
"You won't know unless you try, and you are okay to make mistakes."
"Why in the hell wouldn't you want to try this?"
"I feel like you just need to try something new, try something different."
"It's better to say oops than to say what if."
"It's better to have tried it than to not have tried it at all."
"Trying new things in life is seriously so important obviously... getting out of your shell and trying new things."
"Even if you just do it one time, you did it."
"It's best not to restrict yourself. I like to give everything a chance."
"Just try new things, you never know who you're gonna meet doing those things."
"The best way to increase the likelihood that you're gonna bring something cool and novel and interesting into your life is to try things and to keep trying things."
"You'll never know if you like something until you try it."
"Sometimes you just have to dip your feet in and see if it's going to be okay, take a taste, give it a try."
"You're never going to know what happens until you try it."
"Just do it. Just try it. You never know what's gonna happen."
"That's what got me here, you know? I just wanted to try new [stuff]."
"When you do something you have never done before... maybe it's the thing."
"Sometimes you just have to try because if you never try, you'll never know if you can succeed."
"Let this be proof that sometimes you gotta try games outside of your wheelhouse because sometimes you will find yourself pleasantly surprised."
"You don't even know if you're good at it until you give it a shot."
"You won't know until you try it. It's probably worth trying. You may fail, you may not do perfectly with it, but what I can guarantee you one hundred percent is that you will always get further than you would if you did nothing at all."
"It's all about trial and error, trying new things."
"I feel much more confident knowing at least I've given this a try too."
"You never know what you can do till you try."
"Just try whatever it is that you want to do. Try it because that sensation, even if it's not good, even if it's terrible, just the attempt to do it."
"That's the inspiring thing about it, just try it."
"Just do it! Whatever happens, happens with it. Just give it a go and see if you like it."
"Life is too short to wonder or to be curious, try something new."
"You can do anything, you can try anything, and if you don't like it you only have to try it once."
"You will never know unless you try, so go ahead and try out your brilliant idea."
"You're constantly inspiring people to try new things."
"Try new things. Every single food that you like is something that you once tried for the first time."
"Trying something new that you have always been wanting to try."
"I'm just gonna do it. If all else fails, at least I tried."
"Don't ever be afraid to experiment, try new things."
"Try other things, but you're not gonna die from trying CBD."
"Just go for it. If you fail, you fail. But you're not going to fail."
"I've never done that before and I want to do different things."
"Whether or not you think you're actually capable, just know that if you try, you will at least gain some wisdom from it."
"I just know that moving my body makes me feel really good and I highly encourage you to try a new workout if you haven't done one of these already."
"Rayquaza is not only one of my top five favorite pokemon of all time but easily my favorite legendary."
"Encourages me to try things that have kind of been at the back of the drawer."
"You should never be afraid to try something new."
"Give it a try; there's not much to lose, and there's a lot to get."
"Explore that, like hey, I've never done pottery, you want to give that a try?"
"You're never gonna know unless you get out and just try."
"I feel like you've got to give it a shot you've got to try something different."
"You never know until you try. We never know until we open up to it."
"If you're interested in that, give it a shot and throw everything you've got into it."
"Give it a shot, give it a try, you may be surprised."
"It's pretty exciting to try something new and I'm really really happy with the results."
"If you don't try, you cry, and you don't get to buy."
"For some of you, you just need to try something new."
"You just gotta give yourself permission to try new things."
"Try nothing else, it's not gonna kill you from trying something."
"As long as we try new things, couldn't hurt."
"Definitely encourage you to give it a go because I think you'll surprise yourself with how easy it is to get a great result."
"Congratulations to you for just having the guts to try it."
"I mean, I guess I shouldn't knock it until I try it, right?"
"Sometimes in life, if you can't do something, you have to try something new."
"It encourages you to try things that you're like, 'Oh I would actually like that.'"
"If you never did anything because you might not like it eventually you would never do anything."
