
Expatriation Quotes

There are 64 quotes

"Africa is an increasingly attractive destination for African-Americans seeking to return home or for expats seeking higher salaries overseas because of the demand for skilled workers."
"At the end of the day, America, you can freaking keep her. We don't want her back."
"So I think if you look at, go where you're treated best and you get rid of the sacred cows."
"Me, Chrissy, and Dale could leave for the United States and live there anytime. We're all cleared and ready to go."
"The affordability of these countries makes them attractive destinations for expats, especially those seeking a lower cost of living without compromising the quality of life."
"One of the things that comes with being a foreigner living abroad is that the holidays suck."
"So when we first chose to move to Mexico and we had learned about Huatulco, we moved there."
"...living abroad it comes with its fair share of struggles... taking care of your mental health is so important."
"It's hard moving abroad and you also don't want to lose these connections that you've built for so long in other places. So make them feel part of the experience, keep up with people from other parts of your life but also do mentally commit to wherever you are."
"Is it realistic to live in Mexico? It absolutely is. There's like a million people from the US living there right now."
"Living abroad has its pros and cons. Missing family is one of the toughest parts, but the freedom and motivation it brings are priceless."
"Typical expats' living cost in Malaysia ranges from about $1,500 to $4,000 per month."
"If you want to escape a High Cost of Living and live a higher quality of life, it is completely doable if you move abroad."
"I was managing my life when I was expatriated, it was even better."
"The idea that you can move abroad and be connected and never really feel alone is one of the driving forces behind Exodus Summit."
"So, what exactly does it take to become an expat? Like, what would you recommend somebody have in order before they decide to jump and just move out the country like I did?"
"Moving abroad is extremely expensive, and if you don't budget, reality's gonna bite you in the butt."
"After visiting Japan, do you feel like you could live there? It looks incredible."
"If you're anything like me, then you know how the process works in the U.S. or in your home country, but when you move abroad, it's all new and it's very confusing and unclear."
"When we have Bulgarians or Latvians in the UK, we call them immigrants; when we're in their country, we call ourselves expats."
"This is your one and only waka waka doctor, always bringing you the best gist when it comes to moving abroad."
"Ecuador is situated between Colombia and Peru and has become a preferred retirement destination for North American expats due to its affordability, diverse landscapes, favorable climates, modern amenities, and normal health care."
"They found out that the quality of life in Colombia is a lot better than what we have here in California."
"I'm very happy for them; they're sending photos and videos every day, and Colombia does look like it's a very nice place to live in."
"If you want to know what the best countries are for expats, the best thing to do is to ask them."
"Singapore has been a popular choice with expats for a long time because they have a high quality of life."
"The opportunity to work remote jobs has opened up the possibility for many people to move abroad and live while working from their home."
"I can guarantee 100 percent by the time it's over, you will know if Costa Rica is right for you."
"I wanna live and work in Europe, pay taxes and be completely transparent."
"Just because you've relocated abroad and yes, you've actually moved into another country that is systemically more sound than where you're coming from, it doesn't mean that you will have all positive experiences."
"If I come here and I talk about how it is expensive to live in Sydney, I talk about how we had a horrible rental experience, or any other negative experience at all, if you were anything like me, you would take that as valuable information to help you prepare."
"Here your money goes a lot further."
"I started to Google cheapest places to retire, and head and shoulders above the rest, back then, the Philippines was at the top of the list."
"You're going to have a million reasons to go back home, and all of them might be legit, but it's going to take some effort to fight through these things."
"You got to go back to those goals. Why are you coming? Why are you wanting to live abroad? Do your research."
"Every place is going to have a problem; there is no perfect place."
"It's no secret that more and more Americans are moving to Portugal."
"Estonia is a top destination for digital nomads, expats, and retirees due to its reputation as one of the most digitally advanced nations in the world."
"Now that concludes our list of the 10 best countries in Europe to live for cheap."
"Millions of people opt to retire and live abroad each year for a better lifestyle, climate, a change of scenery, or just for the sake of reduction in living expenses."
"We're real people. We're not millionaires. We didn't know anyone in Ghana, and we came here and we made a life here in Ghana. If we can do it, you can do it."
"It's possible to find affordable destinations that offer a high quality of life for digital nomads, expats, and retirees alike."
"Portugal is a fantastic location for retirees, expats, and digital nomads."
"Greece requires digital Nomad expats to earn at least 3,500 euros per month after taxes."
"Moving to a different country, moving to Cyprus, is not as complicated as you might think in the beginning."
"Mexico tops the list with almost 800,000 Americans living in Mexico."
"The Visa processing for Estonia takes about 2 weeks to get your work visa and move down to Estonia."
"We're a website dedicated to teaching you how to move to Mexico the right way."
"I found an expat travel magazine that talked about inexpensive suburbs and areas in the Philippines."
"We're making resources and creating paths for people who want to live abroad to prosper."
"We explain German bureaucracy and German life to internationals that arrive to Germany for the first time."
"I'm in the process of becoming an expat, which means I'm contracted overseas for two years to represent a brand."