"Try something that you've always wanted to try."
"You never know if something is for you unless you try it."
"Let's do new things. Let's dare to do new things."
"The key is just sampling, so just go out and sample."
"It's about giving everything a go and trying everything. Love cricket, love all sports, really just needed to be active."
"Let's give it a shot then. This is going to be awesome."
"If you've never had gator, you'd have to try it because it's flavorful."
"Just do it, just try it, just experiment a little."
"Of course you can do it, you just have to try."
"Give it a try, give it a shot, it is badass."
"Some people said, you know what? I just admired that they tried to do something different."
"I think everything's worth a try, I think I've always just trusted in myself enough that no matter what."
"I've never done anything like this alright, never tried this before."
"Be open to the new, be open to experimenting, be open to trying new things."
"You never know if you can do something until you try."
"You'll never be good at it unless you at least try."
"I just want to experience it because I didn't want to live the rest of my life wishing that I tried it."
"I am definitely excited to try these out for the month."
"I'm glad to try something new, this would be good. Good building step for us, you know, in the right direction, you know bettering our marriage."
"If you never try anything new, you'll never fail."
"You're never too old to try something outside your comfort zone."
"Everybody should have that time frame in their mindset that says I'm gonna go and try something new, I'm gonna go in a new area, I'm going to look at new sign."
"Inevitably, you're not used to wearing something like this the first time you put it on."
"I'll give it a try. Mmm, it's so good."
"This tart thing actually doesn't look good I'm gonna try it."
"It's been really exciting giving it a go."
"But it's like the thing there so of course you gotta try it."
"Just jump in and try your hand at it."
"Sometimes we're scared to try things that we haven't before."
"If you do want to try it, I do think you would like it."
"If you've got something you want to try, don't hesitate as long as I did."
"I did not think I could do that, but that just goes to show that sometimes we can be our biggest critics and things that we don't think we could do, we can do, we just have to go for it and literally just try it."
"Kind of guided to just kind of go for it and to just kind of try it, you know."
"I was skeptical. I literally was like skeptic to the nines. Like, I was like, 'All right, I'm gonna try this thing, but good luck.'"
"We're so excited to try these clothes."
"I just decided you know what I'm going to give it a go for fun."
"We're going to try this little one next."
"So I am very very excited to try this out."
"Don't allow your mind to trick you into not trying new things either. Right, because trying something new is difficult."
"You just have to try it. If you don't try it, you'll never know how fun it can be."
"Exciting, isn't it? Trying something new is always exciting."
"Even if things didn't work out, she could still create beautiful memories by trying new things."
"How would you ever know if you could if you didn't try?"
"I always loved getting out of my comfort zone, so I hope that this inspires you to try something new."
"Try different things even if it doesn't sound amazing from the get-go."
"Experiment. You've got to try new things."
"You were showing that you're fun and spontaneous and willing to try new things and be bad at them."
"Jack in the Box now also has boba, so of course I have to try."
"Just give it a go, see what happens."
"You can actually do that through trying new things and stepping into a new genre or a new type of book."
"Seriously, there's no reason not to give this a try."
"There's no better way than to try new things."
"Encourage yourself to try something new most every day."
"You are never too old to try something new."
"Give it a try. If Jiu Jitsu or any other form of martial art has been something that's been on your mind and you're interested in giving it a try then just go do it."
"I kind of want to give this a try they don't look half bad all right Dale we have a daddy dog treat taste test."
"Give this a try, I'm sure you're going to love it."
"It's not always about the look, sometimes you just gotta give something new a shot and go on a little adventure."
"The worst thing would be to be afraid of trying something new because it doesn't work."
"I always wanted to try them so I'm going to take my shot at it today."
"There really is a point where there's nothing to do but just try it."
"Push yourself outside of your comfort zone. Do something you genuinely don't want to do, but like you've always wanted to do. That makes sense, like something that makes you uncomfortable, I think. Try something new."
"Honestly, just try it. Try new things. You know what I tried the other day? And I was so anti this. I hate hiking. I would rather get a root canal than go on a hike."
"Try new things, you never know until you try."
"...never having done something should only be more of a reason to give it a go."
"You take that, you want to try something."
"It was nice just getting outside my comfort zone and trying something new."
"I've been wanting to try this Arsenal Strength dip machine that they have, the plate-loaded dip. I've never tried one. It looks pretty cool, so of course Flex has it, so we'll give it a go."
"Don't knock it till you've tried it. I thought the same until I tried crawling, and then I really loved it."
"Give it a go. It's your best friend, especially when you're writing go."
"Just go out and do it, give it a try. I think it's a great idea and I think you guys will enjoy it if you did."
"Give the second one a try; you might even like it."
"Why not start fly fishing again? Why not learn something?"
"Jump in. You're being asked to take a chance and give whatever you're questioning a try."
"Definitely think if you're interested, you should give it a try."
"Being afraid of trying something isn't one of them."
"I'm going to try it. It's really nice."
"Just try things, experiment with it. It's not gonna bite you, just try them."
"I don't think I'd enjoy it, Harold, you never know till you try it."
"I'm obsessed with hair care; I just love trying new things."
"I decided to try them, they look cool."
"Overall, I'm really happy that I tried this."
"Very important and a lot of times when I encourage you to do something that you don't particularly love you end up totally digging it."
"Give it a go because it's totally worth it."
"You just have to try new things because that's how you learn and that's how you grow."
"If you have never done it before the fear will never go away until you do it."
"Don't be scared, you know, give it a try."
"I'm proud of you guys for trying everything."
"Mob learns to enjoy life more trying out new things even if he isn't good at it and does the same things he did before but this time with a more positive outlook about himself in life."
"...even if you hate this, I feel like everyone should try this because it does make you feel strangely very powerful."
"I think a lot of people would be surprised what they can do if they just try it."
"I hope you're going to give this a try."
"You're going to love it if you ever give it a try."
"If you want to go out and try something new, go ahead and give it a try and if you fail, keep trying because without failure, without success."
"You're going to regret that if you didn't try."
"You want to try it? Think I'm going to try it out."
"If you don't try, you're always going to sell yourself a little short."
"Maybe give them a try. You might have a bit of fun."
"So I hope you give this recipe a try."
"Take those nudges if there's something you always wanted to do or something that keeps coming up to just try it."
"I would never know until I attempted it."
"You just never know until you try something."
"You don't know if you like doing something until you give it a try."
"They're also developing self-efficacy; they're starting to learn, hopefully, that they're capable of trying new things and sometimes succeeding."
"Just give it a try, I think that it's time you let that spark out you've been hiding in the shadows way too long."
"You never know if something's gonna work until you try."
"So you have a beautiful hot water crust pie. I really hope you give it a go at home."
"I got this new jumper from Poen Be; let's give it a go."
"I'm excited to give that a whirl."
"You won't get anything new unless you try something new."
"You don't know unless you try, right?"
"If you're interested in giving it a try, I say give it a try because it's really cool."
"I never was afraid to try something new because I know there's more to any one person than the label on your box."
"I'll try anything once if that's down to food, whatever type of activity, even if I've never done it before."
"Ain't nothing wrong with just trying something new."
"I'm all for doing things for the first time."
"You have to try it to believe it."
"If you've never done it, just do it because then you'll realize it's not so hard."
"You never know until you try, so really encourage you guys if you see something that you've never tried before, go for it, give it a go."
"I'm so glad I've done this; this is what happens when you try new things, you discover new things that you like."
"Put yourself out there and try everything at least once."
"Sometimes you just don't know until you try."
"Everything sounds so good, I'm gonna give that a shot."
"It's very rewarding and if you haven't tried it before I guarantee you you'll definitely love it when you do."